Reset The Width Of Image
Mar 6, 2006
I am trying to reset the width of the image while loading:
<img src='s.jpg' onload="javascript:if(this.width>120)
It's ok. And then I am going to make the code more flexible
<img src='s.jpg'
this time, I compare the image width with the offsetWidth, however, I
found the code above didn't work no matter how small offsetWidh is
BTW, I would like to make the width of image fit the current width of
the document, only HTML works fine under IE
<img src='s.jpg' width="100%" LEFTMARGIN=10>
But when applying the above code to the image of small size, it always
try to strech the image ,which will then look very bad.
I am trying to apply the code on condiiton: when the width of image is
smaller than a given value, do nothing; otherwise add "width=100%
LEFTMARGIN=10". Here is the javascript I tried
<img src='s.jpg' onload="javascript:if(this.width>100)
javascript:document.write('WIDTH=100% LEFTMARGIN=10');">
However, it didn't give the result I want.
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Nov 5, 2011
I want to set the width of a div to be the same width of the image inside the div.The following code works great. But...The images are different widths, so both wrappers are set to the width of the first image. Without having to add an ID to each wrapper or image, can the wrapper width be set to the image width using the name of the image as the unique identifier?
var newWidth = $('div.wrapper img').attr('width');
<div class="wrapper">
<p><img src="image1.jpg" width="200" /><br />
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Oct 19, 2010
I've written some javasript code to resize an image tag. While the page loads the image tag is display: none so a large image wont break the stylesheet before I have a chance to shrink it. onload I call function load1 and you can follow the rest from the code below. This is working in Firefox and Chrome and appears to be doing absolutely nothing in any version of IE.
Javascript after </html> tag:
<script type="text/Javascript">
function load1() {
document.getElementById("confImage").style.display = "block";
} function imageLoaded() {
var iW = document.getElementById("confImage").width;
var iH = document.getElementById("confImage").height;
changeImageSize(iW, iH);
} function changeImageSize(iW, iH) {
if (iW > 460 || iH > 460) {
reset dimension of image to fit in div
var multiply = 0;
if (460 / iW < 460 / iH) {
multiply = myFloor(460 / iW, 3);
} else {
multiply = myFloor(460 / iH, 3);
document.getElementById("confImage").width = multiply * iW;
document.getElementById("confImage").height = multiply * iH;
function myFloor(n, pos) {
n = "" + n;
if (n.length < n.indexOf('.') + pos + 1) {
return parseInt(n);
} else {
return n.substr(0, n.indexOf('.') + pos);
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a photo gallery built with XML and PHP (pulling images from a client's Myspace albums).The gallery works fine, displays thumbnails and captions, paginates properly, etc.The whole thing is loaded by AJAX into a div, which complicates things a bit, but it works.When a visitor clicks a thumbnail, the full-sized image displays in a div overlay on top of the gallery div.The overlay is hidden until a thumbnail is clicked, when it is toggled to "visibility:visible". When the overlay "close" link is clicked, the overlay is hidden again.That also works. Some of the images are too large to display properly inside the div without throwing off the layout, so I had to set a max height and width.I can't just use CSS to set the dimensions or it'll size EVERY image to those dims, and the photos are all different sizes...some wider, some longer.So I used javascript to check the image size when the thumbnail is clicked.
All of that worked.(Although strangely, if I try to toggle the visibility as part of the function rather than putting it into the link, it doesn't work!)The problem is that once the dimensions of "img1" are set, they STAY that size even when the next thumbnail is clicked.So if the first image is 800px tall, the script crops it to 640px...then the next image may only be 400px pix tall but it displays as 640px high, making it distorted.I tried to add a "resetImgSize" function to the "close" link in the overlay, setting the img1 dimensions back to 2px x 2px when the overlay is closed, but the same thing happens...Once the img1 dimensions are set to 2x2px, they stay that way even when a new thumbnail is clicked.
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Oct 9, 2011
I have a table (not in a form) that has several input text boxes. I want to have a reset button that acts like the form RESET button. I thought I would use the following jQuery method:
Here's my reset button code:
Here's one of my table input lines:
I thought this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to target the text that the user types into an input field before he/she decides to "reset" and start over.
I'm thinking that my problem is that I can't find the correct syntax for my line: $('input.firstname').value('')
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Nov 13, 2001
Suppose I have an image - "image.gif" How to know its width and height ?
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Dec 7, 2006
I have a form and in that form I have a file field through that I can browse for images. Now what I want is that whatever the image file user selected i need the width and height of that image.
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May 22, 2010
I've been building this simple image viewer for an image gallery from scratch. Basically it loads the large image on the same page. The div is hidden when the page first loads, then when the user clicks on a thumbnail, the div is then set to "visible" with javascript and the larger images are shown. But for some reason the image width isn't updating correctly. Here is the code I'm working with:The HTML for the hidden div (the large view):
<div id="bigcontainer">
<div id="bigcontainer2">
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm using Javascript to change an image on a page without reloading the page. The problem is that my images are various widths (but identical heights), yet each image I change it to uses the width of the first image.
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Oct 17, 2009
My html document contain many images which has the attribute src of img tag as the flowing :
All those images has the common source folder [URL] This is an example :
src = ""
width = "105"
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Nov 23, 2010
I have a list of thumbnails generated by Wordpress. I've been trying to piece together a script that would change the ID of the parent element based on the image inside of it I can't seem to get anywhere, does anyone have a simple solution?
I need the id of the li to be "sm" or "smp" depending on the width of the image inside of it (landscape or portrait)
<li class="frame" id="sm">
<div class="frm" id="frame1">
<img src="image.jpg">
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a simple form with file control. I want to check out uploaded image's width and height on client side.
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Jul 15, 2010
I have img element with max-height: 450px; max-width: 800px i load image in that img element that image width 1,024px and height 786px now i want get that image width after escalation i use that javascript code ...
its work fine in IE and its give me 586px but in Firefox it still give me 1,024px the original width before escalation.
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May 22, 2010
I'm just starting my first jQuery project (tutorial from this months Web Designer) and I've got a background image that I want to spread across the entire background, regardless of browser size. It's big, so I originally had an onload function. This works fine in Mozilla and Safari but not in IE.
My question is, can jQuery set a width and height of 100% and have it work in IE?[code]...
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Oct 5, 2011
I'm trying to learn a bit more Javascript/jQuery and I want to write a bit of code to adjust 'background-position' based on the width of the 'background-image'. So my short question is, How can I find the width of a background image using Javascript/jQuery? For those who are interested in what I'm doing (or trying): I have a list where each item has a background image along with some text. I want the images to all centrally-align along a vertical axis in a space to the left of the text. Problem is, the images are different widths, so I want to use jQuery to find their widths and calculate the appropriate background-position.
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Oct 30, 2011
I have a strange issue with jQuery while using the following code :
$("#image").append('<img src="'+json.filename+'" id="cropje" alt="None" />');
$('#cropje').load(function() {
}) .error(function(){
And the result is : 0 But it looks like the image gets loaded after the alert... How is that possible?
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Nov 24, 2010
I am trying to write a custom BBcode for a forum I moderate. I don't have the licensing information because its not my forum and i am just a moderator. If anyone wants to verify the legitimacy of the forum I work for please PM me and I will try and get you any information I can.
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Aug 1, 2009
How can I get the width of an image when the page is ready...? I tried the code below, but it always return the value '0'...!
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Sep 19, 2010
The *small, medium fullsize* text will be off to the left (in IE8 or IE9, works fine in Chrome, FireFox) and will not be aligned with the left edge of the image.
Code [URL] Line 154:
Code JavaScript:
ShowView.prototype.setImageSrc = function (imagesrc) {
var image = $('img#image');
From what I can tell the `container.width(imageWidth);` is not rendered in IE8 or IE9. If the page is refreshed then it works. Using the built in developer tool shows the correct value in the html but if you use selector tool in the developer tool outline does not reflect the changed width value.I've tried using vanilla javascript. That did not work. I've tried setting the image source twice. That did not work either.
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm trying to find a way to get the dimensions of an image without actually rendering it on the page.
I guess I could render it with the css property display:hidden, but I'd rather not do this.
Is there a way to just ask what is the dimension of an image by specifying it's url. e.g. something like
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Oct 1, 2010
var img_large = new Image();
$(img_large).load(function () {
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May 7, 2010
I am FAR FROM BEING KNOWLEDGEABLE about javascript. On my web page, I want to have a slideshow run that'll show small-ish versions of images. I don't want the whole thing re-displaying every time, so I put together a little javascript to figure out how to show the images.....
I have one ALERT in here to show me the dimensions of the window and the image, and I'm getting one or more values coming up as "0"...... Which means that image doesn't display. The image(s) are NOT zero width or height, and neither is the window..
<html lang="en">
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Aug 27, 2005
I change inside a image.onload function. And surprisingly, I found that it runs the onload function on the same image again with the new style.width value. Javascript treats this as a new image! This is the same old image.
Is there a way to pervent it from runing onload the second time?
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Sep 6, 2010
I have the task of creating an asp page that generates a standard email newsletter. The HTML Image Width and Height tags need to be set to the actual image size (no they haven't been set to a standard size on the server) as they are read in via an while loop. I believe in ASP, you are out of luck for a function that does this, so Javascript may be the way forward.
My code is as follows for the image inside an anchor tag, as you can see i tried the min and max style properties for the image, but this does not set them exactly. e.g. width="120px" height="94px", which is what is required.
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Mar 10, 2009
My client wants a ticker, only with client logos. I've found several scripts which are cool, though no one is precisely what I'm after. Company logos vary in their proportions. I'd like ideally a script able to continuously horizontally animate images of the same height, but with variable widths. Found plenty of scripts moving same width images left/right, or using a carrier (table/div/layer) to contain a set of variable width images - the latter leads to blank moments my client doesn't like while the carrier is repositioned.
I'm very intrigued as to why this doesn't seem to have been done and wonder if there's a reason. Is the computation needed in passing widths in a variable to a move function too much for the client-side? I don't want to waste my time wading into repurposing a script for this if it's not viable as I can't pass that cost on to the client, you see. I'd rather bail and do it using Flash.
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May 25, 2011
I've set up jcarousel and configured it to work how I need it to, apart from one thing; I need the images to keep their width - height ratio when the browser is resized.
I'm using the Flexible carousel configuration and the width of the images changes appropriately when the window is resized, but the height stays the same, I need it to change.
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