Variable Not Holding Value?
Dec 30, 2010
I am modifying an gallery script called slideSwitch. I want to set the interval value by a variable. For example, If I click button 1 the interval value is 5000 and If I click button 2 - the interval value is 2000 etc. Do I need to pass the value somehow? I My code so far:
function log(x) {
return x;
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Nov 24, 2010
I seem to be having trouble with my string variable in innerHTML.. here's my code:
function header() { // Navigation Bar
110 var o = document.getElementById("header");
111 var s = '<h3 style="float:left;">'
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May 21, 2011
I am doing a Validation for Form "Text input". If the user leaves the input empty, a function is starting to run. If the field is bigger than 1 - so it doesn't get into the function.
The problem is: The first time, the user left the input empty, function ran, and I got the alert - that's OK. Second time, The user added 10 in the AGE input - And again he gets the Alert - But he should not.
Note: Age input value, returns from a different function (calc) to a var called: result.
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm currently trying to hide my navigation button when it hides the end of the list, right now I currently have:
Previous / Next (they are about the same anyways)
function previousEvent(i) {
var k = new Number(i);
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Apr 28, 2006
Is there a way to create a DOM document object to hold the contents of
an external html?
I have two pages:
content.html contains some content.
index.html would like to access the contents of a particular <div> with
an id of "important" within content.html.
how would I do this? I know I can hack around and load the
content.html in an iframe embedded in index.html. Then, I can make the
iframe not visible....
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm working on a small javascript application where I'd like to get one
behavior when a user clicks on an image (image swap), but when they
simply hold down the mouse button for a second, they get another
behavior (drop down menu).
The former seems pretty easy -- just assign the handler for the onClick
event to the swapping function. The latter, however, seems more
involved.... I know I'd assign the onMouseDown handler to a different
function, and then.... after a 1 second or so I'd want to test whether
or not the mouse buttom was still being held down. Except that I have no
idea how to do that (both the waiting part and the actual test itself).
The idea that does occur to me is to have some kind of data structure
associated with the clickable image. I could have functions associated
with the onMouseUp and onMouseDown handlers to set a flag.... as soon as
onMouseDown is called, it sets the flag to 0, then it waits 1 second,
and checks to see if the flag is 0. If onMouseUp has been called, it
will have set the flag to 1, and we call the plain old click handler. If
the flag is still 0, then I know to do the popup/drowpdown menu.
I'm a little worried about the timing between the different flows of
control, though, and I'm also wondering if there's not simply a better
way to do it.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have routine that rolls through the images in an array every iInternalCount seconds, shown below. It first fades out the current image, does the calculation for the next image, assigns the next image to the src attribute of the image slot and then fades in the new image. But after starting the fadeOut of the current image the code continues immediately to the image switch line, so we see a switch to the new image and then the new image fade out. I need a way, probably using the callback function of the fadeOut() method, to keep control from continuing to the image switch line until the current image had finished fading out.
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Aug 3, 2011
I have an img#info that I want to fade in when a div#trigger is hovered over. Then I want to be able to move the mouse over to the image and click a hot spot there, without the image disappearing because I moved off of div#trigger.
The code to fade in img#info is simply:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('img#info').css('opacity', 0);
function() {$("img#info").animate({'opacity': 1}, 1000);},
function() {$("img#info").animate({'opacity': 0}, 1000);}
This works fine as far as fading the image in and out. I tried then adding a hover statement for the img itself, below, but this doesn't work at all. The image is now always on, even though the alerts never fire when I roll on and off the image:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('img#info').css('opacity', 0);
function() {$("img#info").animate({'opacity': 1}, 1000);},
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Jul 26, 2010
I have done one project in javascript so far and have had no schooling on the topic, however I have learned quite a lot in the last few months from this thing called the 'internet'. So far I managed to make an html image map that has various tooltips which will appear onmouseover, and the tooltip disappears onmouseout. Each point of coords that i have defined has a hyperlink to a different page on the internet. It works just like i wanted it to and i couldn't be happier, that is, when i'm using a mouse...
When i am using a touchscreen device it is a different story. specifically i'm trying to port my html page to android as i figured it would be easy with the android sdk and webview (it was, but read on). What i found when i used the 'app' on my phone was that onmouseover works when you touch the screen, however it also registers as a click, so pop goes the tooltip, and i'm whisked away to my webpage. not the desired result.
Ideally I would like to hold down the screen for 3 seconds and then the hyperlink would activate, but i decided that just getting the thing functional would suffice for the time beaing so i tried to include some 'ondblclick' that would trigger a document.location. This worked fine on a web browser again, but had no result on the touchscreen. I decided to abandon this half step because I have read that ondblclick doesn't work in an image map and it isn't my intended result anyway.
I have found a lot of javascript and jquery samples that emulate the onHold event that i'm trying to achieve, both on this forum and all over the internet, however these samples are overly complex and are focused on looping an action, such as incrementally increasing a value or zooming or whatever. I just want to redirect the user to another page if they trigger 'onmousedown' for 3 seconds.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am trying to declare a variable inside a function and use it later on in my code... but it just already returns white space... i.e. not variable value. I am setting it within this function:
function show_video1(){
var video1Name = "Education World News (Part 1)";
and trying to call it later on with this: <script type="text/javascript">document.write(video1Name)</script> It might be worth noting that each one of my 11 videos will hace a different name.
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Oct 21, 2011
Ok, so I've built a member search using ajax to change the results each time a filter is changed. It works great, except one minor issue that I'm struggling with...I just can't specify dynamically in the parent file that linkclass$id opens linkclasscontent$id as I don't know of any way to pass that $id variable back over to the parent.
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May 28, 2007
i'm not really sure how to explain this, since I know nothing about javascript, so i'll try and illustrate by the use of php (hope it makes sence)
I have a set of different links, like:
<a href="">text 1</a>
<a href="">text 2</a>
<a href="">text 3</a>
etc, where page is dynamic and can be anything I chose..
Another place in the same document, I echo out what the page variable is, like:
echo "$page";
so when clicking "text 1" the echo will output what i've defined the page to be, in this case "text1" ..
So I want to be able to click the links and change the output of the echo all depending on what i've defined in the link - without refreshing the page!
Is there any easy way to do this?
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Oct 13, 2009
a.) specify two parameters for the changeYear function: today and holiday.
function changeYear(today)(holiday){
b.) in the first line of the above function, use the getFullYear() date method to extract the 4-digit value from the today variable and store the value in a variable named year.
first line
c.) in the second line; use the setFullYear() date method to set the full year of the holiday date object to the value of the year variable.
second line
d.) in the third line, use a conditional operator on the year variable. The test condition is whether the value of the holiday date object is less than the today date object. If it is, this means that the event has already passed in the current year and the value of the year variable should be increased by 1.
third line
e.) in the fourth line of the function, again set the full year value of the holiday date object to the value of the year variable.
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Aug 12, 2011
Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.
<script type="text/javascript" >
function display_elements()
var departments = new Array;
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Dec 9, 2011
I am simply trying to use a global variable in javascript, but can only access the variable on the second call. I can't find anything that relates to this through my searches. My application is supposed to query the server for XML that tells me which years and months are available to put into combo boxes. I want to store this xml in a global variable to access it later.
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Dec 1, 2009
I start outside of the external JS file by: reviews.init(); reviews.initialiseContent('comment'); This loads my data and loads + sets the comment tab as default. My problem is that in the external JS file (shown below) the loadTabs variable will not allow me to pass it a variable: contentDiv.onclick = this.initialiseContent; Whenever I pass a variable here it errors, am I setting this up correctly, should I be using prototype for my this. variables? Interested to hear back on if this structure of code is the right way to go about this and also how I can pass a variable in this way :)
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May 15, 2011
I am trying to define a variable as follows:
var music_id = $(this).attr('id');
var mix_class = $('#le' + music_id);
In other words, if music_id is mix3, I want mix_class to be #lemix3.The above code is not working for me and I would like assistance as to the syntax to produce such a result
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Jun 9, 2011
I tried this code but i got an error on the it said Syntax error code...
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a php page in which I declared a js variable... right at the top of the page...
<script type="text/javascript">
var tester = 0;
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Apr 26, 2011
I have a programing problem that have been around for ages. I have search on google using several expressions and words and after hours of digging i'm still unable to do it.I would like to get a value from a HTML page hosted remotely with an inconstant value. Then define this value and name as a javascript variable and apply or show in my page.P.S. Is there any way to make a domain lookup in javascript? I mean a user enters a domain and the script converts to an ip and shows to the user. If not thanks, probably it can only be done in the server side...
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Dec 13, 2011
I want to load an html div in a variable, modify it in another variable; and then change the document injecting the contents.
1. I load the html to be changed in a variable (code)
2. I modify an attribute of <param> using attr() and I put the result in a var (newcode)
3. I change the html in the doc
I've used the debugger, and all steps give the expected results, except of newcode.html(), which is a null string. Why?
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a javascript in the head of the document which has a variable named "ref2" ... ref2 is already working as I can see its value working in another function. I need to send this variable as the value of a hidden field in the form which is in the body of the document.
This is my JavaScript Code:
And at the end of my form, before the submit button, I have the following code:
When I execute the form, it doesn't work the way it should, plus, gives me a word "undefined" next to the "Submit" button .....
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm trying to create an array of dates two weeks apart from an arbitrary startDate, and I've noticed some odd behavior in my variables. I did a little experiment on my JS console and here's what I got. My inputs are in blue, the output is in black.
Everything's good so far, but here's where it gets odd. I try to add 14 days to cur.
Why is it that when I make changes to cur, the same changes are made to startDate?
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May 6, 2010
Is it possible to assign a javascript variable to a php variable without using forms?
I want to display the variable address where I have stored the users address which I got from the google maps geocode and I want to display it inside a div. code...
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Sep 21, 2010
I want to add the values of several variables in one variable and then use this variable, which contains the values of variables
You can see the following example
PHP Code:
Javascript Code
PHP Code:
After executing this code I find that the variables are not displayed values
As in the following picture: [url]
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Sep 6, 2011
I am creating a survey. I want to set a variable, which is sent to google analytics, as the current time. this is the code and works fine:
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var d1 = new Date();
var curr_date = d1.getDate();
var curr_month = d1.getMonth();
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