Alternative Image - Original Image Is Not Found On The Server
Nov 26, 2005
I want to acheive the following functionality using JAVASCRIPT -:
To be able to specify alternate URL incase the original image is not found on the server.
In HTML there is functionality for displaying alternate text.
But I want some functionality for alternate image.
I saw a solution wherein I could iterate over all the images in the html page and then verify whether img.completed==null. But surprisingly eventhough the image is not found , the value of completed is not null. So I felt that using the completed atrribute was not the right way.
I either need to verify whether the image exists on the server using JAVASCRIPT or do some other thing with some other attribute which might not have come to my attention till now.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi. Is there a way with Javascript to use a generic image if the one I want is not found?
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Sep 27, 2011
i have image button i need to display image .if the size of the image button is 100*100 and image size is 50*50 .the remaining space of the image button should be empty.the image should not stretch.
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear).
However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably.
I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
-I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Jul 12, 2004
I've been using dreamwevaer to automatically do rollovers for me, and i dont really understand them that much, but i need to create a rollover image which when hovered another image would appear to the right of it. Would anyone know how this is done?
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Jul 3, 2010
I've been using prettySociable on my site (can be downloaded here. I use the uncompressed version). I want to be able to change the tooltip (that shows up when you drag an image) to default to an image on my server, rather than to the page title. I think I've tracked down the code on line 265 of the jquery.prettySociable.js file, but I'm unsure how to change it:
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a "button" that calls formA, which in turns calls formB, all done through javascript. As a button: <input type="button" value="Preview" onClick="popupform();"> works perfectly. Of course the user doesn't want some ugly standard button. They want this beautiful image to show instead (personally, I think the .gif they made looks like barf, but that's besides the point...sorry). When I substitute
<input type="image" src="/preview/preview_button.gif" name-"preview" alt="Preview Your Item" border="0" onClick="popupform();"> everything works as it should, except the original form, the one that has the button/image on it, becomes a 404 Object not found. The popupform() sets a bunch of cookies, and calls formB. FormB is a .php which reads the cookies and does some other stuff. Not that it should matter, but I am running everything locally in Vista using the XAMPP Apache Friends Edition and going through localhost (because formB is a .php)
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Nov 24, 2010
I am trying to write a custom BBcode for a forum I moderate. I don't have the licensing information because its not my forum and i am just a moderator. If anyone wants to verify the legitimacy of the forum I work for please PM me and I will try and get you any information I can.
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear). However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that this blank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably. I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
- I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Jun 2, 2011
The script below magnifies a small portion of a larger image in a separate box. Is there any way I can add to the code to alter the area and level of magnification shown from the original image onto the new box?
<script type="text/javascript">
function DoMagnify(sender, e)
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
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Feb 8, 2010
I'm making this ajax call:
url = "/GeoAdaptaApp/geoLogger/logGuiEvents?json="+aLotOfJSONStuff;
encUrl = encodeURI(url,"UTF-8");
new Ajax.Request(encUrl, {
method: 'get',
onSuccess: this.sendQueueToServerSuccess( this,logConsole ),
The JSON string seems correct (I checked it with a validator) and it worked on an Ajax.updater (but i need a request now). Firefox keeps telling me:
The call always end up in the onFailure block. Full request here: [URL] It's very strange, Is there a better way to pass json objects to the server?
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have created a photography website myself and coded it all in dreamweaver cs4. Now i have created it using html, as i didnt want to limit it to flash users and loading times etc etc. So today i found myself a nice simple slideshow tool that uses html and javascript. i created it using a site online (which i will not post as i dont think we are allowed to post to online sites).
The slideshow loads images up in the background, and it plays them in a random order.
Now i am able to define individual image links to either a url of the an image, or point it to individual images, listing them one by one in my coding, which as a photographer having differet galleries is goign to be a royal pain when i want to have new images showing up.
So my idea is to replace the code that retrieves in dividual images from url's, to replace it with a piece of code that will display an image from a list of about 7 or 8 folders on my server all containing images....
i.e. displays an image from the folder .../images/models/pic01.jpg then it brings up an iamge from a different folder .../images/portrait/pic08.jpg.
Is there a way to do this and how can i go about it?
this is the code i currently have:
<!-- configurable script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
theimage = new Array();
// The dimensions of ALL the images should be the same or some of them may look stretched or reduced in Netscape 4.
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Dec 1, 2004
var i = 1;
var msgarray = new Array();
msgarray[0] = ".";
msgarray[1] = "..";
msgarray[2] = "...";
msgarray[3] = "....";
msgarray[4] = ".....";
function setText() {
document.getElementById('msgtxt').innerHTML = msgarray[i];
if(i==5) { i=0; }
function testImage(URL) {
var tester=new Image();
function load() {
window.setInterval('testImage("../images/logo.jpg")', 1000);
<table width="100%" height="95%" align="center" valign="middle">
<td width="50%" height="100%" align="right" valign="middle">
<h3>Please Wait</h3>
<td width="50%" height="100%" align="left" valign="middle">
<h3 id="msgtxt">.</h3>
Simple enough, checks to see if the image is accessible, I used it to check to see if my server had restarted yet, modify as you wish!
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Jul 6, 2010
have to copy and save a selected area from a .php or .html file it contains a table in the my current webpage and have to copy and save a table data or image in table data so that It can be available as saved image for future reference.
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Oct 11, 2011
I use an image button to post a form. Let's say the button is on A.php and form target is B.php. when clicked, B.php comes but with extra arguments in the url. As far as I understand they are the coordinates of the point I clicked on the button image.
<input name="image" type="image" class="search_button_big" title="Search" value=" " src="img/dot.png" />
When I remove name property additional arguments in the url simplifies as follows:
<input type="image" class="search_button_big" title="Search" value=" " src="img/dot.png" />
How can I prevent these x and y's?
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Sep 5, 2010
I'm building a website with a image menu like accordion, using jquery+easing+kwicks [URL]ith CSS, I can change the opacity of the element hovered (the opened kwick), but I'm looking to someway to change the opacity of the inactive kwicks (the images that close when you open a hovered image).I tried to do it with css, or hacking kwicks plugin, but I couldn't make it.
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Jul 15, 2011
I am building a simple t-shirt creator app for my shop and I am using the interface.js library: [URL].. docs/drag to drag/drop and re-size the graphic on the shirt background image.
Once the user has chosen a spot to put the graphic, how do I save the background image of the t-shirt with the image they dropped in the correct spot? Like, to merge the two graphics in place?
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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Aug 29, 2010
Im trying to have a click event that replaces an image on the page with a new image that has been selected randomly from an array. I have solved PART of this already (can get the random image to appear).
However, instead of appearing on the page where the old image was, the new image appears in a blank page.
My research indicates that thisblank page location-problem is a result of using document.write in the Function. Therefore, I know I need to find a different way to accomplish this, but am failing miserably.
I have been trying for hours and hours and HOURS to figure out proper syntax for accomplishing this via elements, functions, variables and mootools.
A bit of my research:
I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
I found this---but havent figured out how to implement it in my scenario:
Source: [url]
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Nov 27, 2011
I have an image insertion page that is part of a JS WYSIWYG. It works okay, but I would like to add a styled caption bar underneath it.
This is what I'm currently using for the caption (inserted by a button):
This is the code from the insert image page:
How do I put the caption bar after the image in the main code?
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Oct 25, 2011
The objective is to have an image fade to another one progressivly while the mouse is over, when its not it fades back to the original, whether or not it faded to the target completely or not. That is, if it takes 1 second to fade completely to the other image, and you take your mouse off it at 0.5 seconds, it will begin to fade back to the original. I have a problem where I want to give this ability to multiple images (thumbnails) on a page, without having reams and reams of code and instead just have one function accomadate any number of images.
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Nov 18, 2011
I've been searching for a resolution to this issue for hours trying to customize my page located at [url]
Specifically, I'm trying to figure out why this line of code is not making my images display in the background:
Original plugin script provided here: [url]
I made adjustments with my image references that are all located in this directory: [url]
Problem: No images load, and I believe I don't fully understand the .appendTo tage.. I don't know if #body is correct. The author of the plugin assumed I understood the relation. Also #homePage may be incorrect as well.
Additionally, I found another plugin that worked for placing an image in the background (not random), and the background image would scale to size, according the users window. I loved that and it worked, just wanted to add random images to the same script.... first things first... I can't even get an image to display at all with the above code.
In case you wanted to know the script I was using to scale the background image, here it is below (although, as you will see in the code for my site - this image feature is disabled as I am trying to make adjustments).
code for image solutions used:
If I can get this second code to work with the random image plugin.
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Mar 12, 2011
I've been trying to have an image be placed during a mouse over or mouse click event. The closest to accomplishing this is having the image be replaced by the image I want to overlay.
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Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to incorporate Lightbox2's image gallery script into my site but I'm having difficulty.Here's where I'm accessing the script from: http:[url]....
The image thumbs are showing up but the larger images are not. I changed the 'body onload' html tag to window.onload as I'm using two different javascripts on this page and I don't want them to conflict.I've also added initLightbox() so I don't know what's wrong! Is there just an issue with the images or is there something wrong with the script.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){ // use this instead of <body onload …>
MM_preloadImages(MM_preloadImages('../3websites/home4.jpg','../3websites/amenities1.jpg','../3websites/inquiry1.jpg','../3websites/rates1.jpg','../3websites/photos1.jpg'); initLightbox()")
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Oct 27, 2009
I have gotten my script to do exactly what I want it to do with one exception. I have some thumbnail images that people can mouse over and the actual image is 100px by 75px. That is what I use for my thumbnail and they reside in I have the large version of the image that resides in Its actual size is 640px by 480. When I mouse over my thumbnail, I don't want the thumbnail to appear for the larger image, I want the large image to appear instead? Let me know if you need ellaboration.
<script language="JavaScript">
function Change_Big_One(thumb){
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