Execution Order Of Actions
Nov 23, 2005
I would like to have two actions for one event. But I want the second action to trigger when the first one action completes. Is it possible to do this in javascript? I'm using the onclick event.
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Jul 20, 2005
It prints 0,1,...,9, but you cannot see the word "hi". It seems that it prints "hi" then executes the listnum function. But the listnum function is placed before "hi". Could you
give me some info on order of execution?
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function listnum() {
do {
document.write( i + "<br>")
} while(i<10)
<BODY onload=listnum()>
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Apr 6, 2010
I am trying to develop a iGoogle-like dashboard that uses JSONP to get the content of each widget from other (trusted) sites.Each widget is a div that will take care of getting its content using $.ajax() and use the callback to update the div with the html content returned with JSONP.The problem I have happens only in Firefox (I'm using 3.6.3):when a site is unavailable or takes longer to return the JSONP content for a widget, it seems that the callback for the other widget does not get executed. All the widgets stay in the "loading" state although I'm sure they have all received the answer.What's puzzling is that if I hit the "stop" button of Firefox, the content of the other widgets get displayed (ie. their displaying callbacks get executed).
If the calls are asynchronous, what prevents Firefox from executing the callbacks for the other widgets once the response is received?Do you have any idea of what's happening and if there's some way around this?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have prepared a form with frontpage.
Before submitting the form I want the user to bu sure that he ha
completed it exactly. Sometimes people click ENTER button just t
continue the fill next part of the form but when we clic
ENTER,unfortunately, the form is submitted directly.
So I have written a function verify with javascript.
As following it works correctly:
onsubmit="return verify()"
So that the user needs to accept that he is OK to submit the form.
But when I added some required parts in the form that should b
verified the first fuction verify is no longer active.
So how can I verify both required parts in the form and that the use
is OK to send the form?
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Aug 25, 2010
why my code doesn't work. It doesn't open [URL]. It does open it when I comment out "window.location.href...".
<style type="text/css">
.amount {
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Dec 29, 2005
I have a form. When the user clicks submit I would like form to be sent to two different cgi scripts.
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Jul 23, 2005
Given a page with a "header" and "main" frame, is there some way from the "header" frame to initiatere-execution of the JavaScrip/HTML code in the "main" frame? I don't want to have to reload "main".
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Jun 24, 2009
is there any specific function in Javascript / jquery which delay the functionality
I use SLEEP() funciton in php to add delays .
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Feb 10, 2010
I have the following function - where I can get one of the conditions to work, but not both together. Here's the code:
function test_function() {
window.location = window.location + "#form_field_name";
Basically when clicking an error link, I want to focus onto the form field, and then move to the anchor itself on the page. One of these will work at a time, but not both and I'm not sure why.
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Jan 27, 2011
How to know the execution time of a function? For example, which of these functions run in less time? That is, which of these functions are more weightless to run?
document.getElementById("my_image").src = "images/picture.png";
document.getElementById("my_image").style.webkitTransform = "rotate(45deg)";
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Jun 25, 2011
Here's the problem :
I have a div named "cat" that I want to hide with a Javascript:animatedcollapse (slideup) action. The action is linked externally on another page.
This is the line/link that hides it : <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.hide('cat')">Hide the div<br/>
It works fine.
But, I want this action to happen at the same time that you press another link (that other link opens a page in an iframe).
This is the iframe link :
<p><a href="page.html" target="iframe">Open link in iframe</a></p>
Both links work fine. But i want to merge the two together. How?
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Apr 24, 2009
On click of submit button i want to send email and i am taking client to paypal page to do the payment.. e. i want to send FORM data to two different pages.
function submit_form(form)
document.form.action = 'xyz.com/order/email_order.php';
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Jan 27, 2009
I've got a form with some input fields with a submit button for SAVE and another for REMOVE.
Each button use the onclick to set the appropriate action link of the form. But I think this will just not work without JS so, is there any alternative for this?
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Nov 29, 2005
I would like to have two buttons on the page. When visitor clicks on first, I would like to start looping through numbers for example from 1 to 100. When loop gets to the end, I would like to start it over and stop it when user click on the next button.
My concern is if this is safe. What if user waits for 1 minute or more to click the second button which should stop the loop and pick up the number where it currenly is? Will it cause browser to warn user that the script is slowing down the browser? How can I avoid this?
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Nov 9, 2010
I would like to have a link that does two things. One would be to refresh the page and secondly go to a diferent section on the page that I have an anchor to.
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Jul 22, 2009
I basically have no idea what I'm doing. This is in a popup window, and what I want is for the submit button to populate an item to the shopping cart, close the popup window, and return to the parent url (in that order.) The problem I'm having is that I can either get items to show up in the cart, or get the popup to close and return to the url. Not both. Here's what I've got:
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a javascript code to let people subscribe to our newsletter. I would like to get a mail each time a person get subscribed to our newsletter. The code to let people subscribed to our newsletter is:
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Aug 25, 2011
The goal of the file is that when it loads in a browser, the 1st image is displayed in the top left (image 7441805.gif), along with the following three titles to the right of the image, as listed below: Java Demystified OOP Demystified Data Structures Demystified
When you place the mouse over "Java Demystified," the 7441805.gif image should still appear (which it does)), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "10% Discount for Java Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
When you place the mouse over "OOP Demystified," the 0072253630.jpg image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "20% Discount for OOP Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
When you place the mouse over "Data Structures Demystified," the 7417436.gif image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "15% Discount for Data Structures Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.
All of the files are loaded on my laptop, which is using Vista, is 32bit, has the IE9 browser installed, and pop-ups are disabled. When I try to use Mozilla (version 6.0), I am unable to disable the pop-ups, and therefore can not even get any new windows to open.
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Apr 28, 2010
How can I have a button with onclick that calls a function which returns a true/false based on the associated input, and based on the return value shows a message that it was true or false. I see how onclick can call one function, but is there a way to call two functions and use the return value of one of the functions?
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a site and in that I don't want to users pressing tab key and also shift + tab key. So I need a small javascript code for preventing execution of tab key and Shift+Tab Keys.
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to use self.scrollTo(x,y) as the last action in a js function called
by a onClick event. It seems that the scrolling actually takes place, but
the document is then scrolling back to top when js code execution has ended.
In the following example I get this effect in IE6 with the third and fourth
calls, while the first two work fine. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to have two form actions on submission using a
javascript. The first calls a php class (http://www.blah.org/test.php)
and the second adds data to a mySQL database via a php function call (<?
php echo $editFormAction; ?>. Both actions work; however, only the
second action in the fucntion runs. Here is the code:
<script language=javascript>
function But1()
document.form1.action = "http://www.blah.org/test.php"
document.SubmitAbstract.submit(); // Submit the page
document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo $editFormAction; ?>;
return true;
In this example, the document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo
$editFormAction; ?>; action works fine. If I reverse the order:
<script language=javascript>
function But1()
document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo $editFormAction; ?>;
document.form1.action = "http://www.blah.org/test.php"
document.SubmitAbstract.submit(); // Submit the page
return true;
only the test.php file runs. Any ideas?
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Apr 20, 2006
I'm developing a webpage that is composed by several divs. These divs
are supplied by the server depending on the user that made the request.
Some of these divs require some javascript functions to be called when
they are added to the page. I add the content using innerHTML (function
renderPage(data) ....
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Nov 17, 2010
how can i make the actions happen all together at the same time, not in a series for instance this code will show the balloon first which takes 100th of a second then go to the next list i want this list to happen at once
$("li.il2, li.sw2").click(function () {
("li.il2").animate({backgroundPosition: '0 -17px'})
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Apr 29, 2010
i built a application with the jquery-plugin jstree to maniputate a tree stored in a database. all actions like create, move, delete and rename are fire up ajax-calls to php-scripts with mysql-querys. i got it to work, to display a trobber and 'waiting'-text during the ajax-calls, but what i also want to do is blocking" the site for this time, so that the user HAS TO wait and couldn't click somewhere else. This blocking should be should be visible like the behaviour of modalwindows. the background should be with a dark overlay.
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Aug 8, 2011
I currently have a situation where I have images that load when a user scrolls to the bottom of a page. I also have part of the same function call .remove() on the top 2 images if the number of currently loaded images exceeds 10. The trouble that I am having lies in the .remove() is causing the scrollbar to move down, calling the image-loading part of the function again (essentially a chain reaction of image loads and elements being removed if a user scrolls down while images are being loaded).
I was wondering if I can use setTimeout or a similar function to prevent .remove() from executing until images have been completely loaded?
if (calcScroll == 0 && curPageIndex + 1 < totalCount) {
$("#message").html("loading new images");
window.setTimeout(function () {
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