Spry Tabbed Panels Work In FF But Not IE?

Aug 16, 2010

The tabbed menus work, but not in MS IE and I don't know why.

The tabs appear, but the content of the tabs just sits all in one panel.

Clicking the second tab does not activate the second content panel.

This page works in FF but not in IE

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css" />


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Make Spry Tabbed Panels Open Automactically And Go From One Tab To Another

Aug 16, 2009

I have created this Spry Tabbed Panels, this is just an example to help explain what I'm trying to do.Is it possible, or is there a way to make the Spry Tab Panels open from one Tab to the other on page load, like automatically.Lets say the Tab open from 1, 2, 3, 4 and then to 4,3,2,1.URL...

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Spry Validation CSS And Js Conflict - Make Them Work Together?

Jun 2, 2010

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>rates & reservations</title>

the validation and CSS work. I just can't figure out how to make them work together.

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Unable To Order Panels

Mar 19, 2010

I am using the following code to rotate my banner 3 times. I am trying to get it to order. Ive set it up so that you can choose yes/no drop down as to whether you wnat a panel to show and I have also set it up with a drop down so you can specify 1,2,3. I want to be able to randomly change the order to say 2, 1, 3 it dosent seem to work with what I have below.

<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);
$(".ui-tabs-panel > a").hover(
function() {

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Hide/Show Panels

May 1, 2006

I have 3 Panels in HTML page, using javascript; I want to display only one panel at one time, for example:

I have 3 panels ids are as: pnl-1, pnl-2, pnl-3

And 3 buttons: "Show Panel 1", "Show Panel 2", "Show Panel 3"

I want the following functinality from all buttons:

Button 1 should hide panel-2 and panel-3, and view only panel 1
Button 2 should hide panel-1 and panel-3, and view only panel 2
Button 3 should hide panel-1 and panel-2, and view only panel 3

Please guide me whether it is possible or not.

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Unable To Order Panels?

Mar 19, 2010

I am using the following code to rotate my banner 3 times.

I am trying to get it to order. Ive set it up so that you can choose yes/no drop down as to whether you wnat a panel to show and I have also set it up with a drop down so you can specify 1,2,3. I want to be able to randomly change the order to say 2, 1, 3 it dosent seem to work with what I have below.

<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);


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Toggling Slide Panels Up And Down?

Feb 20, 2009

I am now trying to adapt this script to a section of my site where a user is able to answer questions with checking a yes or no radio button If the user checks a yes radio button then this toggles a slide animation which makes visible some content (another question and after that one a set of answers). Anyway, I am able to get this working for one question only.

Would you like a course of study involving works of art or antiques?and user selects yes radio button and the hidden div content is shown. However if you click yes again its hides (which i do not want) and if you click no it doesnt do anything when i want it to hide the content while the yes radio button makes it visible.So, was wondering if someone could take a look at my code and see if you can make any sense of why its not working as i hope it to (my javascript knowledge is incredibly limited and am learning at the moment).

Below is the html part:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/SOTC-Inline_Sliding_Panels.js"></script>


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JQuery :: Collapsable Panels With Dynamic ID?

Nov 9, 2010

i just found this jquery script for collapsable panels : [URL] it works fine for me, but the problem is that i have to write all the ID's from the DIV's into the script before. i got a page with a lot auf these panels and i dont want to write every ID in the script. is there any posibility to have only one scipt and when i click one panel it regognize on which i clicked? so i dont want to have the ID's in the script.

this is the script:

$("#mostrar").click(function(event) {


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Div Rollover - 4 Panels At The Bottom Of Page

Sep 10, 2011

bit of script that will work like the 4 panels at the bottom of this page: Jaguar UK - Jaguar

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JQuery :: Tabs: Opening Panels Within Another Panel

May 16, 2011

i have it to where one of my tabs opens an external link within the panel. However, it lags a little bit. I use css sprites inside the panels and it literally takes a second for it to load when you hover your mouse over it. Also, when you use it in IE, it keeps a cookie, so when you click on another tab and come back to it, it shows the last panel you were on.

So, is there a way just to open another panel inside another panel?

Here is my demo page: [URL]

Click on "Partners" tab on the bottom and click on "McKesson"

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JQuery :: Using It In A Project To Create Igoogle Panels?

May 6, 2010

what is "div.ui-sortable"Im using it in a project to create Igoogle panels.

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Tabbed Content

Dec 11, 2005

I created a forum topic earlier this week looking for a tutorial on creating tabs which, onlclick would load content into a div.

I was referred to dynamicdrives tabbed content script.

Their are 2 problems with this script, that i cannot use it.

1. It isnt XHTML compliant. They are using an attribute called "theme=''" to change the color of the div tab. So im wondering what to do about this, b/c the w3c validator is throwing an error when i use this.

2. I cant figure out a way to keep the content div white, and only change the color of the tabs. The way a tab script should work is the tabs should be able to have their own color, while the content div remains white, so that text is readable. You can only have the tab the same color as the section your main content has to be on, and i dont find this acceptable.

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JQuery :: Create A Tabbed UI?

Sep 23, 2009

Can someone post a simple example of creating a tabbed UI with JQUERY?

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Tabbed Text - Like In MS Word

Apr 13, 2006

I'm trying to create a list of prices where the cost is tabbed across so they all line up...

I'm sure there is an easy way of doing that's better than I have so far.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='Javascript'>
document.write("May &pound;853
document.write("June &pound;906
document.write("July &pound;1,012
document.write("August &pound;1,012
document.write("September &pound;906
document.write("October &pound;853

I've tried looking through the forums but it keeps landing me on threads about tabbing between text fields.

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Making A Tabbed Search Box?

Apr 19, 2010

I was reading this tutorial on making a tabbed search box but I was confused as to how I was supposed to implement the actual code that does the searching. The tutorial is here http://woork.blogspot.com/2008/01/ta...g-css-and.html

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Ajax Tabbed Navigation

Apr 22, 2006

Im trying learn ajax and i dont have very much experience with javascript so im using the prototype javascript developers framework.

i thought this would be quite an easy task, however i have ran into a problem i just cant understand..

i've written a function called GetPage(page) which sends an XMLHttprequest to a serverside script (via New Ajax.updater("script.php?id=1234","content"); )

however the function is not displaying the server response in my "content" div. a live version is avalibe here Strange thing is if i add Alert('hello');

to the line after Ajax.Updater , the server-response is displayed for a second and the disapears. a live version is avalibe here Code:

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JQuery ::creating Muntiple Scrollables - Placing 2 Scrollable Panels On A Single Asp.net Page

Jun 29, 2010

i am facing problem with JQuery Scrollable menu, i am trying to placing 2 scrollable panels on a single asp.net page. When there is one panel every thing works fine but when i copy and paste the code so my web page contains two panels vertically, the thing doesn't work, the tow panels just hanged!!


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Tabbed Dialog Code Share?

Jan 14, 2010

Yesterday I made a tabbed auto-switching ad block in ActionScript. You can see it here:http://vtribes.com/inc/swf/services.htmlThis morning I decided I needed some fall back content for those odd types who still refuse to either use Flash plugins, or don't have the latest version. So I came up with a simple CSS/JS table with tabs to replicate the Flash movie, and thought I'd share it for anyone who might be interested.You can find it here:http://vtribes.com/inc/tabbedTable.htmlIt's very simple, but would work just fine if you wanted a tabbed dialog in HTML. It will also explain some rudimentary points in CSS, JS and HTML.

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Disabling Onclick (using Spry)

Dec 21, 2006

I want to disable the onclick for a <div>. In onclick I am using
Spry.Effect.AppearFade(...). Any suggestions on how to disable onclick
after the first initial click from the user?

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Spry Validation Not Working In Ie / What To Do?

Feb 1, 2011

I have spry validation setup to validate a contact form and it works fine in firefox, chrome, safari and opera, but wont work at all in any version of internet explorer.

You can see the form in question here. code...

Anyone know if this is a common issue with spry validation and if so, is there a workaround?

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JQuery :: Easing A Tabbed Widget In Wordpress?

Feb 6, 2011

I've read up on using easing and animate but am having trouble implementing into my tabbed widget in my wordpress sidebar (still under construction so no link). The widget works as is but I would like to instate easing into it.

I'm unsure whether to put the script code into header.php or where exactly though. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone know of a tut or how to incorporate jquery functions into a wordpress sidebar widget perhaps?

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JQuery :: Tabs - Created A Tabbed Item

Oct 9, 2009

I have created a tabbed item. There are 2 tabs on called first the other second. Now when tab1 is clicked it should show the tab1 item and the same for tab2. This is working however I have run into a little problem. Once the page loads it should show what is on the tabs which is also working fine. Now this page gets data from another source. When tab2 is clicked again it reloads the data that was already there, which I do not want to happen. Say for example if you were on tab1 reading a page and tab2 had a form to send in an email. If you were to switch to tab2 it would show the form. Now if you were to start filling in the form and click back on tab1 and then back on tab2 again it would reload that page and erase what you had already started. I do not want this to happen. Once the page loads I want the data to be static. Is this possible using the tab ui, and if so how?

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Hiding Tabbed Content On Page Load?

May 11, 2009

i've hit a brick wall with this one and hoping someone can help. I'm using a simple tabs script (a customised version of one that jimmyP and pmw57 came up with on this forum) and IE7 is giving me the dreaded flicker on page load where you can temporarily see the content of all the tabs, before the JS is executed and only one of the tabs is displayed. I think i'm not noticing it in FF and Safari simply because they're executed the page too quickly for me to notice.

The page can be seen here I thought I would be able to set .tabs to display:none in my main css file, then in the JS, simply use show() and hide() as necessary, but doing this hides everything for some reason, without restoring the desired tabs. I'm using jScrollpane in conjunction with my tabs script, so there may be a conflict there as there are so many divs being created dynamically.

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Spry Accordion Panel Flicker?

Jul 14, 2009

I have an issue with a spry accordion panel causing a flicker. The page is at: [URL] When I do a keyword search however and get a list of results, the flicker dissapears. It is flickering on some pages and not on others.

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Validating Form Using Spry Tools

Oct 22, 2011

I am having problem in validating my form using spry tools. The problem is that if I try to include any other validation other than spry along with spry validation the spry validation does not work.

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Paging Controls For A Spry Dataset

Oct 28, 2009

I'm using a .csv file as the basis for a spry dataset in Dreamweaver. I've got it working and the data is getting inserted into a table dynamically. Since there'll be quite a lot of rows in the table, I need some sort of paging controls so the user can see about 10 rows at a time and then page through the rest of the rows.[code]When I test though, I get the following error:"Failed to retrieve data set (dsHospPrivate) for spry:repeat".I wondered if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong? My javascript coding is really limited so I may have copied the wrong code blocks from the example in the abovementioned url.Also, I'm noticing that when the data comes in from the .csv file, any text that has an apostrophe in it, eg. children's - the apostrophe is not being rendered correctly in the browser, ie. it's being represented as a question mark in a triangle.

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