Using OnChange And Focus() To Submit Form Fields

Oct 12, 2010

My script is designed to show a simple question and the user submits the answer using onchange via the tab key. If the answer is correct the next question appears and so on. But if it's wrong there's an alert and the user stays at that question and has another go to enter a correct answer to move on. It works well as long as user gets answer right. If they enter a wrong answer I'd like that answer box to clear and be focussed (ie cursor in place). Problem is, using the tab key has already sent the cursor off to highlight the address bar! I can get it to work if each answer box has a submit button and I use onclick but I really want to change the submit function to a keystroke, pref TAB.

<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>
function thetests(){

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Setting Focus Automatically On Form Fields

Sep 29, 2006

There are many ways for setting focus on form fields. I'm actually looking for some code that automatically detects if there is any form on the page & then automatically sets the focus to the first field of the form.

No need of putting Form Name & Field Name in Javascript. Is there any way to do this ???

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Refilling Form Fields After Losing Mouse Focus

Sep 26, 2011

In my work here there is an application that has recently had a plugin coded up for it, the plugin allows custom message boxes to be opened up by the user when they roll on the help icons. The boxes open automatically and then close as soon as the mouse focus rolls off their box area. The boxes support java script content and html etc so can be very customised. I have coded a user form with various data capture fields. I would like the data in the fields to be reloaded if the user accidentally rolls off the box (as this will close it and the behavious cannot be changed :-<)

I have used cookies and tested in browser and all the retreival and storage of the cookie data works fine. Problem is with this plugin app is that i cannot fit in the call to 'onload CheckForCookies()' anywhere - The boxes do not seem to appear as 'window opening events' What is way of Adding the call to checkforcookies() into my form loading - that does not depend on a window opening event? There are four or five fields and i would like them all to update with whatever was last in them when the messagebox opens - it is not an api/ browser generated messge box, rather it is a custom web widget of some sort and i do not have access to the source code at this time.

It is equally important to be able to create or refresh the cookie data for the fields when the user rolls off the box so they do not lose whatever info was typed in so far so i need to call like 'onunload SetAllCookies' Like i say i have the code to do the work, the problem is the functions are not being called as the behaviour of the little boxes does not trigger them as load / unload eventrs. I tested using 'onfocus' and this works but is nbo good as the user would only see the data they had 'lost' when they click on a field.

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Validating 2 Form Fields And Setting Focus Not Working

Mar 5, 2006

I am trying to throw in some client-side validation to my php web form. My problem is that only one field is actually getting validated. Here is the code:

Form: onSubmit="return checkForm(this);"

script: function checkForm(form) {
var firstname = document.getElementById("wpFirstName").value;
var lastname = document.getElementById("wpLastName").value;

if (firstname == "") {
return false;
}else if (lastname == "") {
return false;
return true;

The if statement evaluating the last name field is the only statement that evaluates to true. It seems the first statment is bypassed. Any ideas? PS. the element with the id lastNameError/firstNameError is in a div tag.

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Onchange=this.form.submit() Working In FF, Chrome, Not IE7?

Jul 21, 2009

I have two radio buttons. When their value changes the form is resubmitted. In other words, when you select the other one, the form is resubmitted.However, in internet explorer, it takes two clicks. The first click is to change the radio button (it has to be changed) and the second is to select the other one (it has to be changed, again). The form remembers the first change. Edit: You can click the unchecked radio twice and it will also submit. Usually.I'm not even sure if this should go here or HTML but I think here is the better options since I am, after all, dealing with javascript.

<table id="..." class="radio">


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Form Focus With Two Submit-Buttons

Jul 20, 2005

i have a form with two buttons to submit it. One button (must be left) goes to a detail-page and the second button (must be right) goes to a basket-page. Also there is a input-field.

My problem: onLoad i give focus to the input-field. But when user submits the form with return, the first button ("show details") is executed, and you see the detail-page.
But i want to give focus to the ("into basket") button, but it comes after
the detail-button in source.

I cant change the buttons because it's not allowed by the designer :-(
Also on load of that page, the border of the first submit button is more
thick (i think 2 px) than the second (maybe 1px). How can i submit to basket, with the return-key and give them the same look?

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OnChange Submit() Form Doesn't Post Upload Files To PHP?

Mar 2, 2009

I have an upload form that is working fine with a submit button, but I really would like it to submit on its own without a submit button onChange when a user selects an image. I have it sending the form with onChange but it is not sending the uploaded file like when you hit the button! It is sending it as "example.jpg" instead of actually sending the file for upload.

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OnChange="document.status.submit() In Form And PHP While Loop

Feb 18, 2011

I have the following code and on it's own works fine, but I need to have it in a PHP while loop as there may be hundreds of records. This does not work, meaning it does not submit the form.


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JQuery :: Set Focus After Submit With Form Plugin?

Jul 13, 2010

I have created a form with malsup's Form Plugin wherein it submits on change of the inputs. However, after each submission, the form loses focus, which forces the user to click on the next input element after each input change, which is a bit annoying. Is there a way I could set the form to automatically focus on the next input element after the submission depending on which input element the form was submitted from? [code]...

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Document.form.submit() Doesn't Work For Large Form Fields

Mar 2, 2006

I am having a problem with the submit() method that is driving me nuts. I'm using document.form.submit() with large text fields (approx. 2000 characters) and am getting a "Invalid Syntax" error. If I do the same thing with a text field of under 1500 characters, it works fine.

Is there some size limit here that I don't know about?

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Fields Not Passing To PHP Form Submit?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a multi-page form which will (once it is functional and prettied up) be added to our site to allow prospective students to calculate their estimated cost of attending.

Everything works beautifully except the Room and Board area. The code:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
Room and Board primaries


The Javascript portion works fine. The items display only when they are supposed to. However, the form fields within the Javascript affected areas are not passing values to the PHP form handling on submit.

I used this exact same piece of Javascript on another page of the form and it works perfectly. I even tried to copy and paste the code from the other page into this one and modify the content to no avail.

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Removing Form Fields After Submit?

Jun 23, 2010


How can I make my form disappear once the form has been completed and the success message pops up.

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Submit Form Does Not Include Modified Fields

Jun 29, 2010

I have created a web page loaded from MySQL and PHP.It contains a text field, two list boxes and a hidden field for items moved between the list boxes.When I submit the form it send the text field and the last list box item moved but NOT the hidden text field

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Submit Onload With Dynamic Form Fields?

Aug 17, 2009

Am integrating a Barclays epdq shopping cart into an existing website, part of the regulations with this system is that you can only submit from one 'allowed url'. To enable access from multiple url's I need to create a 'jump page'.

This needs to be a simple page that takes any variables posted to it and re-posts them (onload) onto the epdq shopping cart.

The problem is I am unable to populate the form dynamically and submit onload. I have tested and it all works fine if hardcoded. :confused:

Is it possible to submit a dynamically generated form using javascript?

foreach ($_POST as $name => $value){
$newVars .= '<INPUT value="' . $value . '" name="' . $name .'" type="hidden" />';


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Inserting Hidden Fields Before A Form Submit()

Nov 27, 2006

I am trying to do something, which should be fairly easy. I have a link that is defined as:

<a href="javascript: doTemplates(<?php echo $toggle_templates; ?>);" title="Click to show/hide message templates.">

The php code simply echos either 1 or 0 depending if the templates should be shown. Then I have the following function, doTemplates() defined as:

function doTemplates(input)
document.write('<input type="hidden" name="showMessageTemplates" value="' + input + '" />');

The problem is that when you click the link, the page simply reloads to a blank page with the only code being the hidden field. This is not what I want, I want the hidden field code to be passed along, and then for the form to submit. So, what should have is that the hidden field code is added, and then the form submits.

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JQuery :: Submit Form - Clearing Text Fields

Jul 24, 2010

I am using jQuery AJAX to submit a form. When the data has been validated successfully and processed, I want to clear the form, but I am unsure how. I have been trying to make it work for a few hours now.

I am showing status messages in the container below:

When everything was successful, it looks like this:

And here is the simple code I use to clear the text fields:

What I need is a way to check if everything was successful and if so, then run the code above. I tried to do it in a few ways, but it kept clearing regardless of the status.

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JQuery :: Validate Required Fields Before Form Submit?

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to use jquery: validation plugin by Jörn Zaefferer. Which works really well I have to say. The one limitation I am trying to work around is how I can run validation for required fields before I submit a form. At the moment I have to submit the form before I see the error messages for required fields I would like to see them prior as the user tabs through the form.

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JQuery :: Disable Submit Button If All Required Fields Not Filled In Form?

Aug 18, 2010

How do I disable the submit button if all required fields in a form are not filled in? Say I have a form with Name, Age,message, and email. Name, message and email must be filled in or else the submit button will not show or will be disabled and then enabled once filled. If the fields are filled in then the submit button will show. If the fields are filled in but then one is deleted then the submit button will hide. Ideally if I can have it disabled that will work, if not I will settle on hide at this point.

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Dynamic Form Fields Added With AppendChild Or InnerHTML Do Not POST On Submit In Firefox

May 23, 2007

I spent several hours struggling with dynamic form fields added with
appendChild or innerHTML not POSTing on submit in Firefox. The only
way I found to make it work is to append any created fields to a DIV
within the form. Code:

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Why Does Putting Focus On Textbox Also Set Focus To Submit

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a reason why setting focus to a textbox input, also gives
focus to a submit button on the page, to where if you click enter in
the text box, the submit button will be clicked.

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OnChange Event And Focus()

Jul 23, 2005

Am I right in assuming that you can NOT set focus() back to a field in
its onChange event? Is there another way - I have validation that I
would like to set the focus back to the invalid field onChange?

<input type=text" name="tstfld" onChange="window.alert('Changed!');

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OnChange Reset Value And Set Focus

Sep 14, 2004

I know this must be pretty basic but I can't get it to work. I've written validation for a text field- it should have no periods in it. I want to reset the value of the field then give the field focus, if it has a period. Here is my code:


function checkTitle(field) {
var titleFilter=/./;
if (field.value.match(titleFilter)) {
alert("Please enter your title without periods.");
return false;
else {

I call it from onChange. It resets the value but the focus goes to the next field (or stays there I guess.) Is there a way to set the focus on the same field?

PS I should mention, this form has disabled the "Enter" key and I can't change that behavior. I've been tbbing between fields, and it is when I tab that I am experiencing the problem.

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JQuery :: Form Validation - Two Input Fields In A Form - Only One Of Two Fields Is Required

Oct 10, 2009

There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is required. ( A is required OR B is required). In other words, a user can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can not input data to Both A and B at the same time. How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

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Attach Onclick And Onchange Events To All Input Fields

May 24, 2010

I am trying to create a script that onload will attach an onclick and onchange event to all fields.I have also tried using setAttribute instead of attachEvent and it still does not work.Basically what the events do is disable a interval when an input field is selected and enable the interval when it is no longer selected.

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Assigning Pre-defined Texts Onchange To Multiple Input Fields?

Feb 19, 2010

The simplified code below works, and should give you an idea of what Im trying to achieve. The final version will have dozens of input fields so you can see why the below method stinks :D

<script type="text/javascript">
function getid() {


Each text input will have A or B written in by the user, which should automatically place that letters associated ID in its partner field. If any other letter is entered the ID will automatically be left blank.

With the above code I'd need to repeat it over and over for each of the dozens of input fields. The final version wont be using simply A/B either but around 50 possible inputs each with their own ID which would make around 1000 possible variations.

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OnChange Event - Populate Dropdown Fields Separately From Database

Dec 17, 2011

I have two drop-down fields that are populated separately from the database. Here is my HTML/PHP code
Drop-down field #1
<tr class=bodyTRstyle>
<td width="35%"><p align="left">Venue</td>
<td class=fieldTDstyle width="269"><p align="left">
<select name="VenueName" class=VenueName><option selected><?php echo $VenueName?></option

$SelectVenueQuery="select * from venue order by VenueName";
while ($VenueRow=mysql_fetch_array($SelectVenueResult)){
echo "<option value='$VenueName'>$VenueName";}?>

Drop-down Field #2
<tr class=bodyTRstyle>
<td width="35%"><p align="left">Results</td>
<td class=fieldTDstyle width="269"><p align="left">
<select name="GameResults" class=GameResults><option selected>
<?php echo $GameResults?></option
$ResultsQuery="select * from result order by ResultDate";

While ($ResultsRow=mysql_fetch_array($ResultsQueryResult)){
echo "<option value='$ResultDate'>$ResultDate";}?>

This code works well as long as the two drop-downs are independent of each other. The result table has VenueName as an element, so each venue has a set of result records in the result table. This is how I want to change it: The Venue dropdown will remain as it is. Once the Venue Name is selected I want the result dropdown to populate with ONLY the result records containing a match on VenueName that was selected in the venue dropdown. How do I do that? Is it with a onChange Event? What are the changes that need to be made? How do I communicate to the second drop-down what was selected in the Venue drop-down??

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