Can I Pass The Name Of A Javascript Function To A Page Opened With An Href
May 26, 2007
I'm not sure whether or not this is possible, but I want to have control over the Javascript function that is called when a target web page is opened (ie as the onload function in its <body> tag). In other words, the calling page will have several <a href ...> tags referencing the same page, each specifying a different onload function. Is it possible to effectively pass a parameter in this way? I have not been able to find any solution to this.
every time i try something it doesn't work for me :( god why is this javascript so hard to make it work... anyway, i just followed the guidelines to pass values from one page to another using ? and it simply, like always, DOES NOT work .
Problem: I have 10 links on my webpage which opens different media files. When I embed all those media files my webpage takes too much time to load.
My requirement: To overcome this what I need is I will place 10 different hypertexts (images), which when clicked will open another page (Play_Chord.html) in which the media file will be played. Opening a window on click is easy but where I am stuck is I need to pass the value (media file name) to the new window (which will open) so that it can play that media file.
My Code (Main.html)
<html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function OpenPlayer(File_Name) {
I'm working on a project where we're using JavaScript to let users swap styles on a page. To accomplish this, I'm calling the script via href="javascript:swapcss()" on the switch styles button.
Some pages on the site have anchor links. On those pages, if someone swaps styles without hitting any of the anchor links, all is well. But if someone hits an anchor link and then hits the swap button (at this point the URL is pageid.html#anchor), the page just reloads to their anhor point without swapping styles.
Does anyone have a workaround handy? I've tried several alternatives I've found online (href="#" onClick="action"; href="javascript void(0)" ). Nothing works for this case yet. Code:
Can anyone assist me with what I am trying to do with the following code (six different scenarios to try to make the functionality work correctly)?
I want to always (and ONLY) display in the status bar 'Symantec Corporation' whenever anyone mouses over (onMouseOver) my image or link OR when one clicks while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on the same image or link. Upon releasing the mouse (onMouseOut), the status bar should be 'blank'. I need the link to open in a new window via my function openWindow(URL) code.
What is happening in most of the six scenarios, is that when one clicks the link, either the function doesn't engage, but rather the <a href= takes effect instead OR that status bar shows 'javascript:openWindow('');' when one clicks while holding the left mouse down (onClick) on the image or link.
Additionally, for only the link, I need the CSS/style to show 'red' when one mouses over (onMouseOver) it and then change to 'blue' upon releasing the mouse (onMouseOut).
How about integrating 'style="cursor:hand"' into the code or perhaps setting some of the data via a <div> or <span> snippet? Code:
i had write my code by using php language and i would like to pass in an array that generated by using php programming language from a select box through the onchange method.
i had try it but it cant be pass in. how should i code it?
I was wanting to build a javascript error checker function for several forms. Because each form has different inputs (ie, text, radio, select) i'm trying to figure out a way to pass some dynamic data to the function.
The way i'm currently doing it is by passing a long string to the JS function and then tokenising it into element names. However this is going to get very messy ....
I was thinking that, using PHP, i could build a list of the objects to be checked.
Is it possible to pass a PHP array to a Javascript function ...
So i've got in PHP
$array= {field1,field2,field3}
Which i want to pass (in a some manner)
<form name = 'formName' onsubmit='errorChecker(formName, $array)'
I'm using the following code (simplified version) to call a Json file, parse it and on each iteration, create a div with an ID of "tab". I'm using this with jQuery UI .tab() to create a listing with entries which have three tabs. Anyhow, the principle seems to work except that when I examine what's happening behind the scenes using Firefox console, I see that each href in the html code produced is causing the Json function to re-fire using the href as it's url target.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>
I have a page with dozens of anchored links. When you click on the link, the appropriate div becomes visible. Each div contains an image. Because each DIV has a large image associated with it, it takes entirely too long for the page to load. I would like to set the IMG SRC inside of the div when they click. Each anchor href is the exact same name as the image to be loaded - so #dali would contain dali.jpg. How dow I pass the HREF minus the hash mark (#)? This is as far as I've gotten:
Pass variable to jQuery function in another page? I have what I think is a simple question but I can't find an answer. I have two html pages - one.html, two html. [URL] one.html contains a jquery function that alerts the variable it is passed.
The problem is I want to call and pass the variable from another html page - two.html How can I call and pass a variable to the jQuery function in one.html from two.html ?
This is for uploadify script for previewing an image that is uploaded, it creates the link fine, but won't trigger the function "del_image" unless I delete the parameters in the onclick, which leads me to believe it is something to do with my quoting. Here is the function:
I have a "Page A" that opens up a popupwindow called oImageDetail....
lets say the page opens the popup, and the visitor leaves the popup there a way to verify that it exists in a given "Page B" or something like that?
or is it not possible because of the window wasnt opened thru that Page B?
I am using Jquery Superbox to open a page in an iframe in a lightwindow. My problem is that Google will index and link to them individually. If people land on them they don't get the menu and stuff... But they should redirect to my original page if you land on them. And there open the lightwindow and then load the requested page in the iframe.
I allready found a script here that will redirect the pages and display them (if there would be an iframe in my page from the start). But I don't know how I can open the lightwindow first and then open the page in the iframe.
I'll attach a zip with an example page of my code so you have something to mess around with... It's just this code, nothing else...
Suppose I have multiple pages, and one javascript file (the js file is available to all pages). Using a javascript function I open a new window from first page. Script looks like this:
What I would like to do is close this window as soon as other pages load. Suppose user clicks a menu and that load a new page. But I would like to close the child window after the 2nd page load. Is it possible to close the window in the second page with the name (using the same java script, or may be use another java script)?
I have checked the similiar questions and tried putting overflow on the ui.dialog class but the flash on the page is still being shown when the dialog is opened. My jquery skills are not good at all, how can I hide the flash?
i have a really stupid problem with this line of code: location.href = "showreport.php?id=" + sText;
sText is an id of a job that's running on the server.
Showreport.php retrieves the job and outputs the result in HTML. At the same time job is removed from the server.
What happens is that some browsers (IE 6 mostly) like to GET the showreport.php TWICE. Of course the second time there is no job any more and the result returned is of zero length, which is very unpleasant ;-)
Headers sent by the browsers are (1st call): Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */* Accept-Language: sl Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: veliswork Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: PHPSESSID=tsghl22ijg4f6ba7a2mthggun6
Headers sent by the browsers are (2nd call): Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Host: veliswork Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: PHPSESSID=tsghl22ijg4f6ba7a2mthggun6
Note the Accept tag. What's even more interesting, the accept tag of IE 6.0 that does not request twice is: Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
Note the (still) absent application/pdf, which is the target content here.
Can somebody explain to me, why two calls and if that can be prevented. I can reduce the problem by keeping the job for another minute or so, but these jobs tend to be rather large (>10MB RAM usage) when large reports are generated.
I am using some javascript code to change an image on an html page. I would like the user to click on the image to bring them to another page. I need to change an href to include an id value based on the image.
Here's the process:
1. select an image from a drop down list. 2. view the image on the same page. 3. click on the image to bring user to another page.
I also think that txtString is not what I need. I believe it is a text string (12345.jpg). So I will need to parse the string as well to get the "12345".
For ease of future modifications on my page, I want to have a list of URLs stored in an Array, and I want to then use these URLs in an href tag. Something like this:
How is something like this possible, as well as being fairly crossplatform, and intuitive? I've changed the syntax, and tried various other things to no avail.
I was wondering if I could change the text of a link with a JavaScript. I want to set it up with a JavaScript function so that when A link is clicked on, the text of that link changes and it points to a different function.
I use NETSCAPE established a catalog page in XML, which uses Javascript-DOM to add, remove and sort the products by their prices. But which Javascript function should I use in order to save the modified page into local hard disk? to sort products as well.
I am looking for a generic javascript function to identify the form with in which a element exists, thus developer can avoid coding like document.forms[index].submit() - where they are sure, they want the form with in which this element exists is to be submitted. This way when forms are introduced at top level the code can remain unchanged, else every form introduce above in the DOM will result in increasing the index by one.
The code is given below. While doing so i am stuck with 2 problems P1: In the code, you can see i am giving a explicit 'break' in the code. If i don't do so the code seems to be looping. Obviously i am missing some basic.
P2: I am able to pass 'this' for anchor element by name="xy" <a href="#" name="xy"
in its onclick function by which, in the javascript function i move up the DOM.
While i am unable to do that on the anchor element given below since this function is now on the href attribute.
I want to call java function in javascript.In which we pass one parameter to function and its returns String value which I want to display in alert message.