Keeping Track Of What Window Is Active

Jun 20, 2007

Right now, I have multiple draggable windows on my site. The problem is, that only the most recently created box is draggable and I clicking the other box doesn't work.

Where you can click and drag different boxes. The problem is I don't know how to implement this. When the two boxes are up and I click on one box, it completly ignores the other box. I realize in my code I need to update widget1 but I'm not entirely sure how I can do that. I call the method below using: document.onmousedown=selectMouse; in my javascript

If it helps, the windows are all contained in a <div> tag with the id 'closewid'
Each of the new windows that opens had the id "widget"+a number.

46 function selectMouse(e)
47 {
48 if(firefox)
49 {
50 var;
51 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
52 {
53 //document.write(p.attributes[0].nodeValue);
54 isDrag=true;
55 x=e.clientX;
56 y=e.clientY;
57 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
58 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1');
59 }
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 var p=event.srcElement;
64 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
65 {
66 isDrag=true;
67 x=event.clientX;
68 y=event.clientY;
69 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
70 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1');
71 }
72 }
73 }

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JQuery :: Keeping Track Of Checkboxes?

Nov 24, 2010

I have around 30 check boxes in a form and I need to keep track of their status if they are checked or not and based on that change the data in the dom.

I am stuck on the logic of how to implement or code for 30 check boxes. I was using the below example code but there will be a lot of if statements as I need to always know what their status is. Is there a better way I can manage so many check boxes ?


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Keeping Track Of Multiple URLLoader Requests

Feb 9, 2009

I'm using AIR to write an application that is mostly javascript (I am using jquery for quite a lot of it). The program has to be able to download multiple HTML pages (like a RSS feed reader might) and take a specific action when the download is complete, depending on which page has just downloaded. I'm using air.URLLoader with an eventlistener to notify when the page download is complete. The problem I have is that I want to run through a database table of around 20-30 URLs and dynamically create URLLoaders for each.I've spent hours searching Google and looking for ways to overload the event listener, add a property to the URLLoader object etc but all to no avail.

The code above will load whatever pages it is told to, but the problem I have is that it needs to take different actions depending on which page is loading. Each page in the database table has an ID field and I need to somehow identify the ID of the page within the notifyURLComplete function, hence the reason I'd like to pass the page ID into the event listener (apparently not possible) or add an additional property to the URLLoader object.Another possibility was a custom event handler, but I'm not sure how/where this would be done in my code.

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JQuery :: Looping Through All Elements Of A Form And Keeping Track Of Different Font Size?

Jun 2, 2009

i have created an option on a website to give the possibity to the user to change the font size (smaller, bigger, reset), like the famous x3 'A' that we see in most of the websites. the code i have is based on a plugin copywrite to [URL]. now i'm facing a problem with different font size for different elements. to make the text bigger and smaller works like a charm but to reset the font size is not working so good. here is the code of the plug in the reset part:

//on clicking default font size button, font size is reset
jQuery(container + " .defaultFont").click(function(){
jQuery("#content *").css('font-size', defSize);
// coockie to rememebr the selected font size
updatefontCookie(target, defSize);

here is how i'm calling the function: fontSize("#container", "#content *", 8, 12, 20); container is where i have the images to make the text smaller or bigger content is the div that has the content that i want it to be changed 8 is the smallest fonr size 12 default 20 max now the thing is that i have different font sizes in the page and some of them don't have a class just the <font> ....</font> when i'm clicking the rest button then i'm getting everything with size 12 and this is what i want to change. i want to remember the current font size and set it back.

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JQuery :: Tagify And Autocomple: Keeping Track Of The ID Value And Make The List Draggable

Nov 25, 2011

I'm currently redesigning a forms in which one ore more objects (eg members) can be added to a selection. JQuery is a huge help with that, but now I don't know *how* to achieve the following:

Currently I add the selected members to an selection-list with option value = memberID and option label = memberName. I want to change that to the following:

AAutocomplete search inputto find a member. On select I want the memberName to be added to a span (or something) as text with an X-to delete (just like tagify does for instance). I could use tagify, but I don't know how to keep the memberID field coupled with the selected tags (and especially how to get the memberID removed when removing a value).

And for bonus points: I'd like to make the selected values draggable so I can change the order (and of course: on submittal my form must know the order too).

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Keeping 'on' State Active On Page?

Nov 7, 2010

At the link below I've built the nav using CSS (see code below). How do I make the 'on' state stay active on each specific page? (i.e the 'about us' rollover image stays active on the 'about us' page)


/* -----------begin nav layout styles-------------- */
#navigation {
width: 455px;
height: 116px;


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Track Mouse Coordinates Outside Window

Dec 17, 2006

How can I track the mouse coordinates outside the active window? No
one can tell me its not possible because Google Spreadsheets and
EditGrid both do it. When you drag down to select cells these
spreadsheet programs are capable of properly selecting the cells based
on where the mouse is, even though the mouse is way outside the
browser. I haven't been able to find any info on it or figure it out
myself. How is this possible?

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Keeping Pop-up On Top Of Parent Window

Mar 22, 2007

I am using a pre-built javascript DatePicker. It uses to display
the Calendar and works fine if the user clicks on a link for a specific
date. The proper textbox in the parent window form is populated and the
DatePicker closes.

The problem is when a user clicks on the parent window, the datepicker is
hidden behind the parent window. Beleieve it or not, this creates a real
problem for many users.

Is there any way to put up an alert to the user and then set focus back to
the datepicker if the user clicks on the parent window by mistake?

In the datepicker.js there is a reference to the window created:

ggwindow =

So I tried something like ggwindow.onblur=dont_close_me() referring to a
function that displays an Alert and then sets focus back to the datepicker
window. I know that onblur is an event and not a property or method of the
Window object, but I have also seen mentioned that the onblur event can be
applied to the Window object.

During window creation I don't see a way to set the onblur event for the
created window.

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Keeping Popup Window On Top When Reloaded

Jul 23, 2005

Here's my HTML code. What I'm trying to do is when the button is
pushed to refresh the popup window information, I want the popup to
return to the front. The way my code is now, when refreshed the popup
stays in the background confusing the users.....

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Open Pop-up Window - UNDERNEATH The Active Window

Sep 30, 2009

I have a cross-browser on click pop-up window that i wont to have opened underneath the active window.

Here is my code:



What changes do i need to make to this code to achieve my goal.

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JQuery :: Keeping Floating Layers Within Window / Viewport

Aug 18, 2010

I'm working on a mysql browser / edit-in-place app which presents the user with a floating UI (think lightbox), that contains widgets appropriate for the given field they've clicked on.

Presently, rather than centering the UI element like a lightbox however, I find it best to keep it relative to their mouse, so that they don't have to traverse halfway across the screen with their mouse to interact with the interface if they've clicked something (for instance) on the bottom left.

The problem however should be apparent: if they click something towards the bottom of the screen, we need to adjust the css top/left properties so that the UI remains within the viewable area and doesn't run beyond the viewport, if possible. I've seen this done tons of times with tooltips.

I've thrown some basic awareness together using$(window).height() / width(), but if anyone could point me to a maturealgorithmfor harvesting the appropriate offset.

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JQuery :: Keeping Full Width Slideshow Centered On Window Resize

Aug 9, 2011

I have a site that I'm building at [URL] which use the jquery cycle plugin for a slideshow. I won't post the code here because it's all there with view source at the above address. It's a work in progress. The slideshow is full width (the images in it are actually 2000px wide but looks full width), and works fine apart from when the browser window is resized. This is most noticable when you start with a smaller browser window and then resize it to be bigger.

The slides stay the same width as when the page loaded - I need them to adapt to the new width. I need the slideshow to be centered at all widths, so I've put the images in as backgrounds to divs with center positioning on them. I've tried getting the window width on resize and then applying it to the slides using jQuery, but the original calculated size overrides it when the slide changes.

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Close OTHER Window - Not Active One ?

Oct 22, 2009

How do i close a specific window. (not the active one) with javascript. the reason im asking is because i have a form submitting to another page AKA TARGET_BLANK. but i have it target blank because that page checks if the stuff from the form can be inserted into the database.

BUT IF IT CANT, i give them a close(the active page) link and it closes the second page(that says oh u didnt fill in a title THE ERROR blah blah blah) so that the user can fix the first page(the page didnt reload itself or close so the information can stay and not be lost(form inputs, textarea texts etcc)

But what if the user submits a correct form and it says so on the 2nd page. and then close that page right AND THEN... theres the first page there left un touched. how can i get page 2 to close page one. with javascript.

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How To Disable The Parent Window While A Pop-up Is Active?

Dec 20, 2007

One of my programs in turn calls a new pop up window. The problem is that when the Pop up window is active I dont want any access to be possible to the parent window.It should still be visible behind the pop up window but I should not be able to work on the Parent window until the pop up is closed.

The ShowModalDialog() functionality is working only with IE.I need a solution that works both on IE and FireFox. Can any one provide me with a solution which works on Firefox browser also.

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JQuery :: Ui Accordion - Getting Active Index And Active Header Text?

Jun 8, 2011

getting all the header text:jQuery("#accordion h3").text();how do you get the active index? and how do you use that index to get the active header?how do you get the header text for the active header?

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JQuery :: Hover - Checking "active" Status - Check That _li Is Not ".active" And Replace The Src If It Isn't?

Mar 6, 2009

I think this is just a dumb question, I'm missing some basic logic here about jquery "grammar".

I'm trying to do an image swap on hover that checks to be sure the thumbnail is not the active thumbnail. So mouseover, it swaps. Mouseout, swaps back, unless the thumb has been clicked.

Here's a snippet of the code that doesn't work:

How do I check that _li is not ".active" and replace the src if it isn't?

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Track Visitor

Dec 5, 2005

I want to be able to know how many time a user will spend on a page so basically, I need to get an onload time and an on leave time

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Track Who Is Using My Script

Dec 6, 2006

I have a simple Javascript that bloggers use to load headlines from my site onto theirs. What is the best way to track which sites are using it?

I've tried embedding a StatCounter tracker but it doesn't give me the page it's used on.

Should I just identify the url that's requesting it, the IP address of the user, and plug it into a database?

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How To Track Script Code?

Sep 17, 2010

How to know whats the action performed when Print is clicked

<span class="sendPrint">
<div id="eStara_CFPQ" style="height:15px; width:144px;"></div>
<a class="sendToFriend" href="#">Share This Page</a>[code]........

I am slightly confused on href="javascript:;" and href="#" statements

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How To Track Textfields Of A Form ?

Nov 13, 2007

i want to display contents of a form in a plane text format.
for that i want to track a number of textfields in the form.....
do i need to write a seperate line for each textfield ?
i tried

var cont[i]=document.getElementById("txt"+i).value
but it didn't work out..

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Track Form Submissions?

Dec 6, 2006

I have a form that is calling a js function that does the actual submit. The action of the form points to a page on another server that I do not have the ability to edit.

My problem is that I need a way of tracking submissions and I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to do that. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Progress Bar To Keep Track Of A Process

Mar 9, 2011

I have a four part process to add something to my website. I'd like to have a bar at the top of my page (if you need an example, something simliar to FedEx to show where you package is along the way) that will get updated upon each page move so the user knows how far along they are in the process and how much farther they have to go?

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Track Changes In Rich Text Editor

Jul 5, 2007

Does anyone have any experience with any JS library that provides a
rich text editor? I am particularly interested in the MS-word like
feature of tracking changes. Simple features like strikethrough in
case of delete and underline in case of added text would be

Has anyone extended the FCK Editor/Tiny MCE editor for this purpose?
Any suggestions on how to go about implementing this feature will be
very useful.

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Track Clicking Source To My Site

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to start offering an "Affiliate" program on my website.
Can anyone offer a script that I can use to track clicking to my site
from an affiliate's link?

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Doesn't Seem To Track The Links Click

Oct 8, 2010

it doesnt seem to track the links, (which it suppose to do inside img.php)


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Keep Track Of The Time Since A Button Was Clicked?

Mar 23, 2011

How would I go about making a timer?

Basically, I wan't to keep track of the time since a button was clicked. (onclick="starttimer()")

Also, how would I go about picking a random number between say 100 and 500?

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