JQuery :: Passing Information To A .click Function?
Apr 18, 2011
I have a basic understanding of selecting elements and performing manipulations or effects, but I'm having real trouble grasping the basics of setting up variables, performing maths on variables and biggest of all, how you go about passing information from the HTML into a jquery function.
I have a site where clicking on any photo thumbnail brings up a full-screen lightbox to display the image full-size - I'm using the following to bring in the lightbox:
$("#lightbox").stop(true, false).animate({opacity:1},800);
This works just fine, I also have no problem re-assigning the SRC of a blank image within the lightbox to make sure the correct image renders, my problem is I just don't know how to generate or pass information into this function to begin with to act as a reference point so the code knows what image it should be displaying based on which thumbnail was clicked.
I don't need anything particularly clever, even if each thumbnail simply had a numerical figure associated with it (eg "4") which gave the function something to work with once it was fired - that would be enough.
I know how to do all this in regular JavaScript but I have to admit I'm finding the documentation for jquery really hard work, I'm having real problems grasping the fact that the functions aren't being triggered directly by the HTML.
Another solution would be to get the src of the image that was clicked on, split the string and pull out just the filename (ie 5.jpg) and then prepend a path to it for the final full size image ( largeimage/ + 5.jpg).
I know there are probably pre-made scripts for this kind of thing but I'd like to try and avoid them if possible.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)
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Jun 9, 2010
my first attempt to post seems to either have been rejected or simply gone into the cyber void.
I currently have a link on a webpage as follows:
<a href="#" id="loadData"><img src="images/bookcase.png" alt="" width="114" height="167" border="0"></a>
which is picked up by
which then executes:
.load("subgenre.php" , function() etc
What I want to be able to do, however, is pass a parameter to the php script, along the lines of:
.load("subgenre.php?param=" + passedParam , function() etc
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Sep 30, 2011
I am using jqueryUI dialog, and want to pass some data to it. data() seems the best method, right? The following works. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog-delete").data('row','Hello').dialog("open");}); Now instead of just passing a single value, I want to pass an element. I tried the following, but am obviously doing something wrong. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog- elete").data('row',$(this).parent()).dialog("open");});
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Aug 3, 2011
I have a DOM click event that creates a <span>. When the user clicks a button, it turns that <span> into a textarea that the user can type a new name in, press enter, and then the span contains the text the user input. Sort of like when you rename a file in Windows Explorer.
Anyway, the code is something like this, and I'm wondering if I can use 'area_el' in this way... right now it's giving me the error that area_el is undefined, even though I define it in the function that contains the Event declaration.The first part is the Dom stuff to make it all work. It's not stuff I need to mess with, but I'm putting it here in case it's useful.
var Dom = {
get: function(el)
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Sep 8, 2005
I am doing this:
to send information to another page.
However, I don't want that second page to show up or display in any way.
There is only behind-the-scenes work going on in that page.
How do I pass the information to that page so that it is only processed and
does not launch a window?
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Jan 15, 2009
ok lets see if i can explain this correctly...
i have a div up here and the id is inuse it chooses the first selection automatically to use
below that is a "menu" when one of the items are clicked it moves the information pulled via php from whichever one is clicked to the inuse div... as you can tell i am new to js and am trying to start out doing some different things with menu onlick items etc..
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm looking for a snippet of code. I am not sure what it is called, so I will have to describe it by example: I have a vertical navigation via styled <ul> like below (let's pretend this is a styled vertical navigation lol) Activities
+ Party at the Party Place
+ Concert at the Stadium
+ Stand-up Comedy at the Funny Place
So we have three "links" above, each listing an "activity". However, I want to provide more details about each activity. I wish to provide more details when the user clicks on the link. Like so:
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Dec 24, 2011
The following code works for Firefox but not on Chrome. Does anybody know what it doesn't work on Chrome. Is there a document on the browser compatibility info on each JQuery command.
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Mar 22, 2008
Do u know of any free javascript script that will popup as a bubble with some information on it when I click on any form element in a page?
I can show you an example of what I want:
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Aug 23, 2009
I was using this:
But now I want to use the JQuery:
How do I pass the parameter to the function? Would I set an attribute and read it with[att=XXX] where the attribute is the echo'd $Region or is there a better way?
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Mar 16, 2010
I got a pretty large function, one that could essentially be condensed (if you feel so inclined). I would like to know how I can get my if statements inside the toggle functions working properly. I have 4 functions and 2 of them are click functions for closing (display:none). I would like to pass a listener to the toggle funciton to listen for the $close.click(). The if statement in the toggle functions is not doing anything.
<script type="text/javascript" >
var $contactLink = $("#contactLink");
var $contactBox = $("#contact-container");
var $qrLink = $("#qrLink");
var $qrBox = $("#qr-container");
var $qrBack = $("#qrBack");
var $contactBack = $("#contactBack");
alert('here'); .....
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Jan 6, 2012
I have a lot of similar instances of the following code on my page:
$('#btnEditParty').click(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "WardAdmin.aspx/GetParty",
I'd like to create a generic function to save repeating a lot of code and then just pass in the relevant values.
I'm fine with that, the only thing I'm not sure about is if/how I can pass in a function name to be called on success/fail.
This post is where I was doing something similar to save repeated code: [URL]
In a similar way is there a way of passing in a function name to be called on success?
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a script that's dimming the page by appending a black transparent canvas element to the body, positioning it over the page with a high z-index, and then using clearRect to cut out the sections of canvas element so that certain sections of the actual site show through..I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to pass a click through the canvas and onto whatever would accept it if the canvas wasn't in the way so a user can edit the text.
My first choice was hiding the canvas on mousedown, and then listening for mouseup for everything underneath. but it looks terrible to have that 200ms flicker. can a trigger() be used to emulate a click at a certain (pageX,pageY)? the last option i can think of would be adding 30 divs and duplicate the punched-out canvas..but that seems like a lot of math, does anyone know of a plugin that does this? a reverse blockUI
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Feb 22, 2011
Javascript file
function show() {
if(dom.visibility == "visible")
dom.visibility = "hidden";
dom.visibility = "visible";
} CSS file .....
Html File
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN"
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js.js" type="text/javascript">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
My goal is to have the four Javascript buttons toggle the four pictures on and off. I know my css is right. Since everything is placed where I want it and is hidden when the page loads. I believe everything in my html is right. I am reasonably sure I am passing the img id using the onclick function correctly. I think my problem is in the Javascript file. I am thinking I am not passing it into the function correctly.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have issue with passin value between functions:
id = 'test';
id = '#Mobil';
I am getting from console.log right value "#Mobil" but $(id) has value "Test". I need there also value "#Mobil".
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Jan 1, 2011
How can I set a href or onclick function for an "a" element that passes information to the function?I have a function showpage() that is called whenever one of a number of buttons are clicked. I need to pass information from the button clicked to that function.
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Sep 24, 2011
I have been successfully using the following "myAjax" function to load text file information from the server.
After I load the text file, I store the text "records" into an array by doing something like this:
Where the '}' character is my record delimiter. It could just as easily be ' ' or ' ' or the like.
Again, I am not having any problems doing it this way as it suits my current needs.
Now the question(s)
1. Does the call to read the text data from the external file always read in the entire contents or can I read one line or delimited record at a time and store it to the array directly without the text storage?
2. If the text is always read completely (my suspicion), can I safely delete the "TextInformation" after I convert to the array format? Is there any memory penalty for doing it this way as the text information can be somewhat lengthly and I don't like the idea of having doubled memory usage when I only need the information in array format anyway?
This is the idea I am considering, but I don't know if there are drawback to this method of if there is a better way to accomplish the task.
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Nov 30, 2010
The following scenario:
var myobject = new object (settings);
$('#button').click(function () {
//execute a method from myobject (usually called with "this.methodName(),")
I don't know how to pass myobject to the anonymous jquery function. But I cannot execute the method without referencing it. How can I get this done?
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Aug 15, 2010
if this is such a obvious question, but i'm kind of newbie in JQuery, i am using a lightpop plugin, & i want to pass 'image_path' via html. lightpop plugin code is something like this:
jQuery.browser = jQuery.extend(
{chrome: /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent)} ,
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Jul 12, 2011
I am facing a problem in passing replace() function as an argument in user defined java function.
intention is to pass a file path to my user defined function, but before passing the path i want to replace the character '' to '\'
I am posting my javascript function here:
<a href="#" onclick="OpenDocPreview('<%# Eval("PATH")%>'.replace(/\/g,"\\"), '<%# Eval("Filename")%>')"><%# Eval("DocTitle") %></a>
function OpenDocPreview(url, docname) {
alert('message from search base : ' + url + ' ' + docname);
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Jun 27, 2009
I had a script that was acting unexpectedly because of a function parameter. I was trying to pass a jquery object through a function to attach some events. I was wondering if someone could tell me why this
didn't fly:
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Jul 20, 2011
I know its a cliche but I am new to JQuery. I have seen many posts about passing function as parameter but none is what I am looking for. Not too sure if its possible but no harm asking.I have a function that trigger a modal
function InitNewModal(URI,Title,Width,Height,Params)
// Begin modal function
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Apr 1, 2011
Am I able to pass a function literal (at least I think that's what it's called) to a jquery event handler, and retrieved the event details in the function?
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Feb 8, 2010
i have this problem in passing values to a variable in a jquery function.
i have a js variable that accepts a certain value and then i want to pass this variable in the jquery function.
For example, this is my script:
var autoScrollBool = "true"
var autoScroolInt = "10" (seconds)
i want to replace the value of autostep: {enable:true to enable: utoScrollBool(the variable i created) , when i tried to assign it as is, its not working.
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Jul 16, 2010
I am trying to use jQuery to populate a number of divs with html from external blog pages:
for(var i = 1;i<=3;i++){
I understand that the 'i' variable is out of the scope of the inline function but I really don't know any other way of doing this.
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