Way To Stop Page Refresh In A Frame Set?
Jul 12, 2009Is there any simple way to stop page refresh in a frame set? So you return to the same frame set page/pages?(Like firefox does it)
View 3 RepliesIs there any simple way to stop page refresh in a frame set? So you return to the same frame set page/pages?(Like firefox does it)
View 3 RepliesWhen i click on submit button, all the data in form will be inserted into my db. but when i click on refresh the form will be submitted again .. how can i prevent this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm attaching my php test file but this is a JS problem. When I scroll down in the web page and the meta refresh hits, in Windows Safari and IE6/7/8 browsers, the web page re-positions back to the top. In Opera and FF the page refreshes but it stays where it is. Can someone look at my test script and see why it is not working in IE and Win Safari? My goal is to have the web page not re-position to the top on the auto refresh.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've used the ScrollTo plugin for header images for each topic and I have created a menu to change the content in the div(s) that contain readable content with ajax, so it looks like different pages with headers using the one page.
everything works well, but on browser refresh the page jumps down after the menu and on to the header.
Would anyone know a script that would deactivate all anchor links in the page so that page onload the page loads as default index.html instead of index.html#some_anchor
I have a selection tag that has a list of dates for data collection, user selects a date and the pages refreshes to display data on a map problem is that the user's selected item in the selection is not preserved during the refresh and the selection drop-down refreshes to the first item of the list. How can I preserve the selected item in the drop-down after page refresh?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm fairly new to JQuery and need some help. Googling failed me :o have a web page that initially auto refreshes every 30 secs and has a bunch of checkboxes that are initially unchecked. I am trying to make it so that if at least one of those boxes it checked the page stops auto refreshing (without reloading the page, preferably). Is this at all possible? I am using Perl to generate the html.
My auto refresh is in the header, but im open to sticking it somewhere else, as long as it doesnt create crazy memory consumption that i've read about on these forums:<head
I have a website which includes stories with multiple chapters. These chapters have a set of clickable arrows at top and bottom to take you forwards and back through the chapters, including a "last chapter" arrow.When a story is in progress, the URL of the last chapter changes with each chapter added. Rather than having to go back into every previous chapter and change the URL of the last chapter by hand, I set them up so that the "last chapter" arrow is actually in an inline frame. That way, I only have to change the URL once, in the file go_end.htm which is the source for the frame. So both the picture of the arrow and its hyperlink are being accessed from outside.
My web pages are also set up to run on all major browsers and to detect the window width and resize all the artwork to fit, regardless of the browser and whether or not it accepts percentage sizes. Go_end.htm is no exception - it contains Javascript code which resizes the arrow so it is the same size as the ones which are actually in the parent page, outside the frame.This setup works perfectly in IE and Netscape, but Google Chrome either fails to display the arrow or makes it huge so it doesn't fit the frame. This seems to be because their superfast new Javascript editor is *too* fast. If I bung an alert command into go_end.htm, asking it to say the value of picWidth (the variable which sets the width of the arrow) as it loadfs, what happens is this.
Google Chrome displays an alert saying that picWidth is zero, then loads the first instance of the inline frame with no got-to-end arrow. Then it displays an alert giving a proper value for picWidth and loads the second inline frame with the arrow correctly displayed and sized. If I take out the alerts, it doesn't load the arrow in *either* frame. It's obvious that inserting the alert command somehow forces it to recognise the value of the variable which it then retains for long enough to load the arrow on the second pass.Any ideas for some command other than alert which would trick it into not loading the image until it's recognised the variable? If I put a time delay on loading the frame I can't see that that would help - the problem is that from the point at which it starts actually loading the frame it needs to wait for the variable to be set.
So my problem is that i can't send form data in FF without page refresh (though in IE7-8 everything works smoothly).
My code fragments:
I'm having difficulty trying to refresh the whole frameset from a hyperlink on one of the frames. I've searched google and tried many options, about 6 or 7 codes, but failed. This is among one of which i tried:
<a href="#" onClick="opener.top.location.reload()">Homepage</a>
Very briefly, what i need to do is to refresh the entire frameset - the effect which can be obtained by pressing on the RELOAD button on the internet browser.This is how the frame looks like:
I am trying to refresh this entire frame using a link on the left frame, left.php.
I'm having difficulty trying to refresh the whole frameset from a hyperlink on one of the frames.I've searched google and tried many options, about 6 or 7 codes, but failed.This is among one of which i tried:[code]Very briefly, what i need to do is to refresh the entire frameset the effect which can be obtained by pressing on the RELOAD button on the internet browser.[code]I am trying to refresh this entire frame using a link on the left frame, left.php.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to send a refresh command from my pop-up screen to a i frame in the parent document.
I have written the following script code...
how am I be able to refresh a load for a second and it will stop. Or I even an auto-F5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using the 'standard' trick to force the load order of my frames:
<TITLE>Frametest master page</TITLE>
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
function refreshFrame() {
frames['vFrame'].window.location.href = "VisibleFrame.htm"; }
<FRAME SRC="blank.htm" NAME="vFrame">
<FRAME SRC="HiddenFrame.htm" NAME="hFrame">
but this does not work when the user hits F5 (refresh). I want this specific load order because VisibleFrame.htm accesses objects in HiddenFrame.htm.
I'm working on a chat box. Everything works fine with the chat contents in a separate frame except when it reloads. I'm using the <meta> reload and I don't like how obvious the refresh is. Could someone tell me how I can refresh the frame without having the status bar and tabs showing it loading.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to refresh DIV , without refresh entire page,Am having four DIV ,
I want to refresh only DIV! without affecting the DIV3,DIV4 ,
Is there a difference between right clicking an iframe and reloading post reponse vs. using javascript to reload the frame? So far, the javascript route hasn't worked for me. [some context] I am writing a little bookmarklet to help me with the online registrations at my school. Here is the setup.
Load up a page on the domain. Remove all body elements. Insert an iframe. Set iframe to page for class roster search. (in iframe on school search page) Select class search options, POST the form data, and view results in frame. *This works perfectly, but I need to have it refresh results every minute or so. When I use frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true); the frame loses the post data or something and the page is broken. BUT when I just right click on the frame and select "reload frame" it works perfectly. What is the difference between rightclicking the frame and refreshing it like that vs. using javascript to reload the frame?
I am using a very simple search-type page to enable users to input a model number and its page appears in a inline frame. Its not a true search as it is simply relying on a person entering the correct html page name to find it. But this works perfectly in my application.The problem I have is that I cannot get the type box to accept enter key as a submitt, only a click of the mouse will submitt the request. If enter is pressed the box loses the users input but no action is taken.I think this may be a javascript issue. I have posted the code below.
if i have 10 pages and each of the page has the same navigation bar, i don't think duplicating the code again and again in every page is the right solution... what do the pro normally do? i tried to use a frame inside one of my div tag to link the page to the navigation page
when i load page it does nothing only blank page, may have code in wrong place but not sure so can someone show me a working example so i can find out what i'm doing wrong also i would like the part of page to refresh evey 120 seconds is this possibe with jquery?
How can I avoid that a site that I send to a frame (via target=...)
overrides the whole frameset and claims the whole window.
I want the site to appear in that frame and not grab the whole browser window...
I'm having great problems trying to print out pages from within the middle frame of three horizontal frames in Internet Explorer (only):
<frameset framespacing="1" rows="45,*,35">
<frame name="topFrame" scrolling="no" noresize target="middle" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="topframe.html">
<frame name="middle" marginwidth="8" marginheight="16" target="_parent" scrolling="yes" src="page.html">
<frame name="bottom" target="middle" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" noresize src="botframe.html">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
The problem is that the pages spill over to another page (in all printers I've tested - and in a pdf) BUT (and this is weird) if I print the page OUTSIDE of the frames, they print out on one single page as designed. The javascript used to print the page is simple enough:
function printit(){
...but i don't think the function is the problem.
Does anyone know why a page would print out differently (i.e. longer) if inside a frame in a frameset, why this should be so, and what I can do to prevent the difference and have it print like a normal page?
How would I check if a page is not inside a frame and then redirect it somewhere else if it isn't?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a site using IFRAMEs and I don't want pages viewed without being in the IFRAME. Is there a way to do this? The pages just don't make much sense unless viewed in the IFRAME. I'm not trying to protect information or anything.
View 1 Replies View Related[URL] I have an index.html that sets up 3 Frames. They are called FrameTop, FrameA and FrameB. See pic below. In FrameTop the user can type in a url into a textbox with id="urlINPUT". When user clicks LOADA it loads that url into FrameA. User can then browse web in FrameA, clicking links etc and going to new pages. The second button LOADB is designed to determine the current location/url of the page displayed in FrameA and load that into FrameB. So far when I write the javascript in FrameTop LOADA works but LOADB loads the FrameTop into FrameB! [error!]
I suspect my error lies in use of parent/self in the parent.frame.location.
Here is my page layout. [URL]
<frameset rows="5%,*">
<frame name="FrameTop" src="frame_top.html" />
<frameset cols="50%,50%">
index.html loads the index correctly and displays FrameTop, FrameA and FrameB. The load A button also works correctly BUT when I click LoadB it loads FrameTop into FrameB! This happens when no page is loaded into FrameA AND when an external page in loaded in. [URL]
Our company own a lot of domains and want to put a short page of copy on each address along with keywords before redirecting the user to our main site. I have been able to get the page to load the main site after the desired time using this code in the head...
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="40;URL=http://webaddress.com/">
That works perfectly, I am now trying to display a countdown timer from 40 seconds down to 0, and on 0 redirect the user. Saying something like "You will be redirected in XX seconds". Is there anyway of doing this? I've been searching google for the answers with no luck and can only seem to find timers that countdown to a set date.
the page url is
`http://example.com/index.php?main_page=index&Path=<?php echo $_GET['Path'];?>`
there are some contents on the page: