Track Who Is Using My Script

Dec 6, 2006

I have a simple Javascript that bloggers use to load headlines from my site onto theirs. What is the best way to track which sites are using it?

I've tried embedding a StatCounter tracker but it doesn't give me the page it's used on.

Should I just identify the url that's requesting it, the IP address of the user, and plug it into a database?

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Track Visitor

Dec 5, 2005

I want to be able to know how many time a user will spend on a page so basically, I need to get an onload time and an on leave time

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How To Track Script Code?

Sep 17, 2010

How to know whats the action performed when Print is clicked

<span class="sendPrint">
<div id="eStara_CFPQ" style="height:15px; width:144px;"></div>
<a class="sendToFriend" href="#">Share This Page</a>[code]........

I am slightly confused on href="javascript:;" and href="#" statements

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How To Track Textfields Of A Form ?

Nov 13, 2007

i want to display contents of a form in a plane text format.
for that i want to track a number of textfields in the form.....
do i need to write a seperate line for each textfield ?
i tried

var cont[i]=document.getElementById("txt"+i).value
but it didn't work out..

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Track Form Submissions?

Dec 6, 2006

I have a form that is calling a js function that does the actual submit. The action of the form points to a page on another server that I do not have the ability to edit.

My problem is that I need a way of tracking submissions and I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to do that. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Progress Bar To Keep Track Of A Process

Mar 9, 2011

I have a four part process to add something to my website. I'd like to have a bar at the top of my page (if you need an example, something simliar to FedEx to show where you package is along the way) that will get updated upon each page move so the user knows how far along they are in the process and how much farther they have to go?

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Track Mouse Coordinates Outside Window

Dec 17, 2006

How can I track the mouse coordinates outside the active window? No
one can tell me its not possible because Google Spreadsheets and
EditGrid both do it. When you drag down to select cells these
spreadsheet programs are capable of properly selecting the cells based
on where the mouse is, even though the mouse is way outside the
browser. I haven't been able to find any info on it or figure it out
myself. How is this possible?

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Track Changes In Rich Text Editor

Jul 5, 2007

Does anyone have any experience with any JS library that provides a
rich text editor? I am particularly interested in the MS-word like
feature of tracking changes. Simple features like strikethrough in
case of delete and underline in case of added text would be

Has anyone extended the FCK Editor/Tiny MCE editor for this purpose?
Any suggestions on how to go about implementing this feature will be
very useful.

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Track Clicking Source To My Site

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to start offering an "Affiliate" program on my website.
Can anyone offer a script that I can use to track clicking to my site
from an affiliate's link?

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JQuery :: Keeping Track Of Checkboxes?

Nov 24, 2010

I have around 30 check boxes in a form and I need to keep track of their status if they are checked or not and based on that change the data in the dom.

I am stuck on the logic of how to implement or code for 30 check boxes. I was using the below example code but there will be a lot of if statements as I need to always know what their status is. Is there a better way I can manage so many check boxes ?


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Doesn't Seem To Track The Links Click

Oct 8, 2010

it doesnt seem to track the links, (which it suppose to do inside img.php)


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Keep Track Of The Time Since A Button Was Clicked?

Mar 23, 2011

How would I go about making a timer?

Basically, I wan't to keep track of the time since a button was clicked. (onclick="starttimer()")

Also, how would I go about picking a random number between say 100 and 500?

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Keeping Track Of What Window Is Active

Jun 20, 2007

Right now, I have multiple draggable windows on my site. The problem is, that only the most recently created box is draggable and I clicking the other box doesn't work.

Where you can click and drag different boxes. The problem is I don't know how to implement this. When the two boxes are up and I click on one box, it completly ignores the other box. I realize in my code I need to update widget1 but I'm not entirely sure how I can do that. I call the method below using: document.onmousedown=selectMouse; in my javascript

If it helps, the windows are all contained in a <div> tag with the id 'closewid'
Each of the new windows that opens had the id "widget"+a number.

46 function selectMouse(e)
47 {
48 if(firefox)
49 {
50 var;
51 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
52 {
53 //document.write(p.attributes[0].nodeValue);
54 isDrag=true;
55 x=e.clientX;
56 y=e.clientY;
57 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
58 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1');
59 }
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 var p=event.srcElement;
64 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
65 {
66 isDrag=true;
67 x=event.clientX;
68 y=event.clientY;
69 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
70 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1');
71 }
72 }
73 }

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Keep Track On How Many Times An Option Has Been Clicked?

Sep 29, 2011

So I made a small Paper-Rock-Scissors game but I need to keep track how many times say "rock" has been clicked, what function should I use for that?

(For example, if the user has clicked rock 4 times, the computer will automatically assume that the user will continue with rock and says paper so it'll win the game.)

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How Does Mcafee Track Visitors With Cookies

Apr 20, 2009

I'm running a test on my site for the mcafee secure logo, such that the mcafee logo will be shown to some visitors, and we track conversion rates with and without the logo. Naturally, mcafee have to keep track of the user vir the whole session, through to any 'thank you for buying' page. The code you place on the site is just an image, which includes in the url a reference to your domain.

The tech guy I spoke to suggested that the tracking happens via a cookie. But can this be done, when no script has been called from their server? The headers returned with the image show Content-Type: image/gif.

So basically I'm asking can cookies be set this way? If not then all I can see is that they're tracking urls only, which will be far from reliable.

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How To Detect If A Scrollbar Is At Bottom Of Track

Jul 28, 2005

How can I detect if a scrollbar inside a DIV is at the bottom of the track?

I have a div with overflow: auto. New content is added every 5 seconds, and if the user scrolls up to see old info, after 5 seconds it scrolls to the very bottom. I am trying to make it not autoscroll if the user isn't already at the very bottom of the scrollbar track.

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Detect And Track Visitors Screen Resolutions

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know the best way to detect and track a visitors screen resolution. I know the javascript to detect the users resolution but I am a bit confused on the best way to track and save this. Should I save it to a database or is it easier to save it to a text file?

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Setting Some Cookies To Track Visitors To My Site ?

Apr 10, 2010

I have setting some cookies to track visitors to my site. I have my pages in folder music and in sub folders. I can access my site by typing: [url] So the domain will be: [url] and the path: /sara/music/

But the broblem is that other cookies are attached to my cookieby going to [url] or any link in it.

Is the problem from setting the path? If not how can I filter my cookie so i can just display my cookies only, I use one function to display all the cookies.

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Using Firebog To Track Unobtrusive Script Events?

Mar 19, 2011

without outside extensions (, how does one debug javascript events on a webpage that primarily relies on unobtrusive JS events? for instance, i have a website i log into that has a "submit" button. the button itself only has this code:

<input type="image" class="png" tabindex="5" value="Go" src="login.png">

obviously, the only way that it can submit the form is to use javascript. and it's obviously unobtrusive in this case.consider the fact that it isn't my webpage, and i don't want to try to put random breakpoints everywhere blindly.

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Track Direct Browser Closing By Script?

Apr 21, 2011

I have to know whether we can track the direct browser closing event by Javascript.I have tried with window.unload & window . onbeforeunload, but I was not get full satisfaction with those ones.

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Keeping Track Of Multiple URLLoader Requests

Feb 9, 2009

I'm using AIR to write an application that is mostly javascript (I am using jquery for quite a lot of it). The program has to be able to download multiple HTML pages (like a RSS feed reader might) and take a specific action when the download is complete, depending on which page has just downloaded. I'm using air.URLLoader with an eventlistener to notify when the page download is complete. The problem I have is that I want to run through a database table of around 20-30 URLs and dynamically create URLLoaders for each.I've spent hours searching Google and looking for ways to overload the event listener, add a property to the URLLoader object etc but all to no avail.

The code above will load whatever pages it is told to, but the problem I have is that it needs to take different actions depending on which page is loading. Each page in the database table has an ID field and I need to somehow identify the ID of the page within the notifyURLComplete function, hence the reason I'd like to pass the page ID into the event listener (apparently not possible) or add an additional property to the URLLoader object.Another possibility was a custom event handler, but I'm not sure how/where this would be done in my code.

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Google Analytics Won't Track If There Are Any JS Errors On Page?

Dec 1, 2009

I was reading the Google Analytics support docs and it says that webmasters must be careful not to have ANY javascript errors on their webpages, because if there is an error, GA will not log visits for that page.

Is this true? I often wrap add onclick functions to various links on my pages dynamically, eventhough I may not have declared the specific onclick function in the page (thus causing an error). Does this mean it won't track when I setup GA?

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Track Changes In Javascript Rich Text Editor?

Jun 5, 2006

I am currently assisting in development of a PHP 4 / MySQL based web application. The application creates large environmental reports based on the information that the users input. Multiple sections of the site allow uses to enter text into a Javascript based Rich Text Editor that will then take whatever they enter and save it into the database. Once the first user enters this information it is sent up a level to a senior reviewer, who then checks the information that the first user entered.

At the end of last week, we had a user call us asking if we could track the changes that any particular user of the system makes, much like Microsoft Word does. I am only a beginning level developer, so I am unsure of how to do something like this and our senior developer is unsure as well.

My only thoughts to the issue would be to make a loop with x amount of users and an array of colors and as each user would make changes to the report, it would automatically loop through each color so that anyone could see who edited what. This seems a little too easy though.

I did a few Google searches but was unable to find anything relevant. Can anyone here help me out or point me in the direction of some way to do this?

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JQuery :: Multidimensional Properties - Keep Track Of Users Order

Dec 8, 2011

I'm kind of new to learning javascript so please consider the following code:
orderUser = {
products: [ 'Beer', 'Soda', 'Wine' ],
users: [],
varnew_user_id = 12;//normally this wouldn't be a static number ofcourse
orderUser.users[orderUser.users.length] = new_user_id;

There's an object that has some properties and a method. The method registers an user id to the users property. What I'd like to do next is keep track of what users have ordered. Is this possible with (multidimensional?) properties? Something like
userProducts[ 12 ] = [ 1, 0 ] //Soda, Beer
doesn't work. Would there be no other way than arrays?

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JQuery :: Tooltip Plugin - Cannot Get Tooltips To Track With Cursor?

May 26, 2011

Demo page illustrating current issue:[URL]... I'm calling different tooltip DIVs from different triggers.Using bodyHandler, each trigger has a unique corresponding DIV To keep a clean document, i've grouped the tooltip DIVs at the bottom of the source When you hover over triggers, the correct tooltip is displayed However, the tooltip displays at the bottom of the page, not tracking with cursor.

How can i group my DIVs away from my trigger markup and still achieve tooltips that track with mouse cursor?

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JQuery :: Track Input Field Text And Run Function On The Fly?

Sep 2, 2010

How can I track what is written to an input field on the fly(event that is not "click" "hover" etc but something like "track" or "observe")?Lets say I have a js object like this:

var array1 = {id1: 'keyword', id2: 'execute', id3: 'go'};

And 3 input fields like this:

<input id"id1" name="id1"></input>
<input id"id2" name="id2"></input>
<input id"id3" name="id3"></input>

I want to track the input fields so that

the string "keyword" is written to the id1 field
the string "execute" is written to the id2 field


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