Form Input Value Reset To Original On Events?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to achieve something that I have seen on many forms throughout the web; I am currently learning JavaScript so please bare with my beginner status. So I have a form and on every input button, I want the value to disappear when clicking on it; and if no text is entered, the original value is returned..

So far I have this inside every input button and i'm beginning to struggle with 'the next step': onfocus="if(this.value=='Email')this.value=''"

Is there a simpler way to achieve this with multiple buttons rather than copying this into every button?

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JQuery :: Reset Form Plugin To It's Original Status

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using jQuery form plugin, but i want when when user clicks on a button to submit the form using the traditional submit, how can i reset the form to traditional one ?

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JQuery :: Several Input Text Boxes - Reset Button That Acts Like The Form RESET Button

Oct 9, 2011

I have a table (not in a form) that has several input text boxes. I want to have a reset button that acts like the form RESET button. I thought I would use the following jQuery method:

Here's my reset button code:

Here's one of my table input lines:

I thought this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to target the text that the user types into an input field before he/she decides to "reset" and start over.

I'm thinking that my problem is that I can't find the correct syntax for my line: $('input.firstname').value('')

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JQuery :: Reset To The Original Positions Of A Sortable List?

Nov 14, 2008

I'm using this sortable method: [URL] Works perfect! I have one question though: When a certain action is taken by the user, I want to reset the original order of the <li>s in the list. I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

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Reset Listbox Based Upon Input

Apr 13, 2006

I have a page which allows editting of records. Question 15 involves one text field and four listboxes. The text field should control the listboxes based upon its own value.

If the text field has the value of "Yes" then the listboxes are active. But should the user type in "No", all listboxes should become disabled. Presently trying to get the first listbox to react to the text box value. Code:

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Reset Old Entries In Input Field?

Jul 3, 2010

how reset old entries data in input field?I have a search field where the results are live updated when typing in. The problem is if you type the same letters as earlier. Example: You have searched for "Conditioner" the next time you type "C" the word conditioner comes up in the browsers entries and the search function.Didn't understand? Try the searchfield on the webpage and try search for the word "conditioner". After you se the result, type "c" in the same field.

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<textarea> Reset One Textarea To Default Value - Not Reset The Whole Form

Nov 5, 2009

I've been trying to fix this.

Code below:

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JQuery :: Reset An Input Field To Its Default Value According To Selection

Nov 25, 2011

How to reset an input field to its default value, which is depend on another. There is a way to clear the input field but not resetting to its default value.


I have 2 radio buttons. Depends of the radio button selection some other input fields are required. Those things are already done using the click function. It clears the input field. But I need to reset to its default value.

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Reset Form Field When Form Submitted To Frame

Oct 3, 2003

Am creating a framed chat application and when the user types a message in the form field and clicks the submit button, the message gets sent to the display frame, but the message stays in the form field. How can i get the form to submit the message AND reset the form field to blank too?

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JQuery :: Original Form Control Don't Appear With Zoom

Jan 27, 2011

I'm new using JQuery UI and for some reason everything seems zoomed. The calendar appear big, the accordian widget appears big, everything is big. But the original form control don't appear with zoom and the browser has no zoom either.[code]

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Accidentally Deleted The Original File - Convert The Encoded File Into The Original Version?

Dec 17, 2009

I have encoded same javascript file with "Microsoft script encode" and accidentally deleted the original file.There is a way to convert the encoded file into the original version.. The form of the encoded file is : <script type="text/jscript.encode">#@~^.....

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JQuery :: After Submitting Form Show The Original DIV Contents After Some Time

Apr 1, 2010

I'm currently creating a simple shoutbox system. The whole shoutbox is in one DIV (shout_box). The DIV shows the 8 latest posts and below that you can enter a new shout / post. I used some script to submit the new post to a PHP page which fetches the data using Post. Then the script displays the message that the post has been added. This works great! However after 5 seconds I want the original DIV contents to reload (the 8 latest posts and the form to add posts. is that possible to do? I think it is, but don't really now where to begin.

I currently got the code below:
var dataString = 'message='+message;
//alert (dataString);return false;


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JQuery :: Revert Form's Original Values When Changing Tabs?

Jan 17, 2010

I use jQueryUI's tabs and when a user changes a form in the tab, it promprts the user that a change has been made. My question is, how do I revert the values before being changed when the user presses 'OK' on my confirm() prompt?

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Output Data On To Table And Hide Original Form In Process?

May 22, 2011

I am trying to build a webpage quotation form that collects the relevant data then outputs the calculated quote details to a table for an assignment. I know how to build the form and the table so they can be filled filled but i am stuck big time trying to work out best way to output the data on to the table and hide the original form in the process.

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Reset DOM After Form Action?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a form with two <button> elements. One button loads the page with the associated form data whilst the other triggers a download. IE6/7 does not handle <button> tags correctly. IE6 will submit all buttons regardless of which you click and uses the button content as the value, instead of the value as the value. IE7 submits just the clicked button, but still submits the content as the value, not the value.

To get around IE's issues with <button> I use JS to manipulate the DOM so hidden input fields are generated with the correct value and the button names are removed so they're not submitted at all.

This works, except in my specific situation for my download button. Because it triggers a download, the page you are on remains, and remains with the manipulated DOM, which means the form doesn't work properly anymore.

I would like to know if there's a trigger of some sort that would allow me to revert the DOM changes when the form is submitted but the page remains. I hope that makes sense. Oh, and there's no need to suggest using <input type="button" /> instead of <button>. That's not a solution.

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Capturing Form Reset

Aug 8, 2005

I've got a form that is enabling/disabling other fields based upon radio selections. I've got it all working, except with the form reset button. My "refresh" routine just iterates through the radio box to check which item is selected based upon e[i].checked state and enables/disables accordingly. Unfortunately it seems the reset event fires before the actual state of e[i] has been reset and my form enabing/disabling gets out of sync.

var btn = document.getElementById('formData');
formValidation.addEvent(btn, 'reset', formValidation.refreshUI, false);

refreshUI: function() {
var e = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
if (e[i].type == 'radio' && e[i].name == 'ipType' && e[i].id == 'ipStatic' && e[i].checked == true) {
document.getElementById('ipHost').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('ipAddress').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('ipMask').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('ipGateway').disabled = false;
else if (e[i].type == 'radio' && e[i].name == 'ipType' && e[i].id == 'ipStatic' && e[i].checked == false) {
document.getElementById('ipHost').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('ipAddress').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('ipMask').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('ipGateway').disabled = false;

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Can't Reset A Hidden Field In Form

Aug 12, 2007

i have a form in which a hidden field (initial value as &#390;', and my javascript set it to &#391;' when an event is trigged). In the same form, i have a reset field. But I realized that the hidden field is not reset to &#390;' when i push the
reset button. If I simply change the node from

"<input type="hidden" id='IsChanged' value=&#390;'>"

"<input type="text" id='IsChanged' value=&#390;'>"

Everything is working as expected (the value is reset to &#390;' when I
push the reset button) Why does this happen?

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Events For Input=file

May 5, 2006

<INPUT id="File1" style="WIDTH: 530px; HEIGHT: 22px" type="file"
size="70" name="File1" onclick="myFunction;">

Using this code, I'm able to catch the event that occurs when I click
in the "browse" button or in the text input box.

I need to catch another event: when the user has chosen the file in the
dialog and pressed "Open".

I can't us onpropertychange because what I want to do is to check the
name of the chosen file and eventually modify the text area. This would
make a recursive onpropertychange event call... so I need something

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JQuery :: Trapping Form Reset Event?

Mar 11, 2010


How do I register a handler to the form reset event?

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Reset Hidden Variable After Posting The Form?

Jan 3, 2011

I want to download the records of the output of search criteria to excel. As the fields for search criteria are more than 20. I am submitting the form with POST method rather than GET.

On click of "Download2excel", the hidden variable name1 is set to Yes. so i will check the condition in my code. Once the download is successful, I want to reset the variable.

Here is a sample structure of my code.


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Date Of Birth Form No Reset Day To Option 1?

May 26, 2009

how can I make it so whenever I select a different year or different month it doesn't reset the Day option back to option 1 (the option that's called Day), unless of course you select a day then change the month that doesn't contain that day (like if u choose january 31 and then select february, it obviously must reset).

For example, say you choose january and then the day 20. Now if you select february, I do not want it to reset the day back to "Day"

Instead, I want to make it so it stays on the day 20 since there is a 20th of February. But still, I want it to eliminate the options 29, 30 and 31.

Here is a working example of the drop downs

Here is the HTML code I am experimenting with (thanks to felgall)


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Reset Form Fields Inside Container

Oct 10, 2006

I got a list of generated input fields (there is no way to know how many they are) inside a span withh an id.

<span id="whatever">
<input type="text ...
<input type="text ...
<input type="text ...

I also got a link that hides the content of the span. I need to reset the form fields when the link is clicked, but can't figure out how.

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Rewrite Script To Reset Form Values?

Jul 19, 2010

i have a form that uses javascript to clear/restore default values when the user clicks on or clicks out of the fields.

<input class="formInput" type="text" name="email" value="Email" onblur="if(this.value == '') this.value = 'Email';" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Email') this.value = '';"/>
and <textarea class="formInput" name="message" rows="8" cols="50" onblur="if(this.value == '') this.value = 'Message';" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Message') this.value = '';">Message

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Adding Events To Input Items

Jun 14, 2007

was wondering when you create an input element, i.e.

var someInput = createElement('input');
How do you add an event to an input item?
like a onKeyUp event.

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Set Html File Object Reset On Form Submit

Nov 1, 2011

I'm developing a web app in which I have a file upload option. The thing is, my file input is hidden, and instead, a textbox and a button are used, in order to style the input, copy the file input's value and allowing the user write a link address into the textbox (the php upload page recognizes the text in the textbox and takes action if the text is a hyperlink or a file upload).

The problem is, when I submit the form, the php is catching the file input's value as empty. So I removed the hidden property of the file input, in order to check what was wrong, and I noticed the input's value is being reset on form submit. When not hidden it takes me two button clicks to submit the form, being the first one the responsible for cleaning the file input. Though, if I assign it's value directly from the input object, it works perfectly.

Here's the code:

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Make <DIV Invisible When A Form Reset Button Is Pushed

Aug 30, 2004

I have a page where I use <DIV> to control the visibility a text input area. The text input is made visible only if the Other radio button is selected. That all works fine.

The problem I'm having is when I press the forms Reset )<input type=reset>) button, the visibility of the text area is not restored to the state it was at when the page first loaded so I end up with the text area being displayed even though the Other radio button in no longer selected (reset did clear it).

I thought I could solve this by using a <FORM onReset="forcehide()"> event handler but I can't figure out how to get the object id of the div. The div is defined as follows: Code:

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