Two Actions In One Form?

Dec 29, 2005

I have a form. When the user clicks submit I would like form to be sent to two different cgi scripts.

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Two Form Actions Not Working Together?

Feb 10, 2010

I have the following function - where I can get one of the conditions to work, but not both together. Here's the code:

function test_function() {
window.location = window.location + "#form_field_name";

Basically when clicking an error link, I want to focus onto the form field, and then move to the anchor itself on the page. One of these will work at a time, but not both and I'm not sure why.

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Form With Different Actions Will Work Without JS?

Jan 27, 2009

I've got a form with some input fields with a submit button for SAVE and another for REMOVE.

Each button use the onclick to set the appropriate action link of the form. But I think this will just not work without JS so, is there any alternative for this?

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Two Actions For One Form Submit

Mar 31, 2011

I have a javascript code to let people subscribe to our newsletter. I would like to get a mail each time a person get subscribed to our newsletter. The code to let people subscribed to our newsletter is:


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W/Multiple Form Submit Actions

Jul 23, 2005

I am trying to have two form actions on submission using a
javascript. The first calls a php class (
and the second adds data to a mySQL database via a php function call (<?
php echo $editFormAction; ?>. Both actions work; however, only the
second action in the fucntion runs. Here is the code:

<script language=javascript>
function But1()
document.form1.action = ""
document.SubmitAbstract.submit(); // Submit the page
document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo $editFormAction; ?>;
return true;

In this example, the document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo
$editFormAction; ?>; action works fine. If I reverse the order:

<script language=javascript>
function But1()
document.SubmitAbstract.action = <?php echo $editFormAction; ?>;
document.form1.action = ""
document.SubmitAbstract.submit(); // Submit the page
return true;

only the test.php file runs. Any ideas?

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JQuery :: Form Submission To Two Actions

Oct 12, 2010

I've got a form that I need to go to two different places. First, I need it to submit a portion (but not all) of inputed data to one url (url.php). If that is successful, I need it to submit another portion of the inputed data to another url (url2.php). The trick is, I need the information from some fields to go to both places, but with different names.

Here's what I'm doing:
$(function() {
$('form').submit(function() {
return false;
type: "POST",
url: 'url.php',
data: $('.string').serialize(),
success: function(){
type: "POST",
url: 'url2.php',
data: 'firstname='+$('#Contact0FirstName').val()+'&'+'lastname='+$('#Contact0LastName').val()

I have the information I need to go to url.php serialized by class (.string). Then, I try to make a string out of the data for url2.php. What seems to be happening the form is submitting ALL fields to url.php, ignoring the serialized string I told it to use, and then submitting ALL fields to url2.php, again ignoring the string I told it to use.

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Multiple Form Actions - Javascript Required?

Apr 28, 2006

I have a simple SEARCH form which matches items from my supplier and delivers the results to the 'body' frame of my website. This works fine and here is the code.

<FORM ACTION="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" TARGET="body">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="partner" VALUE="xxxxx">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="partnerId" VALUE="xxxxx">

However what I would like to do is use the same SEARCH box information typed in to generate a second search at another supplier and deliver the results alongside in another frame. The frame part is easy enough but how can I get two Form Actions from one form?
I understand it cannot be done in HTML but it may be possible in Javascript.

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Turning Form Actions On And Off With Javascript Or Some Tother Method

Oct 28, 2000

Does anybody know how to turn off form actions please?

I have 2 types of users (members and non-members) using the same form action. This form has 4 buttons in total.

If the user is a member they have full access to all buttons.

If the user is a non-member they can only use 2 of the 4 buttons.

So, at the moment, when they are non-members and click on one of the members buttons, an OnClick event handler is added to the input type = "submit", which generates a new window with a document explaining to the user that they need to register.

There is no problem generating this window.

The problem is that the form specified in the form action still executes and the members page is still displayed.

So is it possible to turn off the form action in this instance so that the main page isn't refreshed/executed, or do I have to create different form actions for different users.

Surely there must be a way to prevent the form action from being triggered?

I realise I could simply not display the button for non-members, but I'd prefer to do so, as it allows them to see the features that members receive.

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HTML Form With Differing Actions Depending On Button Pressed?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a form, and i want two alternative submit links done as <a> links.Essentially, one will 'save changes' and remain on the same page, the other will 'save and preview' the final content.I've been playing for a while and can't seem to get it to workIf i just use one button and set the form action as normal all works fine.I'm told that i can set the form action within a javascript function and submit the form from there, but the problem is that clicking the link now just goes to the 'href' on the save button without submitting the form. (I believe the href is still required to make a working link).My code is as follows (ive simplified it to the essential components being used, theres also some php bits in the action being set) :

<script type="text/javascript">
function docSave()


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2 Actions In Onsubmit

Jul 23, 2005

I have prepared a form with frontpage.

Before submitting the form I want the user to bu sure that he ha
completed it exactly. Sometimes people click ENTER button just t
continue the fill next part of the form but when we clic
ENTER,unfortunately, the form is submitted directly.

So I have written a function verify with javascript.

As following it works correctly:

onsubmit="return verify()"

So that the user needs to accept that he is OK to submit the form.

But when I added some required parts in the form that should b
verified the first fuction verify is no longer active.

So how can I verify both required parts in the form and that the use
is OK to send the form?

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Many Actions In One Function?

Aug 25, 2010

why my code doesn't work. It doesn't open [URL]. It does open it when I comment out "window.location.href...".


<style type="text/css">
.amount {


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Execution Order Of Actions

Nov 23, 2005

I would like to have two actions for one event. But I want the second action to trigger when the first one action completes. Is it possible to do this in javascript? I'm using the onclick event.

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2 Specific Actions In 1 Button?

Jun 25, 2011

Here's the problem :

I have a div named "cat" that I want to hide with a Javascript:animatedcollapse (slideup) action. The action is linked externally on another page.

This is the line/link that hides it : <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.hide('cat')">Hide the div<br/>

It works fine.

But, I want this action to happen at the same time that you press another link (that other link opens a page in an iframe).

This is the iframe link :
<p><a href="page.html" target="iframe">Open link in iframe</a></p>

Both links work fine. But i want to merge the two together. How?

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Two Actions With One Submit Button?

Apr 24, 2009

On click of submit button i want to send email and i am taking client to paypal page to do the payment.. e. i want to send FORM data to two different pages.

function submit_form(form)
document.form.action = '';


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Creating Link That Does 2 Actions?

Nov 9, 2010

I would like to have a link that does two things. One would be to refresh the page and secondly go to a diferent section on the page that I have an anchor to.

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Several Actions With One Submit Button

Jul 22, 2009

I basically have no idea what I'm doing. This is in a popup window, and what I want is for the submit button to populate an item to the shopping cart, close the popup window, and return to the parent url (in that order.) The problem I'm having is that I can either get items to show up in the cart, or get the popup to close and return to the url. Not both. Here's what I've got:


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Multiple Actions For A Rollover

Aug 25, 2011

The goal of the file is that when it loads in a browser, the 1st image is displayed in the top left (image 7441805.gif), along with the following three titles to the right of the image, as listed below: Java Demystified OOP Demystified Data Structures Demystified

When you place the mouse over "Java Demystified," the 7441805.gif image should still appear (which it does)), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "10% Discount for Java Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.

When you place the mouse over "OOP Demystified," the 0072253630.jpg image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "20% Discount for OOP Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.

When you place the mouse over "Data Structures Demystified," the 7417436.gif image should appear (which it does), and a new window should pop-up and stay on the screen displaying "15% Discount for Data Structures Demystified" until the user decides to do away with the new window by clicking on the "X". The new window does appear for about less than a second , and then goes away (actually it continuously flashes on and off very quickly), which is not what I want.

All of the files are loaded on my laptop, which is using Vista, is 32bit, has the IE9 browser installed, and pop-ups are disabled. When I try to use Mozilla (version 6.0), I am unable to disable the pop-ups, and therefore can not even get any new windows to open.


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Handling An Onclick With Two Actions

Apr 28, 2010

How can I have a button with onclick that calls a function which returns a true/false based on the associated input, and based on the return value shows a message that it was true or false. I see how onclick can call one function, but is there a way to call two functions and use the return value of one of the functions?


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JQuery :: Actions In A List Happen At Once?

Nov 17, 2010

how can i make the actions happen all together at the same time, not in a series for instance this code will show the balloon first which takes 100th of a second then go to the next list i want this list to happen at once

$("li.il2, li.sw2").click(function () {
("li.il2").animate({backgroundPosition: '0 -17px'})

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JQuery :: Block All Actions On A Page?

Apr 29, 2010

i built a application with the jquery-plugin jstree to maniputate a tree stored in a database. all actions like create, move, delete and rename are fire up ajax-calls to php-scripts with mysql-querys. i got it to work, to display a trobber and 'waiting'-text during the ajax-calls, but what i also want to do is blocking" the site for this time, so that the user HAS TO wait and couldn't click somewhere else. This blocking should be should be visible like the behaviour of modalwindows. the background should be with a dark overlay.

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JQuery :: Stopping Actions From Happening?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a text box where a user can press enter, tab (keypress) or click out of it (focusout) and an action happens. The box then gets removed. The problem is, the user presses enter, but that event is fired and then as the text box is removed the focus out is firing again.

How do I prevent removing the text box from firing the focusout action? I can remove the action totally but the text box could be returned to the document later.

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Make Calculator's Actions Continuous?

May 29, 2009

I have a calculator, and I can't make it do continuous actions like:

When you press a number and press + and 1 and then press = 3 times so the first number is added 3.

Here's my code:

And this.updateDisplay() is the function to update the display with this.current.

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Can An Image Link Have Two Javscript Actions

Sep 24, 2005

I have a menu of image links. I'd like them to have roll over images but also to have a drop down menu. Is it possible to have these two actions work at the same time? If so how would you put both actions in onmouseover and onmouseout?

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Identifying Between Refresh And Close Browser Actions

Jul 23, 2005

When we refresh the page (F5, or icon in browser), it will first
trigger ONUNLOAD event and then trigger
ONLOAD event. When we close the browser (X on right top icon), it will
trigger ONUNLOAD event.

Now when ONUNLOAD event is triggered, there is no way to distinguish
refresh the page or close the browser.

Here's the code fragment. The logic in window_unload() only applies to
closing the browser, not refreshing the page.

<BODY ONUNLOAD="window_unload()">
function window_unload()
{//logic that only applies to close the browser, not refresh the page.

Anyone knows the workaround to the problem?

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JQuery :: Asynchronous Blocks Of Synchronous Actions

Dec 9, 2011

I'd like to process several blocks of parallel actions, but in a sequential manner.

As an example:

Thus, I want to process blocks, from which I don't know how long they will take and afterwards have a couple of actions, before beginning with another block. I already tried it through using .queue, .ready() etc, but that leads to very ugly or unusable code..

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JQuery :: Ignore Applied Actions With Certain Classes?

May 21, 2011

<div class="one">
Text here
Text here
<div class="ignore">Text here to remain black</div>
Text here
Text here


My question is, how would I change all text within class one to say red (including sub-divs/spans etc), whilst completely ignoring the text with the ignore class(es)?

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