Certain Order When Using Onmouseover And Onclick?
Jul 13, 2011
I am just starting out trying to learn javascript and I am looking for a good forum to help me get through all the roadblocks I'm sure to hit.
Right now I'm going through a tutorial series at webmonkey. Here is the lesson I am currently working on:[URL]... At the bottom of the page they give you a homework assignment which is to re-create this page using html and javascript. This page has 2 row frames. I re-created these frames and the top frame initially has a page called "navigation" loaded and the bottom page initially has a page called "explorer" loaded. If you click the monkey image at the right in the "navigation" frame, it opens a new page called "brand" in the bottom frame. This "brand" page has the same monkey image as the "navigation" page but unlike the other monkey image, this one changes when you mouseover it. If you mouseover it again, it changes to another image, and a third mouseover brings you back to the original monkey image. If you click on one of the images, it swaps the monkey image in the "navigation" frame with that image. The idea is that you have 3 images to chose from in the "brand" page that you can designate as the logo in the "navigation" page. I have no problem re-creating this effect. Here is the code I used to re-create this:
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Jul 16, 2006
I'm using a simple script that moves a DIV from one location to another when the user mouses over it. The problem is, I want the user to have to click the div for it to move and then click it agin to move it back. I've been trying to find a simple solution without luck. Code:
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Apr 1, 2006
In a web page I have a div tag that has a onlick event registered
through the event listener. However, that same div tag also has a
onmousedown - start a drag and drop script
The problem I am having is that once the drag and drop is complete, the
mouse button is released and the onclick event is firing. I've tried
returning false from the function dealing with the mouse up and
cancelling the event with if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
else e.cancelBubble = true;
but the onclick is still firing....
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Dec 20, 2006
First off, I know very little javascript. I was wondering how to make a button (an image acting as a link instead of text) impression when the user goes over it and when the user clicks it.
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Jan 4, 2012
I have my own wedding website that I created, but since ios updated to version 5 it no longer functions as it should on iPhone/iPad.[code]...
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Feb 10, 2011
I started with an Image Gallery javascript (from Jeremy Keith) in order to have an onMouseover effect for a menu, at the client's request--they wanted small moused-over pics in the menu to prompt a larger version of the photo in another column. Works great. But the href in the code, when clicked, currently links to the larger img opening in a new window. I want to add an onClick so that the user is taken to another page.
Here's the JS:
function showPic(whichpic) {
if (document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById('placeholder').src = whichpic.href;
if (whichpic.title) {
document.getElementById('desc').childNodes[0].nodeValue = whichpic.title;
} else {
document.getElementById('desc').childNodes[0].nodeValue = whichpic.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
}return false;
} else {
return true;
var previousToggle=null;
function toggleMe(a){
var e=document.getElementById(a);
if(!e)return true;
} return true;
And here's the code:
<a onMouseover="toggleMe('para1'); showPic(this); return false;" href="images/commercial_600.jpg" title="abcdefg">
<img src="images/pix_smaller3.jpg" style="float:left" width="70" height="70"></a>
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Apr 25, 2011
This is probably very simple but I really cant find the answer. I have a text box, and I am wanting the same mouseover and onclick functionality as Money Supermarket; [URL]... When I rollover the text box/table row then I want the area to display one colour and when I roll off then it goes back to normal. However, when I click on it I also want it to display the colour and remain that way until I click another element. How do I achieve this?
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Mar 9, 2010
I am using the following function in order to change an image opacity on a mouseover and mouseout. This function works fine but does not handle a onClick. What I mean by this is...... How can I create/alter the function to handle an onclick? I want to be able to click on an image (one of many) and have that image opacity change to 50%. There are other similar images whose opacity would need to remain at 100%. If one of those are clicked, that images opacity would then change, and the previous would restore to original value of 100% I thought about passing the clicked images id to the function but I can't find a way to compare an image id VS a passed image id.
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Jan 2, 2010
thinking about implementing some accordion menus. Want to use the latest code. Is this modern code on this site [URL] also, anyone have a link to any modern code for onmouseover instead of onclick navigation through accordion menus?
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Feb 4, 2011
I use mostly PHP with my office's website as it usually requires some interaction with the server. However, i would like to do something that does not,and figured JS should be able to take care of it.What i would like to do seems rather simple:I have a calendar. I would it to do one of two things:
1. Using onclick, when the user clicks on a date, i would like it to print something underneath the calendar. Similar to an error message that shows up on a login form if you type something wrong in a field using PHP (if(isset($whatever))).
2. Or using onMouseover, if the user hovers over a date that i have something special scheduled, i want a message to either pop up (alert()) or similar to #1, show up below the calendar.
While fiddling with it this afternoon i figured i was close, but i am missing something...
<td><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById("27").innerHTML='President's Day'; return false;">27</a></td>
But this seems to be pulling information from an element whose id = 27...which is not what i'd like..
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm having a problem with .attr(). I will explain it whith code.I have this HTML code:
<p id="textoMarca0" onmouseover="muestraDialog('textoMarca0');">
this is an example paragraph
So now the onmouseover has again its value [the original one, copied by doing an alert($("#"+elem+i).attr('onmouseover')) when i disable the onmouseover event], but it doesn't work
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Jun 2, 2009
I'm looking for a jQuery plugin, which could create a flyout of a container from left or right side of a page on some event (onClick or onMouseOver).
The example can be found at [URL] when the page loads some shopping ads slide from the left side of the browser screen (it's shown automatically only once, to see it again you need to delete this website cookies and reload the page - it would be great if the plugin had this cookie-based feature).
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Jul 20, 2005
It prints 0,1,...,9, but you cannot see the word "hi". It seems that it prints "hi" then executes the listnum function. But the listnum function is placed before "hi". Could you
give me some info on order of execution?
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function listnum() {
do {
document.write( i + "<br>")
} while(i<10)
<BODY onload=listnum()>
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Jan 7, 2010
I've got a page (internal website) that performs some operations, working it's way down a list and putting a tick beside the operation it's just completed (so the user can see where it's got to so far).
Each operation takes a minute or so, and they include things like: adjusting table contents in an Oracle database, performing some Unix server commands etc...
Because of this, the Oracle and Unix parts are handled server-side by php (very easy), but the javascript parts of the page to change the egg-timer to a tick doesn't wait - it just displays ticks down the entire list immediately.
Is there some way to get javascript to wait until the preceding php has completed?
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Feb 16, 2009
Dear fellow developer, Would you show me how I can get the order of a bunch of <li>s in <ul>?
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Sep 4, 2010
I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.
This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>
However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.
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Jul 23, 2005
Is it possible in jscript to have a
Rating 1 to 3 in order of preference.
That means if a user rates by inputing a value 3 for example in a texbox
or selecting 3 using dropdown menu.
The next available options should be 2 and if he/She inputs 2 the next
available option should be 1. Code:
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Oct 27, 2005
I am having a bit of trouble with running my own (onkeyup) code in
response to a tab and then making sure that the tab-effect still occurs
i.e. focus on the next control in the tab order isn't happening even
though I return true from the function.
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Nov 23, 2005
I would like to have two actions for one event. But I want the second action to trigger when the first one action completes. Is it possible to do this in javascript? I'm using the onclick event.
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Aug 31, 2006
I have 4 select fields like;
<select id="choice_101" name="choice_101">
<option label="Will not attend" value="Will not attend"
selected="selected">Will not attend</option>
<option label="First Choice" value="First Choice">First
<option label="Second Choice" value="Second Choice">Second
<option label="Third Choice" value="Third Choice">Third
<option label="Fourth Choice" value="Fourth Choice">Fourth
choice_102, choice_103 and choice_104
The user must bem select options in this 4 files in order, for example,
he must bem select first "First Choice" next "Second Choice"... The
options not be same.
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Mar 28, 2010
In firefox, this script works just fine. But in safari, it doesn't do anything and I can't figure out why.The intention of this code is to just create a draggable item.
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Mar 19, 2010
I am using the following code to rotate my banner 3 times. I am trying to get it to order. Ive set it up so that you can choose yes/no drop down as to whether you wnat a panel to show and I have also set it up with a drop down so you can specify 1,2,3. I want to be able to randomly change the order to say 2, 1, 3 it dosent seem to work with what I have below.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true);
$(".ui-tabs-panel > a").hover(
function() {
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Nov 9, 2011
i=y=1;i<y; result:false (this makes sense to me)
Im wondering about how JavaScript does the following calculations to get those results? Please explain it if you do.
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Mar 13, 2006
I need advice about creating an order form (I was sent here from the General Web Building forum!) and I have been told that JavaScript is the way to go - can anybody help with the following (I know nothing about Javascript really).
I have an order form and plan to have the data emailed to me (I have FormMail script installed on my server). The form will have the following fields:
Reference Number
Size / Cost
Grand Total
Clients will enter the ref no., choose a size/ cost (radio-button), and quantity (text box). I plan to accept details for about different items. I just want the total cost to be displayed in a box at the bottom before the form data is sent to me.
Can anybody point me in the right direction of how I might go about this? Tutorials / sample code etc.
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Sep 27, 2011
I found this script on w3schools and I've been playing with it. It works, and I like it but I have a question.I figure if I'm doing this, I mine as well understand it.[code]I see where I'm calling my php to get the data and I see where the data is being printed to the page but how does the script call the data after the responseText line?
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Jun 30, 2009
I have seen sales pages where an order button appears on the page 10 minutes after a video starts to play.
I know they are using a timer.js, but I have not been able to find a script that will do that.
Does anyone have such a script, or do you know how I would go about putting one together.
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