Create An Array Through A Prompt?

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to learning JS and am trying to create an array through a prompt. It seems to work, but I believe it is treating the prompted numbers as strings not numbers.I am parsing the negatives and zeros, and positives and counting them. It doesn't recognize the negative sign.Here's my js:

function counter()
var numArr = new Array(Number(prompt("Please enter and array of numbers, in any order, separated by a comma..." + '[code]......

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Prompt To Array In A While Loop?

Mar 7, 2010

write a while loop that prompts user to enter name.add their names to an array.if they enter "exit" end the prompting

sort array and list in sorted order
this is what i got so far. sooo confused because i cant get the user input into an array

var names = new Array();
var loopCounter;
loopCounter = 0;[code]......

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Prompt As A Variable To An Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I want a prompt box appear and tell the user to input a word,and have that word saved as a variable named word (for example), later I wish to run the variable through a Regex, and run an if statement in which i use the search method for the regex, if the variable is not -1 then i want to alert a specific part of an array. I probably got you going in circles, its hard to explain but basically i want to alert an array named whatever the user inputs, as long as i have the users input already made: for example: the user inputs a word and saves it as a variable named word, then i want to call an array that is the same as the users input.


if he inputs hello,
i want to call for example the array hello[2]

if he inputs internet
i want to call the array internet[1]

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Js Array Prompt Input Data?

Nov 15, 2011

I am playing about with javascript arrays.Have recently just sat today looking through w3c and going through pages in a w3c book i bought on javascript and ajex.if im wanting to display stuff to use a drop down box but i need to learn to use arrays as the course im studying in college is on javascript and i feel this would be beneficial for me personally to know.i want to know if its possible to as well as select data from the array but also to Input new data from a button that opens a prompt box for users to enter a new array object.

Code JavaScript:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function p_Names()[code].....

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Onclick: Prompt Pulling Data Within An Array

Jan 30, 2010

I should warn, i know almost nothing about javascript. i've been trying read sample scripts and examples on how to modify this script; but I just don't know enough. I have a script that pulls data from an array, and copies it directly to the clipboard when a user clicks on it. The problem is this only works in IE, because Firefox doesn't by default allow that to happen. I'm trying to change it so that when it is clicked, instead, it takes what was going to be copied to the clipboard, and puts it in a Prompt box for the user to copy and paste. I had other scripts that do that, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to learn from it!


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Creating Array From Prompt - Function Multiply Returns?

May 11, 2011

// Declared Constants
MORSE_ALPHABET = new Array (
'.-', // A
'-...', // B
'-.-.', // C
'-..', // D
'.', // E
'..-.', // F
'--.', // G
'....', // H
'..', // I
'.---', // J
'-.-', // K
'.-..', // L
'--', // M
'-.', // N
'---', // O
'.--.', // P
'--.-', // Q
'.-.', // R
'...', // S
'-', // T
'..-', // U
'...-', // V
'.--', // W
'-..-', // X
'-.--', // Y
'--..' // Z
var CTS = prompt('Enter Morse code','here')
var inMessage = CTS.split(' ');
function searchLocation(targetValue, arrayToSearchIn) {
var searchIndex = 0; // Iterative counter
for(i=0;i < targetValue.length;) {
targetValue = targetValue[i];
// Search until found or end of array
while( searchIndex<arrayToSearchIn.length && i != targetValue.length &&
arrayToSearchIn[searchIndex]!=targetValue) {
} if(searchIndex<arrayToSearchIn.length) {
return String.fromCharCode(CHAR_CODE_A + searchIndex);
} else {
return -1;

This is my code and I have figured it to create an array from the prompt and then use the function to return the first array it finds but I cant seem to make it go on to the next index of the array. I know that when you return a value the function closes and I have tried to store my return in a variable but its not working the way I want it to or I'm not writing the correct command or is there away to do multiply returns, I think what I need to do is simply but I have been staring at this screen for a while now and just cant see it.

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Create An Associative Array Dynamically Pulling The Index Values From An Array (propertyArray)?

Mar 2, 2009

I want to create an associative array dynamically pulling the index values from an array (propertyArray); Associative array is created inside create function and then returned. But after it is returned, I cant use index names to retrieve values. It returns undefined as below code shows.

Code JavaScript:

var propertyArray=["a","b","c"];
function create(){
var array=[];


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Possible To Create An Array Of Objects?

Jan 8, 2011

Is it possible to create an array of objects? I require a two dimensional array of objects.

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Create An Array Of Divs?

Nov 7, 2011

I've been wondering lately: is it possible to create an array of some html tags (let's say array of <div> or array of <p>)? Something which would allow me adding a new <div> or <p> to the array.

I am to make a small html webpage in which there are supposed to be 2 text areas: in the first are certain words (for example tomorrow, money etc.), and in the second one there is an input text (let's say "Tomorrow you must send me the money I need"). Javascript should do this: print the input text in a paragraph/div, highlighting the words mentioned above. Something like: Tomorrow you must send me the money I need. This is how I thought of the array of tags, which can at any time add a new word to the output paragraph, it's only to be chosen whether to highlight it or not.

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Create Variable Name From An Array Value?

Oct 21, 2011

In javascript is it possible to create a var name from an array value?

(I will assign to that name the return value of a function)

I have this example, I want to create a var name from array_example[0][1]. Is it possible?: code...

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Create 2d Array Of Scrollable Div's?

Mar 6, 2010

I am wanting to create something similar to this website code...

I was just wondering if this is still the best way to do this, or if a newer method has been released as the guide is from 2007

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Create A Multidimensional Array?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a multidimensional array (and it's my first time using one) as an easy-to-modify way of populating content into a cycling banner script. However I seem to be having issues with actually accessing the content in the array.So currently my array looks like so:


<script type="text/javascript">
var banner = new Array();
//Option 1


But when I do a "document.write(banner[0]['title']);" in my body, it doesn't seem to want to oblige.

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Create An Array Of Objects?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a list of about 70 servo's that I'd like to apply set properties too.As they all have the same property set but with different values I thought I'd try creating a servo object, the create an array of servo's but I don't think I'm getting anywhere fast.[code]...

Once this is done and I've got all the servo objects created with their properties, I'm hoping to be able to search for all servo's with a set property i.e all servo's with servo.application = 1 would that be possible, if not I geuss I'd be wasting all our time trying to create classes I can't use the way I'd like.

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Create Script Array Using Checkboxes?

Aug 31, 2011

I want to create an array of the values of the boxes that are clicked [code]...

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Create An Array With The Checkbox Names?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a php page that names checkboxes in a form chkwhatever# and increments the number depending on how many items there will be. In my javascript i want to be able to check to see if any of the checkboxes are checked but I cant use Should I create an array with the checkbox names? Not sure how to go about this.

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Create An Array Of Field To Test If They Are Null

Jul 23, 2005

is there a function that get the name of the first input field of the
current form ?

in my example below I want create an array of form field name and in the
onsubmit assign all element's name to create a simple iteration to test if
some elements in my array, that must be required, are null:

something like function verify(array of string)and in onsubmit something
like return onsubmit(field1,field2,field3....) Code:

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Can I Use JS To Search Folder And Create Array From Files

Jan 9, 2007

I would like to put all my .jpg images in a folder into an array to be
viewed. can I use JS to do this automatically. Without having to type
by hand?

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JQuery :: Create An Array Of Names From A Selector?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm having an issue where i need to get an array of names from an ajax page so that i can insert them into the page i did the ajax request from.

something like this:

<p><span class='childName'>Eric Steinborn</span></p>
<p><span class='childName'>Paul Steinborn</span></p>
<p><span class='childName'>Sean Steinborn</span></p>


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Create An Array Of Numbers Counting From 1 To A Given Number?

Mar 20, 2009

I just want to create an array of numbers counting from 1 to a given number.

At the moment I have the for loop running like this:

var i=0;
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
if (i == 1)


This outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

How can I put this output into this variable: 'var ids' so I get out

var ids= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

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Create 2D Array Driven Drop Down Menu?

Oct 18, 2010

What I'm trying to do is create a document which allows you to select a size of box from a drop down menu, and then select a size of product to go into the box on a second drop down. The products on the second drop down menu will be allocated based on the box size that you've selected to make sure that you can only choose products which will fit in the box you've selected.

In order to do this I've set up a 2D array, which lists each product and which boxes they will fit in using 0 for no and 1 for yes. When you select a box size from the drop down a value appears in a text box next to it (1, 2, 3, or 4) and what I need to do is use the number which appears in this text box to pull data from the array to populate the next drop down list. i.e. If option 2 appears from the first drop down selection then the second drop down should be populated with data from column 2 of array (In this example 1212, 1515, and 2020 would be shown in the second drop down)

Im having trouble with the Java script to pull the values from the html text box in order to manipulate the array. If you look at the function 'top_biochill_addOption_list()' you will see that the second drop is populated here from row [itop2][3] of the array, which means the second drop down is permenantly populated as if option 3 had been selected from the first drop down. I need to get the value selected from the first drop down as a variable and replace the '3' in the above statement with that variable to get this to work but I have no idea how to go about that.

Hopefully all will become clear when you see the code. As I say, I am very new to Javascript so I'm sure this code is probably messy and inefficient, but with that in mind I'd appreciate replies being in simplified terms so I can understand what you're getting at, or if anything gets re-written then a brief explaination of whats going on would be handy so I can understand what the code is actually doing!

<script type="text/javascript">
var linebreak = "<br />";


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Create A Multi-dimensional Associative Array?

May 21, 2010

I'm trying to create a multi-dimensional associative array that has some of its data created dynamically. The code I've currently got is as follows (using JQuery to retrieve form element values):

Code JavaScript:
var data = {
label: $('#label').val(),
child_float: function() {


.. if its values were not being created dynamically. However as you can tell that isn't what is being generated at the moment, as there's no opening/closing brace before/after the child_float's member variables. Any ideas what changes I need to make in order make the child_float behave as intended?

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JQuery :: Create A Multidimensional Array With An .each() Loop?

Oct 26, 2010

How can you create a multidimensional array with an each() loop?

The each function has to loop trough the .ui-selected object, and put all id's and the offset in an array ...

This is the code I was playing with .

function sendAjax() {
var files = new Array();
$('.ui-selected').each(function(index) {


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PHP - Create A Multi-dimensional Array With Strings For Keys

Dec 17, 2009

in PHP I can create a multi-dimensional array with strings for keys,eg

$arr['key'] = array("item 1","item 2");

This works if the string is a variable as well, like

$key = "MyKey";
$arr[$key] = array("item 1","item 2");

I'm trying to something similar in javascript, but with no luck


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Create JS Array From Dynamic HTML Form Fields?

Apr 26, 2011

From the these form fields I want to be able to create an array in Javascript containing the same 'codes' that feature between the option tags (not the value="X")

<select name="options-1" id="options-1">
<option value="">Select an option</option>
<option value="1">KA-WH</option>
<option value="2">KA-BK</option>
<option value="3">KA-GN</option>


for example, from the above, I want a JS array for 'option-1' that contains KA-WH, KA-BK and KA-GN; plus an array for 'option-2' that contains BADGE-1, BADGE-2 and BADGE-3. The above form fields will be created dynamically, may contain more or fewer items.

I then want to use the JS arrays to pull in images of which filenames match the 'code' in the array.

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Parse HTML To Create Array From Specific Td Tags?

Jun 13, 2011

Well after much trial and error I come asking for help. I am trying to write a greasemonkey script that scans a page for all the values between certain <td> tags. When I used firebug it shows what I am looking for as <td class="username">THEUSERNAME</td> but when I view the source it just shows up as <td>THEUSERNAME</td> I want to create an array of the 100 <td>'s on the page that pertain to usernames but none of the other <td>'s

I created a test page that mimicked the code, what I thought origionally, to be so I could test my script with ease. And it worked when there was an actually <td class="username">

This is what I have so far:

// ==UserScript==
//Displayable Name of your script
// @name EXAMPLE


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Create A 4 X 4 Array Filled With Numbers Input By The User?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a 4 x 4 array filled with numbers input by the user. I then need to rotate the grid clockwise like I've shown below.

01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

13 09 05 01
14 10 06 02
15 11 07 03
16 12 08 04

I made all numbers double digit just for show in the example so the table is easier to read. So far the code I have is just trying to create the array and fill with numbers from the user. This asks for a number once then doesn't display anything at all.

<title>Rotate Array Matrix</title>


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