Writing A Variable To An Other Document
Oct 11, 2005
i have a page called 'a.php'. on this page is a form with a textfield and a link.
if you click the link an pop up opens. in this pop up is an number visible with a link.
what i want is this:
when you click the link in the pop up, the number from the pop up must appear in the textfield from page a.php.
i tried:
a javascript under the link in the pop up with:
function brinnummer(nummer){
document[0].getElementById('brinnummer')[0].value = nummer;
but it doesnot work.
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May 24, 2005
I'm writing a blog. When a user clicks the make comment link under the comments section for a blog entry, a div pops up with the form that allows them to make a comment. I would like to use XMLHttpRequest to point to a php file that posts the comment, and then display the comment underneath the others that are already there...
This is my first real experience with Javascript in 8 or 9 years, and I've forgotten it almost entirely. I'm working off of tutorials that I'm finding here and there, and have already gotten the XMLHttpRequest to perform the posting of the comment, but I don't know how to write the comment to the end of the comments list without refreshing the page.. Code:
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Sep 11, 2009
I'd like to do to do something similar as document.write() but instead of creating a new document,I would like to write inisde a div. What I have is a variable with the name of a url that the client has given me from a prompt. And now I want to write that as a link inside the div.
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Jul 31, 2004
Cant figure out how to write on the same window on an event load. document.write opens a new window automatically. this is wat i want:
i've got 7 links of 7 days in a week. and when the user clicks one link, it should display the schedule beneath that link or in any table somewhere in the page. ive searched a lot on the web, and from what i've found, doesnt seem like that its possible!. maybe if we use the div tags and then pass divnames as arguments to the calling function.but tat i dont know how to hide the contents of div because that is also shown on the window..
everytime i click the link..it shows the contents in the new window!!
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Jul 23, 2005
In searching answers to my quest, I have been looking for a method using
document.write to display the thumbnails in one division while showing text
about the thumbs in another division.
All I've seen so far is that document.write('does this') and that's it.
Nobody expands on this and explains what else you can do with it.
It's like they're more interested in showing you the ads than the
information you need.
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Jun 28, 2001
I have a function that generates the code I want from form input.
Beneath the form I want to create a div tag and write out the results from the form input.
How would I go about doing this?
How would I go about passing the results from the function (e.g. function newCode() {.......(code)... var scroll = X }
Then I want to write out X in a div tag?
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May 1, 2009
I'm trying to dynamically write out this line of javascript:
So I want to be able to feed a param of either Top or Left in and then write it out so it gets execuated correctly in the javascript....so i've tried stuff like:
function findPos(axis) {
function findPos(axis) {
where axis is either Left or Top
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Sep 3, 2006
I have a form that posts data to a PHP mailer page I have created. When
it goes to the PHP mailer page it reads some of the data and modifies
the page accordingly using Javascript (hiding certain divs, etc...). My
goal, is to take all this data after it has been processed by
Javascript and send it through my PHP mailer as it is currently
If it helps any, the track I am on right now involves encapsulating the
Javascript processed block in a div. I am then trying to take the
..innerHTML data from that div and store it in the PHP $message variable
for my mailer. This won't work because PHP is server side. So, I moved
on to generate some Javascript code (with PHP) that sends all that
messy HTML data that its processed through a URL variable to then be
read by PHP. This doesn't really accomplish what I want as it cuts off
about a quarter of the way through my data......
Any ideas??
One thing I thought of but don't know how to do or whether it's even
possible is using PHP to view the source of the current page and store
that as the HTML to be e-mailed. Or, is it possible to do something
similar to .innerHTML with PHP?
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Nov 15, 2010
How do I pass the email variable that the user enters to write to the thank you page? code...
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May 11, 2011
If you specify arguments when writing a function should you still declare the argument variable inside the function?
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Apr 10, 2011
I am working on a javascript for my blackberry. I am trying to capture the latitude and longitude of that phone. I am able to get the coordinates in an alert box but am having a little trouble writing it to a form input field.
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>GPS Testing</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Your device supports GPS locating");
blackberry.location.onLocationUpdate(window.alert("Latitude: " + blackberry.location.latitude + " Longitude: " + blackberry.location.longitude));
var lat = blackberry.location.latitude();
var lng = blackberry.location.longitude();
I am only able to test with Blackberry. I was trying to create a couple of variables with the "var lat =" and var lng =".
With this script I get the alert window and when I click ok it writes "Your device supports ...".
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May 28, 2007
i'm not really sure how to explain this, since I know nothing about javascript, so i'll try and illustrate by the use of php (hope it makes sence)
I have a set of different links, like:
<a href="link.com?page=text1">text 1</a>
<a href="link.com?page=text2">text 2</a>
<a href="link.com?page=text3">text 3</a>
etc, where page is dynamic and can be anything I chose..
Another place in the same document, I echo out what the page variable is, like:
echo "$page";
so when clicking "text 1" the echo will output what i've defined the page to be, in this case "text1" ..
So I want to be able to click the links and change the output of the echo all depending on what i've defined in the link - without refreshing the page!
Is there any easy way to do this?
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Dec 13, 2011
I want to load an html div in a variable, modify it in another variable; and then change the document injecting the contents.
1. I load the html to be changed in a variable (code)
2. I modify an attribute of <param> using attr() and I put the result in a var (newcode)
3. I change the html in the doc
I've used the debugger, and all steps give the expected results, except of newcode.html(), which is a null string. Why?
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Feb 23, 2002
I have a function that takes parameters of what the form name and the form object name is and then modifies the form accordingly. Now I can make it work fine if i make a separate function for each form object, but that seems very cumbersome. This is what I have
i want formName and formCat to be variables so I can specify in the parameters which part of the form to deal with, but i get an erorr. Is this possible?
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Nov 24, 2010
I seem to be having trouble with my string variable in innerHTML.. here's my code:
function header() { // Navigation Bar
110 var o = document.getElementById("header");
111 var s = '<h3 style="float:left;">'
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Dec 29, 2005
I've got a piece of code where, for all the world, it looks like this fails in IE 6:
hometab = document.getElementById('hometab');
but this succeeds:
hometabemt = document.getElementById('hometab');
Has anyone ever seen anything like this before, or am I dreaming?
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Mar 20, 2010
I've got a number of divs with the prefix menu and the suffix where is say 1-10. My code is below. It assigns the click function fine to each, but assigns them all the function based on the last value of the for loop. (It calls the current value, while I want the value from when the code was originally executed to set up the click function). Scratching my head on how to accomplish this.$(function(){
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May 13, 2010
I've been looking around the web and forums for the past few days now. Javascript is not my forte but I am beginning to understand more of it. My issue is perhaps in the method that I have tried to concatenate a variable to my radio buttons.
The scenario:I have about 10 groups of radio buttons , each with 4 options.
but what I need to know is how to assign a variable to the radioname, so that I can iterate through each radionameVARIABLEHERE[i].value ?
I have been looking and trying to for days. All I really need to know is how to get a variable into the radiobutton name. I know how to use a for loop to get this to iterate through it all but its just the syntax that isn't playing nice.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a little JS app that is a glorified calculator which I posted the code for below. My code uses the document object to replace the html in the "content" <div> and works great.However, I want to add an inline style in order to change the background of the input (readonly field with an id of "coutput") based on either of the global variables named "MJPD" or "IJPD", (depending on the switch case selected in the user prompt at the beginning of the script.)Simplified....if the value of MJPD is less than 4.6, I want the "coutput" field's background to be red, else be green.The same goes for IJPD, except the threshold for red will be <3.83.Code and what I have tried is below.
<script language="JavaScript">
var MJPD = 1;
var IJPD = 1;
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Apr 27, 2011
i'm using a jQuery Inline Modal Window. the code for it can be found here
i currently have an array within a function in javascript. when i click on the appropriate link for the inline modal, the inline modal window appears.
my function looks something like this
function match_all_groups(){
var pop_up_status;
var match_groups = new Array();
var match_groups_count = 0;
i want to receive values from match_groups and display them in my inline modal window. do u know how this can be done?
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Feb 25, 2010
Let me preface this with the usual disclaimer: I am new to this and have only been programming with Javascript, PHP for about 2 weeks now and have been lucky enough to have resolved the issues I have encountered. This one however is puzzling to me.
I have a HTML form created that collects member information. It calls, on submit, a confirmation page that lists all the data fields entered. This all works great. However, when I then post the variables from the first html form page from my second confirmation html page to my PHP script, using document.write with input type=hidden and inserting the address variable into the value field, the Javascript only passes this variable up to the first space. It is the only variable I pass that has a space in it.
I have verified that the variable does indeed contain the whole address and I have also verified when I execute the following: document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value='+address_1+'>');
the address_1 parameter passed to the php script only passes the string up to the first space.
I even tried to put fixed text in there instead of a variable (e.g.)
document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="address1" value="555 Drury Lane" >');
and it still only passes the string up to the first space (555).
I show the variable address_1 on my confirmation page and it shows the entire string.
I checked what was being passed and it seems that the Javascript is the culprit (or more likely the Javascript creator - me)
All my other variables (which don't have spaces) pass to the php script with no problems.
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Sep 21, 2010
I've got an IFRAME it loads a page with variable contents. I need to know the WIDTH of the body of that page. I'm using offsetWidth and offsetHeight
This is weird....offsetHeight returns the height of the document body. offsetWidth returns the width of the iframe!
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Apr 27, 2010
I was having something like this:
Code JavaScript:
function activaInput()
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Jul 20, 2005
First script, 'xxx.js' returns value 'document.write('integer');
So in HTML:
<script language='javascript' src='xxx.js'></script>
will write ie. 123 on my page in browser.
Can I get this integer or text 'document.write('integer')' to variable in
another script? So it would be something like this:
<script landuage='javascript>
a=<script ... src='xxx.js'></script>;
</script> ...
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Mar 6, 2004
I'm pretty new to JavaScript and am having a problem. I thought what I am doing should work but it isn't.
Basically I have a form that people can put a quantity into. e.g. A, B, C.
I have a JavaScript function called comput that assigns values e.g. A = 5, B = 7, C = 9. Here is the start of the script:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function compute(form){
var A = form.A.value * 5;
var B = form.B.value * 7;
var C = form.C.value * 9;
I then declare a variable to add them up:
var ans = A+B+C;
This part of the script works fine. Now I want to write the ans variable. So I use:
document.write ("Your total is "+ans+"")
// --></script>
But it isn't working. Any ideas?
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Sep 6, 2009
Suppose a HTML document has a iframe. Using javascript,I want to detect ,on load of the html document, whether the body of the iframe document is ready to be displayed.I want to be able to overwrite the the body contents (before it actullay loads) of the iframe.can I do it with jquery? say if ,HTML doc is
<html><head></head><body><iframe id="ifrmId" src="http://www.google.com" ></iframe></body></html>
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