I've been working to fix this error for awhile and have tried everything I can find on the web. I have the below code that pulls selected data from checkboxed rows in a table and puts it in to a 2-D array. It then takes it and creates an excel file that the user should be able to "Save As.." When I click the button which calls the below function, I get this error "Automation Server Can't Create Object" I have enabled ActiveX wide open on my IE for testing, tried several Microsoft fixes, no beans.
i am trying to use mscomm in html and javascript to communicate with a device over the serial port but when i run a test of the activex object in a .hta file i get the error "Automation server can't create object". does anybody know why its doing this? it gives the error on the line with var mscomm = new activex.........
My html with this JavaScript line...audioControl = new ActiveXObject("VideoOS.Sdk.UI.AudioControl"); ... is causing this error, "Automation server can't create object".I believe "VideoOS.Sdk.UI.AudioControl" is in a file I have called VideoOS.SDK.DLLWhat do I need to do, to get the call to ActiveXObject() to work?Do I need my server to setup something so that "VideoOS.Sdk.UI.AudioControl" will use code in my DLL?
I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.
User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.
I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)
Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.
I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?
Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.
I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...
Is there any way at all to create a new template object that inherits from the built in Date object so as to be able to add new methods to that child object without adding them to the built in Date object? I've tried everything I can think of and as far as I can tell it keeps referencing the Date function instead of the Date object and so doesn't work.
I have come across an issue that only happens with IE.I have a custom save function that is designed to handle different ajax submits but I will simplify it for debugging. The issue is that once I make a submit everthing is fine at first. Then once I try to submit a second time it craps out. I am checking to see if there is an onsubmit function and then executing it like so before continuing. After the inital submit it is no longer found. When I alert the typeof document on the form it returns object but when I add the onsubmit it says object expected or object is null or undefined.
function secureBarSubmit(formId) { alert(typeof document.getElementById(formId)); // object always alert(typeof document.getElementById(formId).onsubmit); // func first time then it is broken
I am using a Photo Gallery script called Galleria which uses jQuery/JavaScript to display photos. On my index page load (only in Internet Explorer), a message box pops up saying "Message from Web Page [object Object]". After clicking OK the photo gallery loads and there is no problem.No idea how to fix this, or really what the error means. You can view the error from my site here
I just got this script for a countdown on a website and I got it to work locally but when I upload it to the server i get the error "index.html:22 Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'fancycountdown'".
I have checked to make sure all other javascript files are loading and they are and I can't figure out whats wrong. You can see it [URL]
Site - [URL] Location of js and css - [URL] The jCarousel works great in all other browsers, but in IE, when you get to the end of the jCarousel it gives the "Error: 'url' is null or not an object" pop up and it won't let me use the left arrow buttons to go back.
I have trying to save an update the xml file which is there in same folder in which HTML page is there. In HTMl page i have written javascript code to Save and Update XML on server.The code is like this
function Save() { var xmlDoc= new ActiveXObject("MSXML.DOMDocument") xmlDoc.async="false"
When i am accessing HTMl page on server from client and this function is called error 'Parameter is incorrect' is showing on line
I posted the same post in PHP section but thought might be related to Javascript too. So here goes:
I want to create a decent log at clients side to show alerts from server.
So, server should be able to see a list of connected clients (registered user) on the website, and select a few of them, type something in textbox, clicks send to all of selected clients, and the message is shown in the log at client's website. Also plays a simple sound file when clients receive new message in the log.
I have recently set up a server certificate on a web site. Under certain conditions I need to change the color of a html span element.
I do this using the following javascript function called from the onreset attribute of the form element.
function removeWarningMsg() { if (isIE) { document.all.Warning.style.color = "<%=BACKGROUND_COLOUR%>"; } return true; }
This was working perfectly fine until I applied the server certificate to the website. Now when executing this line of code the following error occurs: Error: 'document.all.warning.style' is null or not an object.
I have taken part of some code I know works and simply added a print statemet to it as I want it to print to the command prompt, where I am running the script, the value of REMOTEDIR why the addition of the print statement provides an error: ERROR: JScript runtime error: Object expected
I have been banging my head on the desk trying to figure this out for half a day, so I thought it was time to ask some experts for advice.What I am trying to do is upgrade a website for work that has a large number of HTML files manually linked with <back | next> links. Currently, every time I have to add pages, it is a huge pain to re-link every link so that the order is correct.I have been trying to make a JavaScript applet that can automatically link the next/back link from the file-names or from an array or text file.The best thing I have gotten to work so far is by using numerical (001.html, 002.html) filenames, as coded below.
I have a perl script which is called via Ajax. It simply writes 3 values to a database. The code works fine (values get written successfully) but I get an "Internal Server Error" thrown. The Errorlog says "premature end of script headers". There was no problem with the application - it works as required and has for a few months - but I noticed the error via Firebug when testing something else.So I started stripping perl out of the script in an attempt to locate the problem .. and continued till I only had only had two lines left .. the shebang and exit .. I still get the 500 error. Running the script direct from a browser gives the 500 error in the browser window ... from the command prompt it's fine - ie. nothing in the apache errorlog.
There is nothing wrong with the server configuration - it has hundreds of perl scripts and has been running for years.
I am using jquery.ajax() to make a POST call to web server which returns HTTP 201 response for successful creation of object at server. Since 201 is a success I expect the success function specified with jquery.ajax to execute but instead it executes the error function specified with jquery.ajax. Here is how I am using jquery.ajax call.
If the user entered an invalid UserName/Password I display the page again. When this happens I want to give the user a different message then the one displayed when the page was initially displayed.
I use the Response.Redirect method from the page checking the submition. When I do that I call the page with a parameter like this Response.Redirect("Page.asp?FROM=1").
When I get the parameter in the page I know I need to show a different message.
The problem is that if the page is called without the parameter, I cannot determine that the parameter is missing.
The codse is very simple:
from_flag = Request.QueryString("FROM")
Now is the problem -
if I use if(from_flag == 'undefined') - this condition return false. but if I display from_flag using Response.Write(from_flag) I get "undefined"
if I use if(typeof from_flag == "undefined") - this does not work since the typeof return "object" in both cases when I call the page with the parameter or without the parameter.
also I tried to comnpare with null does not work.
By the way if I use VBScript as the script lang - it works fine I just need to compare the from_flag with vbNullString and all is well....
I wanted to ask how it is possible to get error messages from the server till it is implemented in the remote method.What do you think is the less work intensive alternative.I also wanted to ask if i have two fields A and B, and the values of B depends on A. How do i make it with the plugin and the remote method ?I saw that there is a way of writing custom methods:URL...But how do i combine it with the ajax calls?
I wish to automate the population of a page by prefilling form values such as select boxes as well as fire off the change event after the value has been set. However there are at least 3/4 select boxes on one page which need populating automatically.
This works fine for the first element but not for subsequent elements all in one go when use the Trigger method of Jquery.