Refresh Page If No Movement?
Nov 20, 2009I need to f5 a page only if there is no movement on a page/application in every 2 mins.
View 8 RepliesI need to f5 a page only if there is no movement on a page/application in every 2 mins.
View 8 RepliesSo my problem is that i can't send form data in FF without page refresh (though in IE7-8 everything works smoothly).
My code fragments:
How to refresh DIV , without refresh entire page,Am having four DIV ,
I want to refresh only DIV! without affecting the DIV3,DIV4 ,
when i load page it does nothing only blank page, may have code in wrong place but not sure so can someone show me a working example so i can find out what i'm doing wrong also i would like the part of page to refresh evey 120 seconds is this possibe with jquery?
Our company own a lot of domains and want to put a short page of copy on each address along with keywords before redirecting the user to our main site. I have been able to get the page to load the main site after the desired time using this code in the head...
That works perfectly, I am now trying to display a countdown timer from 40 seconds down to 0, and on 0 redirect the user. Saying something like "You will be redirected in XX seconds". Is there anyway of doing this? I've been searching google for the answers with no luck and can only seem to find timers that countdown to a set date.
the page url is
`<?php echo $_GET['Path'];?>`
there are some contents on the page:
I have wrote this for a friend in another forum, But I thought it might be useful, at least for start for similar apllication.
Tho code scrolles the page if mouse moves in the 1/3 zones (left, right, up, down) of the page (clientWidth/Height). It might be modify (a better ideea, since I don't like scrolled full pages - at least the X-scrolled) for scrollable frames, iframes or layers). I would be grateful if any comments will simplify he code or will help me to build a similar application based on simple position of the mouse (not only on mousemove).
function setUp() {
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
/* Non-IE */
winW = window.innerWidth;
winH = window.innerHeight;
} else if( document.documentElement &&
( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
/* IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' */
winW = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
winH = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
/*IE 4 compatible*/
winW = document.body.clientWidth;
winH = document.body.clientHeight;
setL = winW/3;// zone left first 1/3 from client width
setR = winW*2/3;// zone right third 1/3 from client width
setU = winH/3;// zone up first 1/3 from client height
setD = winH*2/3;// zone down third 1/3 from client width
pix=4// scroll speed control pixels/mousemove
function checkS(e){
// capture the mouse position
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY)
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY)
posx = e.clientX;
posy = e.clientY;
// initialize the scrollBy parameters
// set the new scrollBy parameters
// scroll
<body onload="setUp()" onmousemove="checkS(event)">
<table width="1200" height="900" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">blabla</td>
I need to refresh one div in my HTML page and not the entire page, is this possible?
View 4 Replies View Related<BODY onmousemove="return false;" oncontextmenu="return false;">
<IMG src="button.gif" onmouseover="this.src='down.gif'"
This simple example shows where my problem is. It works fine when all
mouse buttons are released, and also if a button is pressed outside
the image. But if a button is pressed inside the picture it'll not
call onmouseout when the mouse is brought outside the picture. The
worst is it'll never call it, leaving the button stuck pressed forever
until mouse is moved over it again.
I just noticed if I place the picture inside an A tag it does work
fine then, but I don't need an A element here. Moreover, this fix
appears to work only for IE6, IE4 still doesn't work properly.
I'm asking if there's some other way to correct this. I'm also making
this compatible with Netscape 4.5, and the presence of an A element
changes the
The fact is I can't seem to disable the default drag'n drop of IE with
pictures. Netscape 4.5 appears to work perfectly. By placing
onmousemove="return false;" in BODY I aboid the cursor change in IE
but nothing else.
I'm basically creating a script that wiill move a div from one place to another based on the width of the browser. The script I've made does do this however I wanted to fade to old position out then fade the new one in and this is where i got into trouble. The div just keeps flashing, i'm sure that it's something really simple that with expirience would easily be solved.
$(window).resize(function() { if($(window).width()<500){ $('#login').fadeOut("fast"); $('#login').removeClass('norm'); $('#login').fadeIn("fast"); $('#login').addClass('min'); } else{ $('#login').fadeOut("fast"); $('#login').removeClass('min'); $('#login').fadeIn("fast"); $('#login').addClass('norm'); } });
I need an image to move from outside the viewed space, from somwhere on the page where users cannot hav acces, let's say from x position of -439px to 0px, so that the image looks like entering the window. And I need to do this after the user clicks a piece of text that is already on the screen. How can I do that ? In what tag should I include the image ? where should I put de event handler/ listener ? I know I need to change the CSS atributes but how. I tried this and it didn't work in Firefox nor in IE. THE HTML FILE
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
How can I create a <A HREF'ed> image that, with an onclick event will cause the cursor to jump into a particularly assigned text form input field?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am looking for all the things we can detect a mouse doing :)
I reach here:[URL]
Unfortunatly I have no idea on how to detect the movement of the mouse wheel.
I am trying to move each cell content from one table to another table. I do not want to lose the value of each cells in table1, but just to show how I got table2
from table1. I would like to show/animate the movement. So when the user clicks the button the data from table1 will scroll towards table2.
I have some simple code to add and remove a class when an li element is hovered.
$("#nav li").hover(
function(event) {
The hovered class just adds a background image. When I quickly hover over the list, sometimes the background image gets stuck so it seems like the "hovered" class never gets removed.
In website i am having popup window.Whenever refreshiung the page popup window will come Its working now and i want to move that popup window based on the mouse movement can anyone give some sample code for this
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have got a div-container the size of the window itself. So its relativly big.This in turn has a child-div-container which is substantially larger.This 2nd div-container is absolutely positioned in the first and shall now be scrolled using the mouse. Because for this Project i don't want scrollbars.If the mouse moves to the edge of the outer div, the inner div should move in the appropriate direction.For that the first container has a MouseMove-listener and depending on how close the mouse is at the edge, a scrolling-speed-variable is set.Sidenote: the speed has not a linear but a quadratic increase. The moving itself is not the problem, but the calculation.Because of the quadratic increase in speed the calculation is rather expensive.The question is now whether it would be more performant if i create two arrays (for x- and y-axis) in which I store the velocities for each pixel, or whether I re-calculate the speed for each movement.
That would mean, at a window size of 1200x700px I had two arrays. One with 1200 fields ald values and another with 700. And thats a relativly small resolution.In this way the calculation must be performed only once. After that I only need to read the velocities out of the arrays.
I'm building a suite of free php applications to create virtual worlds.
My problem is i can't get my file to refresh. Can this be done with
javascript? I would like to have the display and the form be on a single
page..unless this can be done with frames.
The sample application contains 2 files:
a)The php file (with input controls and the embedded world)
b)The embedded world (text file)
1. The php file accepts input from the user
2. The user hits Submit which creates the text file for the world
this works - the text file is created with changes. next the page
should refresh itself and show the world based on the user's input.
Right now steps 1 and 2 work perfectly in the sense that the text file
for the world does get created. however the page will still show the
older version of the text file.
To get the page to refresh properly, i have to hit the reload button on
the browser...this gives me the "this page can't be refreshed without
sending..." alert...but it then refreshes and shows the changes.
the code:
<img src=...Onlick = "if (!(this.temp>=640)) { this.temp=640; } if
(this.width>=640) { xyz=this.width; this.width=this.temp;
this.temp=xyz; }">
Inline script....
I got the above code from internet and it is used to change the width
of the IMG element. This not only "changes" the width but also
"refreshes" the page so that I can see the change in width.
Function script...
I moved above inline script to a JS file and it is as follows. Now,
'width' of the IMG element seem to change but display does not get
refreshed; and if I add a window.alert( ); then I see screen
refreshing Code:
Page1 is the main page and when I click on a link on page a pop up window opens (page2).What I would like to happen is when page2 is closed I would like page1 to be refreshed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have three divs with a feed:
<div>feed nr.1</div>
<div>feed nr.2</div>
<div>feed nr.3</div>
I would like to hide div 2 and three and show only div 1.Than one page refresh I would like to hide div 1 and than show div 2 etc. In this order. So every page refresh would show a different div in the order of 1,2,3 etc.
I'm using clueTip 1.0.6 and jQuery 1.4.2. The tool-tip will appear if I mouse over the cell slowly. Fast mouse over the cell does not bring up the tool-tip. But it will if I mouse over it again (fast one). It's happening in IE, Chrome and FF.
Here's what I have:
<td onmouseover="showcluetips('tableidxxxxx',106,500);">
function showcluetips(tableid, itemid, delay) {
$("TABLE[id='" + tableid + "']").attr("rel", "Content.aspx?itemid=" + itemid).cluetip({
showTitle: false,
This might be more easily explained just by showing you the code. Basically, this is a function within a large class dealing with moving table rows around, and works in Chrome but no where else. Chrome understands "event.clientY" in this context while other browsers throw "event is undefined". Y is a correctly set global indicating the clientY of where the original click occurred.
set_bgcolor = function (t, r) {
var tr, i;
var currentY = pointer.y = event.clientY;
tr = tables[t].rows[r];
So, I'm just trying to get event.clientY to work for all browsers in this case, where an event handler might not easily be passed to the function.
I'm using third-party code to move rows of a table around. [URL]
It's a large piece of drag and drop code, but I'm trying to edit it so that at a point near the code's completion, it says whether the initial mouse click was above or below where the cursor has been dragged to. "Why" is a long story, but suffice it to say that there are functional differences when dragging the row up rather than down (up puts it above the hovered over row, while below puts in under that row), and I want to place a border line in there so that users know exactly where the row is going.
So you probably don't have to look at the whole code (which I can provide if you'd like), but my basic question is, how do I get the function to know where the current mouse pointer is this many levels deep in code. I could try to pass the event through all the layers, but I'm not good enough at javascript to make that work, and I'm not sure it would. Isn't the event the keypress (and not the current position?).
Anybody know how to create this effect on mootools? code...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm working on making an application that let's a user click on a part of an image, it'll crop/make a thumbnail of the image, and let the user enter text along with the cropped thumbnail. I've built the cropping and database portions in PHP, but i'm having a problem with the clicking.
How would I supply the PHP script with the x/y parameters of where the user clicked? The PHP will do the rest.
How do I refresh the page programatically when i found the page is not loaded completely?
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