How To Retrieve File From Hard Disk And Display On A List?
Feb 6, 2005
I have a javascript code to save form data in XML format. In this, user can provide a filename in which data will be saved.
Now there is a button "Load" which should display the list of files saved by that user and then user can open any file from that list.
I would like to know how to find out how many files have been saved by user and display a list using javascript.
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Jul 23, 2005
What is the correct way to incorporate a .js file into an HTML file
*IF* the .js file on a hard disk?
What I have tried is listed below but it does not work... When trying
to access a function module in one of the .js files, I get an error
that the function module is not defined (which would lead me to believe
that it is not being imported with the .js "src" instruction.
Does anyone know how to get around this? Code:
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Jan 1, 2011
I am looking for a way to select a file from a list and load it into a webpage. The page and the files are stored on a sd-card for off-line usage, I know that listing files remote dynamicly needs a scripting engine but since the sd-card is on the client side that is not possible, but I can make a list of those files when creating them.
It is intended for a datalogger on a tractor-puller, I create csv files with a bash script on the logger and for off-line viewing I use a javascript charting engine which loads the csv file, the files have the creation date as filename and I can make (and maintain) a list of files when creating them. The plan is that the we can select another data set (run) from within the browser and show that one. I have setup an example at [URL]
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Nov 13, 2002
I use NETSCAPE established a catalog page in XML, which uses Javascript-DOM to add, remove and sort the products by their prices. But which Javascript function should I use in order to save the modified page into local hard disk? to sort products as well.
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Mar 30, 2010
I am working on a project in which I will have to generate a .html file and save it to the user's hard drive.
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May 17, 2007
I would like to create a html E-test form run on PC and the data will save into a file on disk. I search online for this function code but found that most the script only save the cookie, is it possible for javascript save form data to file? Here is the ideal for my survay form,
1. user click "start" button for the e-test,
2. user need to finish the e-test with in 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the form will auto submit and the data will save into file,
3. me will go to the file folder open it and print out the qestion and anwser.
4. The file will be detele after i print out and the next user can do the e-test again.
I got the time counter and the auto submit script. but i just have no ideal how to save the data into file.
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Aug 28, 2011
I'm attempting to display a list of email addresses from a text file (one address per line) in measured increments, such as one email address per second. sorry, I don't know where to begin on this.Basically I want to use this to "simulate" the appearance of being able to view the real-time send to a series of email addresses. I'm using the PHP mail() funtion to send to the looped list of email addresses, pulled from a text file.It would be great to view the actual realtime send to each address as it occurs in the mail loop, but this simulation will suffice.
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May 27, 2009
I have a MySQL database with a table where I store images (the file name, the mimetype of every file and the binary data in a BLOB plus a unique ID). Now what I'd like to achieve is to load an image from the database using AJAX and the POST method. Viewing a specific image using the GET method is quite simple, I just set the SRC attribute of an <img /> HTML tag to link to the PHP file and set the correct GET variables, there's no AJAX needed for that.I click a button or something, and 'behind the scenes' PHP is retrieving an image from the MySQL database, depending on the unique ID that was provided by AJAX through the POST method. AJAX uses the returned data to fill an element somewhere in the document, and that would be the freshly-loaded image.
Alright here's some code:
//PHP retrieving an image:
$returnImageQuery = "SELECT imageName, mimetype, imageBinaryData FROM imageTable WHERE ID = $_POST['someID']";
$return = mysql_query($returnImageQuery );
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Oct 15, 2009
Unfortunately I'm still coding working on the registration page, once this is down the rest should hopefully be a breeze.
Anyway, I've looked around in different places for this and it all points back to the following code pretty much:
for(var i = 0; i < document.primaryClass.length; i++)
What I want it to do is that after a radio button is checked, it displays a corresponding table row.
Edit: primaryClass is the name of the radio buttons.
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Oct 7, 2009
i am currently working on aptana studio nokia wrt plugin to develop a mobile widget where i need to retrieve data from database. i've created a java servlet in eclipse to connect and execute query to the ms sql server 2005 database. in aptana, i am using js file and html file, i'm able to connect to the servlet to retrieve and process the data (split the data) into an array and display the retrieved value (array) on screen. but now i need to put the retrieved value (array) into a drop down list for selection, how could i do that?
for the drop down list, i cannot define the list, it need to be able to read from the servlet as the database is updated, it need to reflect.
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Dec 1, 2011
what i am trying to do is retrieve a json file from a link on a server and then edit it locally.How can i do this on javascript or ajax?
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Jul 16, 2010
So, this is my last problem. If I can nail this, then the website will be completely AJAX driven, and will be spectacular.
Now it is really simple.
1) When I hit the button, in the simplified example below, the website sends a code to the server.
2) The server then re-writes the "xyz.js" JavaScript file with a new array of values.
Is there any way to re-retrieve that JavaScript file, from the server to make it the current "xyz.js" rather than the old one that loaded on the client originally.
I can get a new XML data file and re-submit that to the website, but how do I re-retrieve the new JavaScript code?[code]...
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May 12, 2009
How would i retrieve multiple (GET) values from a php file using AJAX..
Say i had the following function that ask's for a userID variable - how could i ask for more than one variable instead of just userID? [code]...
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May 3, 2010
i have a web service at this url http:[url]....i use hotel search file with HotelSearch method and method will retrieve xml file contains the matched data. the varialbe that i made post with it is named : HotelData
the data of the variable is a string file that contains an xml data like this
the data in input filed is the previous xml file
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a probelem - how to save information as a text or js file and retrieve it later using only html or javascript .
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Jan 26, 2011
Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:
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Dec 20, 2009
I have recently worked on a flash based learning course and built functionality where users throughout the course can type in their own notes based on the course, and they can revisit these everytime they launch the course, the functionality is simply using flash cookies to store the notes on the users machine. I wanted to build functionality so that they could then save these notes to their hard disk and e-mail them on. To do this I call a javascript function from flash which opens a new webpage, passes through the notes from flash and uses document.write to write the notes to the new webpage. Then the user Saves (as web page html only) to save a copy to their machine.
The problem is I want to do this web page up a bit more, add graphics etc. but if I save as web page html only it won't include any images I add to the html page, and if I change it so that they save as (Web Page Complete) rather than write the webpage out with the notes it will write the webpage with the code document.write(string) but as this is on the users hard disk now string will be undefined as it no longer run alongside the course. Is their any other way anyone can think of doing this type of functionality, I am trying to stay away from using PHP
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Feb 10, 2010
what to do to retain values of a webpage even after saving the webpage on the local disk? i have developed my webpages in dreamweaver cs4 also my webpages are using opera 10.10 as default browser and one more thing i cant migrate it to any other browser.
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May 2, 2010
I am currently working on a php system and am trying to set up a server side caching system.
IS there anyway to use javascript to detect hard refreshes? I have tried googleing this and have had no success.
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to reload a frame from a pop-up, but really cannot figure
this out.
Within my index.htm file, I make a link to call a pop-up frame with a
javascript function that calls the following code from an external
javascript source file, dynamically created with PHP...
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Aug 30, 2009
If this issue is a JavaScript syntax issue, then I just know you'll spot it.
Context: swfObject2 dynamic embedding.. so the swf object is not written into the code that's sent to the browser. (The swf is there on the resulting page in the browser; doing it's thang just dandy and waiting for further instruction from user action). Function in swf "functInSWF" registered using ExternalInterface.callback(); (I'm working in AS2).
So... javascript:
The message I'm getting in the debugger is: "TypeError: Result of expression 'thisMovie("someSWF").functInSWF' [undefined] is not a function"... so I'm presuming nothing is being sent to the swf and therefore this is a JavaScript issue I need to track down.
I've tried (what's not recommended) getElementById with the same result.
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Jun 5, 2011
When I use document.location.reload() it seems to reload all the images and the css file and it's slow.
I want to reload the page and change the anchor in the url. But when I do document.location = "" No reload happens because it's already on that url.
Is there any way to reload the current page and change the #anchor without forcing the reload of the images/css?
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Feb 23, 2009
I've managed to fill a select elements option with a javascript array. Now I want it to display what the user selected in an alert window when he/she hits submit. code...
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May 5, 2009
Is there a way to scan files on a local hard drive using Javascript? I'm trying to create a GUI for a program using html and js. As such the html files will only be accessed from the local machine using Firefox. I would like to avoid using server-side scripts, as I want to use this on a computer without server software installed. My overall objective is I want the javascript to scan all files (data plots I've made) in a directory on the local machine. The JS would create a list of possible dates based on which files were found, the user would then select the date which would then display the corresponding plot.
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Jan 5, 2007
Is there any way of counting, on the onkeyup event of a textarea, the number of lines?
I tried with a split, but the wrap doesn't seem to insert any char I could split on?
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Mar 23, 2007
I have a <select style="" name="" size="2">
<option value="1">Name 1</option>
<option value="1">Name2</option>
It will popup and display as a drop down list with "gray'ed" vertical
scrollbar. So how can I make it like a panel without the vertical
scrollbar at the right side?
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