JQuery :: Tagify And Autocomple: Keeping Track Of The ID Value And Make The List Draggable

Nov 25, 2011

I'm currently redesigning a forms in which one ore more objects (eg members) can be added to a selection. JQuery is a huge help with that, but now I don't know *how* to achieve the following:

Currently I add the selected members to an selection-list with option value = memberID and option label = memberName. I want to change that to the following:

AAutocomplete search inputto find a member. On select I want the memberName to be added to a span (or something) as text with an X-to delete (just like tagify does for instance). I could use tagify, but I don't know how to keep the memberID field coupled with the selected tags (and especially how to get the memberID removed when removing a value).

And for bonus points: I'd like to make the selected values draggable so I can change the order (and of course: on submittal my form must know the order too).

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JQuery :: Make Sortable List Draggable?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm new to this jquery and still learning, i having a question on how to make sortable list draggable? For e.g drag a list from sortable list to droppable zone and drop it, after drag or drop the list will back to sortable list.

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JQuery :: Keeping Track Of Checkboxes?

Nov 24, 2010

I have around 30 check boxes in a form and I need to keep track of their status if they are checked or not and based on that change the data in the dom.

I am stuck on the logic of how to implement or code for 30 check boxes. I was using the below example code but there will be a lot of if statements as I need to always know what their status is. Is there a better way I can manage so many check boxes ?


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JQuery :: Looping Through All Elements Of A Form And Keeping Track Of Different Font Size?

Jun 2, 2009

i have created an option on a website to give the possibity to the user to change the font size (smaller, bigger, reset), like the famous x3 'A' that we see in most of the websites. the code i have is based on a plugin copywrite to [URL]. now i'm facing a problem with different font size for different elements. to make the text bigger and smaller works like a charm but to reset the font size is not working so good. here is the code of the plug in the reset part:

//on clicking default font size button, font size is reset
jQuery(container + " .defaultFont").click(function(){
jQuery("#content *").css('font-size', defSize);
// coockie to rememebr the selected font size
updatefontCookie(target, defSize);

here is how i'm calling the function: fontSize("#container", "#content *", 8, 12, 20); container is where i have the images to make the text smaller or bigger content is the div that has the content that i want it to be changed 8 is the smallest fonr size 12 default 20 max now the thing is that i have different font sizes in the page and some of them don't have a class just the <font> ....</font> when i'm clicking the rest button then i'm getting everything with size 12 and this is what i want to change. i want to remember the current font size and set it back.

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Keeping Track Of What Window Is Active

Jun 20, 2007

Right now, I have multiple draggable windows on my site. The problem is, that only the most recently created box is draggable and I clicking the other box doesn't work.

Where you can click and drag different boxes. The problem is I don't know how to implement this. When the two boxes are up and I click on one box, it completly ignores the other box. I realize in my code I need to update widget1 but I'm not entirely sure how I can do that. I call the method below using: document.onmousedown=selectMouse; in my javascript

If it helps, the windows are all contained in a <div> tag with the id 'closewid'
Each of the new windows that opens had the id "widget"+a number.

46 function selectMouse(e)
47 {
48 if(firefox)
49 {
50 var p=e.target;
51 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
52 {
53 //document.write(p.attributes[0].nodeValue);
54 isDrag=true;
55 x=e.clientX;
56 y=e.clientY;
57 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
58 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.top);
59 }
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 var p=event.srcElement;
64 if(p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value=="titlebar")
65 {
66 isDrag=true;
67 x=event.clientX;
68 y=event.clientY;
69 tx=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.left);
70 ty=parseInt(document.getElementById('widget1').style.top);
71 }
72 }
73 }

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Keeping Track Of Multiple URLLoader Requests

Feb 9, 2009

I'm using AIR to write an application that is mostly javascript (I am using jquery for quite a lot of it). The program has to be able to download multiple HTML pages (like a RSS feed reader might) and take a specific action when the download is complete, depending on which page has just downloaded. I'm using air.URLLoader with an eventlistener to notify when the page download is complete. The problem I have is that I want to run through a database table of around 20-30 URLs and dynamically create URLLoaders for each.I've spent hours searching Google and looking for ways to overload the event listener, add a property to the URLLoader object etc but all to no avail.

The code above will load whatever pages it is told to, but the problem I have is that it needs to take different actions depending on which page is loading. Each page in the database table has an ID field and I need to somehow identify the ID of the page within the notifyURLComplete function, hence the reason I'd like to pass the page ID into the event listener (apparently not possible) or add an additional property to the URLLoader object.Another possibility was a custom event handler, but I'm not sure how/where this would be done in my code.

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Modifying Draggable <tr> Script (changing And Keeping Row Bold)?

Jan 18, 2009

With the script, when you "grab" a table row to move it changes to bold (tr.active td). How can this be modified so that the row remains bold after it's moved? Similar to the way a standard href link changes to and remains a designated color after it has been visited.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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JQuery :: Make Appended Element Draggable?

Aug 24, 2010

$('#Text').click(function() {
$('#randomdiv').append("<div id='draggable' class='ui-widget-content'><input type='text' /></div>");
$("#draggable").draggable({ containment: '#randomdiv', scroll: false });

This doesn't work unless the item was created beforehand. How do I make appended elements draggable and give them other properties?

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JQuery :: Make Dynamic Data Draggable After Loading From Server?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm not sure how to make something draggable which is dynamically loaded. The click event works fine on the new content though.

Like for example [code]...

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JQuery :: Clone() + Sortable And Draggable Objects Are Not Bound To The Cloned List Only The Original One

Jul 16, 2009

[URL] When I clone a list that is part of a Sortable, the Draggable objects are not bound to the cloned list, only the original one.

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JQuery :: Draggable Element Only Draggable And Visible Between Certain Coordinates?

Nov 3, 2011

Is it possible to have a draggable div that will only be draggable between certain coordinates? in other words create a window through which the draggable div is visible and draggable. Would you use a stop drag when cursor hits a certain point? my div is a map and will be about 2000px by 2000px and want to have a fixed position and size of 500px by 500px so that that is all the user will see or be able to interact with. I know in image slider plugins that the divs scroll to the side or up and down through what appears to be a window so it should be possible?

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JQuery :: Use Tagify Plug-in To Populate Text Field With Dynamic Labels?

Sep 7, 2011

Have the following code which (resides in a dialog box) and serves as an event listener for check boxes. Am able to populate / de-populate text field with values from check boxby checking or unchecking the individual check boxes:

// Event listener which picks individual contacts// and populates input field.
$('#emailCheckListId_ul input:checkbox').change(function() {
// Declare array
var emails = [];


However, when I use try to use theJQuery Tagifyplug-in it only creates one "tagified dynamic label" inside the text field but doesn't create another label when I click on an additional check box. Also, when I uncheck the original checkbox, itdoesn't remove the original label.

Here's my code using the JQuery tagify plug-in (all I did was keep everything the same as above but called the tagify functionon the text field):

// Add / Remove array from text fieldtextField.value = emails;
// Decorate with dynamic label

I get this JavaScript error in the browser:

jquery.tagify.js: 'options' is undefined, line 71

In the source code this line reads:

_setOption: function( key, value ) { options.key = value;

Its stating that options.key is undefined...

To view the jquery.tagify.js complete source, clickhere.

Is there a way I can create an "else" for example:

// Iterate through each array and put email addresses into array$('#emailCheckListId_ul input:checkbox:checked').each(function(){
// do something


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JQuery :: How To Make Collapsible List

Jun 15, 2009

I'm just starting to learn JavaScript and have been playing around with jQuery. I'm trying to make a collapsible list. I've got part of it working and am having trouble getting the rest to work. I'm using a unordered list, if you click on Category 1 or Subcategory 1 it works exactly as I want them to but none of the others work. I sure I need some kind of array to get the others working, but I'm not sure where to start? This list is queried from a database so Categories, Subcategories, Items will vary, but this is the basic structure.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.list {
}.list ul{
}.list li{
} .....

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JQuery :: How To Make List Of A Tags In DIV

Aug 13, 2011

I am able to append html <a> tags inside a div. I added 60px to each <a> tag created except for the first <a> tag which has 0px. These px's I added are in the css value of top. That's way each <a> tag will be appended downwards. Now I made with these <a> tags a checkbox input tag. they are named all the same name but pass different values. When you click the checkboxes and hit my delete button... it removes the checkboxes that were selected and the <a> tag that was selected to be deleted. all checked will be deleted when the delete button is pressed. That's all neat and dandy... but the problem comes when for example lets say I got 6 rows of <a> tags with check boxes.

Lets say 2 and 4 got selected and deleted... well wherever their position was it's now blank. I want to make number 3 to move back one position. have 5 move 2 times. So 5 takes number 3's place. and 6 will move 2 times. it will move to take 4's place. So now 6 won't be called 6 anymore now it be 4 , 5 would be 3 . then 3 would be 2. 6 minus 2 equals 4 so that be how it should replace the deleted <a> tags spaces. I would want to rename those. What I am doing is I have a checkout page. This is where customers can add orders in to a list so they can buy more then 1 stuff at the same time or at one transaction.

I just want them if they added too many items or made mistakes they can easily delete them from the list. Now I added 60px to the css top value... but since we are going in reverse then here comes the tricky part. Lets go back to my example where we deleted 2 and 4 out of a total of 6 numbers. Any number beyond 2 and 4 will get their css values subtracted by 60px 2 times so it be a loop and that css value would be the top value. Now any number after 2 but not after 4 then I would subtract 60px for only 1 time. which I still need to loop this. It looks like I need a loop based on total numbers that be 6 in our example. So I would have 6 and every loop completed it would subtract 6 by 1.

Inside the loop. I would need to check the ones not deleted to what they stand based on the total numbers and if they are greater then the two numbers. The problem is that I would need o generate if statements because that be based on how many were selected to be deleted. So this would vary. In our case we would check if 6 is greater then 2 and 4 and if so then loop the increase in pixes 2 times so we subtract 60px 2 times. then we then look at each number and test them. If they are not behind 2 or 4 then don't do anything to them but if they are behind 2 then we will loop to subtract 60px's one time.

The problem is that when I delete the <a> tags there is a missing gap displayed... I want it that my list adjusts so no matter how many are delete and if they are not in order... the they are deleted the <a> tags still should be able to adjust or readjust so the list is in order once again. So the example above we eliminated numbers 5 and 6 we deleted 2 and 4 so 3 took 2's place , 5 took 3's place and 6 took 4's place and 6 got renamed to 4 , 5 renamed to 3 and 3 renamed to 2. so 5 and 6 no longer exist. In my real code these numbers be items listed. just a number to associate their reference in the list.

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JQuery :: Make A News List Scrollable ?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to make a news list scrollable and i am having no joy!

Below is my code:

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JQuery :: Make The Round Arrow Appear In The List?

Nov 1, 2011

According to the Apple docs, the round arrow in a list means that the next page is the final page. In Jquery, the default is the gray chevron pointing to another list. How do I make the round arrow (arrow in circle) icon appear instead?

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JQuery :: Make A List Of Elements Behave Different In Different Pages?

Feb 14, 2011

actually i´m working on a small project for the company i work for, i decided to use jQuery to develop the app.the structure of my site is like follow:



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JQuery :: Accordion List - How To Make Only Section 2 Visible

Jun 11, 2009

I have an accordion list much like the example here : [URL]. Say for instance I have page links under the heading 'Section 2' of that demo above. How can I make it so that when you visit a page from these links 'Section 2' is visible and 'section 1' and 'section 3' are closed?

At the moment I have :
active: false,
collapsible: true
<!-- start accordian menu -->
<div id="accordion">
<h3><a href="#">Section 1</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<h3><a href="#">Section 2</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<h3><a href="#">Section 3</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<!-- end accordion menu -->
What I need to add to make 'Section 2" visible only?

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JQuery :: Make Learning Accordian Work With Unordered List?

Jun 7, 2009

I was wondering how to make URL...by Karl, work with an unordered lis instead of divs. I tried the below but did not work. I think what I have done here ('.links:visible');looks plain wrong (I can't put a class or an Id in there right??)[code]

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Jquery :: Make List And Apply Click Event In One Loop?

Feb 5, 2010

Code JavaScript:
var listItems = "";
$.each(msg.d, function(index, value) {
listItems += "<li><a href='#' class='" + value.Availability + "' title='" + value.Time + "' >" + value.Time + " - " + value.Availability + "</a></li>"
var teeTimeLinks = $(listItems + 'li');
$.each(teeTimeLinks, function() {
var link = $(this).find('a');
link.bind('click', function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); //stop the link from going to href

The above code works. BUT, msg.d returns 80 objects. We then loop through it and make our list items. AND then we loop through it again and apply the click event. How can this be optimized into one loop?

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JQuery :: Make A Sliding Navigation Menu With A Dropdown List?

Aug 31, 2010

Is it possible to make a sliding navigation menu with a dropdown list. Here is an example of the menu I am referring to: [URL]

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How To Make List With Single Bullet

Apr 30, 2009

I want to make a pop-out list that shows multiple items where only one of those items has a bullet next to it. The best way to described what I want to do in HTML is by example: In Firefox you can click View | Character Encoding | Auto-Detect That brings up a side list of several items. Only one of those items has a solid dot next to it that shows it is the selected item. You can click to change which item has the bullet next to it. I want to know how do the same thing with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

I've made attempts at doing this using either div or li for the items. I think my problem is in the CSS for those items. I use Javascript to change which single item on the list has a class attribute for the item that gets the bullet. The item that gets the bullet gets a class called itemselected and the other items all get a class called itemnotselected. You can see the CSS for those below. Note that some of the properties are commented out. That's because I've tried variations to see if I can get it working right. My problems are with:

- getting the dot onto the left of the text description of a single item,
- align the dot vertically with the text description,
- get all other row text descriptions aligned the same vertically.
- Getting the dot within the colored background box that has the text description from within the a tag.

I'm using an "a" tag within an "li" (or within "div" on some variations I've tried) in order to get the onclick. That part of it works. My Javascript executes and changes which elements have which classes assigned to them. I then see changes in the displayed list that indicate I've changed which row has class="itemselected". My problem is in layout appearances. I'm testing with IE 7, latest Firefox, Seamonkey, Safari. All have similar problems but IE is worse than the others.


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JQuery :: Set Of Div's Which Are All Draggable

May 16, 2011

I have a set of Div's which are all draggable, the coordinates of the div's are stored in a DB, so each time the page is reloaded the div's will have the same pos as they have when previous visitor left it.

There's one area on the page which uses the droppable function, when you place an div within the area the div, which is placed within the area. changes color.

My problem is that if a place a div in that area and then reload the page i find the div within the area but the div has the same color as if it would have when it's not located in the droppable area. In other words, It only changes color when I use the mouse to drag the div to the area not when it's positioned in the area with the coordinates from the DB.

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Make A List Of Checkboxes Act Like A Multi-Select Box?

Feb 8, 2010

I currently am trying to make a long list of checkboxes function like a multi-select box would. I would like to be able to shift-select two checkboxes and have for example, the X number of boxes in between all be selected.

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Can't Figure Out XmlhttpRequest To Make A Dynamic List?

May 5, 2010

I know how to make a static drop down list, but can't figure out XmlhttpRequest to make a dynamic list. If someone could point me in the right direction for xmlhttprequest that would be great. Or at least how to set up the options Here was I have so far:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "http:www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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JQuery :: Use Plugins Dynamically - Make The List Dynamically Calling A JSON File ?

Oct 1, 2010

I am using the Collapsible Checkbox Tree jquery Plugin.For that I have inserted this linein the javascrypt code:

When I make a list in the HTML code using the <ul id="example"> works perfectly.

But when I tried to make the list dynamically calling a JSON file, does not works fine.

If I insert theready(fn) mentioned above inside the javascrypt function that create dynamically the element<ul >as is shown next:

Improves a little bit, but still does not work fine. Specifically does not show the plus and minus sign, then I can not open or collapse it.

I tried also with thecheckboxtree pluginand I encountered the same problem.

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