How To Embed Images In Application
Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to find the best way to embed images into my application. However, I'm having a hard time finding the fast (browser-compatible) method. It is important that I find a reliable method because the application must be self-contained so it can be easily shared. Below is a sample of my current approach:
Code JavaScript:
var pictures = {
"alert.png": new Array(
new Array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1),
After just a few images it creates a very large javascript file. Seems like it is pretty inefficient as far as code goes.Goals of optimal approach: Must work in IE6/7 and All other modern browsers. Performance must be a high priority It will only be used for small icons Can use javascript, jquery, css, base64, or any combination.
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May 4, 2011
I found a small fading script online which suits my needs though I need some help changing it around a bit as it seems to only work once in a page (i.e. a second occurance of the code doesn't work though the first one continues). Also, I'm not quite sure how to put it into a .js external page and then call the specific function as many times as I want in the body and have it all work. Please advise on this issue (i.e. Putting the code in an external file and then calling the fadeIn() function as many times as I want in the body)W, the concept is a fixed imaged with the js fading another image over the top of that first image in and out over and over again. All the images and application of the js will be the same for all occurrences on the page (don't know if that's relevant to the solution I'm asking for but throwing it in there just in case).Here is the code:
<body style="background:#000;">
<div style="float:left;">
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Sep 30, 2009
I am working on an application where the user is able to draw using square images placed using absolute positions. The user can draw any shape but it must always be connected. I now need to work out the outline of the shape they created. The only information I have is the x y of the pictures that were placed. Its driving me crazy... I tried to work out a system of looping through all the pictures and seeing if there were any images touching.
My most recent idea was to make the javascript select the images and see if I could get the coordinates of the shape from there... In simple I need a way of merging the images into a shape rather than separate entities.
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Nov 15, 2010
I need to build a image editor application where the user can edit images.. I need to integrate this image editor in my Ruby on Rails project.. So does anyone knows any specific site where I can get the JS code of image editor which will be able to integrate into my project
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Jul 20, 2005
is it possible to add a list of mp3's in the following script instead of one?
<EMBED SRC="voorbeeld.mp3" LOOP=TRUE
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Dec 4, 2005
Has anyone ever had problems with changing the src of an embed after
the page has loaded?.
I have had this problem 2 times now and in result have had to actually
reinitialise the embed on the page with its new src. Is there not a way
round this which will save alot less time and alot less coding.
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Jun 30, 2010
we have a script that shows a video player. Is there a way to have it open in an external window a la lightbox?
<script type="text/javascript" src="srcfile"></script>
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Jun 11, 2009
How can I run <embed src=...></embed> when I click on a button using onclick?
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Mar 28, 2011
how to embed a RSS feed into a webpage? The code I was using before is now no longer supported
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Jul 24, 2011
I have a piece of code which I suppose to click on to activate:
<a href ="javascript:(function()
newwindow =;
I have spent a very long time looking at it but I still can't figure it out. The problem is with line with <embed> tag.My purpose is to open a swf flash in a new popup window such that it must have a Pretty title name (instead of its addresss). Since opening that SWF directly does not leave me the option of change the popup title , so I use the above method...
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Sep 2, 2011
I'm looking for a Market stock bar similar to http:[url]....I've been looking around and can't find any API's or examples.
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Jan 25, 2008
I have a flash file that reads an xml file and writes the text on the flash.The problem I have is when the client does not have the font that I'm using.I looked on many websites and they always say you have to do the following Open the Library panel (Ctrl+L).Add a font to your library - click the options menu in the upper right corner of the panel and select New Font from the menu.In the Font Symbol Properties dialog box select the font, size and style that you want and give the font combination a name. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Right-click the font symbol in the library and select Linkage from the contextual menu.In the Linkage Properties dialog box, click the Export for ActionScript button to enable both the Identifier and AS 2.0 Class text input fields. Leave the default Identifier value and click OK to close the dialog box.Select the text tool from the Tools panel and draw a dynamic text field on the Stage.Give the text field an instance name of "my_txt". In the Font menu select the symbol name you gave the embedded font earlier. You should see a little asterisk (*) beside the name.In the Property inspector set the font size and style to match those in the Font Symbol Properties dialog box earlier.Open the Actions Panel and add the following code to Frame 1 of your Flash document:
my_fmt.font = "Palatino";
new_txt.embedFonts = true;
new_txt.text = "hello world";
But this only works if you create those text fields on the flash scene.In my case, I only have an action script that reads that xml file and writes the text on the file. I don't need to manually create those "dynamic" text fields.
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Nov 7, 2009
how would i embed .jar file into my webpage
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Dec 13, 2011
So I've come across something which I need to find for a project which would also be very useful in general. How can I create the embed code which has the ability to be copied? I require something similar to the youtube embed code snippet, where you can click on the embed area, it highlights the content for you to copy. I've been doing some searching but can't find much as yet.
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Aug 31, 2006
I've only started looking at RSS Feeds over past couple of days and am wondering if its possible to embed a reader in a web page. What are the basic steps required/Can it all be done through javascript ? I've searched Google but only get converter services etc.
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Nov 5, 2010
I am trying to figure out how to use the YouTube embed code but allow the user to paste the specific url to the video he wants to show on the Flash player. I think that to make this work that I will have to either load the information into a SQL database and call it from there or have javascript write the entire embed code with the value video1 as the source but I don't have very much experience with either.
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to access the features of a plugin without actually embedding
it into a page. Is this possible? Eg
The code to embed the object into a page is:
<OBJECT classid='CLSID:7FA62735-AHC3-14d2-9F81-00114B3245C5
codebase=',1' "id='myPlugin'
height=Ɔ' width=Ɔ'>
<EMBED type='application/x-myPlugin' name='myPlugin' hidden='true'
I could simply add this using document.write, but for various reasons
I dont want to do this.
I would rather do something like:
var plugin = (navigator.mimeTypes &&
navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-Web-Plugin"]) ?
navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-Web-Plugin"].enabledPlugin : 0;
myObj = new object("CLSID:7FA62735-AHC3-14d2-9F81-00114B3245C5");
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Jan 12, 2007
I have some code that hides all Flash objects on a page. It's working
fine on IE and Gecko but doesn't work on Safari. There are no errors
(shown in the console) when it runs on Safari, and when I alert the
properties they do show the correctly changed status, but the screen
doesn't reflect that. It maybe a bug in the Flash player for Safari
(I'm using player 9.0) which is just ignoring that it's been hidden.
Here is the Firefox/Safari part of my logic:
for(var i=0;i<document.embeds.length;i++)
If I alert the visibility beforehand, it's set to "visible" and
afterwards it's set to "hidden", so clearly the code is doing what's
asked of it, but still the Flash continues to persist on-screen. I
tried a browser resize (with the mouse manually) and it still remained,
so it wasn't just a bad rendering issue. The Flash remains there and
remains animating and interactive. I've considered resizing it to zero
x zero but that may have page alignment issues if that embed was
filling a hole.
Ideas anyone? That code above works on all non-IE browsers I've tried
it on. The IE version of course looks through the objects array and
checks the classid but when it comes to hiding, does the same thing.
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Jul 20, 2005
My end goal is to send a web page (single file) as an attachment (not
embedded) via email to any of the main email clients (Eudora, Outlook, etc).
Users see a single web page attachment and either double click or "view in
browser" in order to view it. (It is an attachment after all)....
When they DO open Internet Explorer (is all I need, not netscape), a single
image appears with some appended text.
My challenge is: I don't believe I can send more than one file via email
because of the potential renaming of currently-existing files (i.e. the
image gets renamed and the webpage points to an older picture, because the
web page was certainly not updated). Also, some email clients, like Eudora,
like to attach the whole path name of an attachment as the file name (so
that C: empabc.jpg becomes CTEMPABC.JPG and the web page no longer knows
what to point to depending upon the email clients).
So I thought, perhaps there's a way to embed the image DATA into the html
itself and on "onLoad" or some other method, save the temp file
(whatever.jpg) and rewrite the html to point to the IMG file.
How can I do that? (or another way to accomplish the same).
Internet Explorer 5 or 5.5 and better, as I use a plugin which requires IE,
not an email client's internal browser, and *not* netscape.
Windows 98se or better.
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Apr 13, 2011
The following line give me two different result in IE and Firfox.
alert ( $('#top-ad object').children().length );
//IE return 3
//Firefox return 4
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Apr 29, 2011
I cannot for the life of me get our menu to appear ABOVE tubepress embed. I have changed teh z-index of virtually every possible container in our menu to no success. Can anyone with Firebug find what class I am missing to add the z-index on?
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Nov 30, 2011
I'm not using any framework so I'm not looking for any jquery shorthand. I just need to change the youtube video with a click.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeVideo(vidSrc){
var link = vidSrc.href + "?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0";
var movie = document.getElementById('embeddedMovie');
movie.setAttribute("src", link);
alert('SRC: ' + document.getElementById('embeddedMovie').src);
return false;
And the html:
<object width="560" height="315">
<param name="movie" id="embeddedParam" value="[URL]"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<embed id="embeddedMovie" src="[URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">
The alert shows that the source is changing however the page just goes blank and the src is not updated in the markup. I also tried updating the parameter along with the movie but still no luck. Does the same on all browsers. If I use the same technique for images it works so I don't believe it to be any DOM loading issue.
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Feb 9, 2009
to generate JS to embed a poll in other blogs or websites.
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Feb 11, 2010
Is an iframe the only way to embed a web page? I would like to embed a web page within a email but some users email clients do not support iframes.
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Jul 15, 2011
Im new to JS. Im having a problem with special character (im from Denmark where we useWhen embeded the text doesnt include the special characters. I know why but I dont know how to resolve it.My HTML looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Sep 26, 2011
I want to be able to display an embedded video on a web page but i want the URL to be different based on the source IP visting the web page.Can this be done in javascript?Example: If someone from inside our network (one IP address on the outside) visits our external web page (hosted externally) visits a web page with one of the embedded videos the URL and code will serve up a locally hosted video. (WMV format)
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