IE Can Not Handle Multiple "window.onload" Which Causes Only The First Image To Slowly Fade In?
Mar 6, 2011
HI'm working on a website and i was asked to add a fancy fade in effect which after a ton of scourcing the web i managed to find and get to work
function fadein(){var fade=0,
Now for the index page there are multiple images that i want to have fade in one after another. What i did was copy the above code a 5 times and change the function names. It worked like a charm in both Chrome and Firefox however IE as usual is being a partypooper. it appears that IE does can not handle multiple "window.onload" which causes only the first image to slowly fade in.Here is my current code, how can i make it IE competable?
function fadein(){var fade=0,
have this Multiple Image Viewer very similar, -in fact almost identical- to the one in the main page of It uses the following code and its woriking nice,
Code: function switch_product_img(divname, divnumber, divtotal) {for (var i=1; i<=divtotal; i++) { var showDivName = divname + '_' + i;
My problem is that some of these myFunction#s include AJAX calls but the calls depend on each other in such a way that myFunction2 will not work unless myFunction1 has completed. So what is the "nicest" way to make sure of this? I've considered putting a hidden element in the HTML and then changing it at the end of each function call and have the onchange event trigger the next function call. But this seems very hacky and overcomplicated - surely there must be a simpler and better way....?
This is a really awesome script that I'm sure all of you can put to use if you haven't yet heard of it. However, I'm trying to get it to fade a background image on my css styled navigation for my a:hover. Here is the script with a little simple tutorial on how to set it up: [URL] My only other knowledge is in PHP, so after about 2 hours of fail in this client-side language
This is the link to my site so far: [URL] You can see the script working as it is on my little yellow MW logo on the right side of the navigation. So in my scenario, I am looking to fade button.png to button-hover.png (both repeating on the x axis).
here's another newbie to jQuery. I just watched some tutorials and did a search over here but could not find what I'm looking for. Here's what I want to do. I have a div (#layer1) with some content in it which I want to hide for something like 3000ms and then fade in in about 1400ms. All by itself so not triggered by button actions or anything.
Now I understand that jQuery does not have a real delay command so I have to fake something with maybe the $fadeTo("3000,0") followed by the fadeIn command? Is that the correct way to do it?
Is there any way of fading in some text without using <body onLoad()>?
I need something that works like this
<html> <head> <script language="javascript"> var r = 255; var g = 255; var b = 255; function fade(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(id).style.color="rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; r -= 5 g -= 5 b -= 5 if(r>0) setTimeout("fade('"+id+"')", 40); } function startfade(id) { window.setTimeout("fade('fade');", 100); } </script>
</head> <body onLoad="startfade('fade');"> <p> <span id="fade" style="visibility: hidden;">This text needs to fade in 8 seconds after page load!</span><br> test </p> </body></html>
I am php developer,[URL]... a fade in fade out effect (image + text) which is working very nice but Can i do this like with text on top(not on an image)and image below it like header : text below that an image
example <table> <tr><td> header for image</td></tr> <tr><td> image here</td></tr> </table>
Can you pls suggest any other script to display an html page or pages like this just the way i had defined above in fade in fade out ....
Specifically, window.onload appears to fire before all the elements of the page have been rendered. As the difference is consistent across IE/Moz/Opera, I'm assuming it's deliberate - can anyone point me towards where this behaviour of window.onload is defined in the documentation? TIA. Code:
I have a form with 12 fields. This form submits the information for registering a student for courses that we offer. Currently, it only handles one registration at a time and is kind of clunky.I want to present the user the capability to register more than one person at a time. Essentially adding multiple users' info at once before submitting the form.I also want to have an area above the form that shows a list of people that they enter in a select,which will later be modified to have checkboxes so they may remove them, if needed.
I am working on connecting a web application to a folder of photos that has some photos named with their "master" attribute (e.g. folder/master.JPG) and others named with their "name" attribute. I can't change the name of these photos.
I want to be able to check first the "master" attribute, then the "name" attribute, and then display a "no photo available" image if trying both attributes resulted in an error. However, I'm not sure why I can't get to the "no photo available" part.
Here's what I am trying (hopefully the other parts of the code are self-explanatory):
Code: function selectionEvent() { var link = PHOTO_PATH + masterSelected + ".JPG"; document.getElementById('Image').onError = masterError;
The first two functions work fine (photos can be looked up by "master" and "name" names), but selecting a record with no photo results in what I think is an infinite loop. I don't understand why the second function can't get to the third function in case of an error? Do I need to somehow clear the first error first? Or is it something else entirely?
Have an issue handling people using texterea to submit multiple id strings, I have to handle that not make what the user enters as delimiter, I have to pass it to comma delimiter to the back end. Basically I need to treat, ;, newline, returns, space, white space, blank etc to comma. Just wondering if there is an expression I can use.
str = document.mform.txtInput.value function handleInput(str) { //remove unwanted space,change all delimiler to comma }
I have some scripts that uses activex objects for InternetExplorer to get the browser handle.i get the handle of the newly create browser into IE variable and from there I was making my script work on the browser.In IE6, IE7, IE8 browser this works perfectly fine.How ever, recently I have upgraded my IE6 browser to IE8 since then my scripts are not working as expected.Is there any way in javascript to get the handle over the browser with full access.
I have a page that relies on AJAX for content manipulation. Once a person selects a radio button, a request is made through $.getJSON() to get the replacement content. This works in all browsers. Once the new content is loaded, there are 3 more calls to $.getJSON() to change more content (on other tabs in jQuery UI). This works in all browsers except for IE.
I understand this is a Microsoft problem, and not a jQuery problem, but I am wondering if there is a way to manipulate the jQuery calls to get them to work in IE. I did try replacing $.getJSON with $.ajax, and even set async to false. None of those three methods worked in IE. I noticed the problem when my loading div was still displayed in IE. Using Firebug Lite, I saw that only one request was made, rather than four.
Filename is just the extensionless web page name e.g. "Addresses"
Problem is of course every window popped up will replace the previously popped up window and in the case of a popped up window popping up a window the new window will just replace the calling window.
(Please, no lectures on popping up windows, I need to in my particular case and here I'm just stripping it down to the bare problem for claritie and simplicities s sake)
I'd be happy if I could create a new window handle each time so that all my popup windows will be unique. If it could be the filename that would be fine e.g. instead of the window handle variable being "LinkWindow" it would be "Addresses". Is there some way of making the variable I assign the new window to a variable? All I can come up with is somehow having LinkWindow an array of window handles and just keep incrementing it e.g.
LinkWindow[100]; // 100 is more than enough windows for a typical session LinkWindowCount = 0;
I see it working in the demos I found this documentation
You can avoid having to duplicate the plugin settings by modifying the defaults. Use $.validator.setDefaults({…}) to override multiple settings at once.
But I do not understand what I have to do to make this work
I have found out that doing a window.resizeTo(w,h) does not resize the client area tot his size, but the entire window (including tool bars etc).
So, with an address bar, a tool bar and a status bar etc showing, the window.document.body.offsetHeight value will be ~200 points smaller than the required size.
We have a simple set of data in a table, but it can resize based on a font size. On change of font from a combo we call a resize function.
How can I ensure that the body.offsetHeight and widths are enough to show all of my table, without hard coding for toolbars etc (Because they may not be there on some browsers.)
Is there a way like in java to *pack* the client area to best fit?
how to handle window close event in all aspects? i.e. when window is closed using close button alt+f4 and closing the window by right clicking on the task bar
I am trying to pop up a window and then do stuff(set flags) when the content of the new window is done loading. For this I am trying to detect the window.onload of the pop-up child window but so far I am unsuccessful. I believe my problem is that the URL of child window is on different domain, than the one of the opener(parent) so that the window.onload is not being called. Though this may change, at the moment I do not have access to the code for the page I'm opening up in the pop-up. Im pretty new to web development.
The objective is to have an image fade to another one progressivly while the mouse is over, when its not it fades back to the original, whether or not it faded to the target completely or not. That is, if it takes 1 second to fade completely to the other image, and you take your mouse off it at 0.5 seconds, it will begin to fade back to the original. I have a problem where I want to give this ability to multiple images (thumbnails) on a page, without having reams and reams of code and instead just have one function accomadate any number of images.
I am trying to pop up a window and then do stuff(set flags) when the content of the new window is done loading. For this I am trying to detect the window.onload of the pop-up child window but so far I am unsuccessful. I believe my problem is that the URL of child window is on different domain, than the one of the opener(parent) so that the window.onload is not being called. Thought this may change, at the moment I do not have access to the code for the page I'm opening up in the pop-up. Im pretty new to web development.
Heres my js code
//globals var popupHandle = null; var openingWindow = false; function popWindow(URL){
Note: The whole reason why I am doing this is because if its the first time I am clicking on the button that will open this pop up window and I click it repeatedly very quickly, a new pop up is opened for each time I clicked eventhough the is supposed to reuse the window if it has the same windowId. The first call to takes long enough to not have a window handle and allow other clicks to get through.