Function - Compares Two Strings And Then Shows Or Hides A Div Depending On Results Of Comparison
Oct 8, 2011
I have been on this for over an hours now, it is probably something simple and/or stupid, but why doesn't this script work? I have read forums til my eyes are crossed and can't see what I am doing wrong I am new to javascript, but not programming. The point here is to create a function that compares two strings and then shows or hides a div depending on the results of the comparison. I was trying to pass in the name of the two input text boxes containing the text and the name of the div to show or hide (so that it can be used in multiple scenariios.) Right now my error message is that document.getElementById(field1).value is not a function.
Here is the code below..
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Apr 15, 2010
I have simple code which shows a div and then on click it hides the div but its not working:
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Aug 6, 2009
This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed, having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result. I wanted very qucikly and easily!
However, I'm having one little niggle...
Here's my code:
This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div. However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox remains ticked, but the div is hidden. how I can make it work reliably?
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Apr 1, 2011
We are looking to implement something similar to the navigation found at this site: [URL] When you click on ABOUT, CONTACT, or LAB, the appropriate div within the content-main div shows/hides as appropriate. Fancy. I'm happy to read up on this on my own, but I don't really know how they accomplished this, so I'm not sure what to research. Since the page doesn't refresh, I'm assuming AJAX may be involved? Most importantly, I'm very interested in how their URL structure works. It looks like #about is an anchor that they are linking to. I thought about doing it in PHP, which I'm more familiar with, but I'd rather not refresh the page if I don't have to.
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Jun 27, 2010
I'm trying to code a menu which when clicking say the 'news' button, a div will appear to the right containing the news, if you then click the button below, say 'information', the news div will be replaced by the 'information' div. I can figure out how to make a single menu item show and hide a div, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it for a whole menu.
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May 26, 2010
1 - Accordion style vertical list that expands element (Film # and description) when "+more" link is clicked, and closes the previous open film and description.
2 - Activation of "+ more" shows a photo in separate div, and hides the previous photo that was visible in this separate div.
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May 7, 2009
I expanded upon a script a friend helped me write, to create a simple check box that hides / shows content, as shown HERE. [URL] Unfortunately, I don't have a clue how to expand this, so that I can use more than one checkbox on the page, to open different sections.
<title>Title of page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function getCookie(NameOfCookie)
{ if (document.cookie.length > 0)
{ begin = document.cookie.indexOf(NameOfCookie+"=");
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone have a code snippet to compare those values so I can sort
the array of alpha-numeric values that include both characters and
integers in it?
I.e., if we have values like 4236 and 123234, I want 4236 to be second
because 4 is bigger than 1 rather than using the numeric comparison.
The strings can include character values and strings. Basically, I have
the bubble sort function, the question is how to compare those types of
strings in the alpha-numeric order.
I looked all over the web thinking that this simple question would be
answered somewhere, but could not find the answer.
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Jun 4, 2006
I have this function which works great in Firefox, but doesn't work in IE. I can make it work in IE by breaking it in Firefox, but I'd like it to work in both.
Here's the function, with associated code:
function validate_check(input, message)
var par = input.parentNode;
var prev = input.previousSibling;
if(!input.checked) {
if(prev.innerHTML != message) {
var errmsg = document.createElement("p");
errmsg.innerHTML = message;
par.insertBefore(errmsg, input);
dosubmit = false;
} else if(prev.innerHTML == message) {
var agree = document.getElementById('agree');
var agreemsg = 'Please make sure you agree to our <a href="/tou.php" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="/privacy.php" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> to add your listing.'
validate_check(agree, agreemsg);
For the two attributes the function accepts, input is a node from that document tree that is a checkbox, and message is a string.
If the checkbox is not checked the function inserts a <p> element immediately before the input. That part works fine in both. However, the 'prev.innerHTML == message' and 'prev.innerHTML != message' don't work properly in IE. I think it is because of the <a> tags in 'message'. However, when I try to use the String() function there are problems because the 'prev' object is not always set, (like, if a paragraph isn't written right before the checkbox).
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May 27, 2009
I have the following Javascript code and I can't seem to get it to work properly...
function DeleteSelectedBookmarks() {
bookmarksToBeDeleted = array();
if (document.deletebookmark.elements.length == 1) {
if (document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark.value);
} else {
checkboxes = document.deletebookmark.deletebookmark;
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
if (checkboxes[i].checked) array_push(bookmarksToBeDeleted, checkboxes[i].value);
}} if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 0) {
alert("You haven't selected any bookmarks to delete.");
$.get("bookmarks.php", {delete: serialize(bookmarksToBeDeleted)},
function (result, bookmarksToBeDeleted) {
if (result == "done") {
if (count(bookmarksToBeDeleted) == 1) alert("Bookmark Deleted.");
else alert("Bookmarks Deleted.");
} RefreshBookmarks();
What it is supposes to do is gather the amount of bookmarks that need to be deleted and then send the command to the server to do so. The server then gives a message back (if it is successfully the result is "done") and depending upon how many bookmarks it deleted it gives a different result, ie. singular vs. plural. How do I do this?
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Mar 27, 2009
I have an AJAX script which is used for a "live search" type function.When a user begins to type their search, after 3 characters, my AJAX script jumps into action and shows them a list of possible results.I has worked fine for months, and now suddenly I have found that it is causing a javascript error.I have traced the error down to the "open" call... ie:"GET", url, true);Like I said, this has worked for ages and I haven't changed these files since I got them working.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have this function that checks formfields with an onChange. But it seems
to get my comparisons wrong. I've listed the function below, and give some
sample values here, the committed value is changed from 1000 to 1500 and
then gets a popup that it is greater than the Budget? Code:
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Mar 8, 2011
I've created a function that would hide and show paragraphs from a drop down list, that paragraph contains a link that will show a div containing a map of google. But when I switch to another State on the drop down list I'd like to have the original first paragraph that showed up to disappear. So far, I can only get the <div> that contains the map to disappear.a function that would hide the paragraph and the <div>? Again, Here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
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Jan 23, 2011
why the string comparison test doesn't work in this javascript function? It works if you use just text between the currentItem div tags, but not when you use html for an image. I even tried to use iso characters instead of angle brackets, as in "<img src=expand.png></img>" and still no dice. Why not?
<script language="JavaScript">
function toggleValue()
if(document.getElementById("currentItem").innerHTML != "<img src=expand.png></img>")
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Oct 29, 2011
I'm having a hard time getting my head round it again. I know it could be more efficient in jQuery, but I'd be happy just to get it working, with an extra variable, in straight js.The function takes an array and progressively hides each element at constant interval, in this case 50ms:
function hide_50(arrayA,visibility,current) {
if ( current == null ) current = 0;
var arrayB=(typeof arrayA == 'string')? arrayA.split(',') : arrayA;
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Apr 19, 2006
a = document.createTextNode("< somestring >");
....will transform < into < and > into >
When I want to read that node later, I can only get it back in
this form: "< somestring >"
Is there a function that transforms such strings containing
HTML codes back to normal strings? Something like:
string deHTMLize (string);
What I need is to quote and send a part of the document when
user clicks a button, so I need the string without codes.
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Oct 7, 2011
I want to create a questions creation page. It has a Question Text Box and a Add Button.When users press the add button, there will be a newQuestion Text Box and a new Add Button appear in the next line. But the old Add Button will become a Delete Button and change its functionality.[code]I put all the Add Buttons and Minus Buttons into two different classes, ".buttonPlus" and ".buttonMinus".The .buttonPlus works well when the line is added by the main html. But it fails to work when it is added by the .append() function. It simply adds the .buttonPlus's CSS code to its button, but the$(".buttonPlus").click(function (event) {...} is NOT attached to the new buttonPlus.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a form I'm going to present to visitors. The goal is that when a visitor enters a Zip Code, for the form to compare that Zip Code submitted to Zip Codes that I'll hide in the form. I'm not sure if it's better to have the hidden zip code values as comma separated or just let them have their own individual hidden input fields. When the form is submitted, I need it to check and find out if the submitted zip code matches any of the hidden zip codes. If any of the hidden values match the submitted value, I want to be able to have a hidden div be shown, but if the form is submitted and there are no zip codes that match, show another div.
Something like this:
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Dec 1, 2010
I have the below function and I keep getting the error Lid is not defined.
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadTips(file,ID,File,id){
So my alert Lid comes up with txtHintLees, so it is working up until the alert. Which leads me to believe that maybe it doesn't like being wrapped in "", without "" though firebug halts the process. I tried wrapping it in {} e.g. {loadXMLDocRefresh(File,id)} but that wasn't liked either. I'll stop my list of things I tried that don't work now.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have found a useful script at [URL] which shows the date a page was last modified. I have put it at [URL] where it works perfectly. But the same script with a PHP file extension as here [URL] only shows the current time. There is no PHP in the page, but somehow the PHP processor seems to be upsetting it.
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May 27, 2011
$("#ltr").live("mouseover", function() {
//swap class names
I run this function to swap class names when there is a mouseover event on an image with the ID "ltr". How would I run this same function but to occur when, for example, a variable "distance" was equal to 0? Basically, if distance = 0 then swap class names
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Jul 23, 2009
Using a simple example lets say there is this function in an external script:
function showmessage(arg){
If we have different scripts eg page1.php, page2.php, page3.php etc
If each one of those scripts calls the function showmessage using different arguments eg page1.php calls it like this :
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
The above code would have to be embedded into the PHP file.
how can we go about doing that unobtrusively? Ie by not putting the code into the PHP files how can a different argument be passed to that function depending on what page is loaded?
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Jun 3, 2010
:)Per JMRKER's suggestion I researched Query Strings and partially solved my original request on how to pass a parameter. Now I need to learn how after passing that parameter, how to invoke some code.In an html file I call the program listed below entitled "ShirleyLee.html". The call is initiated by the following statement: onclick="'ShirleyLee.html?Player=WindowsMediaPlayer'"In the body of ShirleyLee.html I call a function in the <head> entitled "DeterminePlayer". This function will parce the url used to open ShirleyLee.html.I tested this code and it works. In the Javascript code located in the <body>, the If clause: "if (SplitQueryStringStoreInArray[1] == "WindowsMediaPlayer")" will trigger the Alert box which will then display "WindowsMediaPlayer" which was parced from the url in the DeterminePlayer function located in the <head>If you look further down, just below the function call in the <body> you will see 11 lines of code which is a table that is comprised of the code neccessary to utilize the Windows Media Player plus parameters.
My question is, how do I invoke this code in the true area of the conditional clause located in the <body> that now temporarily contains: "alert("Player = " + SplitQueryStringStoreInArray[1]);"The following is the file: "ShirleyLee.html"
<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">
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Jul 4, 2009
I have a program that calculates change and added a function to determine what currency that should be dispensed based on the change.Right now with my code as is, the calculate change portion works, also if I manually enter a value into the change field it will calculate the currency to be dispursed. My problem is I can't get it to read the value passed to the currency field from the calculate change portion. Here is my code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
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Sep 30, 2010
I am trying to write a Javascript function that checks whether certain checkboxes are checked or not, and then hides cells in a table if the corresponding checkbox is not checked, and makes cells visible if the corresponding checkbox is checked.
This is what I have so far:
<script language="JavaScript">
The above html gives a (3 rows x 2 columns) table where the checkbox in cell 1x1 (row1,column1) starts checked and corresponding cell 1x2 is visible - as required. However when checking or unchecking any of the checkboxes (which should run the javascript) the cell visibility is not changed.
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Sep 25, 2007
I've been learning javascript for about a week and I'm really struggling right now. This is a homework assignment to help in learning loops and arrays.
What I want to happen is when a form button is hit it will replace the array from the one previous instead of just adding to it. Hopefully that makes sense. What do I need to do? here's my code....
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