I'm a jQuery novice to say the least so please bear with me here.I need to swap out some images in a timed sequence. I found a tutorial online which kind of does what I need. Here is the code:
I would like to show users 10 images (DIVs) on which they can click. Images will be numbers (0-9) and they have to click on correct sequence (example 4 6 3 2 2 7) and then click "submit" button. If they don't get correct sequence they get shown some message about wrong numbers, but if they get it wight they should get some message of success. I am searching for some similar jquery or ajax scripts and can't find anything. Has anyone seen this kind of samples anywhere or could share some code?Attachments unlock.jpgSize : 35.81 KB Download : 266
As a test, I'm trying to display a sequence of images on an html page. The first image is displayed initially, but when I click on the button (although I can tell that the sequencing is happening, and the image files are on the server where they're supposed to be) the rest of the images do not display.
For the moment disregarding function thirdPic, I am able to click on "sample text" and I switch from an invisible image (actually 1 px by 1 px) with a picture of a book with a quote (firstPic) that I want to appear on screen. After reading the quote the reader can click on the image of the book and it will disappear. And it works fine. However, there are a couple of cases where I would like to show a lengthier quotation which would require me to click on the first book image(firstPic) and a second book image would appear with more text(thirdPic). I can get the second image to appear but I can't get it to disappear. Or I can get the first image to appear and get back to the empty screen but I want to do both. Everything I've tried to do doesn't work. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE BUTTON TO CLICK THROUGH A SLIDESHOW. It would not be the representation I want ot produce.
Javascript Code ---------------------------------- function firstPic() { document.getElementById('blankPic2').src="../images/pic657.gif";
I want multiple images to be able to call this function and run it as planned. This is my question, how do you make it so that the name of the tag can be dynamic in the function. if I don't make myself clear, here's my code if it helps.
<html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head>
Ok, so this isn't EXACTLY my code, but it's exactly the same thing as what I'm doing. I just gave some parts easier names, so it's easier to follow. Oh, and if I forgot to say, this is an image swap.
I've got a selection of 4 images/banners there all the same size and fit into the website layout perfectly, what I'm after is a small bit of java that will change the image from 1 - 4 and then loop to do it again all on a timed delay.
The code I'm using was pulled from a slide show exsample and i've just removed asmuch of the code as was possible.
I have 3 images that I am trying to swap in and out with eachother. It starts off with the "Good Afternoon.gif" then I have a checkbox that changes it from and switches between the "Eyeball.jpg" and the "Smileys.gif" without going back to the "Good Afternoon.gif. That works perfectly fine and as intended. What does not work is my reset button, it unchecks the checkbox that I created as it should be does not set the image back to the "Good Afternoon.gif". I created goodAfternoon and a goodAfternoonFinal images because I am telling the code to to goodAfternoon.src=Eyeball.src; so I have the goodAfternoonFinal to change it back to the original pic.
i have been tryin for a long time to get both of the javascripts(for the thumbnail to main img swap and the navigational arrow swap) to work in synchit needs to be so that after clicking on a thumbnail then on an arrow, the correct image in the correct order appears. as of now they are running separately and one has no influence on the other. forgive me if im not being clear. i keep trying to replace the id that one script is looking for with the same id from the other but this will not work..why?
i (more-or-less) understand how animation queuing works when animating a single element, but what's the best practice or most efficient approach for animating 2 different elements in a sequence? callbacks on complete?this example animates #black and #white simultaneously, when what i'd like to do is animate #black, then #white:[code]
I created an internal application which shows a large list of tasks that will be completed on a server by a script. It will go through each in order and update a database with its status (E.x "Failed", "Good", "Errors: <msg>").What I am doing currently is pulling the ID's of these tasks from a database, and then passing them to JQ to .load() the actual content for each div.What I would like to do is figure out a way to have each div reload as something is happening to it. So, lets say the script fires on the server and begins to process task ID 1. I would like to figure out a good way to be able to instantiate reloading for each div, as it is being processed.I do not wish to reload the entire page, I would not like for all 200+ divs to be constantly refreshing.
I have four icons that I wish to face in when the page loads. When the first image is 25% faded, the second will fade in. When the second is 25% faded, the third will fade in. When the third is 25% faded, the fourth will fade in. Since I have never touched jQuery, with the exception of downloading plugins and using them, how should i best go about this?
I am a self thought web developer and am constantly having problems making sure that certain commands are finished executing before others are started. My most recent problem is trying to append a large amount of data, to a div, then sliding it down slowly. Since that data takes a while to append, the system is doing both at the same time, therefore not giving me the slide down effect. Here is the code:
Where "SomeDiv" is part of "cpage" and "data" is a large amount of images. I would like to execute line 1 and then all the other lines simultaneously. It is currently executing all of the simultaneously.
I've used Jquery Cycle to build thefollowingpage: [URL] As you can see the slides runnicelyin sequence with a clickable navigation. I would like to be able to run this slide show from a random starting slide on each page load, but for the slide show to remain in sequence and not load random slides thereafter. I'm sure this is doable - but the only random syntax I've found for this plugiin loads just random slides, out of the running order, which makes the navigation run randomly. I just want the starting slide to be random.
I am a complete novice with Javascript, but am trying to work out how I can get a button to swap to another image when clicked, and each image have a different URL attached. I want to use this to toggle the bgcolor of my page using this script:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); [Code]...
I have 6 headers that are animated gifs. They transition, 3 of them left to right, the other 3 right to left.I would like to have them to change to next header in sequence no matter which page on my site they click.I'm not sure this can be done, but think javascript is my best bet. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I want the images to change in sequence when the page is refreshed not random like i have below. Also I also need text to change on refresh to because I am going to have a descritption of the image below.
[CODE] <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> var imgs = new Array('<a href="VW_1.shtml"><img border=0 src="img/samples/VW/large_1.jpg" width=165 height=109" class="thumbnail_img">',