I'm trying to create a family tree online that has several other related family charts. I want each person's name and birth year to be stored in javascript variables, then I want to be able to just go through the tree, and put the persons name once, and have it put the appropriate name and birthyear in the little boxes that the css is creating.
var johnname = "John Smith"; var johnbirthyear = "Jan 1 1930"; var janename = "Jane Doe";
So I thought I had it all figured out. I thought that the above would take the id of John that I added, go to the line that sets the name, add john to the word name, and then document write the variable of johnname from the js file. I know you're laughing at me because of course it instead made the value of name to johnname, then wrote the word johnname in the box. I want to go through and be able to just type the persons name in the html for that box once, and have it update with their appropriate info.
How I would modify the following function to get it to check if a url variable is present and if so to add it into the string variable for the url.
If my url is index.php?make=Apolo then I need to get this added into the var queryString part of the function so that the ajax returns the correct values.
function validate_form(){ if(regform.reguser.value == ""){ alert("Please completed the selected box");[code]....
to validate a simple registration form, however I initially tried to streamline this function by cycling through an array using a loop to point to various input elements in the HTML page itself. I found that when trying to use a variable in the aforementioned if statements the javascript failed to work i.e.
var test = "reguser"; if(regform.test.value = ""){ }
I know the javascript is looking for the input element "test" instead of "reguser" but is there any way I can force it to look for the contents of the variable.
I am fairly new to coding HTML with Javascript. I am hitting my head onto the table because i cannot figure out how to pull the variable value out in a document.write statement. Basically, I am calling a function to give me a random number between 1-4. I use that randomNumber to attach to different .jpg, descriptions, and URL's. So far, i have only got the image to display, but unable to get the link and description to display. Basically, i am trying to diplsay random ads and links like the one at the top of this page.
p.s. I know I am getting the randomNumber out of my function becasue I can call a simple document.write(randomNumber) and it works. Substitute adDesc and adURL in place of randomNumber and I also get the description and link respectively.
How to detect the smallest values the user inputs but does not explain how to detect already declared variables that have values in them and how to detect which of these declared variables has the smallest number.
For example: double aA = 3.7; double aB = 5.8; double aC = 1.9; double aD = 7.2; double aMin; // this is the variable I want the program to detect and stick // the smallest variable into.
I want the code to detect the variable containing the smallest number and it has to be able to detect negative numbers as well.
I am having a problem with Netscape 7.01 & 7.02 not updating a variable value in javascript. I have stepped though my code with a debugger, and the values and code all look correct. This problem is not happening in Netscape 7.1, but I really need it work at 7.0x because many users use these browsers, and it would be a annoyance to force them to update their browsers.
Is there a way in javascript to force the browser to update the dynamic variables? I'm pretty sure this is a browser bug, but would like to find a way around it with my own code.
How do i add the values retrieved from a xml file as variables?So i have my code to retrieve XML (sample ->this outputs it to a html element with id output):
I've set a cookie with a name-value pair of warning=none/block. I'm then aiming to use this to set the CSS when the page loads, for a particular element. The cookie sets okay, but I don't know how to read it into the CSS. This is the HTML:
Is there any way we can watch variable values inside javascript functions while running through the debugger. I am using javascript along with ASP.net on Visual studio 2010.
how to pass javascript variable values to server side code i used a hidden field and passed he value in it . i do get the value in hidden field but on using request("hdfield") its blank how do i get the value frm javascript
I am trying to declare a variable inside a function and use it later on in my code... but it just already returns white space... i.e. not variable value. I am setting it within this function:
function show_video1(){ document.getElementById('video1').style.display="block"; var video1Name = "Education World News (Part 1)"; document.getElementById('video2').style.display="none"; document.getElementById('video3').style.display="none"; document.getElementById('video4').style.display="none"; [Code]...
and trying to call it later on with this: <script type="text/javascript">document.write(video1Name)</script> It might be worth noting that each one of my 11 videos will hace a different name.
Ok, so I've built a member search using ajax to change the results each time a filter is changed. It works great, except one minor issue that I'm struggling with...I just can't specify dynamically in the parent file that linkclass$id opens linkclasscontent$id as I don't know of any way to pass that $id variable back over to the parent.
i'm not really sure how to explain this, since I know nothing about javascript, so i'll try and illustrate by the use of php (hope it makes sence)
I have a set of different links, like:
<a href="link.com?page=text1">text 1</a> <a href="link.com?page=text2">text 2</a> <a href="link.com?page=text3">text 3</a> etc, where page is dynamic and can be anything I chose..
Another place in the same document, I echo out what the page variable is, like:
echo "$page"; so when clicking "text 1" the echo will output what i've defined the page to be, in this case "text1" ..
So I want to be able to click the links and change the output of the echo all depending on what i've defined in the link - without refreshing the page!
a.) specify two parameters for the changeYear function: today and holiday.
function changeYear(today)(holiday){
b.) in the first line of the above function, use the getFullYear() date method to extract the 4-digit value from the today variable and store the value in a variable named year.
first line
c.) in the second line; use the setFullYear() date method to set the full year of the holiday date object to the value of the year variable.
second line
d.) in the third line, use a conditional operator on the year variable. The test condition is whether the value of the holiday date object is less than the today date object. If it is, this means that the event has already passed in the current year and the value of the year variable should be increased by 1.
third line
e.) in the fourth line of the function, again set the full year value of the holiday date object to the value of the year variable.
Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.
<script type="text/javascript" > function display_elements() { var departments = new Array;
I am simply trying to use a global variable in javascript, but can only access the variable on the second call. I can't find anything that relates to this through my searches. My application is supposed to query the server for XML that tells me which years and months are available to put into combo boxes. I want to store this xml in a global variable to access it later.
I start outside of the external JS file by: reviews.init(); reviews.initialiseContent('comment'); This loads my data and loads + sets the comment tab as default. My problem is that in the external JS file (shown below) the loadTabs variable will not allow me to pass it a variable: contentDiv.onclick = this.initialiseContent; Whenever I pass a variable here it errors, am I setting this up correctly, should I be using prototype for my this. variables? Interested to hear back on if this structure of code is the right way to go about this and also how I can pass a variable in this way :)
var music_id = $(this).attr('id'); var mix_class = $('#le' + music_id);
In other words, if music_id is mix3, I want mix_class to be #lemix3.The above code is not working for me and I would like assistance as to the syntax to produce such a result