Offline HTML Page Without Browser Window?
Sep 23, 2010
I am making a multimedia Cd presentation in Html and I was wondering if there is any way for the index.html to autorun not in a browser, but only in window without any buttons - like a popup widow ?
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Apr 7, 2006
Does anyone know of a javascript way to have an html page check to see if it is being used on or offline?
Basically, I have some html pages that I want to place on a CD and display in a browser offline, but I don't want them to display from a domain online. (Yes, I know that sounds nuts.)
I imagine the code would check on loading that the page was being displayed online - from a domain (that should be possible???) - and redirect to another page if so.
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Dec 11, 2009
I work for masterclock. We sell network synced clocks and timing systems. One of our products is a "bell ringer." We currently control this ringer through a C++ program another one of our employees made. However, it only works on Windows systems, looks like crap, and is as confusing beyond all get-out. I have been given the task of rewriting this program in a pretty, easy, and universal format. i.e. a browser. Now to further explain the bell system program.
1. The program searches the local network for the bell system hardware.
2. User chooses appropriate hardware (if more than one bell system exists) to connect to and enters the password.
3. User edits tables stored in a local MS Access database via the bell system program UI.
4. User sends data to the bell system hardware it is connected to.
I've been racking my brain and the internet for about 6 hours trying to see what is possible. Because this all needs to be done locally I can't use any sort of server-side language like php or asp. It seems silly to make a client install a virtual server to connect to a file that is on their own computer. I'm assuming that I am pretty much limited me to javascript. I found this site but that only works with internet explorer which is almost as restricting as the program we have now.
I considered flash for a little while until I found out a swf can't connect to a database w/o using php or asp. We aren't limited to the MS Access database but it would be less work for me if we could stick with it. It may not even be possible but it seems like it should work. some way. We also considered an internal site on the bell ringer hardware itself, like routers nowadays. I think that would be an equally if not more difficult process though and I'm limited to about 500kb on its flash memory.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have some script that looks at the appName, and based on that I want to open a seperate page. Not sure how to. I can get an alert to show up, but need my other page based on the name.
<script type="text/javascript">
var name=navigator.appName;
if (name == "Netscape")
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Dec 5, 2011
Is there a way to redirect your site to another site if the browser doesn't support HTML 5? So, if you where using an old version of IE or Firefox that didn't support HTML 5 it would redirect them to another page.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an html page that uses javascript to open a new window and
display a file that gets created when a button is pressed.
My problem is when the file is changed and the display button is
pressed, the old file is still displaying. I have tried using
<META HTTP-EQUIV=expires CONTENT=0><META HTTP-EQUIV=PRAGMA CONTENT=NO-CACHE>, but doesn't work 100% of the time.
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Jul 4, 2009
I'm completely new to jquery and javascript and am just trying to get a simple script up and running. I've put this in the head of the document:
with a div with an id of "togglecontent" and a link with an id of "fadein" in the body about halfway down the page. The toggle works well, but when you click on the link, as well as "togglecontent" becoming visible, the browser window jumps to the top of the page, which obscures some of the toggled div. Is there any way I can stop this from happening?
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Mar 2, 2006
I know this is a Java Script fourum but since VB and Java are so closely related I thought I would look for some help here. Anyway I am running MSAccess Data Access Pages and need to know if I can open a new browser window from a page created by a parameter query? In breif here is my problem. I used the "Image Control" to bind 6 photos via a Parameter Query with the drive path to each photo stored in a table. So far this works great and the co-workers are impressed. However the photos (Thumbnails) are small and it would be great if I could use the "Image Control's" (on-click) event to open a new widow so as to see a larger image of the photo. As an interim solution I am using the Hyperlink control, however when you click on it the photo opens in the same window and when you click IE's Back arrow the Parameter query prompts the user for the value again. All this could be avoided if the Image control (or hyperlink) could open a new window (with the photo of course), and when finished merely close it. The script
<script language=vbscript for=Image0 event=onclick>
does nothing without the correct href which I don't know since that information is coming from the parameter query.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a little tabbed content window that uses jquery and I have an annoying little problem: whenever I click on one of the tabs, the page resets to the top, so if you click on the last tab, you have to scroll down to see it again.
Here's a link: [URL]
If you look at this page in IE, I know, it displays all screwed up. I'm too tired to tackle IE today.
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May 26, 2006
In a page , i need to give multiple xmlhttp request in a single
page sequencely,
In case of IE browser it working fine,
But incase of Netscape browser, first xmlhttp request is going and
im getting the response for that request, and im sending the second
request but it is not going.
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Aug 19, 2011
I've copied and customized a script to display a css popup in my little website. The script should display a popup in the middle of the browser window, graying out the background, Everything seems to work fine except that at the end of the script, the page is displayed from the top. This means that if you click on the popup link from a position down in the page, you'll miss it because you will be taken to the top of the page, where you can't see it.
This is the HTML and CSS code:
HTML Code:
And the js:
I've been debugging with alert boxes and everything seems to be fine until the script ends execution. Then the user is brought again at the top of the page...
In my final site the only thing I would like to show in the popup is a Flash movie.
Do you know any workaround? I would even implement a completely different solution if I knew which...
By the way: At this stage I am using Chrome but I would like my solution to work in any browser, that will the next issue.
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Apr 5, 2009
I need to know if the user close the browser or to open the window � browser without or with a disable close window button How can I???
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May 13, 2011
I am trying to open some SWF videos from an HTML page. When the user clicks the link, I would like to have the videos open in a transparent window (not a separate browser wndow).
I have figured out how to embed the files and have them open in a transparent window as soon as you load/refresh the page but I want to open the SWF using a link.
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Feb 17, 2011
jQuery - Scrolling browser Window. I have two demos of scrolling page content with jQuery.
This one - [url] is scrolling the contents inside a container and it works as I wanted on Mac/PC
I need the same effect as above but I need to scroll the whole browser window.
I have a demo here - [url]
Problem here is on the Mac the transition are jumpy and it seems to flash the first yellow div before sliding up or down. Testing on a PC it will slide down but won't slide up. How can I get the whole browser window to slide up and down with a smooth transition.
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Nov 13, 2011
I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.
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Feb 2, 2011
I am looking to have a link open a closeable window that is contained within a browser window. If you click on the "sizing charts" link on this website, this is exactly what I am looking to do:
The window is contained within the current browser window, it can be dragged around, but not outside the parameters of the browser window.
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Jun 27, 2010
I need to have a simple text input field on a html page. It needs the users to type in either:
And depending on whats entered this will then take them to the corresponding:
Is this possible with javascript?
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Mar 13, 2010
I read about window object and specifically about creating popup windows. The code below produces a popup window when a link is clicked:
Code JavaScript:
var Survey =
init: function()
var surveyLink = document.getElementById("survey");
Core.addEventListener(surveyLink, "click", Survey.clickListener);
I would like to add a "Close Window" button on survey.html page and when that button is clicked, the window would close. How do I do that? I know that I should use (reference to popup window).close(), but how and where do I attach even listener to that button?
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Oct 7, 2005
A colleague is having difficulty getting JavaScript to work in a webpage he's viewing offline in IE6. Apparently JS is enabled & works in webpages viewed online. Are there any obvious remedies?
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm going to be out in the middle of nowhere this weekend but I need to study. No internet but I can still use my laptop. "Study" for me involves taking lots of practice tests on a site that uses JS for it's online tests. Can I save these for later reading somehow?
This application looks neat but I don't think it works on JS. [URL]...
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got an online system which I'm interested in making available
offline - i.e. letting the user download certain HTML forms, fill them
out offline, then the next time he logs into the site, sending all the
data he filled out to the system. However, I can't seem to come up
with a good way to do this. I thought of using cookies (that'd be
great, since the system could detect them automatically), but it seems
I can't set cookies for my server offline; it has to be from a page on
the server itself. And from what I can tell, JavaScript doesn't have
the capability to write files on a local system either. Does anyone
have any ideas about how to go about this using JavaScript?
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Jun 18, 2009
What solutions would you guys recommend for storing data on the client? Is there something better than cookies? I've heard about the flash data storage, but, in my opinion, using flash for something as basic as client-side data caching is like using a sledge hammer to kill a fly.
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Nov 2, 2010
If I want to run javascript of a website offline on my PC, what should I do? It seems that I should save all the website content and scripts in a MHT file with IE, then run the MHT file. e.g. for the [URL].. website, if I save all the website content and scripts in a Webpage complete HTML file, then the five images will stop rotating offline.
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Nov 12, 2004
Need some possible technical solutions to my current project. Im in the middle of creating an 'offline' photo gallery website (on CD). Quite simple, but the challenge is how I can build an offline ordering process which
1) Allows the person browsing the cd photo gallery to select various photos, 2) Generate some sort of page/file which can then be printed then faxed, or even emailed if possible.
Does anyone have any tips on the best way to do this?
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Jun 13, 2011
I'm using this script to call the correct mp3 for a web page.I need this (or something like it) to work when the html pages are being viewed from a CD instead of online. It works fine in IE8 (after I allow it to run) but I need it to work in Firefox as well. Right now Firefox just tells me that it cannot find a suitable plugin.
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Nov 2, 2009
i have this site everything works perfect offline(local) but when i put it on my server theres a few things that mess up. What isnt working.. I have a little readmore link beside a main quote on everypage and this uses ceebox to open it. Within this lightbox it shows an html page that i made with just a little write up, at the bottom is a little nav and onclick it should be opening the corresponding hidden div while closing the lightbox. this works offline perfect, i cant seem to figure out why it wont once uploaded. I have gone over all folder names, etc and im positive this isnt the problem. this is the main page html snippet with the read more link
<div id="header-fade">
<div class="header_paragraphs panel" id="header-1" style="z-index: 0;">
<div class="header_p_1"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_2"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_3"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_4"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAA</p></div>
</div><!-- Header P's -->
again it all works offline but as soon as i uplaod it to my server the nav inside the lightbox doesnt seem to work.
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