Calculations Based On User Input?

Jul 14, 2010

Dear expert (Ok, i am new to this and should maybe not address this as a letter )I hope someone can help me ... this is what i want to achieve (I am using frontpage)I want to create a table (this i can do!) that require a user input (number of guests).It then has SEVERAL options:- Select an option from a drop down list, and a price is then loaded from somewhere to create a total for that option and display it in the table (And keep that total for adding later)- Check a box, and if checked it creates a further calculation, displaying and storing the number for further calculation.a number of the above options, and a grand total on the bottom.I found more or less a page on a site that does what i am looking for, but after looking at the code, i have even LESS of an idea how it works Can someone PLEASE help me, or point me in the right direction?(I am not looking for someone to just write the code for me, as this will not teach me anything, and i want to learn)

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Go To Url Based On User Input?

May 28, 2010

I want a js that will have the user select from a drop down list a venue, then enter their username in one textbox, and password in another, so they're taken to /venue/username/password.html. Eg. If the soccer player frankie has password 1111, he'll be taken to /soccer/frankie/1111.html.My code at the moment is this:

<!-- Begin
site = ""; //
function combineMenus(frm, menu1, text1, text2) {


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Get Image Based On User Input

Jul 23, 2005

Right now I am using the javascript 'prompt' to enter a photoid and the
script that I am using uses document.write
to put the proper image on the page ....i.e. PHOTOID =".jpg"

What I want is a simple user input text area and when submit is clicked a
placeholder image beneath is exchanged for the proper
image based on the user's input.
example: User enters re4555 and the image re4555.jpg replaces the image
that I have created which basically says 'no image selected'.

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Updating Form Based On User Input

Jul 23, 2005

I have a form with a select field. Depending on what is selected in this field, I want to display or not display another select field. For example first field asks the user if they drive, if the user selects "NO" the form doesn't change. If they select "YES", another field appears with different makes to chose from. If they change back to "NO" the second field dissapears again.

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Adjusting Form Based On User Input

Feb 3, 2001

This is probably easy, but I flipped through the first 100 posts and couldn't find a similar question.

I would like to set up a form with multiple radio boxes in a table. The first row containing two selections, second containing 2..... Once the 1st row/column is selected, the 1st row/2nd column automatically displays the information from the first selection.

I am not necessarily looking for exact code on how to do this, just reference points to go to, and preferably suggestions on the best(meaning quickest) language to do this with.

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Updating Textare Based On User Input?

Aug 11, 2010

The user writes some text/figures to a number of text boxes (WMSURL , WMSSRS and so on). When the user pushes the "Compile request" button, it should concatenate all the values to one single strind (and it do). Now comes my problem; the concatenated string should appear in the larger textarea (id=textarea), using the onclick for the Compile request button.

Here's the code (partly):

<script type="text/javascript">
// Function that concatenates the values in the fields to a WMS GetMap query


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Form - Show Specified Items Based On User Input?

Feb 17, 2010

So I am trying to make a form that will eventually take the user to a specified link. It is a form that uses drop down menus. I based this off of someone elses code (with permission :)), but it shows everything <= user input. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it only show only one of the next is the JS code:

<script language="JavaScript">
function ShowMenu(num, menu, max)


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Jquery :: Autocomplete To Redirect A User Based On Their Input

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to get Jquery's Autocomplete to redirect a user based on their input - according to Jquery, it works like this: An autocomplete plugin can be used to search for a term and redirect to a page associated with a resulting item. The following is one way to achieve the redirect:


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Creating A Form That Will Change The Number Of Fields Based On User Input

Jan 4, 2006

I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.

In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.

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Email Form Info Based On User Input In Previous Page?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm just starting up in web design and I have an interesting challenge that I'm hoping can be solved w/java script. I have a site with an application form. When the form is to be submitted, the form data needs to be emailed to the correct person to handle that particular application. However, that can't be determined by anything specific in the form. It can only be determined by the link that they clicked on to get to the form. I really don't want to have 22 identical forms with just a different EmailTo addie, which is what the previous site developer did. Someone please tell me this can be done w/java script? If not w/java script

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User Input Restrictions - User To Input Age Greater Than 17

Feb 24, 2009

I need help with user input. I need to restrict the user to input age greater than 17 and weight restricted to the range of 80-300.

My code is not working:

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AJAX :: Populate The Third Input In The Same Row As The Second Input Based Upon A Separate Db Query?

Oct 29, 2010

I've got a form in which the fields are being dynamically generated based upon a db query.. it looks something like this:


<form name="bft">
<input name="colA_1"> <input name="colB_1" onBlur="loadXMLDoc(this.value,'colC_1');"><input name="colC_1">


I'm trying to use AJaX to populate the third input in the same row as the second input based upon a separate db query. Here's the code for that:


<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc(v,n) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari


Here's where it displays on the page<cfoutput>#trim(getITRRSP.[columnName])#</cfoutput>
Whenever the focus blurs from those inputs, the third column in that row is populated with "UNKNOWN" as the value. I have confirmed that the getITRRSP.cfm file is properly retrieving and displaying the data from the db query.

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Create A Text Area Input Filed For User Input?

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to create a text area input filed for user input, and i want to be able to allow the user to format thier text, just like the ones used in this user forum. I am writing my website in html, php, javascript and css with a MySql database. I am trying to understand how to create such an format-able text area for input.

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Redirect URL Based On User Region

Mar 17, 2011

I am new on forum and javascript. I have got a query for dynamic geo location javascript. I would like to make a page which redirect to another page based on user REGION. Ex:
If user from EMEA then page1.html,
if user from APAC then page2.html,
if user from Other region then page3.html

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Disable My Ad / Hide Div Based On Where User Came From?

May 6, 2011

As my question states, I want to disable my ad from showing if the user clicked to my site via certain portals such as google search or How can I do this?

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Invoice Form - User Can Add - Input Field - After Adding A New Input Field - The Content In The Other Fields Is Deleted

Sep 1, 2011

I'm now working on kind of invoice form which in it the user can add as much input field as he wants.

The problem is that after adding a new input field - the content in the other fields is deleted.


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User Input Appearing On Another Input Box

Jan 16, 2010

On a single form, I need to capture the users input on this input box

HTML Code:
<label for="Student ID">Student ID
<input type="text" name="sesStudID" />

to this input box HTML Code: <p><label for="User Name">User Name</label><input type="text" name="sesUserName" disabled="disabled" /></p> so as the user inputs to the first input box it will at the same time appear on the second input box.

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Redirecting To URL Based On User Entry In Form?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm trying to create a form where the user enters data in a field and is redirected to a URL based on that entry - example: user enters 1234 and he is directed to - if that folder does not exist it would give a 'try again' error.

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Send User To Url Based On Selected Values?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown.

The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about doing this please?I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?

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Open URL Either In A New Window Or New Tab Based On User's Choice?

Nov 14, 2011

I am facing an issue where a link on my website opens in a new window if you simply click on it. However, if you right click and say open in new window or new tab, it opens the same window (URL) again from where the link is clicked.

Self Service Option is a link and the JSP calls a function getSelfServSite() when the link is clicked. This is how the code flows in my case

function getSelfServSite()
// this is because the URL is configurable


I want it to go to the right link no matter how the user click it.

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Best Way To Send User To Url Based On Selected Values?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.

The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.

When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.

The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown. The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is relevant.

ie if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible.

I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?

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Setting Cookie Based On Checkbox Selection By User?

Jul 23, 2005

I've got the following code snippet in a function to set a coockie based on whether or not the user selects a checkbox. Using an alert the cookie text looks fine but when I go to retrieve the values the only one it can find is the value for user. I've a few different things and none of them seem to work. I'm getting the same thing in both IE and Firefox. The only cookie listed is the 'user' with the proper expiration date. Code:

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TextFields Based On User Selection - Variables And Objects

Apr 10, 2011

I have 3 TextFields, called txtUSD, txtEUR, txtAUS. And a PopupList with the same values, minus the txt part, but I need to form the names of the TextFields to use based on the selection that the user made. So I've done this:

function btConvert_Click(event){
var amount = document.getElementById("txtAmount").value;
var rates = document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").value;
var from = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstFrom").options[document.getElementById('lstFrom').selectedIndex].text;
var to = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").options[document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").selectedIndex].text;
var curr_from = document.getElementById(from).value;
var curr_to = document.getElementById(to).value;
if(curr_from > curr_to){
amount * rates;
} else {
amount / rates;
} alert(result);

But every time I try it I get this error:
mobile/main.js line 215: Result of expression 'document.getElementById(from)' [null] is not an object.

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Echo A Variable In A Form Based On User Selection?

Aug 15, 2009

here is part of a form I have:

<select name = "pulmonologist" >
<option selected="" value="">---Select---
<option value="none">None</option>


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Changing Body Class Based On User's Local Time

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to add a body class of 'day' if it's 6am-5pm and 'night' if it's 5pm-6am based on the user's local time. I tried the following but it didn't work.


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Beginning - Conditional Statement Based On What Button A User Clicks

Feb 20, 2010

I am starting to learn javascript and I had a quick question. I know actionscript and java, so this my mistake here is probably context...but I cant seem to figure it out. I'm trying to figure out how to create a conditional statement based on what button a user clicks. Here's my code:


This doesn't seem to work. Am I referencing this.value incorrectly? If so, what's the proper way to get information about what the user clicked?

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