Order Form Coding

Mar 13, 2006

I need advice about creating an order form (I was sent here from the General Web Building forum!) and I have been told that JavaScript is the way to go - can anybody help with the following (I know nothing about Javascript really).

I have an order form and plan to have the data emailed to me (I have FormMail script installed on my server). The form will have the following fields:

Reference Number
Size / Cost
Grand Total

Clients will enter the ref no., choose a size/ cost (radio-button), and quantity (text box). I plan to accept details for about different items. I just want the total cost to be displayed in a box at the bottom before the form data is sent to me.

Can anybody point me in the right direction of how I might go about this? Tutorials / sample code etc.

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Coding HTML/JS Form With Multiple Selections?

May 20, 2011

I need help setting up a form, I want to do some pretty neat things: It will say: What countries do you want to visit? [FIELD] Part 1: I want that when a user starts typing into the field, it will suggest under things that match what you have typed so far, sort of like facebook search does. So I would need a list of recognized country names. Now for example imagine I was using this, and I typed in M, it would list under a max of 5 valid entries begining with M, if I typed in Me, it would list the ones begining with Me, if I typed in Mex, it would show Mexico. Now the user would have to click this drop down suggestion to choose it.Part2: I want once a user clicks on a suggestion, it will "pop under" the input box or somewhere, with a "x" beside it to remove it. The user can now type in another country, and when it is clicked it too appears as a sort of "icon" under the input box or somewhere, with an "x" beside it. Clicking the x removes the country from the current list of countries. Once he is done, he goes on to other fields and the selected countries remain visible. Once a user submits the form, I want to get only the countries that were visible to him.

**An alternative idea, if this one is too complicated, would be to have a drop list with all countries in it, and once a person clicks one, it will remain and a "+" sign will appear under it. When pressed, another dropdown menu will appear so the person can choose another country from the second drop down, etc. OFC all selected countries can have an X to remove them. Idk how to do this either. how to do something like this, where do you recommend I start? Any ideas? I tried searching but I'm not sure what to call this so I couldn't find anything in the search.

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Form Calculator Coding In Microsoft Excel

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to create a form/calculator. My concept includes drop down menus, check boxes, roll over images, and calculations. I've been trying to do the coding in Microsoft Excel; however, this has been very cumbersome, and the look is very generic.

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Jquery :: Realtime Order Form - Change Form Elements Depending On Selection

Aug 25, 2010

I've been struggling trying to get a small order form to work the way I want it to. Here is a link to the live page: [URL] And here is the code in question:


I have two questions...

Question 1 How can I make this piece of script act a little smarter. Look at the order form, I'm catering for up to 4 people and providing lunch for them. If they select 3 people and the spaghetti bol for lunch, it's only adding $10 where it should be adding $30. Obviously this is simple multiplication but since the values in my form are prices it makes it a little tricky. I'm guessing an onselect on the first part of the form which changes the pricing of the other items would be the way to go, but how do I do this?

Question 2 The "Total Price" is placed before the <form> tag by the script. This is ok but it's not where I want it. How can I position this text elsewhere in the document?

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Subtracting Discount On Order Form?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a custom order form that will add up and show the total but I'm having trouble getting it to subtract the discount. What changes do I need to make to my javascript?

The form is here: [url]

This is the javascript I'm using which is also viewable in the source code of the above form:

Code JavaScript:

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Auto Sum Order Form Modification

Jul 14, 2010

I needed to calculate my prices on-the-fly and display it in textbox with javascript. Well I did succeed with values of radio button an checbox, but as I know very little javascript, I don't know how to expand the code I got from here: [URL].

How can I make this happen: I have a textbox:
HTML Code:
<input type="text" name="podstranice" size="19" class="podstr" onkeyup="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);">
And when a user inputs a number in it, javascript multiplies it with some other number, say 10 (its a price*quantity thing) and adds it to the total price along with data from checkboxes and radio buttons. And so, this is my javascript. It is basically identical to one on the link, but you can view it better this way I think.

// Calculate the total for items in the form which are selected.
function calculateTotal(inputItem) {
with (inputItem.form) {
// Process each of the different input types in the form.
if (inputItem.type == "radio") {
// Process radio buttons .....

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Create An Order Form For Page?

Apr 22, 2009

I need to create an order form for my page. I am new to javascript so I want to keep in basic.Its for parts (example (mouse pads, box of floppy disks, box DVD+R, A4 sheet 500 sheets)I want the scripts to perform the following:Display an order form for the user to fill out inside the form accept the user�s input for the number of each item they wish to purchase.validate their input and display an alert for any invalid data.display an alert when Check button pressed.display the values that were input and the final cost of the order.

Include input values from the form using the document.formname.variablename.value = construct use the onclick of your Check button to call your calculation function set the value of your final values using the this.form.variablename.value= construct

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Populating Order Form From Mysql Database

Oct 1, 2010

Am looking to find the easiest way to populate an order form that customers can email through to us.

I have created a database with 2 fields, id and name.

I would like to be able to have a form on my page with 3 fields, id name and qty.

I want to link the id and name fields on my form to my database so that when a customer starts to type a product id or description it will show a list of available matches. underneath which once clicked will populate the mssing field.

So for example is i have 2 products id 998 green apples and 999 red apples.

Typing in 999 in the id field of the form would populate the name field with red apples and typing red apples in the name field would populate the id field with 99.

if someone didn't know which apples they wanted they could type apples in the name field and underneath it would show both red and green which when clicked will populate both fields.

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Order Form With Text Fields And Totalling?

Apr 30, 2009

Ive been making a script for an order form, originally i had a drop down list of quantities, but having orders something of more than 500 leaflets at a time, is not good on a quantity list, the script below is what i have so far but cant understand why the sub total field at the bottom wont update, it worked fine with the list/menu.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


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Adding Textbox To Auto-sum Order Form?

Jul 14, 2010

I am messing with this whole day, 'cos I wanted to try and figure this out by myself instead of going on forums.I failed, as you may see. So, to cut it short:I needed to calculate my prices on-the-fly and display it in textbox with javascript.Well I did succeed with values of radio button an checbox, but as i know very little javascript, I don't know how to expand the code i got from here:http://javascript.internet.com/forms/update-order-form-no-page-refresh.htmlSo what I would LOVE to know, is how can I make this happen:I have a textbox:<input type="text" name="podstranice" size="19" lass="podstr"nkeyup="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);">and when a user inputs a number in it, javascript multiplies it with some other number, say 10 (its a price*quantity thing) and adds it to the total price along with data from checkboxes and radio buttons.And so, this is my javascript. It is basically identical to one on the link, but you can view it better this way I think.

// Calculate the total for items in the form which are selected.
function calculateTotal(inputItem) {
with (inputItem.form) {


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Order Form Calculation With Checkbox & Textbox

Oct 14, 2005

I have a form which i want to calculate entered values in text boxes. What i want from the below code is ;

1- i may have 100 textboxes so the javascript that i use may be inefficient for larger amounts. Does anyone have more encapsulated solution for multiplying and adding to total amount?

2- when i click check boxes their values must be added to total textbox below.

3- How can i calculate VAT and grand total? with $ sign infront of them ?

its seems easy but couldn't manage to do as i am not a programmer.

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Only Submit Positive Results In Order Form?

Aug 13, 2010

I would like to be able to make it so that an order form only submits positive results.I have modified this form for my friends website. She has 50 different products that she makes (different sizes and colors). The form submits results for things ordered but also for things not ordered.



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Passing Form Data To Clickbank Order Page?

Aug 9, 2009

I have a "pre-order" opt-in page disguised as a "step 1" in the order process of a clickbank product I'm ready to launch.I'm wanting to pass the user's first name, last name, and email address (built into the optin form) over to the clickbank order page upon submit.Clickbank gives me the data strings you can pass along, but I'm not sure how to properly configure this function or where to place it in my page code.This is the only step I have remaining before I can go live, and it's holding me back.I can provide any code needed for review to assist in getting this wrapped up.

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Create A Order Form That Auto Calculates My Totals?

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to create a order form that auto calculates my totals as I enter the quantities. It comes up with Not a Number(NaN).Below are snippets from my code this is obviously in a <form>:

<!-- Row 3, Col 3 purchase boxes -->
<td colspan="1" height="120" align="left">
<input style="margin-left: 60px" type="text" name="bed_359" size="3" maxlength="3" onchange="calculateValue(this.form)" /> R359</td></tr>[code].....

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Update Order Form Without Page Refresh Modification

Feb 4, 2010

[URL]. I looked at this script and I tried playing around with it but could not figure out how to: Instead of having a check box field and then a radio box field, have 2 radio box fields, so the user picks from one group of radio boxes and then another. Then change the math behind it so the values in the first field are multiplied by 100 and then the values in the second field tack on a percentage (ex value in first field is 1.5 so 1.5x100 = 150 and value in second field is .5 so total is 225).

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Positioned Layers/Radio Buttons On Order Form Won't Work

Dec 1, 2011

I can't get the form validation and the postioned layers/radio buttons working at the same time is either 1 of the other. I have provided the code html/css/javascript code below [URL]

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Order Form Change Text Fields With Select Fields

Jan 24, 2011

I have this order form where the customers can change the quantity by intput in a text field.I would like to have the text field changed with select fields, but doing so in the form, the script is not doing anymore.Can anyone have a look and tell me what to change in the scritp to accept select fields in place of the text fields.

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Coding Error Only On IE / Fix It?

Oct 7, 2009

On my blog, www.finkfinance.com, it loads but with the filing Javascript error code...

Does anyone know how I can fix this? I'm not a web coder and I'm lost when I open up the stepcaraousel.js file.

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Using Same JS Coding Twice On Page

Dec 27, 2009

I have a nice search engine but its seems i can't put it twice on the same page:
<script language="JavaScript">
function startSearch(){
searchString = document.searchForm.searchText.value;
if(searchString != ""){
searchEngine = document.searchForm.whichEngine.selectedIndex + 1;
finalSearchString = "";
if(searchEngine == 1){
finalSearchString = "[URL]" + searchString;
} .....

How to put the code twice in the html page without creating a conflict as a result of identical codes?

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Coding For Both Js And Non-js Browsers?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm currently modifying a php controlled website and wish to distinguish between javascript and non-javascript browsers in order to decide which pages to display. I have a single php controller script which "includes" a number of html pages. I want to ensure that I cater for both javascript and non-javascript browsers (so functionality is the same, only the javascript pages have a far better look and feel to them).

Therefore I would like to code something along the lines of :

if (javascript_browser=='true')
include './javascript_page1.html.php';


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Javascript Coding Utils

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone recommend a good editor for coding Javascript?? ie. once which
has 'intellisense' type prompting etc.

If there isn't an editor with this built-in, is there a program which does
it as a quick-ref help tool??

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Coding A Brute Forcer

Jul 20, 2005

Firstly it generates two numbers. One is the sum of the CharCodes and
the other is the product of multiply each of the charcodes together
and usisng the Modulus function.

If the text string is correct, the string is then used to decode (via
a relatively simple crypt) another string, which then gives you the
correct target url.

I hope that makes sense - if it doesn't, its pretty unimportant as the
question I have is as follows :

In javascript, how do I code something that allows me to cycle through
all the possible text strings. Ideally, I would like to read from a
dictionary file and then start a brute force.

Throughout each cycle, I imagine you just set input_user (in this
case) to the value of the next line in the file. For a dictionary
attack I imagine. That bit isn't too tricky I don't think but I can't
get my head around it. Maybe more coffee would help?

And I'm sure struggling to put together a brute forcer so I turn to
you guys and gals to ask if you could help me and point me in the
right direction on how to code this.

I'm assuming also that the code we end up with, would be generically
useful too as in we could vary the output (going to input_user) in
this instance to another variable and use it with another script?

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JQuery :: Trying To Get More Efficient With Coding?

Jul 1, 2009

This is a FAQ page I built with custom jquery function that toggles the answers open/closed on click of a question, and Im just wondering if anyone has a suggestion to make the code leaner and meaner:


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Gallery Coding - Not Working In IE?

Feb 6, 2011

I've created a website for a client for their business, and the javascript is working in Safari & Mozilla, but not in IE. In IE you can click the image, but nothing activates. The ability to move from left to right to view images still works however. I'm wondering if having both of the javascript capabilities is fighting with the IE browser?I would love to hear of a solution - I'm not an expert in Javascript by any means.

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Get The Coding For The Same Style Navigation?

Jun 9, 2009

Just wondering if someone can point me where I can get the coding for the same style navigation on [URL]..I know its not flash, but I'm guessing its done by javascript?

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Coding An Enlarge Thumbnail Code?

Feb 28, 2011

What is the secrets or tricks of coding an enlarge thumbnail code? This is what I came out with so far...

<script language="JavaScript">
function enlarge(target)


I would like to do the enlarging effect like this,[URL]

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