Browser Based Offline App With Database Connectivity

Dec 11, 2009

I work for masterclock. We sell network synced clocks and timing systems. One of our products is a "bell ringer." We currently control this ringer through a C++ program another one of our employees made. However, it only works on Windows systems, looks like crap, and is as confusing beyond all get-out. I have been given the task of rewriting this program in a pretty, easy, and universal format. i.e. a browser. Now to further explain the bell system program.

1. The program searches the local network for the bell system hardware.
2. User chooses appropriate hardware (if more than one bell system exists) to connect to and enters the password.
3. User edits tables stored in a local MS Access database via the bell system program UI.
4. User sends data to the bell system hardware it is connected to.

I've been racking my brain and the internet for about 6 hours trying to see what is possible. Because this all needs to be done locally I can't use any sort of server-side language like php or asp. It seems silly to make a client install a virtual server to connect to a file that is on their own computer. I'm assuming that I am pretty much limited me to javascript. I found this site but that only works with internet explorer which is almost as restricting as the program we have now.

I considered flash for a little while until I found out a swf can't connect to a database w/o using php or asp. We aren't limited to the MS Access database but it would be less work for me if we could stick with it. It may not even be possible but it seems like it should work. some way. We also considered an internal site on the bell ringer hardware itself, like routers nowadays. I think that would be an equally if not more difficult process though and I'm limited to about 500kb on its flash memory.

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In HTML Website Connectivity To MS Access Database That Is Hosted On NIC Server

Sep 9, 2011

Html website what is the code in javascript to connect to a MS Access database that is hosted on NIC Server.If not so possible in javascript then any other option what can added in HTML website

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Displaying Content Based Upon Internet Connectivity

Aug 13, 2010

I have a site that can be downloaded and run on a closed network (not needing an active Internet connection). I'd like a page that displays live data to a user with Internet connectivity (I can do this) but display "canned" data when the user is without an internet connection...and this difference in page display is transparent to the user. I know this can be done with php but the user without Internet connectivity will likely not be able to run php locally so the page must be an .htm file. I there a javascript somewhere that does this?

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Universal Browser Compatibility - Mobile Device Connectivity This Is Making Things Even Harder

Feb 7, 2011

We run a click and sales tracking solution for our advertisers and as such we are having a few issues with browser compatability for certian sites that are ont eh Magento platform. Essentially we are just trying to create an image call in javascript that uses a few pre-populated variables from the checkout process.

So teh issue we are having doesn't seem to be broser specific. We are trying to simplify the javascript call to ensure we have the highest possible chance of compatiablity. Obviously now with so many differnt browsers and also mobile devide connectivity this is making things even harder. We know that our javascript calls are failing as we've been monitoring our IIS logs and can see the image calls are being made with blank variables. There are 3 different elements to our checkout calls that maybe you guys have experience of with possible issues or fixes:

1. unescape function
2. onload event function for images
3. creating images dynamically

these are very basic elements of the javascript core but aout 5-10% of our calls are failing with blank variables being passed into the image call. So the questions is what elements of our call will be the possibel sources of failure?


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Offline HTML Page Without Browser Window?

Sep 23, 2010

I am making a multimedia Cd presentation in Html and I was wondering if there is any way for the index.html to autorun not in a browser, but only in window without any buttons - like a popup widow ?

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JQuery :: Detect Browser And Change Link Based On Browser?

Oct 24, 2011

I want to use jquery to detect what type of browser you are using and display a link to a .wmv file if you are on IE or display a link to a .mp4 file if you are any other type of browser.I have this script declaration in my <head> section.

script src=""></script>

In the body section I have the following

<div id="block"></div>
script type="text/javascript">[code]....

Nothing is being output on the page at all. I've tried to patch this together from various example on various web sites. How can I make this work?

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Dynamic Table Contents Based Off Selection Box From A Database

Jul 23, 2005

What I'd like to do is have a dropdown box populated with data from a
database. Based on what you select from the drop down a table will be
generated (in this case a 3 column table) from another query to the
database. I will eventually want a way to select one of the rows from
the table, but for now I'd be happy with just generating the table.

I know it will have to deal with DHTML, dom documents, getElementID,
removeNode, recreating the node. What I am not sure about is how to

1) Dynamically create a table
2) Step 1 with data from a database (recordset)

Like I said, I'd also like to be able to select a row from the table.
I'd be happy with making the ros a radio group, though it would be
interesting to be able to select the row. I take it I'd use CSS to
highlight the row selected then.

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Show / Hide Based On Database Field Value - NOT Onclick

Oct 30, 2009

I have created a user form in which visitors can fill in sections, some of which are hidden or displayed using the onclick to trigger a DIV to display or hide then submit the results to a database using ASP. All works fine with that, however... I have created another page which retrieves the results for an individual's form submission, and I want to hide the sections that were not completed (hidden when submitted). How can I get my page to hide or show DIVs, depending on the value retrieved from a particular field within the database? i.e. if Question1Response="A", show Div ID="A Section" If Question1Response="B", show Div ID="B Section" etc.

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Update Database On Browser Close

Nov 12, 2010

I am working on a chat program. When a user logs in, a value in the database is set to 1 (online), and when he/she logs out it is set to 0 (offline). The problem is, when the user exits the browser, naturally the value is still set to 1.

I was wondering if it is possible using AJAX or otherwise to update the database on the event of browser close? I have tried onbodyunload in the body tags pointing to a file with a JavaScript function containing the PHP code (query to update the field) but cant get it to work.

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JQuery :: Change Contents Of An Overlay Based On Id Pulled From Database?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a page that has a list of companies pulled from a mysql db. Each company name is a link and when clicked an overlay comes up containing further details on that particular company.

Everything is list is created, link pulls up the overlay, but as of now it only populates the info for the company that is the last record. I know I need to pass the record id to the jquery so that it pulls the record for the name clicked, but I am just not familiar enough with jquery to figure it out. I believe I need to pass it to a parameter, but need a nudge in the right direction. Below is my current code with just the basics, I have passed the unique id for each record via mid="<?php echo $member->member_id; ?>"> in the link...I just need to pass that to the overlay. code...

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Generate An Ajax Form Based On A Database Value Of Max And Min Years - Loop?

Nov 12, 2011

I am trying to generate an ajax form based on a database value of max and min years. At present i have the following.


What I am struggling with is the logic to say if minyears is more than 1 (string in option needs to say years), then add in every year between min and max as additional options. My brain has been melting with this for a few days now

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Connectivity Of Two WEB Form?

Jan 10, 2011

How two web form are connected through each other via jscript. click button which is present in first form and then second form will open..

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Ajax :: Request - Populate A Form With Information From A Database Based On A Textbox Entry

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to populate a form with information from a database based on a textbox entry. However, when I begin to key in the textbox I receive "undefined" in each textbox throughout the form.

Take a look at my code for any errors? It also appears that my $_GET['jobid'] is not working properly.

And here is my php:

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HTML5 Database Insert Statement Makes Browser Crash

Nov 1, 2010

I have this table:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Assignments (uid TEXT PRIMARY KEY ON CONFLICT REPLACE, instruction TEXT, start TEXT, stop TEXT, createdTimestamp TEXT, theTimestamp TEXT, taskID TEXT, resID TEXT, flowID TEXT, flowDefID TEXT, currentState TEXT, iconRef TEXT, colorRef TEXT, dispatched BOOLEAN, inStartState INTEGER, inStopState INTEGER, writeLock INTEGER, workItemID TEXT, companyID TEXT, metadata INTEGER)

The thing is that when making a insert and then going to the development toolbar in chrome and look at the storage tab and look at my table. Depending on what is in the table chrome crashes.I drop the table between the executions.The difference here is that "theTimestamp" is something rather then empty. If I set theTimestamp to '10/15/10 3:07 P' it works. But just adding that last M or any other letter will make chrome crash when you try to look at the table. Whether it is by navigating to the table with mouse clicks or writing a select * from Assignments statement.

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How To Update Selection List Contents From A Server Database Based Upon User Data Entry

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to create a web page in which the contents of one selection list
depends upon which element in another selection list is chosen, but where
the information to populate the first selection list comves from an SQL
database on the web server.

There are a couple of these situations in my application but, for example,
the first list might be a list of counties, and the second list a list of
states/provinces. Obviously the names of counties depend upon which
state/province is chosen, but there are too many possibilities to be able to
embed them within the web page itself. So when the user selects a
state/province I need to go to the server to ask for the list of counties.

I have seen a number of posts that sort of address this issue. For example
it is suggested to use <script src="a URL"/> to ask the server side code to
send up data of type "text/javascript". However the examples do not seem to
address how the server side code would know which state/province the user
had selected.

If there is a web site that addresses this sort of thing, I would appreciate
any pointers.

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DOM-based Cross-browser Navigation

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to find a javascript/DOM navigation tree to use in a
web-based content management system, to allow navigation of > 10,000

The javascript (non-DOM) tree we currently use is running too slowly
as it cannot dynamically load in nodes when users select a node to
expand. This is critical for us. The top level of the tree hirarchy
only has 20 or so nodes, but each node might contain up to 1,000

So what we need is for the tree to process and display the first tier
(20 nodes) and then only process sub-nodes if the expand icon is

Does anyone know whether such a tree exists?

It needs to be compatible with all modern browsers (IE 5+, Netscape
6+, Opera 7+, Konqueror 2+, Safari etc). I've looked at several
different examples, but none of them (AFAIK) appear to be fully
compatible with the above list of browsers.

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Loading A Css File Based On Browser Being Used?

Jul 16, 2011

I have some code that performs differently in Opera than it does in any other browser. So I have a stylesheet specifically for opera. Is there a way to do something like this, where I check the browser, and if it's not opera, then load the default sheet, otherwise load the opera-specific css?

// Browser Detection Javascript
// copyright 1 February 2003, by Stephen Chapman, Felgall Pty Ltd
// You have permission to copy and use this javascript provided that
// the content of the script is not changed in any way.


As of this writing, that code seems to break my page, as if it doesn't like loading a sheet based on an if/else clause.

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JQuery :: CSS File Based On Browser Type?

Dec 12, 2011

Is there a way I can use a css file based on browser type.

For instance, if it's a webkit browser can I download/use a css3 css file and if it's a IE browser type use the non-css3 css file and use it ?

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JQuery :: Resizing Div Based Upon Browser Size?

Jun 8, 2011

I want to resize the div based on browser size, I mean when first it load I want it to fit on browser window and no scrolling bars should be appear and when I resize the browser size by dragging, it should be fix on that size.for example visit this link:I WANT THE SAME BEHAVIOR (SIZE BASED ON BROWSER) BUT USING JQUERY.

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Display An HTML Page Based On Browser Name?

Mar 27, 2009

I have some script that looks at the appName, and based on that I want to open a seperate page. Not sure how to. I can get an alert to show up, but need my other page based on the name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var name=navigator.appName;
if (name == "Netscape")


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Javascript To Call CSS File Based On Browser

Jun 20, 2002

I have seen this employed somewhere else, but for the life of me cannot remember how it was done. I need to write a javascript that will call a desired CSS file based on the user's browser.

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Auto-Adjusting Menu Image Based On Browser Size Possible With JS?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a background image that auto-resizes based on browser window / screen resolution. I want my top header menu, which requires links, to act in the same way and be in roughly the same position/size based on browser window. Is this possible? In the sample below, the image is just part of the background image to give you an idea of the look I am trying to duplicate.Is there a Javascript out there that will help me or will I be stuck having to rework my design?

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Display Results Based On Radio Button Selection Without Browser Refresh

Apr 27, 2011

I am very inexperienced with javasciprt. I am designing a form in coldfusion, and want some dynamic action to take place. My users will be offered 2 selections via radio buttons. Depending on which radio button they select, they will get a few more radio buttons to choose from. I have been told that this can be handled in javascript. So I am appealing to the javascript programmer nation for some assistance in this endeavor.

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JS Disabled Offline?

Oct 7, 2005

A colleague is having difficulty getting JavaScript to work in a webpage he's viewing offline in IE6. Apparently JS is enabled & works in webpages viewed online. Are there any obvious remedies?

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JS Be Saved For Offline Use?

Jun 24, 2009

I'm going to be out in the middle of nowhere this weekend but I need to study. No internet but I can still use my laptop. "Study" for me involves taking lots of practice tests on a site that uses JS for it's online tests. Can I save these for later reading somehow?

This application looks neat but I don't think it works on JS. [URL]...

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Saving Info Offline

Jul 20, 2005

I've got an online system which I'm interested in making available
offline - i.e. letting the user download certain HTML forms, fill them
out offline, then the next time he logs into the site, sending all the
data he filled out to the system. However, I can't seem to come up
with a good way to do this. I thought of using cookies (that'd be
great, since the system could detect them automatically), but it seems
I can't set cookies for my server offline; it has to be from a page on
the server itself. And from what I can tell, JavaScript doesn't have
the capability to write files on a local system either. Does anyone
have any ideas about how to go about this using JavaScript?

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