I'm new at applying jquery and I'm currently trying to change the text of a <text> object within an embedded .svg using jquery. But whatever I do it seems to fail.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd">
How can I manipulate all the radios in a div? For example say I have 2 div and both have a couple of radio buttons and everyone has different names. Say I wanted to manipulate only the radios in one of the div's how could achieve that?
I'm having some real difficulty figuring out how to manipulate xml data with jquery. Here is my situation. I have a hidden TextArea that contains xml data, something like this:
So, let's say I want to remove the item with value='1'.
1) I grab the value of the textarea:
var xml = $("#" + id).val();
2) I then find the node and remove it:
Problem is, it doesn't remove anything! It finds the node just fine,but the remove() function doesn't seem like it is doing anything. I've tried looping through eacy item $('item',xml).each(function.... ); and then calling remove(); but that does not work either.
For some reason my loadFirstPage in the following code is unable to find the dynamically created list items built up in the buildGallery function. I have a button in the extended code that calls the loadFirstPage function on a click which works perfectly when I click it
var buildNavi = function(){ var naviTemplate ='<li class="prev"><a href="#" title="Previous">Previous</a> </li><li><span class="current"></span><span class="total">
Is there a non-structure specific way of finding the next element with a given class? for example you have a structure of:
When you click on the link in container1 the expected behavior is to change the css on a1 in container2 but not in container1 or container3. I have tried playing with parent, next and filter without success. this is the best I have is:
How can I make <td>yes</td> To this <td><img src="yes"/></td> with jQuery. I must search. I had to look after but yes, and then replace it with other content? But how can I do that?
i'm trying to manipulate dynamic textboxes using jquery such that when the value of the textbox_1 is, say, 'abcd' a new text box textbox_2 would be introduced and when the value of textbox_2 is again 'abcd' a third one is introduced and so on. ive managed to do this with the following code, but with a little problem.
$(document).ready(function(){ var cnt = 1; $("#inpu_"+cnt).keyup(function () {
the problem is that although textbox_2 is displayed instantaneously, the 3rd and 4th does not when the value of textbox_2 is 'abcd'. but they are displayed as soon as a key is pressed in the original textbox (textbox_1). that is the 3rd one is displayed when textbox_2's value is 'abcd' and a key is pressed while inside textbox_1. and so on. [edit 1] btw, inside body tag ive created a div and given the id content. and inside it is the textbox_1 with the id 'inpu_1'. the original one that is.
I'm trying to manipulate items in a table using jQuery, using the parent() and children() methods of the "this" object. I think I'm not understanding how to use the parent and children methods correctly.
What I want the code to do is to show the list and button within the <td></td> when clicked on, and then hide it when the newly shown button appears.
I have tables catecogires and subcategories in database. When user add article, he select categorie from select tag and under that tag appears another select tag with subcategories of selected category. Code in jquery:
$("#ka").change(function(){ function PostaviPodatke(podaci){ $("#pka1").show();
But this doesn't works. I tested script uzmi_podkategorije.php and it works fine, so problem is in ajax.
I'm currently working on a form where an entire HTML page is returned via the .ajax method. I would like to display only the content of the div with the id "content" (of the page returned) in the div with the id "result" (in the calling page). Here is my current script :
I have a grammar check on the server that can grammar check text... big surprise there. It'll return a list of match problems, along with the positions in the text that are flawed. It'll also send the grammar rule that was broken in plain english, to help someone fix it.
So we have a list of these basically:
What I'd like to do is apply different styles to the text inside of the <textarea> for all these positions (5 to 10 in the case above, but I'm going to have a list of these).
I also want to make it so if a user hovers on top one of these problems, I can show a tooltip that contains the "message" property.
Each anchor is unique, but the title attribute may match the exact title of one or more images. Where a match is found, either once or more, the title text is copied - once - into the anchor element.
I'm adding and removing SVG images in and out of a Parent SVG and I need to implement a scroll like effect on the new images after they are imported. They consist of text that I've word wrapped on the server. The images are imported through xmlrpc calls "getURL" with a function to delete the previous info and add the new info. After which it has a set of group tags with the new svg embeded between them. My hope is there is a way to manipulate the viewBox attributes but I don't know how to extract the 4 attributes of viewBox as separated integer values. I thought svgDocument.getElementById('detail').getAttribute('viewBox') would do it for me but I get a string of characters. Does anyone know how to get all four attributes as separated numerical values?
I was wondering if I could get some assistance with something that is probably easy for even an amateur javascript coder, but, I just can't seem to get after trying every iteration of code I can imagine.The deal is, is that I'm trying to put together a PHP search form, with checkboxes for countries (USA, CAN, MEX), and a set of checkboxes for each state in each country, including an "ALL STATES" checkbox for each country.I'm trying to input form controls where, if someone checks the "ALL STATES" box for any country, it will automatically uncheck any state checkboxes for that country. However, since the checkbox name attributes need to go to PHP as an array, I can't remove the square brackets in the name (I tried escaping the characters with up to 2 backslashes, but that didn't help).When I tried referring to the checkboxes via getElementById, that also failed. My code for the script as well as the form (abbreviated for convenience and sanity's sake) is below.
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function Check()
I'm starting to focus my attention on using javascript more (initially in conjunction with css) and would like to know which version of JavaScript introduced functions such as getElementByID() and such. Recommendations for good books/sites would also be appreciated. I also would like to hear where I can find good tutorials and examples of using JS to interact with CSS. One thing I am playing on playing with is using CSS/JS with forms to help users fill in required info. Hoping to make it even more obvious the famous little red asterisks by each form field.
I have a form with a file upload field. When you hit submit the file should be manipulated by the client browser and not sent to the server (!). This is important. No file transfer to the Server. After the manipulation the file should be presented as download-able to the client. Which means it is stored from the browser to the client filesystem.
I do not know if any JavaScript Framework is capable of doing this.?
I have a form with firstname in one field and lastname is another field. I need to manipulate the entry so if someone enters Joe for the firstname and Smith for the second name it will be changed to Smith,Joe. Here is my attempt but it just switched the fields and didnt manipulate how I wanted it: var name = "Joe Smith" var pattern = /^([a-z-]+)s+([a-z-']+)$/gi; name = name.replace(pattern, "$2,$1"); name = name.replace(/,/, " ");