Validating 2 Form Fields And Setting Focus Not Working
Mar 5, 2006
I am trying to throw in some client-side validation to my php web form. My problem is that only one field is actually getting validated. Here is the code:
Form: onSubmit="return checkForm(this);"
script: function checkForm(form) {
var firstname = document.getElementById("wpFirstName").value;
var lastname = document.getElementById("wpLastName").value;
if (firstname == "") {
return false;
}else if (lastname == "") {
return false;
return true;
The if statement evaluating the last name field is the only statement that evaluates to true. It seems the first statment is bypassed. Any ideas? PS. the element with the id lastNameError/firstNameError is in a div tag.
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Sep 29, 2006
There are many ways for setting focus on form fields. I'm actually looking for some code that automatically detects if there is any form on the page & then automatically sets the focus to the first field of the form.
No need of putting Form Name & Field Name in Javascript. Is there any way to do this ???
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Apr 5, 2011
Here's what I have so far in my validation part However, I need help as to how to validate the following fields when the user clicks the submit button.
-Radio Button
*title (4 options)
*member (3 options)
*vegetarian (2 options)
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Apr 19, 2011
I am working in a third party application which has a hookinto their window.onload() function.(it calls my fnCustomOnload. In my fnCustomOnload() function I have tried to bind a focusout event on a particular input and have it call a function callled fnGetRestriction(). The function fnGetRestriction()actually works without errors, I have forced it with the grabfocus.focus (lines 2 and 3)but it is called not being called anytime other than once at the beginning when it is force by lines 2 and 3.. The line that performs the alert() (line 4)works properly all the time. What is wrong with line 5?
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May 11, 2009
I am validating my form fields using jquery validate plugin. but itsnot executing my methods. its hitting my validate() method but notactual validation code.I am pasting my code here for your reference.My javascript code:
mysite.validateFormFields = function() {
alert('here'); [color=green] [b]// its hitting here
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Aug 31, 2010
Why my email field is validating, but mycode for validating empty fields is not?
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Jan 3, 2012
I would like to know how to create a function in an external file for validating the fields of a form. If someone could please provide the code, it'll be real helpful. The form is as follows:
<form name="contactus" action="" method="get" id="form">
Name: <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="autoName"></br>
Email: <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="autoEmail"></br>
Phone:<input type="integer" name="phone" id="phone"></br>
Date: <input type="text" name="date" id="date"></br>
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submitclick"></form>
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Nov 18, 2010
I've got this hidden div that pops up using jQuery when the login menu item is clicked.
<div class="entry-wrapper" id="reg-login" style="display:none;">
<div class="t"></div>
<div id="loginFormHolder" class="c">
<div class="close">
<a href="index.php" class="spotlight-close"> </a>
</div> <!-- close -->
<div class="login">
<div> <!-- blank --> .....
What I'm trying to do is setting the input focus on the user_session_username text input and the code is not working. The div pops up but the focus is never put into the user_session_username edit field.
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Oct 12, 2010
My script is designed to show a simple question and the user submits the answer using onchange via the tab key. If the answer is correct the next question appears and so on. But if it's wrong there's an alert and the user stays at that question and has another go to enter a correct answer to move on. It works well as long as user gets answer right. If they enter a wrong answer I'd like that answer box to clear and be focussed (ie cursor in place). Problem is, using the tab key has already sent the cursor off to highlight the address bar! I can get it to work if each answer box has a submit button and I use onclick but I really want to change the submit function to a keystroke, pref TAB.
<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>
function thetests(){
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Sep 26, 2011
In my work here there is an application that has recently had a plugin coded up for it, the plugin allows custom message boxes to be opened up by the user when they roll on the help icons. The boxes open automatically and then close as soon as the mouse focus rolls off their box area. The boxes support java script content and html etc so can be very customised. I have coded a user form with various data capture fields. I would like the data in the fields to be reloaded if the user accidentally rolls off the box (as this will close it and the behavious cannot be changed :-<)
I have used cookies and tested in browser and all the retreival and storage of the cookie data works fine. Problem is with this plugin app is that i cannot fit in the call to 'onload CheckForCookies()' anywhere - The boxes do not seem to appear as 'window opening events' What is way of Adding the call to checkforcookies() into my form loading - that does not depend on a window opening event? There are four or five fields and i would like them all to update with whatever was last in them when the messagebox opens - it is not an api/ browser generated messge box, rather it is a custom web widget of some sort and i do not have access to the source code at this time.
It is equally important to be able to create or refresh the cookie data for the fields when the user rolls off the box so they do not lose whatever info was typed in so far so i need to call like 'onunload SetAllCookies' Like i say i have the code to do the work, the problem is the functions are not being called as the behaviour of the little boxes does not trigger them as load / unload eventrs. I tested using 'onfocus' and this works but is nbo good as the user would only see the data they had 'lost' when they click on a field.
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Mar 21, 2010
I am using a validating form plug in for jquery and I have a question about it. Let this function will be an ex.:
'e' is the name attribute of one form element, but can I choose more elements using jquery (CSS) rules like this: input[name*=e] or how can I do something similar?
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Jun 3, 2011
I've used this plugin many times and this is the first problem I've had with it (1.8.1). I've uploaded my standalone version (unstyled) here to demo: [link redacted, see reply for solution] try submitting the form, then focusing on some fields and attempting to resubmit. I have a form with 6 fields, all required (class attribute 'required' has been added to them all). On submit, only 2 of the fields display an error message as they should. The other fields do not act as required. Filling in data for the 2 working fields and re-submitting will work, when it shouldn't be.
However, if I click through to focus on the fields, they will appear to "get" the validator property. Clicking submit how, however, will actually toggle the error message on and off. I have never seen this kind of behavior in the past and am scratching my head how to proceed. I have checked in Chrome and Firefox, I have re-downloaded the plugin and used various jQuery versions, I have stripped out the functionality to a completely separate standalone page to remove any potential conflicts. Markup and JS validates. No luck.
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Aug 16, 2010
iam trying to do a form with some validation on it and when the user enter an invalid entry the validation alert the invalid message and every thing works fine the problem is : after hitting okay button all the previous data entered in the fields is no longer exist so the user enter every thing again how do i keep he valid entry for the user in the fields
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Dec 3, 2010
I'm trying to validate a set of dynamically created field names, for example
Name: <input type='text' name="s1[name]" id="s1[name]">
Image: <input type='text' name="s1[image]" id="s1[image]">
Name: <input type='text' name="s2[name]" id="s2[name]">
Image: <input type='text' name="s2[image]" id="s2[image]">
There can be any number of 'groups' but I would want to apply some validation for each item in a group. I can only see that the validation is done by specifying a id? however as the id's are going to be dynamically created how can I do this? can you validate for a css class?
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Jul 20, 2005
Currently in my html document I use the onload command inthe body section to
set the focus to a certain field. eg
Is there a way to set the focus to another field in a different frame other
than the one that the current document is in?
In my example, I have a frame called "top" that I would like the focus
setting to whenever a certain document is loaded in the frame "main".
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Jul 9, 2011
im using Jquery.validate, and I have a particular issue, jquery plugin is validating fields which didn't have rules. this is my code. Im attaching my code.Display name, First and Last name works fine. The wrong behavior is when I change DDL values and Do click elsewhere in the page, the minlenght validation activates for the dropdown lists.
Size : 2.11 KB
Download : 276
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May 20, 2009
(validating fields) with reg expression for these currency/price values:
1. 100,000 ,0, 1,000 , 1,000,000 (should only have commas , no decimals) imean for all number formats
2. 1,000,000+ , 100,000+ , 0+ but not '100+00,' (for all number formats with + sign after that)
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May 5, 2006
Is there a programmatic means to set the focus to a component in a form when
the document loads?
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Jul 11, 2006
I know this isn't related to generic javascript but I didn't found a
group dedicated to the FCKEditor. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm desperately trying to set the focus into a FCKEditor component
(client side). I know that the FCK object exposes a "Focus()" method
(the capital F isn't a spelling mistake). The problem is I don't know
how to bind to this object from my container page (aspx). How can you
reference this object?
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Apr 24, 2011
I wrote code for a scramble word game and I am trying to set focus everytimge I click on check button..I've got it so it will set focus when I start game, but whenever I put put setFocus() on the onclick of the button it will not there any way the I can have two procedures for <input id="inbox" type="text" /><input type="button" value="check" onclick="guess()" "setFocus()"/>I also want to selectall if the word is incorrect not sure how to go about doing this..I did research on this problem, but they all give me examples on applying just one thing to the onclick not two..
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May 11, 2009
First post here - I am trying to hide options in a form select field if they are empty. The code below works...but even I know it must be a horrid way of doing it! Anyone care to tidy it up for me? I would learn much from the experience,
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Sep 14, 2006
There is a tab control on a page with multiple tabs and handful of
controls in each tab. The way it's rendered in html (like grid etc..)
is in table format in tablerows and cells.
On clientside, on form validation in javascript, I would like to set
focus on to one of the tabs
and set the focus to the control on that tab.
I find this (tab) control by looking through all 'td' s and by it's id.
Now that I have "td" control, I would like to set the focus on to this.
Here is what I do. (FindHtmlControlByID method returns the control based on type and id)
firstTab = FindHtmlControlByID('TD','UltraWebTab1td0');
secondTab = FindHtmlControlByID('TD','UltraWebTab1td1'); = 'visible'
textBox = FindHtmlControlByID('INPUT','uiTextBox1'); = 'visible'
textBox.focus() fails with the message it's either not visible or not
enabled or it is a type of control that cannot be focused. If the tab
already had focus, then this works ok.
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Jul 20, 2005
I would like to know how to set the focus on a radio button (if it is
possible) I tried button[0].focus() but with no luck
The reason that I need to do this is to validate a form. If the user does
not select a radio button I would like my validation code to set the focus
at the first radio button within the pair that was not selected that way
he/she does not have to look for it.
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May 10, 2009
I'm opening a dialog box using the jQuery UI dialog methods, this box will display a form, and I would like to autofocus the first element. I'm also modifying tabindex of the different form fields of this new form in order to make them a lot higher than those of the original page, and thus navigate through the form using only the tab key. The issue is that I can correctly change tabindex values, and correctly focus the first element but pressing tab will not focus the next element in my newly added form but seems to act as I was focusing the first "tabindexable" element of my original page. I also note that manually focusing (ie. clicking) the element cause no problem, new tab index order is respected. Does anyone have a clue where it can came from ? Something seems to be messed up in the tabindex order. Tested on FF3, maybe the browser only update tabindex order on "manual" focus and not when modifying attributes ?
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Jun 29, 2011
I want to set focus to a text field on a php page which is loaded by ajax.I used document.f.srch_txt.focus() .But it not working.
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Nov 19, 2011
I have a page here [URL] I can add the rows now dynmically. My problem when submit I want the locations to be selected and the location cant be same. I have put this <select class='required' but is not workning either too. Secondly I want to make sure the dwell time column is fields in hour:minute format.
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