Handle Multiple Photo Errors In Sequence?

Apr 5, 2010

I am working on connecting a web application to a folder of photos that has some photos named with their "master" attribute (e.g. folder/master.JPG) and others named with their "name" attribute. I can't change the name of these photos.

I want to be able to check first the "master" attribute, then the "name" attribute, and then display a "no photo available" image if trying both attributes resulted in an error. However, I'm not sure why I can't get to the "no photo available" part.

Here's what I am trying (hopefully the other parts of the code are self-explanatory):

function selectionEvent() {
var link = PHOTO_PATH + masterSelected + ".JPG";
document.getElementById('Image').onError = masterError;


The first two functions work fine (photos can be looked up by "master" and "name" names), but selecting a record with no photo results in what I think is an infinite loop. I don't understand why the second function can't get to the third function in case of an error? Do I need to somehow clear the first error first? Or is it something else entirely?

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JQuery :: Form To Handle Multiple Entries?

Sep 14, 2011

I have a form with 12 fields. This form submits the information for registering a student for courses that we offer. Currently, it only handles one registration at a time and is kind of clunky.I want to present the user the capability to register more than one person at a time. Essentially adding multiple users' info at once before submitting the form.I also want to have an area above the form that shows a list of people that they enter in a select,which will later be modified to have checkboxes so they may remove them, if needed.

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Handle Multiple Demiliter Possibility Of Texterea?

Jun 29, 2011

Have an issue handling people using texterea to submit multiple id strings, I have to handle that not make what the user enters as delimiter, I have to pass it to comma delimiter to the back end. Basically I need to treat, ;, newline, returns, space, white space, blank etc to comma. Just wondering if there is an expression I can use.

str = document.mform.txtInput.value
function handleInput(str)
//remove unwanted space,change all delimiler to comma

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JQuery :: IE Does Not Properly Handle Multiple Ajax Requests

May 11, 2011

I have a page that relies on AJAX for content manipulation. Once a person selects a radio button, a request is made through $.getJSON() to get the replacement content. This works in all browsers. Once the new content is loaded, there are 3 more calls to $.getJSON() to change more content (on other tabs in jQuery UI). This works in all browsers except for IE.

I understand this is a Microsoft problem, and not a jQuery problem, but I am wondering if there is a way to manipulate the jQuery calls to get them to work in IE. I did try replacing $.getJSON with $.ajax, and even set async to false. None of those three methods worked in IE. I noticed the problem when my loading div was still displayed in IE. Using Firebug Lite, I saw that only one request was made, rather than four.

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Galleria Photo Gallery - Multiple On One Page?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to set up a photo gallery on a website using the Galleria Javascript. I managed to setup one gallery but I don't know the code to setup another or another two galleries on the same one page. Can anyone help me urgently? When I try to post the code twice, it gives an error message.


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JQuery :: Validate Plugin Handle Multiple Forms On One Page?

Oct 18, 2011

I see it working in the demos I found this documentation

You can avoid having to duplicate the plugin settings by modifying the defaults. Use $.validator.setDefaults({…}) to override multiple settings at once.

But I do not understand what I have to do to make this work

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Modify JS Code For Multiple Photo Galleries On Same Page?

Apr 4, 2009

I have obtained script for a photo gallery and have placed it on a web page. I have duplicated the html code 2 more times for the additional 2 galleries I need. The first one works, the other 2 don't (nothing happens when you click on the thumbnails). I know I need to refer to the other 2 in the javascript file, but I'm not sure how. Here is the javascript file code for 1 gallery, which I need to modify for 3 galleries, but don't know how...

clickMenu = function(menu) {
var getEls = document.getElementById(menu).getElementsByTagName("LI");
var getAgn = getEls;


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Identify Logical Errors From Other Types Of Errors?

May 1, 2011

How can we identify logical errors from other types of errors?

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IE Can Not Handle Multiple "window.onload" Which Causes Only The First Image To Slowly Fade In?

Mar 6, 2011

HI'm working on a website and i was asked to add a fancy fade in effect which after a ton of scourcing the web i managed to find and get to work

function fadein(){var fade=0,

Now for the index page there are multiple images that i want to have fade in one after another. What i did was copy the above code a 5 times and change the function names. It worked like a charm in both Chrome and Firefox however IE as usual is being a partypooper. it appears that IE does can not handle multiple "window.onload" which causes only the first image to slowly fade in.Here is my current code, how can i make it IE competable?

function fadein(){var fade=0,

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Photo 1 Is Shown For A Little While, Then It Switches To Photo 2?

Apr 28, 2010

I would like to have a code on my page that causes two or more photos to change between each other. For example, photo 1 is shown for a little while, then it switches to photo 2, etc. I would also like to switch text that goes along with the photos. I would like my layout to look like this:Photo / Text about Photoand have both switch after a little while, to the next photo and text.

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Sequence Of Loading

Aug 31, 2005

I have a number of sources of javascript and don't really know the sequence of when each gets loaded.

<SCRIPT FOR="window" EVENT="onLoad">
var tmp = "where are you";

<script language="JavaScript">

<script language="JavaScript" src="code.js"></script>

Are they loaded based on the order they are seen in the page?

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Different Header On Each Page In Sequence?

May 29, 2011

I have 6 headers that are animated gifs. They transition, 3 of them left to right, the other 3 right to left.I would like to have them to change to next header in sequence no matter which page on my site they click.I'm not sure this can be done, but think javascript is my best bet. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Image Refresh In Sequence?

May 24, 2011

I want the images to change in sequence when the page is refreshed not random like i have below. Also I also need text to change on refresh to because I am going to have a descritption of the image below.

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var imgs = new Array('<a href="VW_1.shtml"><img border=0 src="img/samples/VW/large_1.jpg" width=165 height=109" class="thumbnail_img">',


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OnClick Image Sequence

Apr 22, 2004

I am creating a little portal for my design department at work. On the homepage of the portal, there is a section for a random image that people can submit. This image has a preset width and height so it fits into the layout. When you load the index page, it randomly selects one of the images from the database. However, I want people to be able to click on the image and load a different one. I don't want to reload the entire page and get a new randomly selected one because it is possible they could keep getting the same image over and over. If they random get image #5, I want them to see image #6 when they click, then image #7 when they click again, so on and so forth. When they reach the last image, they go back to image #1. Make sense?

Any ideas? I have tried looking at scripts that automatically change the image (with cute little fade ins), but I want the change to happen based on the user's actions.

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Can't Display A Sequence Of Images

Apr 1, 2010

As a test, I'm trying to display a sequence of images on an html page. The first image is displayed initially, but when I click on the button (although I can tell that the sequencing is happening, and the image files are on the server where they're supposed to be) the rest of the images do not display.

<style type = "text/css">


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Displaying 2 Images In Sequence?

Jul 19, 2010

For the moment disregarding function thirdPic, I am able to click on "sample text" and I switch from an invisible image (actually 1 px by 1 px) with a picture of a book with a quote (firstPic) that I want to appear on screen. After reading the quote the reader can click on the image of the book and it will disappear. And it works fine. However, there are a couple of cases where I would like to show a lengthier quotation which would require me to click on the first book image(firstPic) and a second book image would appear with more text(thirdPic). I can get the second image to appear but I can't get it to disappear. Or I can get the first image to appear and get back to the empty screen but I want to do both.
Everything I've tried to do doesn't work. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE BUTTON TO CLICK THROUGH A SLIDESHOW. It would not be the representation I want ot produce.

Javascript Code
function firstPic()


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JQuery :: Animate 2 Elements In Sequence

Jun 21, 2011

i (more-or-less) understand how animation queuing works when animating a single element, but what's the best practice or most efficient approach for animating 2 different elements in a sequence? callbacks on complete?this example animates #black and #white simultaneously, when what i'd like to do is animate #black, then #white:[code]

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JQuery :: Animation Sequence With A Loop?

Aug 5, 2010


His there a way to do this in a better way ?

How do i implement my code so the user can't not use link before the animation is done.

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JQuery :: Reloading Divs In Sequence

Feb 27, 2011

I created an internal application which shows a large list of tasks that will be completed on a server by a script. It will go through each in order and update a database with its status (E.x "Failed", "Good", "Errors: <msg>").What I am doing currently is pulling the ID's of these tasks from a database, and then passing them to JQ to .load() the actual content for each div.What I would like to do is figure out a way to have each div reload as something is happening to it. So, lets say the script fires on the server and begins to process task ID 1. I would like to figure out a good way to be able to instantiate reloading for each div, as it is being processed.I do not wish to reload the entire page, I would not like for all 200+ divs to be constantly refreshing.

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JQuery :: Swap Images In A Sequence?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm a jQuery novice to say the least so please bear with me here.I need to swap out some images in a timed sequence. I found a tutorial online which kind of does what I need. Here is the code:



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IE Is Not Showing Style Changes During Script Sequence

Mar 5, 2009

I have an ajaxCallWrapper function that is used for all of my Ajax calls. Its purpose is to put an indicator spinner on the screen while the Ajax is resolving:

This works fine in Firefox, but IE doesn't not show the spinner. However, if I add an alert after $('#ajaxBusy').show();, then the spinner becomes visible.

It seems to me that IE is not applying style changes to elements until the entire function completes or it hits an alert. Does anyone know a way to solve this so that the spinner will display?

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Button To Call Different Functions In Sequence?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a button that calls a functionI would like a single button that calls a series of functions in sequence i.e.first click of button calls function1second click of same button calls function2 etc

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AJAX :: Data Returns Out Of Sequence

Jan 3, 2011

I'm building an application that uses calendars extensively, I have single calendars returning nicely but I working on a section that can return multiple calendars (eg. yearly overview) between certain date range ranges. It's working fine but the calendars are appended to the div when the server responds and not in the sequence they are called.

Here's the code I'm using:


function displayMultiCalendars(date1,date2,a)
$.get("<?=base_url();?>cal_center/get_date_range_total/"+date1+"/"+date2, function(data) {


So, is there any way of making sure that they return in sequence? I'm sure there's another/better way of looping but I'm not the best with the js/jquery.

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Make A Key Sequence Open A MsgBox?

Jan 17, 2011

how would i make a key sequence open a message box. so if i type something like... for example "activate" it would open a message box that said "Activated."

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Drag And Drop For Sequence In Form?

Nov 17, 2011

I have this form that has to display these divs (each div contains an image, 2 text-fields, and 2 check-boxes) and I need a user to be able to enter things into the text fields, check the check boxes, and re-order the divs to establish a sequence order. Also, I'd ideally like them to nudge out of the way to show where the photo will go if dropped. So when the form is processed, the first one would have a form-value of sequence=1, the second one would have a form-value of sequence=2, and so on.

There will be anywhere from 0 to a zillion files. I'm using this form-data to update a database, so there's all sorts of crazy server-side things I have to pull out of my hat... but this part (the client-side re-ordering part) is what's really got me stumped. Bonus points if a user can drag an image into the containment-div and it will upload the photo and create a new div with the text fields and options!! (That would be ridiculously amazing)

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JQuery :: Click On Images And If Right Sequence Get Success?

Sep 7, 2011

I would like to show users 10 images (DIVs) on which they can click. Images will be numbers (0-9) and they have to click on correct sequence (example 4 6 3 2 2 7) and then click "submit" button. If they don't get correct sequence they get shown some message about wrong numbers, but if they get it wight they should get some message of success. I am searching for some similar jquery or ajax scripts and can't find anything. Has anyone seen this kind of samples anywhere or could share some code?Attachments unlock.jpgSize : 35.81 KB Download : 266

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