JQuery :: Validating Form Fields Using Validator Plugin?
May 11, 2009
I am validating my form fields using jquery validate plugin. but itsnot executing my methods. its hitting my validate() method but notactual validation code.I am pasting my code here for your reference.My javascript code:
mysite.validateFormFields = function() {
alert('here'); [color=green] [b]// its hitting here
im using Jquery.validate, and I have a particular issue, jquery plugin is validating fields which didn't have rules. this is my code. Im attaching my code.Display name, First and Last name works fine. The wrong behavior is when I change DDL values and Do click elsewhere in the page, the minlenght validation activates for the dropdown lists.
I would like to know how to create a function in an external file for validating the fields of a form. If someone could please provide the code, it'll be real helpful. The form is as follows:
Here's what I have so far in my validation part However, I need help as to how to validate the following fields when the user clicks the submit button.
I am trying to throw in some client-side validation to my php web form. My problem is that only one field is actually getting validated. Here is the code:
Form: onSubmit="return checkForm(this);"
script: function checkForm(form) { var firstname = document.getElementById("wpFirstName").value; var lastname = document.getElementById("wpLastName").value;
The if statement evaluating the last name field is the only statement that evaluates to true. It seems the first statment is bypassed. Any ideas? PS. the element with the id lastNameError/firstNameError is in a div tag.
We're using Malsup's form plugin v2.82 and jQuery core 1.6.2. We're having issues in IE7 where, on a form with file upload, form fields are being dropped before the form is submitted to the server.We tracked it down to the `fileUpload` function, specifically line 196 where each field in the form data has `.attr('disabled',false)` run against it. If we change this to`.prop('disabled',false)` it all works fine.I don't see a clearly marked place to submit bug reports for the form plugin, and wanted to verify that others see this as well,
how to specify the event in the rule?For example I create a rulejQuery.validator.addMethod("greaterThanZero", function(value, element) { return his.optional(element) || (parseFloat(value) > 0); }, "* Amount must be greater than zero");Iattach this rule to the form$('form').validate({ rules : { amount : { greaterThanZero : true } } });how can I specify when this rule should be checked , for example onChange oronKeypress or when another field is edited. Is it possible to do this as a form validate rule?
I am using a validating form plug in for jquery and I have a question about it. Let this function will be an ex.:
'e' is the name attribute of one form element, but can I choose more elements using jquery (CSS) rules like this: input[name*=e] or how can I do something similar?
I am using a jQuery plugin whihc highlights fields that are not filled out that are required fields.. Now at the moment it simply displays a "Required field" message, but i want it to highlight the text boxes in red instead, take a look at the link below, hit the submit buton and see what happens.. The styles go all wonky [URL] So can i acheive highlighting the text boxes in red if they are not filled in? I have looked at the documentation and cant seem to work out if it can be done..
There can be any number of 'groups' but I would want to apply some validation for each item in a group. I can only see that the validation is done by specifying a id? however as the id's are going to be dynamically created how can I do this? can you validate for a css class?
I have a page here [URL] I can add the rows now dynmically. My problem when submit I want the locations to be selected and the location cant be same. I have put this <select class='required' but is not workning either too. Secondly I want to make sure the dwell time column is fields in hour:minute format.
iam trying to do a form with some validation on it and when the user enter an invalid entry the validation alert the invalid message and every thing works fine the problem is : after hitting okay button all the previous data entered in the fields is no longer exist so the user enter every thing again how do i keep he valid entry for the user in the fields
There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is required. ( A is required OR B is required). In other words, a user can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can not input data to Both A and B at the same time. How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?
I am working with customised form validator..I've this html structure <div id="tab-perfil"><fieldset> <legend>Dados Pessoais</legend> <div class="columns"> <div class="colx3-left-double required"> <label for="nome">Nome</label> <span class="relative"> <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" value="" class="full-width"> </span></div>
What I want to do is after the input add a span, I know how to do that, just use insertAfter('#nome'); but I have a class for the ERROR and a class for the OK. This is what I have so far this.find("#formulario_criar-cliente").submit(function(){ var $inputs = $('#formulario_criar-cliente div .required :input'); $inputs.each(function() { if ($(this).val() == "") { $(this).addClass("error"); } else { $(this).removeClass("error"); }}); return false; });
When I add the class error I want to show a span with a class="check-error" and when I remove the class I want to show a span with a class="check-ok" but remove the error one. This is for multiple inputs... and I don't know how to achieve that =x
(validating fields) with reg expression for these currency/price values:
1. 100,000 ,0, 1,000 , 1,000,000 (should only have commas , no decimals) imean for all number formats 2. 1,000,000+ , 100,000+ , 0+ but not '100+00,' (for all number formats with + sign after that)
Everyone around here sure seems to be doing lots of form validation. Fortunately, I have your solution. I've made a form validator that does LOTS AND LOTS of neat stuff. It's still 'beta' because I'm not done with x-browser 100% etc. Well, you can get all the dope here ....
Trying to make a simple validator for a form i've just created, but for some reason i cant get it to redirect to the pages upon the IF statements being fulfilled.I've got a feeling its because the form seems to still submit the selection...
Using function FrontPage_Form1_Validator(theForm) and added a function to trap a radio optin like
if (theForm.opt_in.value != "yes" || theForm.opt_in.value != "no") { alert("Please make a choice for the "opt_in" field."); theForm.opt_in.focus(); return (false); }
This traps if neither radio has been clicked BUT when I click on OK in the error message box it continues on without having click on a radio button?
Is the action of clicking the OK in the error message setting to True or something? Any idea of a fix?
I'm trying to write a generic/reusable form validator in Javascript... just something that checks to make sure required fields have a value. By generic I mean I don't want to explicitly reference the name/id of the form or the name of any of the data fields within a "validation" function.
if(problemFields.length > 0) { returnval = false; warn(problemFields); /* tells user they're missing a field, that's all */ }
return returnval; }
What I think is happening (not sure) is that the expression form[fieldsToValidate[i]] is not giving me what I want: a reference to the object corresponding to the form field with the same name. In otherwords, I must have some fundamental misunderstanding of how the DOM works here. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good enough reference to set me straight....
m relatively new to Jquery and have come accross these two plugins.Having looked at the ajax examples offered for the form plugin i wasintruiged to find out how i could go about validating the form usingthe formvalidate plugin during the beforeSubmit callback.Ive seen that you can validate the ajaxform as shown in the followingxample.malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samplesHowever i'd like to use the formvalidate as it offers alot more....
I am using the Jquery validationss plugin for my form validations. NowI have a situation where I have two submit buttons in a single form(say button A and button B). For button A, I want to run validationsbut for button B I don't want to run the validations and submit theform without validating.. How can i do this?
<form> <div id="portion1"> ... some inputs ... </div>
By default, only #portion1 is visible. If inputs inside it are all valid, #portion2 will be visible and #portion1 will be hidden, and so on. The problem is that jQuery Validate will only validate the whole form, so something like $('#portion1').validate().form() won't work.