Offline Shopping Cart?
Nov 12, 2004
Need some possible technical solutions to my current project. Im in the middle of creating an 'offline' photo gallery website (on CD). Quite simple, but the challenge is how I can build an offline ordering process which
1) Allows the person browsing the cd photo gallery to select various photos, 2) Generate some sort of page/file which can then be printed then faxed, or even emailed if possible.
Does anyone have any tips on the best way to do this?
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Jun 3, 2002
I have installed a purchased shopping cart and for the price is does most of what I need...the problem is the shopping cart doesn't empty after the order is sent. I have copied all of the various pieces of the script into an RTF if anyone would like to take a look at it. It's too long to post the whole thing here...or should I?
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm using a Javascript shopping cart, it is very small and useful but I can't code and I need help with one small thing !
Here is the form
My question here is, how do I get the price and the items ordered data. Into a mail.php file - for easier sent emails?
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Mar 23, 2010
I have just joined this forum hoping for some help on a problem i am having, i have a feeling the solution is simple but im a noob at JAVA so i have no idea how to work it out.
When you select US (West Coast) as your location it doesn't update the price on the right properly. If you select it first it just won't display anything. if you select it after choosing another one and hitting continue then it doesn't change.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am designing a PayPal shopping cart/store for a client and have placed
several of PayPal's shopping cart forms on the page to correspond with
different products. Each form has a unique name though each of the
form's elements have to use PayPal's required naming conventions to pass
the data to their server.
Many of the forms have hard-coded data in them and these have not caused
me any problems. The problems I am having are with 3 forms that need to
send different amounts based on the quantity ordered. I wrote a small
function that worked great on the 1st form but when I created the 2nd
form and wrote the 2nd function, all of the forms that needed to send
conditional amounts broke down and wouldn't work any more. Code:
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Dec 2, 2011
I am adapting a small cart for a website of mine - I am using the cart below
I have tweaked it to my liking but I am wondering how exactly the form is setup to post? I would like to set it up so that it posts directly into a database on submit, and then displays confirmation that it has been submitted. At the moment it just echo's "TOTAL PRICE:" XXX it's obviously submitting the form somewhere, but where is it going and how can I change it?
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Dec 31, 2010
I have a website that I'm trying to install a shopping cart on and I'm trying to make it so when a certain color is selected an option pops up as an additional feature people have the option of choosing, but I only want the option visible when certain colors are selected. I think I have the code figured out, but there are 2 colors I want the option visible for and currently the option is only showing up for one of the colors. I tried creating two id's for each color and two jQuery codes that were basically the same but one for #color1 and one for #color2 but that didn't work either.
css code:
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Mar 10, 2010
I am trying to build a site , classified adds.
And one of the features is selecting/making ads that you want to see in a separate page later on(something like a shopping cart) BUY way simpler
after a user search for something he gets a LIST of numbered ads(different ID for each) and a button SELECT/MARK this ad.
This select/mark button suppose to add the specific ad ID to a coockie and then when the user clicks "go to see my ads" its will pass ALL the ID numbers to aPHP page that will print what it should.
what I was trying to do is try to use a "shopping cart" script and just use the part that each product has a "add to cart" button and in the "my cart" page it will show the selected products, but as I have no clue about javascript in this way I was willing to pass the variables(ID numbers) with JS and $_GET them with PHP and from there I can continue
so what I need is : Asimple <form> that when u submit it , it sends a variable(ID) to a coockie and STAYS ON THE SAME PAGE then when you decide to see the selected list it will pass all the ID variables to the page with the link it self and I can GET it with PHP.
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Apr 4, 2009
I want to enable the user to pick merchandise from a drop-down menu that is linked to the Javascript database. I want the ability for the user to pick multiple items and multiple quantities if desired. Then I want it to be able to calculate the price and display the info for the customer. I do not know how to link the drop-down menu w/the databaseHere is what I got so far:
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Oct 6, 2011
I will try to create online shopping site.from monday onwards. i using javascript,html,css. and tell me any reference site for online shopping site.
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Sep 27, 2011
I've been given this ridiculous assignment where I have to create a shopping web page.finding the javascript codes that will allow the user to update their total as they enter the quantities of the different products in the assigned text boxes.I don't even know where to start because we were never taught how to do this in class!
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Oct 7, 2005
A colleague is having difficulty getting JavaScript to work in a webpage he's viewing offline in IE6. Apparently JS is enabled & works in webpages viewed online. Are there any obvious remedies?
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm going to be out in the middle of nowhere this weekend but I need to study. No internet but I can still use my laptop. "Study" for me involves taking lots of practice tests on a site that uses JS for it's online tests. Can I save these for later reading somehow?
This application looks neat but I don't think it works on JS. [URL]...
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got an online system which I'm interested in making available
offline - i.e. letting the user download certain HTML forms, fill them
out offline, then the next time he logs into the site, sending all the
data he filled out to the system. However, I can't seem to come up
with a good way to do this. I thought of using cookies (that'd be
great, since the system could detect them automatically), but it seems
I can't set cookies for my server offline; it has to be from a page on
the server itself. And from what I can tell, JavaScript doesn't have
the capability to write files on a local system either. Does anyone
have any ideas about how to go about this using JavaScript?
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Jun 18, 2009
What solutions would you guys recommend for storing data on the client? Is there something better than cookies? I've heard about the flash data storage, but, in my opinion, using flash for something as basic as client-side data caching is like using a sledge hammer to kill a fly.
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Nov 2, 2010
If I want to run javascript of a website offline on my PC, what should I do? It seems that I should save all the website content and scripts in a MHT file with IE, then run the MHT file. e.g. for the [URL].. website, if I save all the website content and scripts in a Webpage complete HTML file, then the five images will stop rotating offline.
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Jun 13, 2011
I'm using this script to call the correct mp3 for a web page.I need this (or something like it) to work when the html pages are being viewed from a CD instead of online. It works fine in IE8 (after I allow it to run) but I need it to work in Firefox as well. Right now Firefox just tells me that it cannot find a suitable plugin.
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May 31, 2011
I need help in creating a multiple value cookie when the user clicks the Add to cart input button. Here is the portion of code from the html page that creates the inventory item display and the Add to cart button. There are six of these on the page:
<div id="inventoryspread">
<div class='productBoxInvUL'>
<script type:"text/javascript">
document.write("<img src="+"'"+"images/"+arrImage[0]+"'"+"align='left'/>"+
The cookie only needs to include the Item#, Name and Price of each item to populate a shopping cart page.
This is only a small student project and is client side only using javascript.
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Nov 2, 2009
i have this site everything works perfect offline(local) but when i put it on my server theres a few things that mess up. What isnt working.. I have a little readmore link beside a main quote on everypage and this uses ceebox to open it. Within this lightbox it shows an html page that i made with just a little write up, at the bottom is a little nav and onclick it should be opening the corresponding hidden div while closing the lightbox. this works offline perfect, i cant seem to figure out why it wont once uploaded. I have gone over all folder names, etc and im positive this isnt the problem. this is the main page html snippet with the read more link
<div id="header-fade">
<div class="header_paragraphs panel" id="header-1" style="z-index: 0;">
<div class="header_p_1"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_2"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_3"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAAAA</p></div>
<div class="header_p_4"><p class="header-p">AAAAAAAAA</p></div>
</div><!-- Header P's -->
again it all works offline but as soon as i uplaod it to my server the nav inside the lightbox doesnt seem to work.
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Apr 7, 2006
Does anyone know of a javascript way to have an html page check to see if it is being used on or offline?
Basically, I have some html pages that I want to place on a CD and display in a browser offline, but I don't want them to display from a domain online. (Yes, I know that sounds nuts.)
I imagine the code would check on loading that the page was being displayed online - from a domain (that should be possible???) - and redirect to another page if so.
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Oct 25, 2011
I have a introduction webpage, which I wanted to supplement with a background slideshow. I chose Supersized slideshow jQuery plugin [URL] , implemented the code in my website. Everything looked okay, when I run the website offline, but when I upload it on the server, there is no background. The website is [URL].
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Oct 15, 2010
Where can I get javascript documentation for offline usage?
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Sep 23, 2010
I am making a multimedia Cd presentation in Html and I was wondering if there is any way for the index.html to autorun not in a browser, but only in window without any buttons - like a popup widow ?
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Dec 11, 2009
I work for masterclock. We sell network synced clocks and timing systems. One of our products is a "bell ringer." We currently control this ringer through a C++ program another one of our employees made. However, it only works on Windows systems, looks like crap, and is as confusing beyond all get-out. I have been given the task of rewriting this program in a pretty, easy, and universal format. i.e. a browser. Now to further explain the bell system program.
1. The program searches the local network for the bell system hardware.
2. User chooses appropriate hardware (if more than one bell system exists) to connect to and enters the password.
3. User edits tables stored in a local MS Access database via the bell system program UI.
4. User sends data to the bell system hardware it is connected to.
I've been racking my brain and the internet for about 6 hours trying to see what is possible. Because this all needs to be done locally I can't use any sort of server-side language like php or asp. It seems silly to make a client install a virtual server to connect to a file that is on their own computer. I'm assuming that I am pretty much limited me to javascript. I found this site but that only works with internet explorer which is almost as restricting as the program we have now.
I considered flash for a little while until I found out a swf can't connect to a database w/o using php or asp. We aren't limited to the MS Access database but it would be less work for me if we could stick with it. It may not even be possible but it seems like it should work. some way. We also considered an internal site on the bell ringer hardware itself, like routers nowadays. I think that would be an equally if not more difficult process though and I'm limited to about 500kb on its flash memory.
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Apr 28, 2011
I am trying to view my website offline, which I am accomplishing but I need to be view the javascript nav and thats not working. code...
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Dec 6, 2011
I have this web-app which can also be used offline. However, some content is dynamic (it depends on the user input). What I do now to have it accessible offline, is to store this content into localStorage. However, this works great for text, but what about images!
I've seen examples on the web where the base64 representation of the image-data is used, which is text and can be stored. But how do you get the Base64 of raw image data client-side ?
What would be the preferred way (Assume we don't have a File API) ?
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