JQuery :: Add Hashes To Tabs Forward/back Buttons And Link
Sep 9, 2011
I'm using this to change some tabs around. Is there a way to add hashes to the URL too or some way that i can enable back/forward buttons functions and link to a particular tab?
$(".buttons").click(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass("current_tab_button")){ //is it the tab that's already displayed
I have an image gallery and wish to add previous and next buttons to work alongside the numbered links
here is the page with the javascript and html.
------------------------------------------------------------------ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML> <head>
I currently manage a website that has a simple banner rotation javascript that randomly rotates banner images and the associated link every few seconds. I have been asked to replace it with a script that will be sequential in rotation and have a couple small button options just below the banner to move forward or backward through the selection.
I figured instead of reinventing the wheel someone surely has a simple a banner rotator with forward/back options, but darn if I can find one. There are countless scripts out there, but I can�t find one where the user can select the next banner before its allotted time. It would be simple enough in flash, but it was requested I stay with java script.
Anyone have any leads for a very basic banner rotation script that incorporates the forward/back selection option?
I want to create back and forward buttons on my web page. I didn't havena problem with that... the thing I am having trouble with is I would like to display "disabled" images when there if there isn't a page to go back/forward...how would I go about doing that?
Is there a way to create an alert that would pop-u when the user clicked refresh?
On refresh:
"Warning: Refreshing this page will bring you back to the beginning of the application. Are you sure you want to refresh the page?"
Yes - No
On page forward or back:
"Warning: Using the forward/back buttons may cause unexpected problems. Please use the tabs to navigate from page to page. Are you sure you want to use the forward/back button?"
I am wondering how Back, Forward browser button works for iframes. Does it bring back/forward iframe or top window? I remember I had before a problem because I wanted to bring back iframe and not top window as it did. But today I tested my Facebook app and was surprised to see it works as I need which means it brings back/forward iframe window and not top. Is it possible that Facebook has some javascript code which does that or is this normall behaviour?
I have a few document ready functions on my page. I don't want the functions to get executed if the page is loaded because the user clicks on the browser forward/back button. Is there a way to prevent the document ready functions from getting executed if the user clicks on the forward/back button?
I'm having issues with jquery and the tabs I'm using. My tabs work but... I want some more functions and that seems to be a big problem for a Javascript and jquery newby.
I really don't know if this is correct but it works! What doesn't work is the active class. If you use one of the buttons in the first tab you go to the right tab but the tab itself has no class called active and that ruins the style.
2) I also have one other question: lets say that all the above is my second page and I have my frontpage in which I also have buttons. I want somebody to use the button and end up in the third tab of page 2. My link is something like
Code: page2.html#tab3
I read that using this should lead you the third tab but it's not working for me. You go to the first tab of page 2 instead.
I've been reading a LOT! Jquery for dummies, I googled, read the forum and other forums. I posted on a Dutch forum but no answer. I've added a lot of different code but it doesn't work.
i'm New to JQuery and I recently had a problem with encorporating a transition at the beginning and end of my carousel. I found that by default it would Fast Forward/Fast Rewind through all the images at the ends, rather than just jump to the slide and wrap.
I've managed to solve the issue (bar a transition effect from the last slide back to the first) it now jumps to slide one, rather than rewinding through all the images. However (and i know this sounds silly) but i'm having trouble doing the reverse. I'll add both the zip file to show a working model if interested and also post the 2 relevant functions :)
is there any way, using javascript, to call a function when someone presses back or forward in their browser? I'm using AJAX and have a partial solution. It works but would be more efficient if this is possible.
I am using [URL] works great, except that I cannot style the tab buttons how I want them. Is it possible to use Tabs without any styling, so that I can fully style using my global stylesheet?
I've set several options, but I'm having trouble using 'backwards' with the #hash function on dynamically created slideshows. I'm using PHP to generate slide arrays for a given page. I pull the slides in sequence from a full array in amaster file. Everything works fine when I navigate forward, and also when I navigate backwards within the slide array on a given page (I use the manual setting with prev/next buttons). The problem occurs when I navigate backwards to the first slide, then clickmy PHP-generatedlink to get the nextset of "previous" slides. When the page loads, it starts at the first slide instead of the last, even though 'backwards' is set to true. I think the hash script is overriding it, since there's no #hash on my PHP link (I can code one in, but it's code-intensive so I'm hoping there's a simple on-the-fly javascript solution).
I am creating a website that uses columns (example) and I would like to be able to click left and right buttons to scroll horizontally one column at a time without the header and footer scrolling with the content.
I have tried using Scrollable and JCarousel but both require you to scroll through a set of list items. I need to be able to scroll 320px at a time. Is this possible?
I cant link out of link inside rotating tabs. The rotation is working fine. I have no problem with it. Bellow is the index.html page with <script type="text/javascript" src="tabcontent.js"></script> wich ofcourse has the JScript that is making it work. You will see another small Jscript on the index.html page that I've been using to try to make the links work, but to no avail.
I hope this makes sense. If anyone wants to see the entire code let me know. Right now I just got the rotator working. I just need to make the links work. I will post it for everyone to use as soon as I get it working.getting the links going.
1. click on the (open grid) link and select option "13", buttons A to N would appear 2. click on the select all answers button, all buttons A to N would turn green. 3. Now click on the open grid again and select option "5". As you can see all the buttons from A to 5 are now selected (Have all turned green). 4. Now go back to grid and choose option 13. As you can see all buttons A to N would be selected. I don't want this to happen. What should happen is that the 5 buttons selected before the option change should remain selected and the other 8 buttons should go back being unselected, but I do not know how to do this. I tried including this in the selectAll() function but it did not work: $('.answerBtns:hidden').removeClass('answerBtnsOn').addClass('answerBtnsOff'); Code is in jsfiddle, click [here][1]
On some mouses there is a back and next button which makes it easy to go to the previous or next webpage while browsering. Is there a way in JS to capture these events?