Onclick: Prompt Pulling Data Within An Array

Jan 30, 2010

I should warn, i know almost nothing about javascript. i've been trying read sample scripts and examples on how to modify this script; but I just don't know enough. I have a script that pulls data from an array, and copies it directly to the clipboard when a user clicks on it. The problem is this only works in IE, because Firefox doesn't by default allow that to happen. I'm trying to change it so that when it is clicked, instead, it takes what was going to be copied to the clipboard, and puts it in a Prompt box for the user to copy and paste. I had other scripts that do that, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to learn from it!


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Js Array Prompt Input Data?

Nov 15, 2011

I am playing about with javascript arrays.Have recently just sat today looking through w3c and going through pages in a w3c book i bought on javascript and ajex.if im wanting to display stuff to use a drop down box but i need to learn to use arrays as the course im studying in college is on javascript and i feel this would be beneficial for me personally to know.i want to know if its possible to as well as select data from the array but also to Input new data from a button that opens a prompt box for users to enter a new array object.

Code JavaScript:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function p_Names()[code].....

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Create An Associative Array Dynamically Pulling The Index Values From An Array (propertyArray)?

Mar 2, 2009

I want to create an associative array dynamically pulling the index values from an array (propertyArray); Associative array is created inside create function and then returned. But after it is returned, I cant use index names to retrieve values. It returns undefined as below code shows.

Code JavaScript:

var propertyArray=["a","b","c"];
function create(){
var array=[];


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OnClick Or OnMouseOver - Pulling Information From An Element Whose Id = 27...which Is Not What I'd Like?

Feb 4, 2011

I use mostly PHP with my office's website as it usually requires some interaction with the server. However, i would like to do something that does not,and figured JS should be able to take care of it.What i would like to do seems rather simple:I have a calendar. I would it to do one of two things:

1. Using onclick, when the user clicks on a date, i would like it to print something underneath the calendar. Similar to an error message that shows up on a login form if you type something wrong in a field using PHP (if(isset($whatever))).

2. Or using onMouseover, if the user hovers over a date that i have something special scheduled, i want a message to either pop up (alert()) or similar to #1, show up below the calendar.

While fiddling with it this afternoon i figured i was close, but i am missing something...

<td><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById("27").innerHTML='President's Day'; return false;">27</a></td>

But this seems to be pulling information from an element whose id = 27...which is not what i'd like..

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Pulling Values Out Of An Array?

Nov 7, 2010

I have this software that returns an array like this:

[{"Id":148,"Text":"excellent","Percentage":18},{"Id":166,"Text":"good","Percentage":25},{"Id":167,"Te xt":"fair","Percentage":30},{"Id":168,"Text":"poor","Percentage":25}]

How can I go about turning it into an array that looks like this (just the last integers)?


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Edit Data After Pulling It Out From Mysql

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to set up a web based tool for my wife and I to use to balance our checkbook together. I am using HTML, Javascript (Ajax), PHP and MYSQL. I have read beginner books on all of these subjects, I can get data out of MYSQL, BUT can't do it the way I want to do it. If someone could point me to a book, or even the name of what I need to study it would be very helpful. The top line will always be input. But as you submit the top line it refreshes the "growing list" beneath it. (kind of like on-line banking, where you can look at 50 or so lines and then go back further if necessary) The catch is within the "growing list" I want to show Bank and book balance running totals and have three buttons next to each transaction ... EDIT DELETE SUBMIT. If edit is clicked, I want to be able to change that line and then resubmit it to MYSQL.


This way we can both input our transactions as we spend money and know at all times how much money is in the account. What do I need to study to be able to program this?

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Pulling Data From An Object Using A Loop

Mar 18, 2010

lets say I have


how would i go about getting the data in the array? my current thinking is

HTML Code:

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Pulling Random Values From An Array?

Feb 20, 2010


<script type="text/javascript">


how to call the values at random in the arrays: article, noun, verb, preposition ?

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Pulling Data From A Text Box Input To A Variable

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create a page that will pull data out of an input text box to a variable. I am then trying to take that data and punch it into a function, to eventually spit out the answer back on the web page. It has to do with telling the user to enter how many hours worked and their pay rate. I have included the code below. The problem I seem to be having is that I want to click a button to pull the data, then output the result in another script below the input boxes. I may have over done it with the functions, but what can I say..I'm lost! When I try to run it, I have the document.write cmd in there that is supposed to output the variable grossPay. Instead, it shows all the code instead of the value.

If I have something else wrong, or if I am making poor choices let me know. For some background, so far I am in the beginning stages of functions, if..else statements, so I am not trying to get crazy with this. Just something simple.


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Call Prompt Within A Function On OnClick Event?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a button that I wish to call a predefined function (Go()) shown below, but, I wish part of the URL that is sent to the function be inputted by the user.

function Go(URL)
window.location = URL;

Here is the code I have for the button, but I am getting a syntax error. What do I need to do?

<input type="button" value="Duplicate" onclick="Go(CustomerMailingList-duplicate.asp?ID=<%=rs(strPrimaryKeyFieldRecordset)%>&CustNum=prompt('Enter New Cust #', '0')">

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Prompt Back Data From Within?

Feb 18, 2011

I have some jQuery


var firm = $('#firm$_GET').attr('value');[code]....

if there's a way to prompt me with the value of data just so that I can validate the link that's going to go through with this?

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Create An Array Through A Prompt?

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to learning JS and am trying to create an array through a prompt. It seems to work, but I believe it is treating the prompted numbers as strings not numbers.I am parsing the negatives and zeros, and positives and counting them. It doesn't recognize the negative sign.Here's my js:

function counter()
var numArr = new Array(Number(prompt("Please enter and array of numbers, in any order, separated by a comma..." + '[code]......

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Prompt To Array In A While Loop?

Mar 7, 2010

write a while loop that prompts user to enter name.add their names to an array.if they enter "exit" end the prompting

sort array and list in sorted order
this is what i got so far. sooo confused because i cant get the user input into an array

var names = new Array();
var loopCounter;
loopCounter = 0;[code]......

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Prompt As A Variable To An Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I want a prompt box appear and tell the user to input a word,and have that word saved as a variable named word (for example), later I wish to run the variable through a Regex, and run an if statement in which i use the search method for the regex, if the variable is not -1 then i want to alert a specific part of an array. I probably got you going in circles, its hard to explain but basically i want to alert an array named whatever the user inputs, as long as i have the users input already made: for example: the user inputs a word and saves it as a variable named word, then i want to call an array that is the same as the users input.


if he inputs hello,
i want to call for example the array hello[2]

if he inputs internet
i want to call the array internet[1]

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JQuery :: OnClick Prompt With Buttons For 'Ok' Or 'Cancel' Without A Plugin?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm sure this is really simple, but I can't figure out how to prompt a user before they delete an entry in my database-driven website.

I have this:

alert("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?");

But the only option there is 'Ok'. I need to set this up with a 'Cancel' option as well, but don't want to use a plugin like Impromptu to do so as it's overkill.

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Onclick Prompt For Delete, Then Refresh Main Page?

Mar 31, 2011

i have a page with an iframe. once an item is deleted from the iframe, i need the main page refreshed.its seems like i can only delete or refresh, but not do both actions together. let me further explain. The confirmation popup message does appear and the refresh is done, but the file is not deleted. if i just use confirmation() on the onclick, it deletes the selected file, but if i use (confirmation(),refreshPage()) the file isn't deleted if they click yes. but the page is refreshed.

<script type="text/javascript">
function reloadPage()


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Making Ordered List Numbers With Onclick Display Prompt?

Feb 13, 2009

Is is possible to make an ordered list with an onclick display prompt show the number item of the list? What I mean is like, say I have 29 items, but I click on item 15, is possible to make the prompt show the number 15, or the correct number for any item I pick?

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Passing Data From Prompt To Function Assistance?

Feb 7, 2009

I'm trying to pass data I gathered from a prompt into a later function.

1. Should prompts for information be in their own JS file separate from the HTML page? Or is it better form to have the prompts (for info) in the HTML page itself?

2. I have tried placing the prompts to gather info in several places, each time my script seems to stop after the data is gathered and does not perform the calculations which are contained within a function. The input data is gathered from a prompt, do I still need to "return valuea" and "return valueb" in order to use the input data in the calculation function? Initially I did not feel I did, as I am not performing a calculation initially, just receiving input.

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Prompt Dialogue Boxes And Validating Data?

Jan 30, 2011

I have two prompt dialogue boxes that ask the user the enter their name and their employee number.I am experiencing two errors. The first is, if a user enters their name incorrectly, using numbers for example, there is an error message that asks the user to re-enter their name using a string. If the user ignores the error message and enters a number a second time, the program accepts the entry, which it shouldn't.

The second error has to do with the employee number prompt. The prompt asks the user to enter an employee number that is equal to 6 digits, the program however accepts any number, less than or greater than 6 digits, which it shouldn't.I don't want the user to get away with entering anything incorrectly.

<script type="text/javascript">
// prompt the employer the enter the employee name and number
var employName = prompt ("Please enter the employees' name" , " ");[code].....

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Onclick Event - Js And ASP.NET - Cancel Button To Prompt The User To Verify Cancellation?

Dec 7, 2009

Doing web page with ASP/VB.NET. Have text boxes for UI on page. Two command buttons - Submit (for db update) and Cancel. I need the Cancel button to prompt the user to verify cancellation. Need OK/Cancel buttons on alert. If user selects Cancel-no action. If user selects OK then I want the text boxes cleared of user text input and focus returned to first text box. I think this may be the code but do not know how to apply it.

function Clear()
var res=window.confirm("Please confirm cancellation-text boxes will be cleared"); [code].....

Is this code valid or invalid for the events I need? How do I set it to fire when user clicks the ASP Cancel button?

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Creating Array From Prompt - Function Multiply Returns?

May 11, 2011

// Declared Constants
MORSE_ALPHABET = new Array (
'.-', // A
'-...', // B
'-.-.', // C
'-..', // D
'.', // E
'..-.', // F
'--.', // G
'....', // H
'..', // I
'.---', // J
'-.-', // K
'.-..', // L
'--', // M
'-.', // N
'---', // O
'.--.', // P
'--.-', // Q
'.-.', // R
'...', // S
'-', // T
'..-', // U
'...-', // V
'.--', // W
'-..-', // X
'-.--', // Y
'--..' // Z
var CTS = prompt('Enter Morse code','here')
var inMessage = CTS.split(' ');
function searchLocation(targetValue, arrayToSearchIn) {
var searchIndex = 0; // Iterative counter
for(i=0;i < targetValue.length;) {
targetValue = targetValue[i];
// Search until found or end of array
while( searchIndex<arrayToSearchIn.length && i != targetValue.length &&
arrayToSearchIn[searchIndex]!=targetValue) {
} if(searchIndex<arrayToSearchIn.length) {
return String.fromCharCode(CHAR_CODE_A + searchIndex);
} else {
return -1;

This is my code and I have figured it to create an array from the prompt and then use the function to return the first array it finds but I cant seem to make it go on to the next index of the array. I know that when you return a value the function closes and I have tried to store my return in a variable but its not working the way I want it to or I'm not writing the correct command or is there away to do multiply returns, I think what I need to do is simply but I have been staring at this screen for a while now and just cant see it.

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Pulling Data To Textbox - Display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN Into The Textbox

Jun 16, 2010

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var WinNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");

I have two questions. First i want to display (WinNetwork.userName) NT LOGIN into the textbox. Is there any where i can link both Javascript and textbox. Secondly, when i open the html have i first get warning the internet explorer page im trying to open have activeX. Is there any where i can stop that popup aleart from being displayed.

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Auto-suggest Array Search - From The Data Stored In Array

Nov 19, 2011

I want to have a simple code such that some data is stored in array. When we create a search box it has to give suggestions from the data stored in array.

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Take Data From An Array And Apply Each Array Item To An Element

Mar 26, 2010

I'm trying to grab values from a set of arrays based on the value returned by my select box.

**Caveat - this is not an area I have any real experience with**

My arrays look like:

Code JavaScript:

I then need to test for each, then associate with one of my fees arrays, then grab each of the values in the array and write those values to elements within my page.

I'm then doing this to evaluate for each degree

Code JavaScript:

I need to first figure out how best to import all of these 60+ arrays and then in each of my conditions pull out each value and write to my page.

There is a unique 1 to 1 relationship between each degree and array so I can't consolidate as the values for each degree differ slightly.

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Display Data From One Array In Another Array Within A Table?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm hoping this is possible or that there is an easier way to do this. I'm having an issue with displaying data from one array that contains information about users in a table that is controlled by a different array.Is it possible to do this or is this use of arrays to display the data the wrong approach?

The table is located on one webpage, I simply want to extract one piece of information that I have placed in the initial array as part of the login script that contains user information (for validation for login etc) and display it in a table on the new webpage that is opened as a result of successful validation of the user details. I'm completely stumped and after many attempts I just can't seem to get it to work.

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Onclick Data From DB

Aug 3, 2005

I want the user to input their name and email address. after that, if they select a yes radio button, it means their data is in the db so I need to grab that data from the DB, and display it in different text fields. I am using Cold Fusion as my main language.

I was wondering if you can run a sql query in JS based around the email form field data, then get the data back, and use the returned data to populate the many fields on the page?

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