Display Incremented List Of Email Addresses From Text File

Aug 28, 2011

I'm attempting to display a list of email addresses from a text file (one address per line) in measured increments, such as one email address per second. sorry, I don't know where to begin on this.Basically I want to use this to "simulate" the appearance of being able to view the real-time send to a series of email addresses. I'm using the PHP mail() funtion to send to the looped list of email addresses, pulled from a text file.It would be great to view the actual realtime send to each address as it occurs in the mail loop, but this simulation will suffice.

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Append Email Addresses To The .To Property?

Jun 17, 2006

I have a mail form that needs to be sent to different recipients based
on a different check box selections. That works fine, but if multiple
boxes are checked that require two or more recipients, I don't know how
to append to the .To property. Is there a way to do this by looping? Or
is there some other solution for this?

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Extract All Email Addresses From A String?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to extract All the email Addresses from a string.

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Reg Expression - Valid International Email Addresses?

Jul 20, 2005

To test for Valid International Email Addresses?

Also, which version of javascript (1.2 ?) is needed for same?

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Process Email Addresses Entered In My Form?

Oct 24, 2011

I was wanting to know what you all thought the best technique is to process email addresses entered in my form. Should I do it in JavaScript, or should I have my web server do it -- however that works. It's just a simple 1-field collection.

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Hiding Email Addresses & Phone Numbers In Forum Application?

Jun 10, 2010

I tried searching for this but couldn't find anything that looked correct (Although, I might not have a clue what I'm actually looking at!) I have a fairly simple forum system running as part of my site as part of the member system memberkit. I would like the forum to be public - members can post to the forum, and the public can post to the forum by putting in a name and email address.....

but....I would like some simple code to either block out, xxxx out, or remove entirely email address and phone numbers from forum visitors that are not members. I'd really like to show a gray block over the phone or email address that says "please login to view this information"

Now as part fo the system, I do have IFEQ tags available to determine if the user is a member or not, so I've got somethnig to execute the code on, but I just don't know what the code needs to be.

I've seen this done on other forums before for links and such, I'm just not sure how to do it. I'm guessing it would need to read the whole post message and look for certain strings of characters, etc. [URL]...

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JQuery :: Create A Form, Which Will Take Username And Email Id And Store It In A Text/csv File?

Nov 27, 2010

am very new to JQuery. I need to create a form, which will take username and email id and store it in a text/csv file.I do not want to use PHP/ASP.I am familiar with Java script.Is there a way I could do this?

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How To Retrieve File From Hard Disk And Display On A List?

Feb 6, 2005

I have a javascript code to save form data in XML format. In this, user can provide a filename in which data will be saved.

Now there is a button "Load" which should display the list of files saved by that user and then user can open any file from that list.

I would like to know how to find out how many files have been saved by user and display a list using javascript.

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How To Have Email Form Send Email And Start File Download

Apr 29, 2006

Last week after much searching, I found the answer to my problem in
this newsgroup. I can't find the thread from which I got my solution,
but I wanted to report back what worked.

When the site visitor fills out the form and submits it, this calls a
rather ordinary asp script like formmail.asp that sends the emails and
displays a "thank you" web page. At the very end of my "thank you" web
page I placed the following:

<script type="text/javascript">

This causes the file download to get triggered, and asks the user if
they want to save the file. In limited testing this appears to work
fine in both Firefox and IE.

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Expandable List To Display Text When Item Clicked?

Jun 4, 2009

I've got a couple of problems that I cannot figure out how to do.

1. I'm trying to create a list where clickable items are visible on a page and then when clicked they expand to read a text file and stay expanded until I click them again to collapse. I've got this partially working except when I click on the item now(machine1 for example), the item I clicked on is replaced by html/txt file(machine1_output.html). Then the links are not available unless I hit the back button in the browser. Instead I want them both displayed and I want to be able to see all the items in the list and have the items expanded too. The reason for this is I want to be able to click all the links, have them display what's in the html/text file and be able to do a CTRL+F to search for an item. Is this possible?

2. When I add a third item(machine3 below) to my list none of the items are clickable. code...

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How To Display A Text File Using Javascript

Apr 3, 2006

Is there any sample code to use Javascript to load and display a text

It will be best if the user can select files using some kind of
explorer. If that's complex, a text box to specify the file name will
be fine as well. Once a text file is selected, I just need to display
it in a text box.

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Display A Text Or Doc File In A Webpage

Nov 15, 2011

I maintain a website for a small local restaurant. I do this with FrontPage so I know very little coding.

I have an upload manager so the owner can remotely upload a txt or doc file of daily specials to a folder on the server.

I would like to put a java script into one of the web pages that would open and display this file on page load.

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Import A Text File - Give The Variable ContentString Its Text From A Hosted Text File In A Similar Manner

Sep 30, 2010

I have some Javascript which says this:

Now that is fine when the text is only one line long. Suppose it's longer? What I want to do is have Javascript give the variable contentString its text from a hosted text file in a similar manner to the way Javascript can insert more Javascript using a hosted .js file.

I illustrate what I need to do using some "dummy" javascript:

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Build Pagination Link Using Auto Incremented Sequential Number

Apr 30, 2009

I am using this script called virtualpaginate, I have it all working but there is one thing that I would like to change. currently it displays all the paginated page number, I have 14 so it looks like "1 2 3 4 5 ... 14", What I would like to do is change the script so it will show " 1 2 3 4" once you click 4, 5 will appear once you click 5, 6 will appear and so on. I am completely stuck on how I can archive this. The section of the code I need to change is below:

virtualpaginate.prototype.paginate_output_flatview=function(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext){
var flatviewhtml=""
var anchortext=anchortext || new Array()
for (var i=0; i<this.pagecount; i++){
if (typeof anchortext[i]!="undefined") //if custom anchor text for this link exists
flatviewhtml+='<a href="#flatview" rel="'+i+'">'+anchortext[i]+' |</a> ' //build pagination link using custom anchor text
flatviewhtml+='<a href="#flatview" rel="'+i+'">'+(i+1)+'</a> | ' //build pagination link using auto incremented sequential number instead
this.paginate_build_flatview(flatviewcontainer, divpos, anchortext)

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Find '.org' Email Address In List?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a list of email addresses, I need to separate list into groups by .net, then .com, then .org, then .mil. I can't even get .net to work.

var name = /['[[REmail]]'/];


List is reported by a perl script, "using template"

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JQuery :: Accordion To List All Email Received / Sent

Nov 11, 2011

I'm using the jquery accordion in order to list all email received/sent. The header (h3+a) shows the object, the content (div) is the mail text.

HTML accordion :
<div id="accordion"><div>
<h3><a href="#">object 1</a></h3>
<div>mail 1 text</div>
<h3><a href="#">object 2</a></h3>
<div>mail 2 text</div>
<h3><a href="#">object 3</a></h3>
<div>mail 3 text</div>

Accordion script function:
$(function() {
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({
autoHeight: false,
header: "h3",
navigation: true

I would like to request my SQL database only when i clic on the header of a mail, and avoid to preload all the mails. The other problem, much important in my case, is to mark the mail "read" or "unread". There is a column in the SQL database for this. So, the mail needs to change to "read" state when I click on his accordion's header. Before using accordion, I was using simple link which reloads all the page. I've no problem with PHP/SQL, but I'm not so good in javascript/jquery, or ajax...

SQL request (simplified) :
$sql = "SELECT mail_object, mail_text FROM table_mail ";
$req = mysql_query($sql);
SQL update read-state (simplified) :
$sql_2 = "UPDATE table_mail SET mail_read=1 ";
$req_2 = mysql_query($sql_2);

So, is there any way to execute this code when I click on a header? After that, I'll asking you how to change header style to differentiate read/unread mail (in bold for example, or change background image/color).

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JQuery :: Validating Email List Against Regular Expression?

Aug 12, 2009

I am stuck on this seemingly simple validation loop.I want to iterate through a list of comma separated emails entered in a textarea input and check their validity before submitting the form.For some reason even when I enter all valid emails every other email doesn't pass the validation test!

var okEmailArr = badEmailArr = new Array();
var emails = $('#emailList').val(); // Get email list from text are

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JQuery :: Validate Email List - Add JS Validation To Forms?

Apr 4, 2011

I've used the excellent validate plugin (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to add JS validation to forms. I'm aware there's a built-in setting to validate an email address. However, I'd like to validate a list of email addresses, and I don't think the plugin contains a built-in solution. What's the best way to implement this?

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Email Information AND Display Results ?

Nov 9, 2010

I've been given the task of building a carbon offset calculator: rolleyes:

What I need to do is have a webpage on a touchscreen kiosk that allows a visitor to the client enter their name/company/email address, plus select how they travelled to the premises and their departing post code.

When they submit the form, I need it to email the details to the client so they can produce a nice little certificate saying how many trees have been planted to offset the visitors journey - but I also need it to display the details on screen before resetting itself for the next Prius driving visitor to use.

I've got to the stage where I can EITHER capture all the details needed and email them OR capture all the details needed and calculate the distance travelled, KGs of CO2 expended and how many trees are needed and display them. I'm having difficulty getting it to do both!

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Mailing List - Opens A Blank Windows Email With The Correct Address Filled In

Dec 14, 2010

I am developing a website as part of a university project and I have been trying to integrate the java script mailing list from this website into a page. [URL] The only modification I have made is to change the mailto address to my email. When I test the script it just opens a blank windows email with the correct address filled in. Is this because I am working on a copy on my hard drive? If I were to upload this to a server would it work correctly or would I have to modfiy the code in any way.

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Loading File From Disk - Select A File From A List And Load It Into A Webpage

Jan 1, 2011

I am looking for a way to select a file from a list and load it into a webpage. The page and the files are stored on a sd-card for off-line usage, I know that listing files remote dynamicly needs a scripting engine but since the sd-card is on the client side that is not possible, but I can make a list of those files when creating them.

It is intended for a datalogger on a tractor-puller, I create csv files with a bash script on the logger and for off-line viewing I use a javascript charting engine which loads the csv file, the files have the creation date as filename and I can make (and maintain) a list of files when creating them. The plan is that the we can select another data set (run) from within the browser and show that one. I have setup an example at [URL]

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Ajax :: Email / Password Entered But Submit Button Display Nothing

Jan 31, 2010

I have four pages.two html, one js and one php. First page is loginTab.html. There is a tab called "Tab One" when user clicks on it there is a script inside this html page which calls function and loads an external login.html form using ajax. in login.html there is a form and include external js code for ajax functions. What it does is when the user enters email and password and clicks submit then it triggers another ajax function which send a query to php file and compare those variables there with mysql db and returns the message to a div which is in login.html. The problem here is when I enter email and password and clicks on submit button it does not display anything. I am providing all of my code below

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false; .....

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JQuery :: Filtering Email Adresses Out Of A File?

May 26, 2011

i have a file with email adresses. but not only with them, there also the forename and lastname in it. so i need to get rid of everything except the emails. i thought it could made with a regex expression, i already got one for searching all the emails. it looks like, [w.]+@[w.]+


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Hide Email With JS / Want Link To Be Image File?

Dec 16, 2010

I found code online to avoid the insecure mailto:email@email.com function, but what I am looking for is, instead of text link I want an image link.So, where it says Click here to email, or any other text, I want that to be my image file, which will be placed in a DIV.

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Trademark Symbol To Be Read From Page Title And Display In Outlook Email Subject?

Aug 18, 2009

Okay I have some page titles that include the symbol and when it fills in the subject, it shows up as:Here's my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function sendMessage () {
var subj = "LALALA-" + document.title;


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Link To Open Email Client And Attach File?

Oct 9, 2011

Not sure if this relates more to PHP or Javascript/jQuery, but is there a way to attach a file to an email client (i.e Outlook), when user click on a link/button?I have a link that generates a PDF and I want it so that, when someone click on a link, it will open up their email client with the PDF already attached, and subject already fill in.I know, you can use <a href="mailto."but that only opens up the mail client. I also need to attach a file with a subject fill in.

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