I have a php script which calls a javascript function with a parameter. I am having trouble getting this parameter act as an array inside the javascript function:
JS sees fruits and vegs as a string rather then an array, so if I try to output fruits[0]; it gives me the entire string rather then seeing it as an array and giving me the first element.
(the "code" below is pseudo code, just to get the idea across)
Here's what I currently have:
var bill = new array[20]; var sam = new array[20]; var nancy = new array[20]; var Oscar = new array[20];
I'm assigning objects to them (ie Oscar[5] = new objLabel() This seems like a kluge, however. Here's what I'd like (again, pseudo-code)
var Objects = {bill:null; sam:null; nancy:null; Oscar:null}; var theObject = new Array of Objects[20]; // yes: i know that's wrong... and that's the part I'm having trouble with
so that I can do something like:
Just seems to me that keeping a single array of multiple objects is likely to be less error-prone than multiple arrays of single objects... But I don't have the syntax right... or can it be done in JS? If it's doable, would someone be kind enough to show me how to declare and access that example?
The 'array' variable contains strings representing the id's of different elements. If the for loop above were to finish iterating, would all the links in all three elements call the click function (that displays an alert message), or would only the last element ("element3") have the click function? For me, the latter seems to be the case unless if I'm doing something wrong, but I would like clarifications and, if possible, alternative solutions as to how I can achieve the former result.
In that function, i call a function (load_CDThumbnail) that creates an array and returns the newly created array
Then, another function is called (show) that needs to pass the newly created array as a parameter. That's the part that i don't know how to program How to pass an array as a parameter? Code:
I want to use ajax to submit a dynamic form which can be filled with infinite elements. The only problem is passing all of the values of those elements through the ajax and onto my jsp page where they will be processed. Code: "promptIds=" + document.getElementsByName("promptId") That is one of the arrays that I send and I am using jsp, but in any case, how would I parse the array to be usable? Code: String promptIds = request.getParameter("promptIds"); System.out.println(promptIds); The above code outputs "[object HTMLCollection]". How would I go about parsing the array of elements?
var loadData = function(){ $.post('/search.php', { myvar: 12345 }, function(data){ $.each(data, function(key, val) { // here I have to validate my data I retrieved if(first condition){ return false; [Code]...
I've always wonder if there is diference when declaring and initializing a varible inside/outside a loop.
What's a better practice? Declaring and initializing variables inside a loop routine, like this:
for(var i=0; i<list; i++) { var name = list[i]; }
or outside a loop routine, like this:
var i; var name;
for (i=0; i<list; i++) { name = list[i]; }
or are both the same....
As a programmer, i always try to practice good programming. I always thought that by declaring and initializing the variable inside the loop, i was creating a new memory space every time instead of just 1 time...
I am doing a Validation for Form "Text input". If the user leaves the input empty, a function is starting to run. If the field is bigger than 1 - so it doesn't get into the function.
The problem is: The first time, the user left the input empty, function ran, and I got the alert - that's OK. Second time, The user added 10 in the AGE input - And again he gets the Alert - But he should not.
Note: Age input value, returns from a different function (calc) to a var called: result.
I'm trying to save the input and pass it into the URLs that are the option values. So Artist ID being 111 would take you to url..../<WHATEVER OPTION YOU CHOSE FROM DROP DOWN>/111 What am I doing wrong/What am I not doing?
I have a javascript function that is called in an OnClick event for a button. I am attempting to get the function to open a web page in a new window in response to a button click.
I can get the page to open if I use the following syntax (hard code the address)
var newwin = indow.open("http://www.w3schools.com","","width=1200height=1000");
However, If I pass the url in as a parameter to the function (as below) the value passed in is "Undefined" and obviously the page will not open
function openThePage(url) { url = "http://www." + url; var newwin = window.open(url,"","width=1200height=1000"); }
<input class="mybutton" type="button" name = "W3Schools" value="w3schools.com" onclick="openMyUrl(W3Schools.Value)">
Anyone any idea how I can do what I want - what I am doing wrong. I am grey enough as it is and I don't want to start pulling my hair out.
I'am building a little site with jquery. Now I have a Problem. I want that if in the url ?product=anyid is, a function is called. If the url is empty and has no parameter the normal site should appear and run.This is for building a permalink to products and you can open them with [URL].
I am in doubt if im doing this correct. I have a TD which I have a onclick and a google event tracking code on. But om not shure if I have set it up correct. The () and the , might be wrong..?
I am trying to pass the appropriate parameters but nothing seems to be working?
function calcSubTotal(unitPriceId, qtyId, subTotalFieldId) { var unitPrice = parseFloat(document.getElementById(unitPriceId).value); var qty = parseInt(document.getElementById(qtyId).value); <tr> <td><table><tbody>
I have a checkbox in a form that submits to another page along with a couple of other fields in the form. Problem is I need the info to be received as url parameters on the second page. All is good except for the checkbox. The checkbox only creates a url parameter if it's checked, otherwise there's no url parameter for it. Is this typical?
I'm trying to use it again with bit of modification but I'm not quite sure if this is possible. I'm working on JSP pages I've passed a textfield ID parameters and received it on other page(jsp) like so;
<%= request.getParameter("id") %>
I'm gonna use this ID as a StartTime. How can I use this with StartTime that is in this JavaScript function so that StartTime would be what the ID is and EndTime can be choosen by dropdown box?