Set A Href Or Onclick Function For An "a" Element That Passes Information To The Function?

Jan 1, 2011

How can I set a href or onclick function for an "a" element that passes information to the function?I have a function showpage() that is called whenever one of a number of buttons are clicked. I need to pass information from the button clicked to that function.

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Hyperlink Onclick Passes Link Value To Function?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a parent/child scenario where the child is a pop-up "control panel" with hyperlinks that control the parent page. The idea is to click a link and it changes the parent to whatever URL ...BUT... the kicker here is that the parent page is in PHP and is receiving a value from the javascript function.I have everything working EXCEPT that I can't get the value from the hyperlink that i need to pass to the PHP.Everything I fund about getting values in JS involves a "getElementby ID" type of command, but that isn't going to work here because there are several hyperlinks. I'm also trying to avoid using an array and looping through it.I know this must be a simple problem for veteran Javascripters!HTML FROM CHILD (I made the ID and Value both "2" just for testing purposes):

<a href="#" class="leftlinks" onclick="updateParent(control)" id="2" value="2">CLICK HERE</a>
function updateParent(control) {


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Overriding '<a Href' With '<a OnClick' For JavaScript Function OpenWindow(URL) For Image And Link...

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone assist me with what I am trying to do with the following
code (six different scenarios to try to make the functionality work

I want to always (and ONLY) display in the status bar 'Symantec
Corporation' whenever anyone mouses over (onMouseOver) my image or
link OR when one clicks while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on
the same image or link. Upon releasing the mouse (onMouseOut), the
status bar should be 'blank'. I need the link to open in a new window
via my function openWindow(URL) code.

What is happening in most of the six scenarios, is that when one
clicks the link, either the function doesn't engage, but rather the <a
href= takes effect instead OR that status bar shows
'javascript:openWindow('');' when one clicks
while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on the image or link.

Additionally, for only the link, I need the CSS/style to show 'red'
when one mouses over (onMouseOver) it and then change to 'blue' upon
releasing the mouse (onMouseOut).

How about integrating 'style="cursor:hand"' into the code or perhaps
setting some of the data via a <div> or <span> snippet? Code:

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When A User Enters Information In Those Two Textboxes And Click On Submit, The Information Is Sent To A Function?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.

<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)


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OnClick Or OnMouseOver - Pulling Information From An Element Whose Id = 27...which Is Not What I'd Like?

Feb 4, 2011

I use mostly PHP with my office's website as it usually requires some interaction with the server. However, i would like to do something that does not,and figured JS should be able to take care of it.What i would like to do seems rather simple:I have a calendar. I would it to do one of two things:

1. Using onclick, when the user clicks on a date, i would like it to print something underneath the calendar. Similar to an error message that shows up on a login form if you type something wrong in a field using PHP (if(isset($whatever))).

2. Or using onMouseover, if the user hovers over a date that i have something special scheduled, i want a message to either pop up (alert()) or similar to #1, show up below the calendar.

While fiddling with it this afternoon i figured i was close, but i am missing something...

<td><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById("27").innerHTML='President's Day'; return false;">27</a></td>

But this seems to be pulling information from an element whose id = 27...which is not what i'd like..

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Element Onclick Property Function Not Work In IE

Dec 3, 2011

I'm writing a script that dynamically generates a menu table. Each TD has an onclick property which serves as a link. Everything works properly in other browsers since setAttribute onclick works. However, this function does not work in IE, and you're supposed to do this instead:
elementName.onClick = "blah";

Here's my code that works in all browsers but IE:
var truePath = "document.location.href=" + "'" + "/" + urls[i] + "'";
cell.onclick = truePath;

For IE, if I set the cell.onclick value to truePath, nothing happens when I click on the menu. However, it works fine in Firefox and Opera because of the setAttribute function. How I could get this to work in IE? My script is complete besides this part... I hate IE. Why can't they follow the rules?

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Toggle Visibility Of Element - OnClick Function

Sep 6, 2009

I found this little script and it works fine but the only thing is when the page first loads it displays the "This is foo" text. I would like it to not display the text until it is clicked. So instead of it displaying "This is foo" when the page loads I would like it to not display anything.

Here is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if( == 'block') = 'none';
else = 'block';
<a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('foo');">Click here to toggle visibility of element #foo</a>
<div id="foo">This is foo</div>

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JQuery :: Href In Output Code Causing $getJson() Function To Try To Load Up A File With Href In Url

Jul 12, 2010

I'm using the following code (simplified version) to call a Json file, parse it and on each iteration, create a div with an ID of "tab". I'm using this with jQuery UI .tab() to create a listing with entries which have three tabs. Anyhow, the principle seems to work except that when I examine what's happening behind the scenes using Firefox console, I see that each href in the html code produced is causing the Json function to re-fire using the href as it's url target.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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How To Pass Information Into Function

Feb 22, 2011

Javascript file
function show() {
if(dom.visibility == "visible")
dom.visibility = "hidden";
dom.visibility = "visible";
} CSS file .....

Html File
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN"
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js.js" type="text/javascript">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />

My goal is to have the four Javascript buttons toggle the four pictures on and off. I know my css is right. Since everything is placed where I want it and is hidden when the page loads. I believe everything in my html is right. I am reasonably sure I am passing the img id using the onclick function correctly. I think my problem is in the Javascript file. I am thinking I am not passing it into the function correctly.

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JQuery :: Function Browser Compatibility Information?

Dec 24, 2011

The following code works for Firefox but not on Chrome. Does anybody know what it doesn't work on Chrome. Is there a document on the browser compatibility info on each JQuery command.


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JQuery :: Passing Information To A .click Function?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a basic understanding of selecting elements and performing manipulations or effects, but I'm having real trouble grasping the basics of setting up variables, performing maths on variables and biggest of all, how you go about passing information from the HTML into a jquery function.

I have a site where clicking on any photo thumbnail brings up a full-screen lightbox to display the image full-size - I'm using the following to bring in the lightbox:

$("#lightbox").stop(true, false).animate({opacity:1},800);

This works just fine, I also have no problem re-assigning the SRC of a blank image within the lightbox to make sure the correct image renders, my problem is I just don't know how to generate or pass information into this function to begin with to act as a reference point so the code knows what image it should be displaying based on which thumbnail was clicked.

I don't need anything particularly clever, even if each thumbnail simply had a numerical figure associated with it (eg "4") which gave the function something to work with once it was fired - that would be enough.

I know how to do all this in regular JavaScript but I have to admit I'm finding the documentation for jquery really hard work, I'm having real problems grasping the fact that the functions aren't being triggered directly by the HTML.

Another solution would be to get the src of the image that was clicked on, split the string and pull out just the filename (ie 5.jpg) and then prepend a path to it for the final full size image ( largeimage/ + 5.jpg).

I know there are probably pre-made scripts for this kind of thing but I'd like to try and avoid them if possible.

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Object.onclick=function() - Function To Be Called That Tells The Browser Where That Image Is Located In An Object

Jul 11, 2011

I am making a small gallery script. When a user clicks an image, I would like for a function to be called that tells the browser where that image is located in an object. For example:


It works, I just don't like it because it is messy and it seems sensible that some workaround exists.

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Change Href Using A Function.

Jul 23, 2005

I have a button that change a number of images src's when I click a
button. The src's are stored in an array and I just use
document[imgName1].src=pics[0] to change the src of the image.
However I want the button to change the link as well to the image that
is displayed but i cannot get it to work. How do I do this. Could
someone tell me or point me in the direction of some code that will do

I would like to do it in a similar way to the pictures. i.e. have all
the links stored in an array and change them when the button is

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Passing Var To Function Within A Href?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to trigger a function when the user clicks on an image. The function will test for whether a variable passed to it is empty or not and branch accordingly. The image has an <a href> behind it that triggers the function OK, but I cant seem to pass a variable to the function. The variable contains a value from a database field, and I think it is probably a syntax thing because if I set the variable to contain a string instead (i.e. b = 'this works') within the <a href> it works OK. So the problem may be with setting the variable to contain the database field value within the <a href> here's the code:

"<center><a href=""javascript:void(null)"" onClick=""goConfirm(b);"" b = ""<%=RS(8)%>;"" title=""Get map (open new window or tab)"" ><IMG src=""images/bt_compass.gif"" border=""0"" /></center></a>"


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Multiple Function Href

May 7, 2007

I would like to do multiple functions on one onclick, then go to a new page.
Here is my attempt using one function to do two things. Suggestions please

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function submitform()
default_b.php?action=add_item&id=<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>&qty=1">

<form name="form" action="">
<input type='checkbox' name='chk'>

<A href="#" onClick=" submitform();return false;">Add Item</A>

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Why Href Does Not Work With This Function

Jun 20, 2010

I've a problem with this ajax function, the url doesn't actualize. I want to see the hash in url, but with the function it's not possible. Why?The code I use in php is:


<br><a href="#nosotros" onClick="FAjax('nosotros.php' ,'capaContenedora','','get'); return false"><b>nosotros</b></a>

And the function is:


function FAjax (url,capa,valores,metodo)
var ajax=creaAjax();
var capaContenedora = document.getElementById(capa);


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Ajax :: Modification - Function To Load Text File Information From The Server

Sep 24, 2011

I have been successfully using the following "myAjax" function to load text file information from the server.


After I load the text file, I store the text "records" into an array by doing something like this:

Where the '}' character is my record delimiter. It could just as easily be ' ' or ' ' or the like.

Again, I am not having any problems doing it this way as it suits my current needs.

Now the question(s)

1. Does the call to read the text data from the external file always read in the entire contents or can I read one line or delimited record at a time and store it to the array directly without the text storage?

2. If the text is always read completely (my suspicion), can I safely delete the "TextInformation" after I convert to the array format? Is there any memory penalty for doing it this way as the text information can be somewhat lengthly and I don't like the idea of having doubled memory usage when I only need the information in array format anyway?

This is the idea I am considering, but I don't know if there are drawback to this method of if there is a better way to accomplish the task.


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Change Href And Title From Function?

Dec 17, 2010

I am having a problem changing HREF and Text of a link from javascript. My code is as colos <a href="javascript:Action(9,'remove');" id="thelink">Remove</a>

And the javascript code is:


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Calling Function Using Href Not Working In IE8?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a page that loads various "applications" into an iframe inside the main page. One of the applications loaded calls a javascript function that is loaded with the "application" page. It works great in Safari, Chrome & Firefox but error's out in IE8 - "Object doesn't support this action". Have other calls that work but this one is the only one that uses href

<div id = 'trainingsubmitbutton' style='display:none;'><a href='javascript: submitdata(0)'>Submit This Record</a></div>

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JQuery :: Carry The HREF Of A Link Through Function?

Nov 18, 2010

I should not be coding, to be honest, I know nothing about it ...

I have a link:

<a href="linkedfile.html">LINK</a>

I want the HREF value to be carried through my jQuery function. The function goes as follows:

User clicks link Linked icons fade out and reappear smaller at the top of the page Link HREF is followed

The new page will have the logos in the same place as they fade out too and content will appear in a frame below. However, I am clueless when it comes to Ajax and jQuery and would really like to learn, hence why I am using it. How do I carry the HREF through? Or are there better ways to do it?

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Include "location.href = URL In A Function?

Aug 28, 2010

I am so lost with JavaScript functions. How do you include "location.href = URL in a JavaScript function?

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Having A Link Which Runs A Js Function (acceptable To Have No Href?)

Jul 17, 2006

question: if you want a link which simply runs a js function is it acceptable to have no href? the problem with this is the cursor doesnt change when you hover over, but if you put # as the href it jumps to the top of the screen which is sometimes unacceptable. what it the best solution to this? granted you could do event handling behind the scenes and just intercept the clicks and prevent the href from going anywhere, but sometimes you just want to stick an onclick on the anchor tag!

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JQuery :: Click Function Of Anchor Tag Not Working With Href Other Than #?

Jul 25, 2011

I started with the simplest step - the hide() function:


It worked fine as long as the href attribute of the anchor tag was '#'. Then I tried using href other than '#' and ran into a problem. I just changed the href to:

<a id="p" href="test.php">Click me</a><br />
<div id="HiddenDiv">Testing mate</div>

test.php is the page in which both these sections (html and jquery) are present, so like a postback to the same page.

This method didn't work and on clicking the anchor tag, the div stayed visible.

I then tried theevent.preventDefault(); method and that worked.

So I experimented more. I tried using the hide function on a dynamic link, something like test.php?a=1.

I ran into a problem again. The div remained visible on clicking that link.

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Can I Pass The Name Of A Javascript Function To A Page Opened With An Href

May 26, 2007

I'm not sure whether or not this is possible, but I want to have control over the Javascript function that is called when a target web page is opened (ie as the onload function in its <body> tag). In other words, the calling page will have several <a href ...> tags referencing the same page, each specifying a different onload function. Is it possible to effectively pass a parameter in this way? I have not been able to find any solution to this.

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JQuery :: Moderately Complex Function - Apply The Href Attribute

Feb 1, 2011

This isn't working. I'm using the code below to try to apply the href attribute of the first td in a row with class DataFormListTDDataGridItem and apply it to all td elements in that row (effectively want to make entire row clickable and direct it to the href specified by the href attribute in the first td of the row) -

Table looks like this -

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Handle A Callback Event Before It Performs The Default Href Function?

Mar 1, 2010

how to handle a callback of an event, before it performs the default href function.

<a href = '<?php $url ?>' onclick = myFunction(); return true;>Click Here</a>

I want the onclick event to finish completing and then perform the default href function, which is denoted by the "return true". The javascript "myFunction()" opens a window in a pop-up and it has a submit button in it. I would like to wait till this page loads in the pop-up window and only after the user clicks on the close button, the default href function needs to be carried out. I cannot figure out on how to get the callback from this event.

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