Create A New Object Each Time There's A New Onclick Event?

Jul 26, 2009

Ok. How about if I create a new object?

how to create a new object each time there's a new onclick event?

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Create JSON Object At Run Time?

Sep 21, 2009

I receive a response from an ajax call and I need to load the response into a Json structure like so:

var data = { "products": [
{" longitude": 151.6838460, "latitude": -33.0086640}
{"longitude": 151.4008410, "latitude": -33.4728590}


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Create DIV And Some Other DIV's Inside It Using OnClick Event

Dec 10, 2009

how to create a DIV dynamically. Basicly, I have two labels, and depending on which one is clicked, I want some code to appear inside an existing DIV. Obviously, I will need to do this using javascript and the onClick event. To make things even more complicated, I also want some DIV's inside of the dynamically created DIV. So, the structure would be:

-Existing DIV
--DIV created by label being clicked
---Another DIV
---Another DIV

I hope this doesn't confuse anyone. I have some code for the existing DIV.

<DIV ID="container"><DIV ID="title">Order</DIV><DIV ID="body">Login <LABEL onclick="login()">here</LABEL>. Signup <LABEL onclick="sign_now()">here</LABEL></DIV>

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Create A Link, OnClick Event Set For Some Function

Jun 23, 2006

Does anyone know how to create a link (<a> . . . </a>) with some piece
of javascript code that has the onClick event set for some function that I also wrote (not a build-in function).

I can find all sorts of samples in these disc.groups but none of them
seems to work for me.

I am focussed on Firefox, but some code that also works for IE, would
be appreciated.

BTW I know how to create elements in the html document, that is not the
problem. The problem is that I seem not te be able to set the onClick event for some created element. I tried for both a link and also for a text-element.
I can set the onClick for some built-in function like alert('Nice Day').

There are loads of examples to be found for that, and they indeed work.

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Onclick Event For OBJECT Element In IE

May 3, 2006

I can't set onclick event properly for OBJECT (flash) element properly. onclick just don't bubble outside flash object. Could this be caused by AS getUrl() function?

I tried to attach thru .htc, tried transparent IFRAME on top of object, etc. Nothing seems to work.

Is there any reasonable way to attach onclick to OBJECT element or flash movie by using JS or plain HTML? Should I do something for event bubbling?

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Create OnClick Event For Menu Items For User?

Jan 16, 2011

I seem to be stuck on one part of my code. A quick background, this is a website to showcase various photography services. First, I will layout what I have:

The Javascript for my menu (in the head section):
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeout = 200;
var closetimer = 1;
var items = 0;
function dropit(id){
if(items) = 'hidden';
items = document.getElementById(id); = 'visible';
}function mclose()
if(items) = 'hidden';
} .....

Now, here is what I have in the body section
<div id="menu">
<ul id="control">
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="dropit('dropone')" onmouseout="mcls()">Wedding Portfolio</a>
<div id="dropone" onmouseover="canclcls()" onmouseout="mcls()">
<a href="jamaicawed.html">Wedding in Jamaica</a>
<a href="indianwed.html">Indian Wedding</a>
</li> .....

So the only thing I can't figure out how to do is create an onclick event for one of the menu items (boudoir) that confirms that the user is comfortable being exposed to a specific (topless) type of image.

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Capturing Onclick Event For Flash Object?

May 7, 2010

Probably covering well trodden ground here but so far I haven't found any reliable solution and "it can't be done" seems crazy. Here goes:I have some Flash and non-flash banners that are to be embedded into my page - all managed by a simple CMS. The Flash movies are not created by me as they are for 3rd Party advertisors, and I do not want to be doing any Flash programming myself as it's not my thing and I don't have the resource to do it. As with the JPEG/GIF files - I just want to be given the file and then embed it.

What I want to do is produce some MI based upon when the various banners are clicked - things like how many clicks and who clicked them (users are logged into the web site so I can track them). Simple enough for JPEG/GIF banners capturing the onclick event but for Flash it seems that the Flash movie prevents (or overrides) the onclick event from registering.This seems crazy! I want my application logic (in this case logging user activity) to be independant of the media content - especially as I am not in control of the media content.Googling and experimentation shows that for IE I can seemingly use "onfocus" but this is not very satisfactory and of course I need a cross browser solution.This seems like such a simple concept that at the time of specifying the requirements it didn't occur to me that this might not be possible.... but it seems that I may be wrong!

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Create A Flyout Of A Container From Left Or Right Side Of A Page On Some Event (onClick Or OnMouseOver)?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin, which could create a flyout of a container from left or right side of a page on some event (onClick or onMouseOver).

The example can be found at [URL] when the page loads some shopping ads slide from the left side of the browser screen (it's shown automatically only once, to see it again you need to delete this website cookies and reload the page - it would be great if the plugin had this cookie-based feature).

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Embed Or Object Tag Supported "onclick Event"?

Mar 4, 2009

I want to add onclick event for object tag.Does object tag supported onclick event?

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Populate Select Boxes - Create Events, With A Start Time And An End Time?

Jun 3, 2009

I'd like some direction on creating a small piece of Javascript that will populate my <select> boxes.Basically, I have a form for users to create events, with a start time and an end time. (These are the two select boxes).For example:

<select id="startTime">
<option value="12:00AM">12:00AM</option>
<option value="12:15AM">12:15AM</option>

What I am trying to do is:

1) Have times populated in 15 minute incrementals from 12:00AM to 11:45PM

2) Have some type of "error checking" available to where the End Time must be after the start time. It would be nice for the script to automatically change the end time field to a time that is after the start time.

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JQuery :: Access Event Object From Different Event Object?

Sep 10, 2011

how can I detect if mouse cursor is over or out of some element? I am running a animation, which I don't want to run or to stop itself if cursor gets to area.

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Why Does Alerting A Record Create A Dialogue Box With Only [object Object] Inside It

Nov 4, 2009

every time I try and alert:

[ { number:0, secondnumber:0 }, { number:2, secondnumber:1 }, { number:1, secondnumber:2 } ]

it just shows [object object], [object object], [object object]. Why is this and what can I do to make the record be shown as it is above in an alert?

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Create A New Template Object That Inherits From The Built In Date Object

Oct 6, 2011

Is there any way at all to create a new template object that inherits from the built in Date object so as to be able to add new methods to that child object without adding them to the built in Date object? I've tried everything I can think of and as far as I can tell it keeps referencing the Date function instead of the Date object and so doesn't work.

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Make An Onclick Event Change The Document.onclick ?

Sep 4, 2010

I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.

This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:

<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>

However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.

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Onclick Event Expands DIV / Will Onmouseout Event Close?

Jan 9, 2009

currently on our site we have and expanding <div> that responds to both the onmouseover and onmouseout events. It works wonderfully.

The UX people now would like the expanding <div> to open with the onclick event and then as soon as the mouse leaves the expanded div, it would close. I have tried using the onmouseout event in conjunction the onclick event but it does not work (the div persists).

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Object.onclick=function() - Function To Be Called That Tells The Browser Where That Image Is Located In An Object

Jul 11, 2011

I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:


It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.

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Call Onclick And A Href In Same Time?

Jul 11, 2009

I have this html [code]...

the inc_down function is part of a AJAX implementation. I want that this function be be executed when i click the div and in the same time the a href to work. In the code above the onclick does not work, only a href works. I have searched the net and the code above is the best i've found but it does not work.

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Create Two Butterflies Going Across Screen At Same Time

Oct 16, 2011

I want to create a javascript that will have two butterflies flying across the screen at the same time. One will go from the bottom left to the top right and the other will go from the top left to the bottom right. I have the first part of the code, but can't figure out how to get the second part of the code. I know I need to add another variable, but after that i get confused.

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Create Clock For UTC+4 Time Zone?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm trying to create a plain-text clock to add to a webpage. I need the clock to display the current UTC+4 time. How do I do this and what code do I need to use?

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Onclick: New Page And Layer Change At The Same Time?

Apr 23, 2001

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a location link and layer function assigned to a link at the same time. I can't get this to work:

<a href="" onClick="return layershow()">CLICKHERE</a>

I want to open the page specified by the href and call the layershow function at the same time. The above code runs the function fine, but seems to ignore the href.

How can I get it to do both?

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Create A Real-time Username Checker?

Dec 15, 2010

im currently trying to create a real-time username checker. Once the user enters the username I would like some javascript to run and check whether the username is already in the database, then if it is return 'this is already in use'.Unfortunately I am not able to use ajax.

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Create Or Modify Existing CSS File At Run Time

Jan 23, 2011

Is there any way in java to read the existing css file and to modify it at run time?? Or Can we create a CSS file at runtime and use it

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Onclick Function Call Only Works One Time On A Page?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a web page a lot of thumbnail images arranged in a table. I would like the user to be able to click on the thumbnail to open a window with a larger view of the image.

So I wrote a JS function to accept a URL as the argument and open a new pop-up window with the given parameters. I need this function to potentially run multiple times from multiple links (in this case images) on the same page. However, after the first time I click the link, the function runs, and I close the pop-up, the function will not run again if I click the same or another link on the page. If I refresh the page, the function will work once and then not again. Is there a buffer I need to clear or something to reset to allow multiple links to work?

I have tried the function call in a whole slew of ways. Here's my current code (I "..."'ed out the URLs for brevity):

<script type="text/javascript">
function zoomWindow(url)
{,"", "toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, height=645px, width=550px");


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Create Own Script That Gets The Time, Checks The Timezone And Converts It To MST?

Jul 13, 2011

First off let me say I did do a search of google and these forums before posting this. I have sort of what I want without having exactly what I want and before I proceed further hacking up already working code I figured I'd start a conversation as to whether my goal is at all possible.Currently using (thank you w3schools as I am by no means a javascript expert):document.writeln(new Date()) I get the following: Wed Jul 13 2011 09:24:09 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)which would be great for most people, but I'm kind of picky so I want the clock to keep ticking and to show the current time.To do this I use this code(again thank you w3schools):

function startTime()
var today=new Date();


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Date Object, Consistent UTC Time?

May 3, 2010

I have a question about what the most certain method to obtain the correct UTC time in javascript is.On my forum, there is a countdown clock, that should show the same amount, wherever the user is located. I use UTC in javascript to get the current time, but I have trouble getting consistent results.I have tried two methods:Method 1:

var d = new Date();
var localTime = d.getTime();


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The 'event' Object And Event.clientX

Oct 29, 2004


<script ... javascript >

function hit_test(evt)
if (!evt) evt = window.event;
if (evt) document.getElementById("a").innerHTML = evt.clientX;
</script >

which works nicely;

I understand that the 'event' object is a globally accessible object in IE but not in Mozilla; instead in Mozilla the 'event' object is sent, by default, as the first parameter in a call to a function; is this true? ...

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