I want to have my page so that when you click on one of the pictures from the list, the center picture updates to match the one that you clicked. Then if you click on the center picture a youtube video will load in a new window.
I really wanted to have it so that the youtube video would play as an embeded video, but that didn't work. Now I'm just going with loading the video/s in a new window.
So far I got the URL href to update. Im just not sure how too update the SRC image.
I'm building a website with a image menu like accordion, using jquery+easing+kwicks [URL]ith CSS, I can change the opacity of the element hovered (the opened kwick), but I'm looking to someway to change the opacity of the inactive kwicks (the images that close when you open a hovered image).I tried to do it with css, or hacking kwicks plugin, but I couldn't make it.
I have a page HTML. In HTML have 1 button, when click into button that'll appear 1 window. In this window, it's show 1 image and after 5s it will change the other image. I can't do this.
I am using ContentFlow from [URL] It is very well documented on their website. I got the whole thing working great on my site. What I don't know is how to change the ActiveItem onclick to just bump it over to the next image as if the next image had been clicked. As of right now it opens the image source in a self window. I don't want that. Can anyone give me a clue or maybe the whole answer on how to get it to click over to the next image? I believe the answer lies in the contentflow_src.js file.
I've been using prettySociable on my site (can be downloaded here. I use the uncompressed version). I want to be able to change the tooltip (that shows up when you drag an image) to default to an image on my server, rather than to the page title. I think I've tracked down the code on line 265 of the jquery.prettySociable.js file, but I'm unsure how to change it:
I was wanting to know how to properly make an image change when you hover over the main image.URL...And I want ALL the images to change as soon as you hover over each image.Now here's the problem. Whenever I layout my coding like that, when I hover over ANY image, an image I don't want to change, changes.So is there any way that I can get ALL images to work without having to create external JavaScript files?
i cant get a caption specific to each image to display under the arrows when the image changes. it is especially hard for me because i have to edit the javascript which confuses the **** out of me. it seemed so simple....
ps i cant start an id with a digit? it doesnt seem to cause any problems...why is it stated that this cannot or shouldnot be done?
I'm failing to get a pure CSS way to achieve this, so trying JS. Several small images in a row, each different. Want mouseover to:
1. change each image to different image on mouseover (each image has its own mouseover image version).
2. produce different paragraph of text below row of images on each mouseover.
I can achieve it with mouseover on text links or on an image, but not with the two events, viz mouseover image swap + mouseover text swap. Would also want to be able to style the text.
I want to make an moving image. In time it should change to other image with other button. Also it could be changed by user. The change should be dynamic like moving from left to right.
i am using ajax to retrieve the img url path how am i going to use the img url path i retrieve and display as a image and i using javascript language anyone know? how to do that i try the follow way but don't work what wrong?
var descIg = ""; descIg += rssent[i].descImg; var placeImg = document.createElement('img'); placeImg.src = descIg;
I have a page which is a large graphic sliced up into various pieces for better loading. It's a drawing of a bedroom and I need to have it set up so that when a user clicks on a link that is mapped to a frame hanging on the wall, it opens the doors of a cupboard. The photoframe and the cupboard are in different images.
I thought of using a Javascript image rollover but I can't see how that can be used to change a different image rather than the image that has the link in it.
I've done a little Javascript editing. Am happy to upload the code and images to the web if required.
I cannot get javascript to change an image to make a "pressable" button when select areas of an image map are clicked. I used index.html for testing purposes.
I'm using Javascript to change an image on a page without reloading the page. The problem is that my images are various widths (but identical heights), yet each image I change it to uses the width of the first image.
Im going to make a javascript for changing alot of images. But im not sure how to do it., where to start..
Ok, first.. this is the isue.
I have 3 images(I call them 1a-3a). when u click on image 1a u change" image x" to image 1a when u click on image 2a u change" image x" to image 2a when u click on image 3a u change" image x" to image 3a
So far Im in the game. But..
Then I have 8 other images(I call them 1b-8b). So if u click on image 1a u change "image x" to 1a. Then if I click on image 1b I want image 1a(the changed "imagex") to change.
(click on 1a-3a and change "image x"--> click on image 1b-8b --> change the images 1a-3a) Messy? I know.
This makes the possibilty og 27 different images(hm.. i think
Do anyone know how to do this or hav anyone done something like this? "Imagex" is a Box and the 1a-3a changes pattern. The other 1b-8b changes color. SO it should be possible to first change pattern, then change color on the pattern u choosed before.
How do I change the image from one to another on the collapsible div? For example: when you click on the div the image changes from plus to minus and vice versa.
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Collapsible Message Panels</title>
I'm making a bit of a weird site on a server with no php, mysql etc. To save me work, I've included the header and footer using AJAX but would like to change the relevant nav bar image to the rollover image if the visitor is on that page. My javascript skills are TERRIBLE, but I came up with this anyway and was going to put it inbetween the <a> tags where the image currently sits. Probably for a very obvious reason unknown to me, the page just loads indefinitely making nothing work. Here's what I've got: