I am using the following code to rotate my banner 3 times. I am trying to get it to order. Ive set it up so that you can choose yes/no drop down as to whether you wnat a panel to show and I have also set it up with a drop down so you can specify 1,2,3. I want to be able to randomly change the order to say 2, 1, 3 it dosent seem to work with what I have below.
I am using the following code to rotate my banner 3 times.
I am trying to get it to order. Ive set it up so that you can choose yes/no drop down as to whether you wnat a panel to show and I have also set it up with a drop down so you can specify 1,2,3. I want to be able to randomly change the order to say 2, 1, 3 it dosent seem to work with what I have below.
I'm sure my problem is a syntax error of some kind but I was wondering if anyone can help me discover why I am unable to get the content to load in order, one after the other.[code]
I want the following functinality from all buttons:
Button 1 should hide panel-2 and panel-3, and view only panel 1 Button 2 should hide panel-1 and panel-3, and view only panel 2 Button 3 should hide panel-1 and panel-2, and view only panel 3
I am now trying to adapt this script to a section of my site where a user is able to answer questions with checking a yes or no radio button If the user checks a yes radio button then this toggles a slide animation which makes visible some content (another question and after that one a set of answers). Anyway, I am able to get this working for one question only.
Would you like a course of study involving works of art or antiques?and user selects yes radio button and the hidden div content is shown. However if you click yes again its hides (which i do not want) and if you click no it doesnt do anything when i want it to hide the content while the yes radio button makes it visible.So, was wondering if someone could take a look at my code and see if you can make any sense of why its not working as i hope it to (my javascript knowledge is incredibly limited and am learning at the moment).
i just found this jquery script for collapsable panels : [URL] it works fine for me, but the problem is that i have to write all the ID's from the DIV's into the script before. i got a page with a lot auf these panels and i dont want to write every ID in the script. is there any posibility to have only one scipt and when i click one panel it regognize on which i clicked? so i dont want to have the ID's in the script.
i have it to where one of my tabs opens an external link within the panel. However, it lags a little bit. I use css sprites inside the panels and it literally takes a second for it to load when you hover your mouse over it. Also, when you use it in IE, it keeps a cookie, so when you click on another tab and come back to it, it shows the last panel you were on.
So, is there a way just to open another panel inside another panel?
Here is my demo page: [URL]
Click on "Partners" tab on the bottom and click on "McKesson"
I have created this Spry Tabbed Panels, this is just an example to help explain what I'm trying to do.Is it possible, or is there a way to make the Spry Tab Panels open from one Tab to the other on page load, like automatically.Lets say the Tab open from 1, 2, 3, 4 and then to 4,3,2,1.URL...
i am facing problem with JQuery Scrollable menu, i am trying to placing 2 scrollable panels on a single asp.net page. When there is one panel every thing works fine but when i copy and paste the code so my web page contains two panels vertically, the thing doesn't work, the tow panels just hanged!!
It prints 0,1,...,9, but you cannot see the word "hi". It seems that it prints "hi" then executes the listnum function. But the listnum function is placed before "hi". Could you give me some info on order of execution?
<HEAD> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function listnum() { i=0 do { document.write( i + "<br>") i++ } while(i<10) }</SCRIPT> </HEAD>
I've got a page (internal website) that performs some operations, working it's way down a list and putting a tick beside the operation it's just completed (so the user can see where it's got to so far).
Each operation takes a minute or so, and they include things like: adjusting table contents in an Oracle database, performing some Unix server commands etc...
Because of this, the Oracle and Unix parts are handled server-side by php (very easy), but the javascript parts of the page to change the egg-timer to a tick doesn't wait - it just displays ticks down the entire list immediately.
Is there some way to get javascript to wait until the preceding php has completed?
Is it possible in jscript to have a Rating 1 to 3 in order of preference. That means if a user rates by inputing a value 3 for example in a texbox or selecting 3 using dropdown menu. The next available options should be 2 and if he/She inputs 2 the next available option should be 1. Code:
I am having a bit of trouble with running my own (onkeyup) code in response to a tab and then making sure that the tab-effect still occurs i.e. focus on the next control in the tab order isn't happening even though I return true from the function.
I would like to have two actions for one event. But I want the second action to trigger when the first one action completes. Is it possible to do this in javascript? I'm using the onclick event.
The user must bem select options in this 4 files in order, for example, he must bem select first "First Choice" next "Second Choice"... The options not be same.
In firefox, this script works just fine. But in safari, it doesn't do anything and I can't figure out why.The intention of this code is to just create a draggable item.
I need advice about creating an order form (I was sent here from the General Web Building forum!) and I have been told that JavaScript is the way to go - can anybody help with the following (I know nothing about Javascript really).
I have an order form and plan to have the data emailed to me (I have FormMail script installed on my server). The form will have the following fields:
Reference Number Size / Cost Quantity Grand Total
Clients will enter the ref no., choose a size/ cost (radio-button), and quantity (text box). I plan to accept details for about different items. I just want the total cost to be displayed in a box at the bottom before the form data is sent to me.
Can anybody point me in the right direction of how I might go about this? Tutorials / sample code etc.
I found this script on w3schools and I've been playing with it. It works, and I like it but I have a question.I figure if I'm doing this, I mine as well understand it.[code]I see where I'm calling my php to get the data and I see where the data is being printed to the page but how does the script call the data after the responseText line?
var elm1 = document.getElementById('elm1'); var elm2 = document.getElementById('elm2');
function doStuff(e) { // Some stuff is done here... }
function addListeners(e) { elm1.addEventListener('click', doStuff, false); elm2.addEventListener('click', doStuff, false); }
window.addEventListener('load', addListeners, false); This code will generate an error, namely "elm1 has no properties". To many I guess this isn't very surprising, and my own take on this is that the addListeners function is run before the variables are declared. But what I fali to see is why? To me, a fair beginner with JS, everything is in its right place. What am I missing?
I would very much appretiate if someone could explain the order (when and where to declare the different parts) in which my code here should be ran. Is there something special to have in mind when using window.addEventListener('load', functionname, fasle);?
Is it possible to change order of <li> item with JavaScript by using a string variable? The string variable is coming from <%=(Recordset2.Fields.Item("neworder").Value)%>. The string variable value may be 1,2,3 or 2,3,1 or 3,2,1. I would like the numbers in the string variable represent the <li> order or positions.