Removing Unwanted Characters From A Passed Value And Passing To Input Field
Oct 20, 2009
I have an email which has some values attached to a link in the email that get passed to an online form on a website when clicked. Problem is the value is a price and the string includes a "$" which I need to remove. I've read through many examples and everyone seems to have an opinion (surprise). One suggests something like this: text2.value=text1.value.replace(/$/g,""); While someone else says its better to remove what you don't want. I am also scratching my head over should I place the value into a hidden field, scrub it then copy that into the proper field? and I imagine the best way would be to run it with an "onload" command instead or a event handler like a keystroke since the field is not typed?
In a web based form I am able to make sure that there is text in an input field but I want to restrict the user from using such characters as ~ # & '
How can I modify this JavaScript below to enable this ?
if (document.form1.ProjectTitle.value == ""){ alert("Please complete the Project Title: field") document.form1.ProjectTitle.focus() validFlag = false return validFlag }
When entering the project title into another system it issues an error when those characters are input - hence the need to delete them from the request.
I just have one index.html page with NO links NO pics. Just a simple html page.
Whenever I open that page I want to eliminate few things like:
I don't want scroll bar -> I have a solution <body scroll="no"> I don't want status bar -> ? need solution ? I don't want toolbar bar -> ? need solution ? I don't want menu bar -> ? need solution ?
I JUST want the title bar, address bar and the IE window.
I'm working with 3 Frames on a web-page: (top) Top.html, (left) Navigation.html, and (right) "Content" which contains varying html pages based on the (left) Navigation Selection - the problem that I'm having is that each frame has a (approx.) 2 pixel border around it... I want the frames to blend seamlessly on the page. I'm not sure How and Where to set the Border attribute to 0 - is it in the Frameset Definition (which I thought I took care of with frameborder="0") or in the actual html pages that populate the Frames? If so, where do I include the attribute? Code:
Instead of searching and replacing unwanted character in strings using cgi/perl, I would like to prevent some characters from ever being typed in text boxes and textfields. Two characters I would like to stop are "|" (pipe symbol) and the "carriage return". I am not even sure how to search and/or replace a carriage return in a string anyway. This may be a JavaScript function, because what I would really like to do is send an alert to tell the user that it is not allowed.
When you click on a div on the page, the contents of the div are copied out, an input field with type = text is placed inside the div, then the previous contents of the div are placed inside the input field. When you click on the div again, the contents of the input field are copied out, the input field is removed, and the previous contents from the input field are copied back into the div.Essentially, it's meant to allow you to edit the contents of the div. The code that I have works flawlessly in Firefox and Chrome, but when I try it in IE 8, the second click simply removes the contents of the input field and leaves the input field in place. It is removing the node's value rather than removing the node.Here are my javascript functions:
Code: function editField(strID, strField, strTable) {
I am having trouble with some javascript code that checks the first 2 letters of what the user inputs and whether it equals a certain set of characters. If the user for instance types in 'TT' in an input field, then i want the holding div to disappear, if anything else is typed in then this action wont happen. My code is below:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function checkCode() { var x=document.forms["myform"]["code"].value.substring(0, 2); if (x == 'TT')
I believe the problem lies in the javascript line: "if (x == 'TT')", as the rest of the script responds but it just doesnt recognise whether 'x' starts with 'TT'
I have a bunch of forms in my page, and want to pass a reference to the current form to a javascript function - when, say, a user clicks on a particular element. Normally, within any type of input field, I'd just add something like this:
Then, in my_function( form ) I could refer to form. No worries.
But here's the interesting bit. I also want to run the same function when the user clicks on any <a> tag within a form, like:
questions raw = [ ["<Q1> Question", "choice1","choice2", "choice3"], ["<Q2> Question",
And I want to list all of the questions, but not the choices/answers. So far, I've managed to list just the questions, but because another function randomly sorts them, I need to sort them back into numerical order for a separate function (displaying the questions)
I use characters (>,^) at the front to separate them into different answer types (just to explain the code)
I try this to cut each string down so that they can be sorted numerically/alphebetically -
function linearlist() { var list = []; var tempStr = "";
But it doesn't like it - because "it has no method charAt"
Is it just that you have to put the [l] in every time you call a variable?
I am having problems with the code below (obviously) coming up with illegal character for various characters within the field name which is: S_Gift Finder1_0
I have tried various ways of escaping the characters but to no avail.
I am unable to change the name of the field as it it comes from an external off-the-shelf package. Code ....
I am having a form with two input fields. I want to enter some text in the first input field and then the second field should get the same text. Is there a simple way (maybe a plugin) to do this with jQuery? It would be perfect if I even could output all these input fields values as normal text in <p> or <li> tags.
On the ONLOAD event I would like a popup box to open. In this popup box I need two text boxes. One for the UserName and one for the BillingTo name. After entering these two items the user can either hit the enter key or press the submit button. The popup window will close and then those two text boxes in the original webpage will be filled in automatically.
I would like to have the two fields to be validated so the popup won't close until both text boxes are filled in.
So far I have used the function from in the header of the original page. I have tried to make so that when the first popup closes the second popup will open. I can get the variables to pass the main page but I feel it would be more effecient to have both text boxes in the same popup instead of having two. Code:
edited: the first alert has this in the brackets: &l t; i.e. the html code for < but for some reason this foum converts it. and i thought html was off?
I was expecting the above to alert the text in the brackets exactly as written in the code for both divs. However both events alert '<'. Why is that? I want to be able to pass '<' as an agrument to events without being converted, because that is what is happening. How may I prevent it?
I'm submitting a form when the value of a drop-down menu changes. After that I would like to remove the focus from the field itself. I have tried different things: blur, focus=remove and so on but no one works. How can I remove the focus for a field?
I am looking to collect email addresses with my site. On my input elements, when the user clicks on it, I want to change the value attribute to blank (make the "your e-mail" disappear when the user clicks on the input element). Is JavaScript used for this?
I have just got myself a copy of SWFUpload to show the progress of file uploads, however, it has a few problems, one of which I am trying to fix with the aid of jQuery. Essentially, if JavaScript doesn't load, then a standard input file element will be shown. But, if JavaScript is enabled, then jQuery removes this, and replaces it with all of the input elements that SWFUpload requires. Is this the best way of doing it, or should I be looking at another option? If so, how would I go about telling jQuery to remove and insert the form field, and each and every attribute the HTML will require?
This has been asked before, and i've seen many of the previous posts. And tried for hours. But finally i've broken and have to ask for help. What am I doing wrong here?
var u=document.forms["lead"]["name"].value; var v=document.forms["lead"]["city"].value; var x=document.forms["lead"]["country"].value; var y=document.forms["lead"]["mobile"].value; var z=document.forms["lead"]["email"].value;
I am doing some basic form validation stuff and I have two fields (phone, fax) that I need to check if the characters enterred are numeric, but still allow + and () characters to be enterred. If anything else has been enterred to display an error message.
Can someone point me to a resource ( I searched, but couldn't find an obvious one!) or give me a rundown on some code here to help me out?
I am doing a simple ajaxPOSTform to email script. When string pairs are passed to my processing asp page(email script), spaces are beign removed from the string. It displays the correct string before recieving to asp page.
I'm writing a form validation function and would like to verify that a field only contains alphanumeric characters. How should I structure that statement? the following seems logical but doesn't work;
I'm using jQuery Validation on my form with ajax submit, but for some reason the label error message is replacing my input field completely. I can't figure it out for the life of me... Here's my html/js. I'm using the default validation since i'm using the ajax submit. I've also tried the custom error's with no luck. Both the label.error and input are displayed as blocks.