Manipulate Popup Opened From Another Page?
Nov 4, 2004
I have a "Page A" that opens up a popupwindow called oImageDetail....
lets say the page opens the popup, and the visitor leaves the popup there a way to verify that it exists in a given "Page B" or something like that?
or is it not possible because of the window wasnt opened thru that Page B?
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May 25, 2006
This is my first post to this forum. When a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one popup window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux firefox and mozilla browsers. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in method to open a popup window once. s there any known issue regarding this case?. Need a workaround to fix this issue.
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Mar 24, 2010
I am using Jquery Superbox to open a page in an iframe in a lightwindow. My problem is that Google will index and link to them individually. If people land on them they don't get the menu and stuff... But they should redirect to my original page if you land on them. And there open the lightwindow and then load the requested page in the iframe.
I allready found a script here that will redirect the pages and display them (if there would be an iframe in my page from the start). But I don't know how I can open the lightwindow first and then open the page in the iframe.
I'll attach a zip with an example page of my code so you have something to mess around with... It's just this code, nothing else...
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Mar 19, 2010
Suppose I have multiple pages, and one javascript file (the js file is available to all pages). Using a javascript function I open a new window from first page. Script looks like this:
What I would like to do is close this window as soon as other pages load. Suppose user clicks a menu and that load a new page. But I would like to close the child window after the 2nd page load. Is it possible to close the window in the second page with the name (using the same java script, or may be use another java script)?
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Aug 7, 2011
I have checked the similiar questions and tried putting overflow on the ui.dialog class but the flash on the page is still being shown when the dialog is opened. My jquery skills are not good at all, how can I hide the flash?
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May 26, 2007
I'm not sure whether or not this is possible, but I want to have control over the Javascript function that is called when a target web page is opened (ie as the onload function in its <body> tag). In other words, the calling page will have several <a href ...> tags referencing the same page, each specifying a different onload function. Is it possible to effectively pass a parameter in this way? I have not been able to find any solution to this.
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Jun 16, 2011
I put the following line in the onchange tag of a listbox to use the values to manipulate an iframe:
document.getElementById('viewer').src=('Location_Files/')+(this.value)+('.htm') There it works perfectly but I wanted to do more so I decided to build a function around it:
function display()
When I put the function in the onchange tag instead, the iframe tries to work but I get a "can't load page" message like the src is broken. Now when I first made that line it took me hours to figure out that I can't use a "" because if I do it fails. So I went with "/" and that works but I wonder if that rules change when I specify it in the java script instead of in the onchange tag itself. Either way it still breaks if I try to use "".
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Jul 20, 2005
As per the rather long subject, I would like to (well, my boss would like me to...) on a popup have one button to close and another to close but then redirect to another page.
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Sep 8, 2007
I am trying to do a popup window, which will load when the page loads. Using the onLoad in the <Body> tag. However it doesn't seem to be working. Also when the popup loads there will be a form which the user selects an option and the form is sent to a email address with the answer chosen and then the popup closed. Code:
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Nov 23, 2011
I have a function which works correctly but it has one problem. I have 2 radio buttons and if user clicks the radio button [1] then it will show the "tblWeight" and "breakTag" else do not display them. That is not the problem, the problem is thatwhen the user opens up the browser for the first time, I want the "tblWeight" and "breakTag" to not be displayed which should happen because of the "else" statement but it doesn't do it when the page is opened for the first time and thus it shows the "tblWeight" and "breakTag".Why is it display the "tblWeight" and "breakTag" when the page is first open? I did try turning my if statement around so that if ... then display none to "tblWeight" and "breakTag" else display it as block but this did not work.Below is my code:
function getWeight() {
var weightChoice = document.getElementsByName("weightChoice");
var textWeight = document.getElementById("txtWeight");[code].....
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm having a problem on a particular site I am working on.
The URL is [url]
The problem is that when I try to close the browser in IE on the main page I get an popup with an error which says: "An error has occured on the script on this page"
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
"Yes" or "No" (Buttons to Click)
I have to click the 'Yes' button about thirty times before the browser will finally close. Does anyone have any idea what this is?
Here is the source code.
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Mar 13, 2009
Can i use javascript to manipulate a database in SQL?
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Nov 6, 2011
I am trying to perform an elementary animation using javascript to manipulate the CSS properties of a <div> tag.
I use getElementById in my first function to draw a line inside a <div> box like this:
function line(x1){
var cd=+1;
var c = (x1);
var division = document.getElementById("line1");
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Sep 2, 2009
How can I manipulate all the radios in a div? For example say I have 2 div and both have a couple of radio buttons and everyone has different names. Say I wanted to manipulate only the radios in one of the div's how could achieve that?
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Jun 23, 2009
I'm having some real difficulty figuring out how to manipulate xml data with jquery. Here is my situation. I have a hidden TextArea that contains xml data, something like this:
<item value='1' text='x'></item>
<item value='2' text='y'></item>
So, let's say I want to remove the item with value='1'.
1) I grab the value of the textarea:
var xml = $("#" + id).val();
2) I then find the node and remove it:
Problem is, it doesn't remove anything! It finds the node just fine,but the remove() function doesn't seem like it is doing anything. I've tried looping through eacy item $('item',xml).each(function.... ); and
then calling remove(); but that does not work either.
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm new at applying jquery and I'm currently trying to change the text of a <text> object within an embedded .svg using jquery. But whatever I do it seems to fail.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "">
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Jul 19, 2011
I'm adding and removing SVG images in and out of a Parent SVG and I need to implement a scroll like effect on the new images after they are imported. They consist of text that I've word wrapped on the server. The images are imported through xmlrpc calls "getURL" with a function to delete the previous info and add the new info. After which it has a set of group tags with the new svg embeded between them. My hope is there is a way to manipulate the viewBox attributes but I don't know how to extract the 4 attributes of viewBox as separated integer values. I thought svgDocument.getElementById('detail').getAttribute('viewBox') would do it for me but I get a string of characters. Does anyone know how to get all four attributes as separated numerical values?
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Aug 10, 2009
I was wondering if I could get some assistance with something that is probably easy for even an amateur javascript coder, but, I just can't seem to get after trying every iteration of code I can imagine.The deal is, is that I'm trying to put together a PHP search form, with checkboxes for countries (USA, CAN, MEX), and a set of checkboxes for each state in each country, including an "ALL STATES" checkbox for each country.I'm trying to input form controls where, if someone checks the "ALL STATES" box for any country, it will automatically uncheck any state checkboxes for that country. However, since the checkbox name attributes need to go to PHP as an array, I can't remove the square brackets in the name (I tried escaping the characters with up to 2 backslashes, but that didn't help).When I tried referring to the checkboxes via getElementById, that also failed. My code for the script as well as the form (abbreviated for convenience and sanity's sake) is below.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
function Check()
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Apr 24, 2004
I'm starting to focus my attention on using javascript more (initially in conjunction with css) and would like to know which version of JavaScript introduced functions such as getElementByID() and such. Recommendations for good books/sites would also be appreciated. I also would like to hear where I can find good tutorials and examples of using JS to interact with CSS. One thing I am playing on playing with is using CSS/JS with forms to help users fill in required info. Hoping to make it even more obvious the famous little red asterisks by each form field.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a form with a file upload field. When you hit submit the file should be manipulated by the client browser and not sent to the server (!). This is important. No file transfer to the Server. After the manipulation the file should be presented as download-able to the client. Which means it is stored from the browser to the client filesystem.
I do not know if any JavaScript Framework is capable of doing this.?
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Jun 6, 2006
Page X have button that opens popup that has link to page X it
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Jul 20, 2005
I need an Exit popup page that when a visitor is on leaving my site it
will popup. With "onUnLoad" it can work in this way but it also does
something more that I don't want. When a visitor click links to pages
within my site the popup will also open. I don't want this. What I need
is that only when a visitor is leaving my site but current page, the popup
will open. Anyone have a solution for this please give me a hand.
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Jul 20, 2005
I wrote an ASP-page which allows friends to upload a datafile which will be processed and stored in a database. Because large files take some time to process I want to open a popup 'Please wait, processing' with some fancy graphics. So, onSubmit -> check form and open popup if correct. When data is written into the database (and summary page has finished loading) I want to close the popup.... although I named it winDialog (winDialog = the new page tells me it can't find this popup ( if (window.winDialog) { winDialog.close() } ). Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Maybe I'm doing things wrong. Or could you perhaps put me in a right direction...
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Feb 3, 2006
I'm working on this system, where an admin can manage articles and stuff. The editing, adding and deleting of articles is done from within a Javascript popup. When the new article is added, the admin can hit a "close this window"-link to return to the admin-page, which contains a list of all articles.
This works fine, however, when returning to the list-page, the new article hasn't been added to the list, because there was no page refresh. Is there any way to invoke a page refresh from within the editing-popup?
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Sep 15, 2009
For some reason my loadFirstPage in the following code is unable to find the dynamically created list items built up in the buildGallery function. I have a button in the extended code that calls the loadFirstPage function on a click which works perfectly when I click it
var buildNavi = function(){
var naviTemplate ='<li class="prev"><a href="#" title="Previous">Previous</a>
</li><li><span class="current"></span><span class="total">
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Feb 3, 2010
var o = 'blank.htm')
What syntax would I use to have jQuery copy DOM content from the current window to the window that the object "o" references?
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