Any Posiblle Of Giving Two Request In Single Html Page In Netscape Browser

May 26, 2006

In a page , i need to give multiple xmlhttp request in a single
page sequencely,
In case of IE browser it working fine,
But incase of Netscape browser, first xmlhttp request is going and
im getting the response for that request, and im sending the second
request but it is not going.

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How To Give Xmlhttp Request For Netscape Browser

May 16, 2006

Exactly what i want to know is, In my product we are using
xmlhttp request to retrive some data from the server, And Im using IE
browser, its working fine in IE.

Now i want to work with netscape,I dont know how to pass the xmlhttp
request in Netscape. i got some code like below for netscape for

var oXML=new XMLHttpRequest();"GET","",false);

but its not woking, it shows some uncaught exception error.

So can u suggest me some code for xmlhttp request for Netscape,Im using
version 8.1 netscape browser.

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Insert Multiple HTML Content From A Single Page

May 29, 2011

I have about 10 JQuery Books and they all talk about using Ajax(JQuery Load function) to insert either an HTML page or fragments of an HTML page into another page.

However, amazingly none of these books mentioned getting multiple items using the same function(document.ready).

Here is what I mean. I have a document.ready function which I use to get specific content from a page. However, to get additional items, I need to set up additional document.ready function.

So if I was retrieving 3 sets of content from a page, I will set up my script like this:


And the HTML


Is there a leaner better way to do this? Again all the books tells you how to grab a content, which I have done but do I have to create a new function for each item?

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JQuery :: Plugin For Laying Out And Editing A Single HTML Page?

Jan 11, 2012

We are building a web app that will require non-technical people to build and edit a single HTML "home page". Ideally it would allow them to add blocks of text and images to the page, change simple styles, and add and maintain links.

I don't even know how to go about searching for such a thing. It's basically like a single page simple CMS. Something like CKEditor could be used for the individual blocks, but I was wondering if there was anything out there that allow us to put this together rapidly via the power of jQuery.

I found "editease" [URL] which looks close... but it's a bit out of date and it depends upon PHP. We run ColdFusion, but could port over PHP if we needed to.

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JQuery :: Create Ajax Request & And Edit Html Request

Jun 2, 2009

I worked with now in jQuery. Property however at present the following problem: [i]I provide a AJAX Request. the side is loaded, the parameters all conveyed and back receives I a complete HTML side. Now I would like to have only certain elements however from this side, like DIV, SPAN etc. How can I make with the AJAX Request return in such a way best, which I can select these elements thereby? Simply it would be unfortunately not functioned over the function $ (element), it even if I indicate the HTML Request as secondly parameter.[/i] Excused, for my bad English. ;-) Translatertool. There is unfortunately too many words, in order to describe my problem. ^^

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AJAX :: Update Multiple Window Elements With Single Request?

Dec 18, 2010

The general outline is that I have part of a page that deals with the addition, editing and deletion of upcoming events. Data is stored in a MySQL table. The form design (in traditional terms) would be very simple requiring three fields, one for the Event Name, one for the Event Description and one (hidden) to identify the UniqueID of the event in the MySQL table. (As the reference to make edits.) The table therefore has 3 fields. (There are more such as Timestamp, clientID etc, but they are not important here.)

I envisage three functions, one to add, one to edit and one to delete the event listed on the page. I have 3 php files eventadd.php, eventedit.php and eventdelete.php which speak for themselves.However, this is where I have the problem. What I have been doing is returning the xmlhttpresponse as a formatted HTML page for the two 'form' elements because whilst I can return unformatted text containing the relevant fields in one response, I don't know how to break that down into two sections for the innerHTML of the two 'form' elements that change.

Returning a formatted page does work, but as well as being slower than neccessary, I am also running into character-set encoding issues and I just know that I am not doing this properly. I can supply code and things, but I have a feeling that this problem will have come up somewhere and probably has a recognized solution because to me it seems to be such an obvious requirement to be able to populate several form elements with fields from one recordset.

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Cross Browser Netscape 7.1 Not Working

Jun 3, 2004

I have been trying to programme the script below so that it will work in Netscape Browser 7.1, 4.73 and Microsoft Internet Explorer; but without success. When I attempt to execute the function flyingsleigh() I receive a JavaScript error: Invalid argument at line:19 Char:7 The idea of this script is to make a graphic run across the browser screen - left to right when the form button is pressed, executing the function using onClick event handler. Code:

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Browser Sniffer For Netscape 6 Users

Apr 12, 2001

I have a sniffer that sends Netscape and IE users to different locations. However, I want to send Netscape 6 users to the same location as IE users. Code:

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Display An HTML Page Based On Browser Name?

Mar 27, 2009

I have some script that looks at the appName, and based on that I want to open a seperate page. Not sure how to. I can get an alert to show up, but need my other page based on the name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var name=navigator.appName;
if (name == "Netscape")


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Offline HTML Page Without Browser Window?

Sep 23, 2010

I am making a multimedia Cd presentation in Html and I was wondering if there is any way for the index.html to autorun not in a browser, but only in window without any buttons - like a popup widow ?

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JQuery :: Giving Elements Individual IDs On Page?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm new to jQuery/JavaScript and I wondering if this is because it can only see classes/id that are set on page load. I'm using the code below to give elements on my page individual id's.
var new_id = "txt_" + count;
$(this).attr("id", new_id);
But when I try and call this id later in the code, it doesn't work.

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Redirect Page If Browser Doesn't Support HTML 5?

Dec 5, 2011

Is there a way to redirect your site to another site if the browser doesn't support HTML 5? So, if you where using an old version of IE or Firefox that didn't support HTML 5 it would redirect them to another page.

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Giving Browser A "jolt"

Jul 20, 2005

I have a web page that sends it's form results to another page through asp. When that page is finished processing it changes some values in the main page. This can take a few seconds depending on system usage. I have a "wait" cursor come up in the main form but it isn't always apparent when the calculation is finished.

I would like the results page to call a javascript function in the main page that will "jog" the page within the browser, that is move it up say 10 pixels and then move it down again 10 pixels so that there is a visual clue that the calculation is finished. Can I use the "scrollto" function? I've used it before to scroll to an absolute number of
pixels from the top of the page but can I use it to e.g.

scrollto(0,[whereever we are now - 10]);
scrollto(0,[whereever we are now + 10]);

What would be the syntax for that? Any other way to do it?

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Request Script Without Browser Navigation

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way to request a server script through javascript without
having the browser navigate to another page? Similar to the effects
of calling the server.execute method in ASP. Is anyone familiar with
a method to accomplish this?

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Download File Request From Browser

Nov 7, 2001

I am trying to trigger the download of a file from the browser (at the moment a word file!).

But when I supply the link as an '<a href='...'>' html tag the document appears in the browser. Although this is quite good I unfortunately need to open up the download dialog box.

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User Information Validation Page Is Not Working And Its Giving That ResponseXML Object Is Null?

Dec 29, 2010

Im developing a JSP site... my user information validation page is not working and its giving that responseXML object is null...Im not using any XML file to fill the data here.... all the messages custom messages are loaded from the JSP page....My Valildation.js file as below.....

// holds an instance of XMLHttpRequest
var xmlHttp = createXmlHttpRequestObject();
// holds the remote server address[code].....

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AJAX :: Request Data Load Locks Browser

Sep 7, 2011

My prob is that the huge amount of data (15MB of XML) that is loaded by an AJAX call, literally locks the browser while loading it into the DOM. Does any of you know if there is a way to prevent that. Btw - As you see I use jQuery and the ajaxManager plugin.


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Two OnFocus Events For Single HTML Tag?

Sep 15, 2011

Can we have two onFocus javascriptscript events for single HTML Tag?

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JQuery :: .ajax Html Request Works In FF But Not IE?

Jan 14, 2011

So I have an odd round about fix that i'm using to get data from one server to another. First I have a classic asp file that does an http request to a different server (it's all on an intranet so I can't share the exact code) like this:

Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xml.Open "GET", "", False
Response.Write xml.responseText
Set xml = Nothing

This external URL returns an XML document that's written on the page. Pretty basic stuff.
Then I created another page with this jquery:


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JQuery :: Separating HTML In Ajax Request?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm using ajax like this (from the docs):
url: 'ajax/test.php',
success: function(data) {
// do something with data


Does anyone have any idea how to get the html inside each #content or do I need to use a different approach altogether? What I basically want to do is to be able to print a lot of HTML in the file, and then in the "success" update different parts of the current page with parts from that HTML.

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Double And Single Quotes In JS Inside HTML Attributes?

Jul 2, 2010

I know that using <a href="javascript:"> and <sometag onclick=""> is evil, but in this particular situation it is quite hard to avoid it due to external powers Anyway here is the issue itself : putting javascript strings inside HTML attributes :


<button onclick="DoSomething('string')">

Everything is fine until there are single or double quotes INSIDE the 'string' value. Having a double quote inside the string, even JS escaped leads to the onclick argument value being cut :


<button onclick="DoSomething('str"ing')">

If you replace the double quote by '"' then you don't get a double quote inside DoSomething (you could always replace " by " in JS).

Similar problem if you choose to enclose the onclick argument in single quotes and happen to have a single quote JS escaped inside the string.So, is there any other way of dealing with potential presence of single AND double quotes in the 'string' value, other than replacing them before by ' and " and then replacing them back inside DoSomething ?

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JQuery :: Get A Php-builded HTML String, In A Variable, From Request?

Feb 22, 2010

What I need to get is something like this :

<script>var my_var = "<p>Hello</p>";

But I need this content to be builded in PHP, from an external file.So I tried this :

var my_var = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo $config["root_url"]; ?>/www/ajax_queries.php",


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JQuery :: Update HTML With Id Attribute From Database After $ Request?

Oct 8, 2010

I was wondering if someone could help me out with the following.I'm developing a webshop CMS in which you can create categories. By using jquery's ajax method I'm making a POST request to a PHP script which then handles all the data supplied to it. This works good and all except for the fact that after the query is being executed my HTML doesn't get updated, at least not as well as I want it to.I understand that the common way of working here is to update HTML in the success callback of the ajax method. But the thing is that every category is being displayed as a list item with an id attribute, this id corresponds to the id the category has in the database.If$.ajax tells me that everything went down smoothly and my query has been executed then there's still no way for me to know which id this new category has been given so that I can update the HTML accordingly.

What would be a "smart" way to tackle this? The first thing that comes to my mind is simply calling another script which figures out the last inserted id on the db but that would mean doing an ajax request in the callback of another ajax request? That doesn't sound right to me..

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Ajax :: Parse A HTML String Received From A Request?

May 24, 2009

I need to parse an HTML string received from an AJAX request. I wrote a function that places the HTML string into an unappended (not added) <div> , which opens the string up to the DOM hierarchy. However, when I try to access the elements of this <div> , I get an error in the console that says root.getElementById is not a function. This tells me that I can't access any of the child nodes.

Here is what my script looks like:

function parseHTML(html) {
var root = document.createElement("div");
root.innerHTML = html;
// The error console stops at this line


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Netscape 6 Load A Page Problem

Sep 4, 2003

I am using a little work around to get the "inner width" before the actual page loads. This is done by a PHP file wich sets a session variable. It's no problem, if you don't "speak" PHP in this case.

I call a js file which finds out the inner width. This js than loads a php file which does the job.

Everything works fine in IE5+ but unfortunately not in NS6. NS4 doesn't need to be supported. Here is the code to call the file including teh width variable.;
document.write("<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/includes/save_width.php?width="+w+""></script>");

Any idea, why this doesn't work?

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Ajax :: Send 3 Data From One Page To Another Page Through .Request

Mar 24, 2009

I am facing some problem with this when i am trying to sent the data in krnlAddComment1.asp page and there is only an insert query exists. after run the query successfully, response.write "...." revert back to me

if ((myname != null) && (comm != null) && (captcha1 == randomnum))

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