Reset Listbox Based Upon Input

Apr 13, 2006

I have a page which allows editting of records. Question 15 involves one text field and four listboxes. The text field should control the listboxes based upon its own value.

If the text field has the value of "Yes" then the listboxes are active. But should the user type in "No", all listboxes should become disabled. Presently trying to get the first listbox to react to the text box value. Code:

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JQuery :: Several Input Text Boxes - Reset Button That Acts Like The Form RESET Button

Oct 9, 2011

I have a table (not in a form) that has several input text boxes. I want to have a reset button that acts like the form RESET button. I thought I would use the following jQuery method:

Here's my reset button code:

Here's one of my table input lines:

I thought this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to target the text that the user types into an input field before he/she decides to "reset" and start over.

I'm thinking that my problem is that I can't find the correct syntax for my line: $('input.firstname').value('')

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Countries Listbox, For Instance If Choose Singapore Listbox It Should Display The Corresponding States Listbox Of Singapore?

Jul 6, 2006

I have countries listbox, for instance if i choose singapore listbox it should display the corresponding states listbox of singapore, if i chose anyother country it should display a label saying "ENTER STATE" followed by a blank textbox.

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Split Text From Listbox And Input Into Multiple Textboxes?

Nov 30, 2010

<title>Convert ListBox data into 4 Text Boxes</title>
<script language="javascript">
function SplitText (


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Reset Old Entries In Input Field?

Jul 3, 2010

how reset old entries data in input field?I have a search field where the results are live updated when typing in. The problem is if you type the same letters as earlier. Example: You have searched for "Conditioner" the next time you type "C" the word conditioner comes up in the browsers entries and the search function.Didn't understand? Try the searchfield on the webpage and try search for the word "conditioner". After you se the result, type "c" in the same field.

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Form Input Value Reset To Original On Events?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to achieve something that I have seen on many forms throughout the web; I am currently learning JavaScript so please bare with my beginner status. So I have a form and on every input button, I want the value to disappear when clicking on it; and if no text is entered, the original value is returned..

So far I have this inside every input button and i'm beginning to struggle with 'the next step': onfocus="if(this.value=='Email')this.value=''"

Is there a simpler way to achieve this with multiple buttons rather than copying this into every button?

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Auto-Scroll To The Multiple Selected Item In The Listbox ListBox In C #

Nov 8, 2011

how to position selected item automatically WITHOUT SCROLLING DOWN using C#

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JQuery :: Reset An Input Field To Its Default Value According To Selection

Nov 25, 2011

How to reset an input field to its default value, which is depend on another. There is a way to clear the input field but not resetting to its default value.


I have 2 radio buttons. Depends of the radio button selection some other input fields are required. Those things are already done using the click function. It clears the input field. But I need to reset to its default value.

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Onchange Listbox Fill Related Course In Second Listbox?

Sep 13, 2010

$slt ="SELECT * FROM assingment2 ORDER BY user_id asc";


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AJAX :: Populate The Third Input In The Same Row As The Second Input Based Upon A Separate Db Query?

Oct 29, 2010

I've got a form in which the fields are being dynamically generated based upon a db query.. it looks something like this:


<form name="bft">
<input name="colA_1"> <input name="colB_1" onBlur="loadXMLDoc(this.value,'colC_1');"><input name="colC_1">


I'm trying to use AJaX to populate the third input in the same row as the second input based upon a separate db query. Here's the code for that:


<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc(v,n) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari


Here's where it displays on the page<cfoutput>#trim(getITRRSP.[columnName])#</cfoutput>
Whenever the focus blurs from those inputs, the third column in that row is populated with "UNKNOWN" as the value. I have confirmed that the getITRRSP.cfm file is properly retrieving and displaying the data from the db query.

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Copying Listbox Items - Do All The Movement Functionalities Of The Listbox Items Client Side

Feb 25, 2011

I have an page where I load a record set server side and upload it into a listbox. I'm trying to do all the movement functionalities of the listbox items client side. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out how to copy selected listbox items from one listbox to another -- on button click. I've searched for a while, but every example that I found moves the actual item into another listbox, I just want to copy the selected item to another listbox.

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Go To Url Based On User Input?

May 28, 2010

I want a js that will have the user select from a drop down list a venue, then enter their username in one textbox, and password in another, so they're taken to /venue/username/password.html. Eg. If the soccer player frankie has password 1111, he'll be taken to /soccer/frankie/1111.html.My code at the moment is this:

<!-- Begin
site = ""; //
function combineMenus(frm, menu1, text1, text2) {


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Get Image Based On User Input

Jul 23, 2005

Right now I am using the javascript 'prompt' to enter a photoid and the
script that I am using uses document.write
to put the proper image on the page ....i.e. PHOTOID =".jpg"

What I want is a simple user input text area and when submit is clicked a
placeholder image beneath is exchanged for the proper
image based on the user's input.
example: User enters re4555 and the image re4555.jpg replaces the image
that I have created which basically says 'no image selected'.

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Increase Div Width Based On Input?

Jul 9, 2009

I would like to have the width of a div change automatically based on a number entered into a corresponding input box.


<input name="a1" value="10"></input>
<input name="b1" value="20"></input>
<input name="c1" value="30"></input>
<div class="r1" style="width:50%;"></div>
<div class="r2" style="width:50%;"></div>
<div class="r3" style="width:50%;"></div>

Currently they are all just set at 50% width, I'd like the width to automatically adjust the width based on the input box value, without the user having to submit anything! If anything in jQuery exists like this to, to get a nice smooth scrolling that'd be lovely but not essential.

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Calculations Based On User Input?

Jul 14, 2010

Dear expert (Ok, i am new to this and should maybe not address this as a letter )I hope someone can help me ... this is what i want to achieve (I am using frontpage)I want to create a table (this i can do!) that require a user input (number of guests).It then has SEVERAL options:- Select an option from a drop down list, and a price is then loaded from somewhere to create a total for that option and display it in the table (And keep that total for adding later)- Check a box, and if checked it creates a further calculation, displaying and storing the number for further calculation.a number of the above options, and a grand total on the bottom.I found more or less a page on a site that does what i am looking for, but after looking at the code, i have even LESS of an idea how it works Can someone PLEASE help me, or point me in the right direction?(I am not looking for someone to just write the code for me, as this will not teach me anything, and i want to learn)

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Change Input Value Based On Select Value?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to change the value of #name and #category inputs based on the value of select. A friend gave me the code below, but I can't get it to work.

<script type="text/javascript">
if ($(this).val() == 'Monthly'){


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Manipulate The Value Of An Input Box Based On Whether A Checkbox?

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to manipulate the value of an input box based on whether a checkbox is checked or not.
example checked input = 1600 and enabled unchecked input = 0 and disabled

I am having 2 problems: 1) When the page is loaded I get unchecked and input = 1600: it should be : either
checked input = 1600 and enabled unchecked input = 0 and disabled

2) When the checkbox is checked for the 2nd time the input remains 0 it should go back to the initial value 1600


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Updating Form Based On User Input

Jul 23, 2005

I have a form with a select field. Depending on what is selected in this field, I want to display or not display another select field. For example first field asks the user if they drive, if the user selects "NO" the form doesn't change. If they select "YES", another field appears with different makes to chose from. If they change back to "NO" the second field dissapears again.

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JQuery :: Select All Input Elements Based On Same Value?

Oct 30, 2011

I want to select all inputs that have the same exact values.I want to be able to grab those elements names.

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JQuery :: Show Input Box Based On Select Value?

Apr 14, 2011

It shows an input field when the select value is "dropped". The problem I am having is that if I select "dropped" it will display the input field, but if i select a different value AFTER selecting "dropped" the input field is sill displaying. How would I get it to hide the input field if it is NOT selected?

<script type="text/javascript">


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Change Form Based On Previous Input

May 7, 2009

I was wondering if it's possible to make it so that once a user selects a certain option in a list, it makes the next input for that form change to either a textfield or a list without losing the values entered in the inputs above.I know PHP is a server-side script, does that make this not possible?

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Validate Input Or Select Based On CSS Class

Jul 14, 2011

How to validate input or select based on the class used?
For example: <input id="name" type="text" class="alphanumeric" value="">

Then for the validation:
if input class = "alphanumeric"
if !isAlphaNumeric(input.value)
alert(Enter valid value);input.focus

Before, I used onblur on the input to call the validator but it keeps prompting when I tried to out focus the input and I need to refresh the page.

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Adjusting Form Based On User Input

Feb 3, 2001

This is probably easy, but I flipped through the first 100 posts and couldn't find a similar question.

I would like to set up a form with multiple radio boxes in a table. The first row containing two selections, second containing 2..... Once the 1st row/column is selected, the 1st row/2nd column automatically displays the information from the first selection.

I am not necessarily looking for exact code on how to do this, just reference points to go to, and preferably suggestions on the best(meaning quickest) language to do this with.

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Updating Textare Based On User Input?

Aug 11, 2010

The user writes some text/figures to a number of text boxes (WMSURL , WMSSRS and so on). When the user pushes the "Compile request" button, it should concatenate all the values to one single strind (and it do). Now comes my problem; the concatenated string should appear in the larger textarea (id=textarea), using the onclick for the Compile request button.

Here's the code (partly):

<script type="text/javascript">
// Function that concatenates the values in the fields to a WMS GetMap query


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AJAX :: Updating FORM Action Based On Input

Aug 2, 2011

Let me preface this by saying that I have ZERO experience with Ajax, and have simply copied this code from a blog elsewhere. What is shown below ties to a php file that I developed for a search function on our site. As the user enters their search term(s) in the text input field, the div below is populated with potential results through AJAX. I get all that.

However, I'd like to extend this a bit more. I'd like to enable to user to click the Enter key to follow the URL of the top search result automatically, without having to move their mouse and click on it.

Since I'm using PHP to generate the actual URL, I'm sure I can just send this back as a variable via AJAX, but with my lack of understanding, I thought I'd poke around here for some assistance. Can someone show me how to tweak the code below to accomplish what I'm looking for?


<script type="text/javascript">
function showResult(str)
if (str=="")


I'm less concerned about getting the Enter key to perform the submit than I am about passing the URL variable back to the form via AJAX. I've seen lots of examples of getting the Enter key to behave this way, I just didn't want to muddy up the original code above.

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Show / Hide Content Of Sub Divs Based On Whether Input Is != / =

Aug 9, 2009

how can I show / hide the content of sub divs based on whether the input is != or = and be able to repeat this.I tried to hide the sub divs using , onclick if bla bla = '' ;document.getElementById('hideme').innerHTML = ''; which works, but once I try to enter a new input, then nothing happens, even if the content of the sub divs is = input.

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