Dynamic Generated DropDOwn Value Not Captured In IE?
Aug 17, 2011
i am having issue capturing the value of the selected DDL using IE. the code below works just fine in Firefox...
// Create a new drop down list -- for text box use 'input' instead of 'select'
var newDDL = document.createElement('select');
// size lenght of the DDL for both IE or Firefox
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Jun 29, 2010
how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a dropdown which is being dynamically generated within the cfloop query.
<select name="ResourceType#ctr#" onchange="GenRWType(this.name,0)">
<option value="">None</option>
<cfloop query="getResourceType">
<option value="#getResourceType.Resourcetypeid#">#getResourceType.Resourcetype#</option>
I am calling the JS function GenRWType which is carrying the name of the dropdown.....the issue is how do I get the value of the selected option from dropdown ? This is the code I have and it does not recognize "rname"
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Nov 13, 2010
I have a database that shows about 5 to 10 recorrds on a page that contain forms for the user to fill out. The number of rows is unknown and depends on the user query.On the page there can be 2 or 10 records displayed ..each containing a form that needs to be validated.How can i use that. The IDs of the elements would have to be generated dynamicly i suppose. Anyone of you got an idea how to do that ?
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Aug 11, 2011
i am creating dynamic textboxes where the user has to choose a date.I have my calendar.js file that i usually call to popup a calendar when using static textboxes...my question is how can use it with dynamic textboxes ?Below is a portion of my code that create my dynamic textbox
newStartDate = document.createElement( 'INPUT' );
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Nov 29, 2011
I am running across an odd problem where chrome does notrecognizethis function but IE9 does. Its a basic drop down where I'm trying to capture the click event:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#PagerDropDown option.AdminPageOption").click(function () {
alert("new page item clicked");
The click event here is not getting captured by chrome at all :( Is there a work around for this, is this a bug with chrome?
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Nov 17, 2007
I'm wondering how to go about creating two
dropdown boxes such that when you select a value from the first one,
the second is populated with values that depend on the first.
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Sep 23, 2009
I am starting to use javascript, so my knowledge is very basic, so this is what i am looking for:
Right now i have a form that have some Input box and dropdown boxe, this dropdown are fill using a database so there are all ready with information, but now this is where i am stuck, i am creating dynamic new rows to my table and duplicate the input box, i like to duplicate using javascript the all ready existing dropdow with all the content, is there are a easy way to do this some like copy?
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Apr 29, 2009
I have a dynamic dropdown (done via Spry) that is trying to throw a pop-up window in IE7 (which I have to support). Here's the link:
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm trying to make 3 drop downs (based off of mysql tables), to narrow down the selection. Source, School, and Program. So when when they select SOURCE(source), all the SCHOOLs in drop2 will be based on the SOURCE selected in the previous dropdown, and whatever school(cid) is selected, the program will be based off that school(cid) and display all the programs for that school. I've google'd high and low for something, and no avail. Here is what I have, I am just trying to make 3 drop downs narrow in, without pressing submit (I am new to ajax and javascript etc) The issue may be in that java part, I've look in the php and mysql, but nothing.
PHP Code:
<table width="517" border="1"> <tr>
<td width="87">Source:</td> <td width="414">
<? echo'<select name="source" onChange="showUser(this.value)">
<option value="">--Select--</option><?php while() { } ?>'; .....
My javascript
var xmlhttp;
function showUser(str){
if (xmlhttp==null){
alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");
} .....
Right now, the results display in a table, I don't want that - I need them to display as results in the next dropdown.
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm relatively new to javascript, so please forgive me if my questions seem obvious.
I want to have a drop down menu added to each new line in a dynamic table, each time the 'add instruments' button is clicked. I also need that ddmenu to autopopulate with the same parameters as the first one (which you can see).
All of this is in the right-hand column on my page, which you can find at code...
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm struggling with a multiple select box I have that currently has an onchange that fires every time you make a selection, which then updates other form elements on the page. Works great. But it doesn't really give you time to select multiple items in the dropdown, just one select at a time. how to capture multiple selects with an onchange or I need to switch to a dropdown/list box that contains checkboxes -- but I haven't found a good php/javascript/ajax/jquery type of option. here is the form select element and function that gets called:
PHP Code:
my form:
Seems like I need to somehow change the onchange even to allow multiple selects before submitting or somehow gather and pass each selection within the javascript? Found a script like this but couldn't get it to work within my code:
PHP Code:
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Aug 15, 2011
I am trying to figure out how to dynamically show/hide certain form elements based on the selection from the drop down list.My form is defined like so[code]...
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Apr 10, 2009
I am having a form with a drop down and want to display the fields below it based on the drop down value selected. For example: my form has a drop down <select value> <values: A, B ,C, D) when I select A then I should get displayed a set of fields (like input fields, drop down fields etc) just below the main drop down and when I choose B then it should display a set of fields specific to B and like that. What technology / script to use this to achieve this. I have also attached the sample html page.
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Sep 27, 2010
So i have a form with fields (30+), and about 5 of them are fields that need to pass into my dropdown (actually a dynmaic dropdown, select SOURCE, then whatever source u select it'll show options that are mysql source=$source), so it can go into my mysql query, and filter out the best results. (i.e date_of_birth, min_credits, state, etc). Needs to be done without submitting, hence javascript. Im echo'ing my query and its saying the variables i'm trying to pass are UNDEFINED. Am I not passing the vars correctly? do i need to prep the vars to "grab" them in the current field?
this is what i have in my <head>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function getXMLHTTP() { //fuction to return the xml http object
var xmlhttp=false;
The only var that is passing is SOURCE, and that's because its the name of the first dropdown
i need to set up like a GET method on my RECEIVING page? or can i just pass variables through? Do i need to get the "existing" data in the fields first?
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Jan 3, 2010
I spent way too long writing a buggy and bloated jQuery script that is supposed to allow the sub-menus of a drop-down menu be a dynamic width (i.e. the submenu assumes the width of the widest list item). I am probably missing some base CSS property, surely it cant be this hard? My script I wrote is:
// drop down menu
var setWidth = 2;
var nextSetWidth = 0;
$jQ('.nav li').hover(function(){
var thisList = $jQ(this).parent('ul');
if (thisList.parent('li').length > 0) {
var thisSpan = $jQ(this).find('span');
var spanWidth = thisSpan.width();
if (spanWidth > setWidth) {
setWidth = spanWidth;
setWidth = setWidth + 16;
thisList.css('width', setWidth);
var nextList = $jQ(this).find('.nav:eq(0)');
if (nextList.parent('li').parent('ul').parent('li').length == 0){
nextList.css('left', '2px');
var nextThisSpan = $jQ(this).find('span');
var nextSpanWidth = nextThisSpan.width();
if (nextSpanWidth > nextSetWidth) {
nextSetWidth = nextSpanWidth;
nextSetWidth = nextSetWidth + 16;
nextList.css('width', nextSetWidth);
if (nextList.parent('li').parent('ul').parent('li').length > 0){
nextList.css('left', setWidth);
}}, function(){
setWidth = 2;
nextSetWidth = 0;
//End of Drop down menu
The HTML looks something like:
<ul class="nav">
<ul class="nav">
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Mar 13, 2003
I've downloaded a couple of example scripts, but they are pretty specific to whatever the authors needs were, and basically I don't really understand the script (actually, the best example I found was in french, so all the variable names are in untranslatable French, haha).
I was wondering if somebody could possibly help me out with getting some skeleton code written out in Javascript for this. I know PHP, MySQL, C, some Java, but there's so much with Javascript that I'm just not understanding the examples.
I will be grabbing data from a MySQL table, and will be using PHP array's to temporarily store that data so it can be displayed, and I understand how to work with PHP and Javascripts, but I need the some skeleton code for the actual dynamic dropdown menu algorithm.
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Oct 1, 2010
Have a WAMP setup with Apache, PHP and Mysql service and I�m working on a HTML form which will have two drop-down controls where information is extracted from two tables in my DB.The first drop-down list called (name="sel_ControlArea") will decide what information the second drop-down list will have.So far I have managed to populate them when the page is loaded using PHP but run into problem when I make a change on the first drop-down list.Question one: What is the best/correct way to solve this problem?Is it to load all information into PHP arrays and then translate these to Javascript arrays, or should I go for AJAX, or XML or are there any other better ways ?I have tried to solve this using the first method, put data in a PHP array but run into problem with this data not properly loaded.This is first time for me to pose a question so please let me know if I have left out some important information or if I should describe this problem in a different way.
<table class="exemption" border="0" cellpadding="2"
cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<th colspan="2" align="center">Security Exemption Request</th>
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Sep 3, 2011
I am developing a messaging service between members of my site. I am developing this with asp.net mvc. When a user goes to the SendMessage view to send a message to another member, there is a dropdown list which presents the sender with all the members of the site, which he or she will pick as the recipient. However, i don't want it to be a dropdown, i want it to be a text box, where a user types in the first couple of letters of a name, and the dropdown appears then with only the members which have the same couple of letters. This is basically like every email system out there (facebook and gmail have it just like that). And after they chose one, they can select another one in the same textbox, just separated by a comma or something like that. Basically, how do i achieve that in javascript? I'm not even sure what that functionality is called, that's why i had to explain it properly.
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm developing a website right now for a clientIssue:On the homepage, the dropdown menu for "cities" (hover over "cities") gets overlapped by the Dynamic Content Gallery (DCG), which as a result cuts off bottom portion of the dropdown. Dropdown Menus are using Superfish.The issue only occurs in Firefox. It works fine in IE, hovering over the top of the DCG slide (weird, right?).Screenshot in FirefoxScreenshot in IEI was thinking it could be corrected by adjusting the z-index of the dropdown menu, but decided I would ask here first before I get in over my head.Attachments IE-Screenshot.jpgSize : 120.0 KB Download : 358Firefox-Screenshot.jpgSize : 119.87 KB Download : 353
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May 31, 2010
I'm would like to add a light box to a site that has content generated by php. Basically it is a property site and will have a thumbnail image and description. When the user clicks on thumbnail I would like to display a gallery of pictures relevant to the property. Each property will be generated dynamically by php. My question is how do I enter the selector for the gallery into jquery. I am thinking of using Fancy Zoom as you can use hidden elements, as the gallery will be hidden.
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Jul 29, 2009
I want a menu, whereas when clicking on a link that has a submenu attached to it, the submenu is rolled out(like the menu is expanding - it's a vertical menu). But there's more to it. Some of the links on the submenu has also a submenu to it, and those I want to be rolled out to the right of the menu, so it's like a second "hovering" menu above the content that is originally to the right of the menu. I'm not very good at explaining, but hopefully you'll understand. If not, just ask and I'll try to post some images of what I.I don't know how to get that with jQuery in a good way.Anyway, as you see.. the problem is how can I loop through the ul list of items and then check if the current listitem has a submenu, make it so when you click the current listitem, the submenu is expanded beneath, and then if you click one of those links on the submenu it gets rolled out to the right of the menu "above" the original content that is to the right of the menu(meaning it's not pushing anything to the right)?
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Dec 3, 2011
I want to use a drop down menu and found a horizontal example from John Resig. But I want to turn it into a vertical menu. How can I do that?
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a project where I need a selection of one dropdown menu may affect the select of multiple other dropdown menus on the same page.First, a table is generated, and within each row, it contains a dropdown menu. Assume: Rows A, B, C, etc..., and Dropdown selection: 1, 2, & 3If dropdown in Row A selects 2, then I want the selection of dropdowns in rows B & C to dynamically change to 2.And if in Row C user selects 3, then the selection in dropdowns in rows A & B should dynamically change to 3.
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Jan 22, 2011
I just needed a simple dropdown. So what better solution than jquery right? Well, when I finished it, I tested it out and it works until you try to click a link in the dropdown. It then disappears. Not sure if theres something overlaying throwing it off but I didn't see anything in firebug.
Website: [url] (hover over the rentals link in the top nav)
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Jul 13, 2010
I have code for autosuggestion while typing in a text box written in Javascript and PHP. When I start typing a number I get a list of matching numbers and I'm able to select one of them with the mouse click. Now I have an other text box which should display a list of numbers based on the selection from the first textbox.
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