Change Href And Title From Function?
Dec 17, 2010
I am having a problem changing HREF and Text of a link from javascript. My code is as colos <a href="javascript:Action(9,'remove');" id="thelink">Remove</a>
And the javascript code is:
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a button that change a number of images src's when I click a
button. The src's are stored in an array and I just use
document[imgName1].src=pics[0] to change the src of the image.
However I want the button to change the link as well to the image that
is displayed but i cannot get it to work. How do I do this. Could
someone tell me or point me in the direction of some code that will do
I would like to do it in a similar way to the pictures. i.e. have all
the links stored in an array and change them when the button is
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Aug 8, 2011
This page: [URL] seems to indicate that it's possible, but it looks like it also pops up an alert window which would be annoying as hell. Is there a way to, say, once every minute change the title bar text?
You see I have a text file of rotating slogans that appear each time you reload a page on my site and someone suggested that having them change even when the page is already open might be fun. I thought I'd look into it and see if it's possible. The site is [URL]
I don't know enough about javascript to know if this is possible. I am fairly good at implementing and installing other people's code, though, and can usually make minor changes to tweak things.
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May 9, 2011
I'm trying to replace the value of href attribute of an element with the title attribute of that same element. The code pasted below works to some extent, but the last line doesn't.
jQuery(".ngg-gallery-thumbnail a").each(function (arr){
if (jQuery(this).attr("alt").substr(0,5)=="Video"){
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm using the following code (simplified version) to call a Json file, parse it and on each iteration, create a div with an ID of "tab". I'm using this with jQuery UI .tab() to create a listing with entries which have three tabs. Anyhow, the principle seems to work except that when I examine what's happening behind the scenes using Firefox console, I see that each href in the html code produced is causing the Json function to re-fire using the href as it's url target.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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Jul 20, 2005
How do you change the title within <title> and </title> by JS?
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Jan 18, 2011
I have created a simple slideshow/ gallery.There are five small pictures with titles below the slideshow.How can I get the title box above the slide show to change according to the selected picture.Been playing with it but nothing seems to work.[code]
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Aug 19, 2011
I'll try and keep this as short as possible (honest), scenario is this... I have a "price comparison" website which looks for deals via a php? query string url and returns the results as an Iframe inserted into a static "show" template page. Unfortunately that gives me 1000+ pages with duplicate title and meta descriptions...
What I'm trying to do is grab (server-side, from returned iframe content) a certain element of text (e.g. first (b)text to change/insert title and use the same text to insert in front of my description (i.e. description="grabbed text" blah blah blah
I know basic html and css etc and have started reading up on Jquery, but thats it... I'm not a programmer, so having asked question on a couple of forums and "googled" relevant topics, I've only got confusing info... most pointing towards Jquery, ajax etc. Thing is everyone goes "tech-speak" on me, might as well be martian...
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Apr 23, 2010
I have the following codes but I can see that the dialog title not being set. How can I change the title of the dialog box. The alerts clearly shows that the title are the new values passed. Only they are not being displayed as the title in the dialog box. How can I make it work?
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Aug 1, 2011
Is it possible to get an Iframe to change the tab Favicon & Title with Javascript?
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Jul 15, 2011
One my website its one index page, putting in content depending on the link (ie ?page=xxxxx) and from that it generats the page name, (Page name - MySite). I also have an AJAX search form working on keyup (kinda like google autosearch). I want it so when i start typing there it changes the title to Search - MySite. Then when its empty revert to what ever it was before. I already have the AJAX coding for the search bar.
Also i need to check if its on the homepage or not, and if not load the homepage (currently done by php include), does javascript have an equivelant of php's include?
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Feb 15, 2011
Is there a way to dynamically generate a certain image via js based on the title of the webpage? like for instance....
If not is there any other way to dynamically generate specific images on specific pages via .js?
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May 26, 2011
I need to be able to change the variable in this line d.addBusDays(3); from the code below, based on the page title.
For example. Page Title 1 = 3 .... Page Title 2 = 6 .... Page Title 3 = 12
<p align="center"><br><b>Est. Shipping Date:</b><br> <br>
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Aug 8, 2010
i would like to write a script which will change title of my opera window after opera completely loads web page.i have a working script:
// ==UserScript==
// @name loaded
// @namespace my
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Jul 20, 2005
I am using some javascript code to change an image on an html page. I would
like the user to click on the image to bring them to another page. I need to
change an href to include an id value based on the image.
Here's the process:
1. select an image from a drop down list.
2. view the image on the same page.
3. click on the image to bring user to another page.
Here's my attempt at it:
function nextimg() {
txtString =
document.image1.src = txtString.substring(txtString.lastIndexOf("&") + 1);
document.frmPic.href="details.asp?id=" & txtString;
I also think that txtString is not what I need. I believe it is a text
string (12345.jpg). So I will need to parse the string as well to get the
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Sep 9, 2010
I want to add a small but informative weather widget to one of my web sites. Having searched around, most are either too big or too simple.
I did find "one" that I liked but it links to a lame page. I would rather have no link rather than the one provided. The widget I like is a simple javascript "include file" similar to this one:
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a simple image gallery consisting of an image with smaller thumbnails below that change on click which works fine.I now decided to change a link along with the gallery image source on click, but can't really get it working.Here is my code to swap the image to the clicked thumbnail image:
jQuery("ul.thumb li a").click(function() {
var mainImage = jQuery(this).attr("href");
jQuery("#main_view img").attr({ src: mainImage });
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Apr 30, 2009
there is a text box in a html page... When a user writes "23 April" And click "Go" and then an excel file should get open named "23 April.xls" and if user write any other date than it should open file with name of that same date with the extension .xls And also if there is any date picker to insert a date in the text box but in the format dd mmmm, eg. "14 March"
Now I have a code where i have a text box and a go buttom and if a click write anything and click go button then i will directed to the xls file with the name written in the text box.... BUT I AM NOT ABLE TO LINK A DATE PICKER TO THE TEXT BOX WHICH INSERTS THE DATE IN THE dd mmmm FORMAT Eg: 23 April
The thing is i am trying to create an intranet website for my office use only with the help html.. now on one of the page I need a link for the weekly based data stored in excel files... the name of those files are "Schedule for Week 04th May to 10th May.xls" So I need a popup calendar to insert a date and when a button click is hit then the above metioned file should open...
The above mentioned file has the date for the first and the last day of the week.. where the week starts on monday...
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Nov 24, 2005
I am in a problems here trying to generate link by two dropdown boxes. So, I wanted it to be like when user selects some option from dropdown one the href attribute changes, index.php?staticvar=something&dynvar1=something, that is something I have already managed to do:
function change_href(id)
if (id != '')
var dynvar1 = document.getElementById("s"+id).value;
document.getElementById(id).href = "index.php?staticvar="+id+"&dynvar1="+dynvar1;
return false;
This works perfectly for me, but now I need to modify the href with another variable, so it would be needed to be like:
The problem is that I don't know how to make it the way that user can change their selections, for example if user first selects (from dropdown) dynvar1 to be "test" and dynvar2 to be "test3", but then changes hes mind and decides to re-select dynvar2 to be "test4". It would be needed to be like only the dynvar2 part of the href changes with proper value (not changing the dynvar1 or staticvar).
I managed to make it changeable but it was like this:
So, it didn't update the dynvar2 part, but instead just added another dynvar2 variable.
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to change the location of the parent window and after
that scroll a little bit (because of "position:fixed" css buttons,
which obscure the title).
I have
window.opener.location.href = "newhreflabel";
window.opener.scrollBy(0, -25);
The newhreflabel may point to the same document or load
a new one (another chapter).
There is a problem is with timing, T think I need to
serialize those two instructions.
However, the window.opener.document.onload does not seem to
be trigered by href change. Is there any other way how to
do it - or I have ti all wrong?
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Dec 17, 2010
I am having a problem changing HREF and Text of a link from javascript.
My code is as colos
And the javascript code is:
At first page load, it works fine. But then the link text nor its href don't change.
What could be the error?
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Jul 19, 2011
I have 2 textfields and I need to change a link href based on whatever is in those textfields.
The link has to be in this format:
The reason for this is I need to launch fancybox and as far as im aware this is the best way to call it.
So what im hoping is when I add type something in textfield1 this will be reflected in the url. And same for textfield2. I know this can be done easily if I submit the page but I dont want that.
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Jul 22, 2011
Sounds simple right? Why the heck doesn't this code work?
links = document.links;
for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
links[i].onclick= "this.href = 'whatever.html'";
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Mar 25, 2001
I was wondering if I could change the text of a link with a JavaScript. I want to set it up with a JavaScript function so that when A link is clicked on, the text of that link changes and it points to a different function.
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm pretty green to jQuery. I have a .load() calling in some content that has some links within it. After that content is loaded, am I able to change the attributes of those links? This is how I'm loading in the content:
$(".maincontent").load(pages[0] + '?' + tsTimeStamp + ' .maincontent');
Which contains:
<a class="table_button0" href="#"></a>
<a class="table_button1" href="#"></a>
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a table that is populated row and column headers, and data of course, I need to convert one of the row headers to a href that will reference a more detailed report. I have already gotten the parent/child relationship needed to pinpoint the data in that one cell but I can't figure out how to change it to a href using javaScript.
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