Javascript Function To Save The Modified Page Into Local Hard Disk...
Nov 13, 2002
I use NETSCAPE established a catalog page in XML, which uses Javascript-DOM to add, remove and sort the products by their prices. But which Javascript function should I use in order to save the modified page into local hard disk? to sort products as well.
What is the correct way to incorporate a .js file into an HTML file *IF* the .js file on a hard disk?
What I have tried is listed below but it does not work... When trying to access a function module in one of the .js files, I get an error that the function module is not defined (which would lead me to believe that it is not being imported with the .js "src" instruction.
I have recently worked on a flash based learning course and built functionality where users throughout the course can type in their own notes based on the course, and they can revisit these everytime they launch the course, the functionality is simply using flash cookies to store the notes on the users machine. I wanted to build functionality so that they could then save these notes to their hard disk and e-mail them on. To do this I call a javascript function from flash which opens a new webpage, passes through the notes from flash and uses document.write to write the notes to the new webpage. Then the user Saves (as web page html only) to save a copy to their machine.
The problem is I want to do this web page up a bit more, add graphics etc. but if I save as web page html only it won't include any images I add to the html page, and if I change it so that they save as (Web Page Complete) rather than write the webpage out with the notes it will write the webpage with the code document.write(string) but as this is on the users hard disk now string will be undefined as it no longer run alongside the course. Is their any other way anyone can think of doing this type of functionality, I am trying to stay away from using PHP
what to do to retain values of a webpage even after saving the webpage on the local disk? i have developed my webpages in dreamweaver cs4 also my webpages are using opera 10.10 as default browser and one more thing i cant migrate it to any other browser.
Is there a way to scan files on a local hard drive using Javascript? I'm trying to create a GUI for a program using html and js. As such the html files will only be accessed from the local machine using Firefox. I would like to avoid using server-side scripts, as I want to use this on a computer without server software installed. My overall objective is I want the javascript to scan all files (data plots I've made) in a directory on the local machine. The JS would create a list of possible dates based on which files were found, the user would then select the date which would then display the corresponding plot.
Is it possible to download the jQuery API documentation to my local hard-drive? If so, I don't need to connect the Internet every time when I want to refer the API docs.
Basically, I want a page to load, and then every 5 seconds be able to check a file to see if it has been modified since the last time the page loaded. If it has refresh, if not then wait 5 more seconds. Is this possible using javascript?
I would like to create a html E-test form run on PC and the data will save into a file on disk. I search online for this function code but found that most the script only save the cookie, is it possible for javascript save form data to file? Here is the ideal for my survay form,
1. user click "start" button for the e-test,
2. user need to finish the e-test with in 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the form will auto submit and the data will save into file,
3. me will go to the file folder open it and print out the qestion and anwser.
4. The file will be detele after i print out and the next user can do the e-test again.
I got the time counter and the auto submit script. but i just have no ideal how to save the data into file.
I have found a useful script at [URL] which shows the date a page was last modified. I have put it at [URL] where it works perfectly. But the same script with a PHP file extension as here [URL] only shows the current time. There is no PHP in the page, but somehow the PHP processor seems to be upsetting it.
Apparently, ` new Date() ` reads it correctly, though problems can occur if the browser returns only two digits for the year. In particular, time zone, field order and separators may vary. It is also reliant on the server's clock having been correctly set at the time of upload. See the URL below.
When you right click on a link you get the option to save target as...(ie) and save link as...(netscape). Is there some JavaScript to call this function like the JavaScript to open a new window?
When I use document.location.reload() it seems to reload all the images and the css file and it's slow.
I want to reload the page and change the anchor in the url. But when I do document.location = "" No reload happens because it's already on that url.
Is there any way to reload the current page and change the #anchor without forcing the reload of the images/css?
The original page is visible for a very short moment, before the modifications done with the javascript are visible. This is logic to me, sinceI add my javascriptat the end of the page, as recomended. For the user it is a little confusing. Is there a way that the user sees only the page with the javascript modifications?
I'm searching for a pre-made cookie script or a tutorial on making a simple session cookie. Just a cookie to make sure users are getting most current copies of HTML pages on my site.
Up till now I've just had messages on each page instructing them to refresh to make sure the have the latest version.
I am working with a activeX widget that has a method that produces an image which is saved to a users local machine. All the method requires is the path on the local machine. I need to obtain this path (hopefully utilizing a "save as" file dialog) and store its value to a variable so I can pass it to the method. It does work with an input type="file" but they are branded for file uploads an dit is a little misleading and confusing for the user.
var path = $("#saveAsDialog").val(); activeXObj.saveScreenshot(path);
For a project I am working on, I need to retrieve links from html documents. The easy part is to obtain 'plain' links like <A HREF="http://site/path/document">, but when those links are javascript'ized, the only robust solution needs to load the javascript and dom document representation in the same way that browsers do. For example, links in the form:
First I though that using spidermonkey (the mozilla javascript interpreter) should be enough, but in that case, I dont have the document structure elements (like document, window, document.history, document.form.element, etc), so I tried parsing the document using a library to build a tree representation of it, but that leads me to the same problem again, that is, I have to represent all tree nodes as javascript entities.
Anybody here have worked on a similar problem? What tools do you think I should take a look?
IE 6.0 (not interested in other browsers at the moment)
I have looked everywhere I can find to look and googled until I am cross-eyed and am hoping somebody knows what I'm doing wrong.
I have an HTML application (.hta) working fine, except one thing. I'm trying to write to a local database from a .htm window (opened from the main .hta window) and it doesn't work with any of the combinations I've tried (and I admit to having tried a lot).
Here is one method I've tried:
strSQL = "Update myTable SET myField = 'myValue' WHERE myID = 12;" var db = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection"); db.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";0 db.ConnectionString = "Data Source='c:myDirectorymyDatabase.mdb'"; db.Open; db.execute(strSQL);
I can easily access the information in the myDatabase.mdb and display it on the screen.
I can ask for updated information to be input on the screen.
But stuffing that updated information back into the database is the problem.
Since I'm stuck in an .htm window, I don't have VBScript available, do I? If VBScript isn't available and it isn't physically possible with Javascript, then I'll have to revert to .hta windows, where I know I have VBScript available. But I'd rather do it all in Javascript within the .htm so as to avoid the security message that pops up when the .hta opens a new .hta. For various reasons I don't think it is possible for me to do this whole project within a single .hta.
We have a directory of files on our ftp server. Is there a javacript to make a connection to the ftp server and compare files on a local drive and on the server? Files that have been changed or added need to be copied across from the ftp server to the local drive.
I'm trying to output an HTML page from a simple XML file, but I need to offer this as a service from a website, so users can browse and find the XML file on their local hard drives, and then generate an HTML page.
I think there are some security issues with HTTP not being able to access local files (ie. C: emp.xml) because it doesn't work when I browse to a local file from the website (files on servers work fine). Is there any other way to pass an XML file from local to a website?
I'm using the following javascript to load the XML file.
var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.async="false" xmlDoc.load(filepath)
In jslint's doc it says, "JSLint does not expect that a var will be defined in a block. This is because JavaScript blocks do not have block scope. This can have unexpected consequences. Define all variables at the top of the function." What are some of those unexpected consequences?
is not ideal, as that'll taint global scope. Actually, I can live with that for now, but it's my technical interest to find a way to define it locally.
I'm not sure whether or not this is possible, but I want to have control over the Javascript function that is called when a target web page is opened (ie as the onload function in its <body> tag). In other words, the calling page will have several <a href ...> tags referencing the same page, each specifying a different onload function. Is it possible to effectively pass a parameter in this way? I have not been able to find any solution to this.