I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: http://j.mp/5U79i1 What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.
I am creating a custom gallery that I require an image and text to swap on click of an anchored thumbnail. I have successfully managed to change the image on click however I can't seem to manage changing the text. Currently when a user clicks on the thumbnail both the image and text is swapped however when the user clicks on another anchored thumbnail (after clicking on the first) the image swaps correctly but the text does not change My Code
I have written code that achieves three things: Once the user clicks (1) A text box is created (2) It is positioned based on the position of the cursor (3) The focus is set to the text box. It works great, but the problem is if you click somewhere else, in addition to creating a new text box it also moves the previous text box.
I'm a jQuery novice to say the least so please bear with me here.I need to swap out some images in a timed sequence. I found a tutorial online which kind of does what I need. Here is the code:
I currently have several instances of a video player placed on the page by number of XML nodes. Each player has a source of one of 2 video codecs, dependent on browser as to which one will be read. The issue I am having is that on click of a thumb 1 video player and its corresponding sources is animated into view and plays. That is all fine, yet when selecting a different thumb the previous video continues to play unless I place the statement in green into my click function. This works until I add another node into my xml, and or place more video.pause without videos actually being in the xml (undefined, of coarse). I have been trying to find the syntax to replace the source with the corresponding thumb id (url, url2) and utilize only one player, but I have failed in my searches. Is it possible to swap the source upon clicking on the thumbs? $('video').player.pause(); is not recognized.
I want multiple images to be able to call this function and run it as planned. This is my question, how do you make it so that the name of the tag can be dynamic in the function. if I don't make myself clear, here's my code if it helps.
<html> <head> <title>Example</title> </head>
Ok, so this isn't EXACTLY my code, but it's exactly the same thing as what I'm doing. I just gave some parts easier names, so it's easier to follow. Oh, and if I forgot to say, this is an image swap.
I've got a selection of 4 images/banners there all the same size and fit into the website layout perfectly, what I'm after is a small bit of java that will change the image from 1 - 4 and then loop to do it again all on a timed delay.
The code I'm using was pulled from a slide show exsample and i've just removed asmuch of the code as was possible.
I have 3 images that I am trying to swap in and out with eachother. It starts off with the "Good Afternoon.gif" then I have a checkbox that changes it from and switches between the "Eyeball.jpg" and the "Smileys.gif" without going back to the "Good Afternoon.gif. That works perfectly fine and as intended. What does not work is my reset button, it unchecks the checkbox that I created as it should be does not set the image back to the "Good Afternoon.gif". I created goodAfternoon and a goodAfternoonFinal images because I am telling the code to to goodAfternoon.src=Eyeball.src; so I have the goodAfternoonFinal to change it back to the original pic.
I want this to work EXACTLY like Facebook, so that when you click in the "Write a comment..." input field and it makes your photo and COMMENT button appear. Viewing their source doesn't help me. Here are my divs
This is what I'm trying to do: I want a simple image container to swap the image inside it by clicking the nav buttons on the right like 1, 2, 3.Here's my code:
HTML Code HTML4Strict: <div id="item1"> <div class="img-container shadow" style="background-image:url(images/gallery/tcg1.jpg)">[code].....
My jQuery code is not right. I want it to turn off the "hover" class and the "show" class of the others when you click one. I think I need some kind of if..else? how to write it? I have a bg image set on the container div so there's an initial image to view.I also need multiple of these on the same page!
I'm using DreamWeaver CS3's image rollover code, but I'm trying to edit the code so that when you click the image, the hover state stays selected.
Then, when you hover anc click another image, the first image reverts back to it's original state. I've scoured the Internet, but can't find anything that works.
Here's the current javascript code:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
Should I disable the right click option or not? I have a gallery site, I don't want people to be able to copy the images with the default right click over an image. From a professional looking site point of view I suppose I would be messing with the functionality a bit too much, OR is it OK in this instance to disable the click. I know how to write the code to disable the click, but what I was thinking was maybe it would be better to leave the right click but change the menu options? I'm not sure how to change the menu options ere is a link to the site. [URL]
1 Each product is represented bij a square.gif (with a roll-over "squareon.gif) 2 Onrollover/onmouseover a corresponding text is shown, each time on the same place on the stage. For these i am using a layer/div and display: none;
So far i have things working dynamicly with PHP, that is each product is shown as a square and the corresponding texten sits there.
Now what i want to do is, to show the corresponding text when a user (onmouseover) square.gif. How do i do this?
I have a list of links that go to pages that have a similar layout. Could I have a text swap, similar to what I've seen with image swaps (or an image switch) whereby instead of loading a seperate page, text and image is just replaced?
Other than not being accessable by non-javascript supported browsers, and unlikely to be indexed by search engines, would I face any other difficulties? For example, does an image/text swap have any browser dependancy issues? If I know that all my clients will have javascript switched on, I'm trying to figure out how much of my audience am I limiting by having this 'feature' (my oldest clients that visit are IE5.5 and Netscape 4 but these make up less than 2% of my entire visitors during the past ten months).
I'm attempting to design a website for a nonprofit and have very little experience. A very close friend of mine just passed away from this cancer, and I'm trying to help give their site a better image.This is the mock outline I have now of the menu i'm trying to make:http://kttns.org/wmtvlI would like each one of the side buttons to change the middle text block without reloading the page (and resize if possible, but i don't know if i need/want that)
I have a thumbnail image that swaps a large image. I want to swap the text on the page with the text in a corresponding txt file. The text I want to swap is defined by a named/id'd Div. I know there must be some sort of include reference but I can't quite get there. I can mingle PHP and JS if necessary.
<div class="righttext1"> sometext to be swapped when a thumbnail is clicked. this line will be filled with the contents from the img#.txt file. </div>
<a href=# onclick="swapout('img1', 'othervars....')"> //triggers js for img1 and other variables. <img src="thumbs/img1.jpg" /></a>
I tried out this script, but then I realized that it wasn't going to work for what I wanted it to do, but i figured I would leave it so you can have an idea of what I need. I am fairly new at javascript and followed a tutorial for this, but because I am new, I can only go so far at the moment..
So here is the site:
What is happening now is when you click the little image on the left (in the top black area) changes and shows a new picture. Unfortunately thats CLOSE but not right. I need it to change the image on hover and actually open a link on click/
i would like to create a list of all images inside a specific div. It should be outputted as ul li list. The List should be clickable and on click i would like to be send to the position of the image on my site.
I am trying to truncate some text within a 'span' in order to create a 'more/less' button to show/hide the additional. I effectively want to turn this:
Is it possible to create a text hyperlink with 2 different font colours in one word e.g. Hyperlink so that the colours swap over when the mouse is placed over any part of the link i.e.. Hyperlink. ?Using #FF6600 for orange and #006600 for green and by setting the css as follows: